HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 8Qp PAGE EIGHT ATENTION _.0 is 1,1tr 4, .4 i r ' ? is 41, r4 .y 4 o. :, arae•. Stock y�of Travellers' Samples 411 Including r THE : LUCKNOW SEKTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PRESE°NTATI.ON. AT HOLYROOD (KINLOUGH NEWS) Mr, and Mrs, Rnbt. McDonald and family " were honored on Friday. evening when friends and neighbors met in Holyrood hall for ' a farewell party. Dancing was enjoyed and during the lunch hour an address was read by ,Mr, . Donald. McPherson • and the, • 'presenrtation made of . two Kroehler platform; rockers and ' a ,purse: of money. Mrs. Jim Smith, 'president of the Women's• Insti- tute, presented Mrs. McDonald on ,behalf of the WI. with a gift of china.. Bob: thanked. elveryone heart lye for their .kindness',andsang a favorite song at the request of the •gathering. The . McDonald MrsPerry Hodgins escorted the family.. have •,moved to near I (bri. de to her place of honor and. Walkerton• The best wishes dress to the bride expressing` the best wishes of all present, and made .the ,presentation . of many lovely and useful : gifts. Those assisting with thg , gifts were Misses Betty and ' Alice' Hralden- •by, while .Miss Beatrice Haldenby read'. the attached verses. 'Joyce thanked everyone Ifor , their kind ness to, her and, a very . pleasant 'evening was .brought.. to a close. Refreshments' were' served and a social chat --enjoyed. - •Mr;.,ands 754 n:Ho,el ar completed :12.' projects, Mrs. Gertrude Walsh 'of Thant ;esville spent the wee? -end at her home here, Her son Scott was also •.home over the week -end, Held Miscellaneous Shower*. Mrs. Delbert Hedley, bride of • the' month, Was honored at as miscellaneous shower at West- ford school on Monday evening. Pink • and 'white wedding lbells and streamers Made a . every' pretty. setting. 'Mrs. Perry Hod- gins _was" chairlady: Community singing and,'a shortrogram was. .enjoyed:. readings by Mrs,. P. A. Murray,Mrs, Midfor.•d Wall, Mrs. Don iMcCosli, Miss 1VraY Boyle and' •Mrs Perry Hodgins; 'solo, Miss `Sandra Percy; chorus, West- ford tirls:.aceornpanied bYLIVI ... Art Graham;,, piano solo, Miss Elda Wall. Miss ;Edna iBoyle . then'. splayed the ' bridalchorus and 4 • SPINNING. TACKLE • I. • LURES. TM LINES. HUNTING KNIVES Etc.,' Etc. ` of• Mrs.. Art. Graham read •an,,'ad-'I: the community go with this fam- ;ily. , Mr. Ivan Geddes, Mr. & 1Virs., Lynn .Geddes. and Bobby of Kin- loss''' visited Tuesday .. afternoon with firs: S. W. "IColwell • ,Congratulations to' ,Mr. &'Mrs. Delbert B:edley (nee 'Joyce Hal' deniby)' • recent newlyweds. • . 1V Ir. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie & Annabelle of Huron visited Tues- day'•• evening' at the Gillespie tho e <laere Mrs. George •;Halde •nb return- ed Y etur the ;past ed home after spending of • Burlington visited here Mon- day.: Mrs. Lockhart ' canine to. 'be week in Walkerton., at the home 'of Mr.. and. Mrs., Clare Sparling. Mr.. and Mrs.. Dorman 'Nichol- soon and ;fammily visited with 'Mr. and Mrs. Bert Nicholson: .Mr. and Mrs: ;Albert Young of Kingaiif • visited Tuesday, with Mr: and Mrs, George Graham, Mr. and Mrs. Don Bushell, Mr. and• Mrs. Don Gillespie, visited in Tc'?ronto with , Mrs. Charles Gil- lespie'. Presbyterian W.M.S. Meeting , Miss Margaret Robertson: 'pre- sided for the Presbyterian W. M. S. ;meetin'gat the home of Mrs. Wesley Guest., Prayer was :offer ed rby' Mrs. Walter Breckles. Mrs.'1 Lyman Sutton read`; the scripture l and .gave the meditation • on Re becca• "Grace" was the word for the roll call. Ws. Perry Hod- gins, told of the -life work of. Miss Ellen Douglas (who is a hospital 'visitor in Vancouver. and New Westminster:. This faithful mis- sionary ,worker, has • .servedfor many years in the Bhil Field in India:. • A. special offering , was received 'for a life membership. Mrs. Frank Maulden presided `and' was• panel leader for • the discussion, "What , is the mission of cler —Mrsr: •-Torn-Ma ld M Margaret Robert AT AMAZINGLY LOW PRICES. ,at .thee present at the shower for her niece, Mrs. ',Delbert Medley ••(the former ` Joyce Haldenby) WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25'th, 19156: 'NOTICE WILL GO • iNTO EFFECT; • IN ' LUCICNO�W on at . 2.00 a.m. LUCiKNOW MUNICIPAL. COUNCIL dent, Leonard' Ritchie, con: ducted the business portion' and offered a prayer for Miss Cosens, our prayer '. partner • in ,Japan. Mrs. H; Allen: reported for the community friendship committee for :the past.three . months. 'Mrs. Geor-ge_.Joynt , and_ Mrs..Alex An- gid red-~ x111414 harge= for .:Agri hi s..L Rite e May � and , June. Nix . . gave a -paper on •terin,perance and. Alex MacKay. A piano selection by Mrs. H. Allif was enjoyed :as • MacKenzie, Mrs.. Harold °'Ritchie and Mrs. H. Webster. Nine stun - ents from Miss Webb's room fav- ored • us with several: selections, . The topic, "Our responsibility to , our Indian Missions" 'was even Eby Mrs.S, Collyer, Mrs.. E. White. and: Mrs L. MacLeod ,:and' the e'neral uiiinnar-,y sof the Indian life and habits, aS. gv'vtir; by- firs .'Mrs : C. . Thompson read a letter ifrom 'Rev. •McFadden..,of Cape ICroker reporting on the mission, iwork there. Miss 'H., Thompson United Church Evg: Auxiliary: reported ,for Christian Steward- ship. Mrs:. Alex 1VlacNay took charge' of ,' the following .devot •. ional pr'agram, `"What: Easter (means . to you"... Those assisting The' United (Church . Evening Auxiliary held their; April Meet- ing" in tit* • Church fellowship with 27 members •and "nine room' wi ' visitors present. The vice: presi were: Mrs: K 1Vlurdie, Mrs. Bruce I Dona , iss song Mrs. John Barr,. Mrs. -Bn, ;1 ;;,•'.'tfi`t" i'•`•'' ::'r;;''�i'••`•r; I Scott and elvers. Perry . Bushellqi,, took part with Mrs. -Perry Hod 'gins leading -the- :discussion, Mrs John Emerson, 'favored with. a vocal solo. Mrs.' Alex Percy read an article ion work among ` the lepers ` at Formosa " where � Mrs,. Lillian Dickson is , in :: charge.. . 'Sandra.' Percy •sanga solo: Mem- fbers took ' part in the worship' seMrsiEcBushell closed "theand meetng withbert ' prayer. •Dainty refreshments were ' sery ed, Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Stanley anal__Miss__J.ennie_, Stanle of De troit were' recent visitors with relatives here. . • Mr... and .Mrs. • Stanley Elliott 1' and Mr and Jerome of - 'D6,1 tr.piit, spent' the week -end here 1 with. Mr.,, and,'Mrs. Harvey 'Hod -1. gins,':. Glen and Kenneth. • 1 • •Miss Winnie 'Percy of Wood +. . stock spent the week -end at, her p.- STANDARD 'TILE'.: home here 4:ait• . 'Miss Mario Percy • ert the week -end .�v.it . Mss •JeJan • S;�tr ,•• 4f� ENDS OF BOXES' 1;5as,da. w,e , : tne }a, , gr ` '+ • at. per tile , Saar •pry ' i "''"i '. DrJ r+. w 3't " e :ate e at 4 I a CJur C'.i -.� a ' 1 ?iYr ,." sY;g, "A" GAUGE . CANVAS. S BACK .. V` #.- 5t-1t'+4z, �!� +,*.._ t{I:m`t��ve>> r-_:..i�fe G4er::..at.0. 1 �. er tl e..M_.. IMr A. `t R'':{{,..F r L r '• %: r.' 1)C . ",cert, 4:1,' ,45 d.,,r.d;..r::.: ,.rt ::, . l.m. +' o da. :;' :. Mrs• and ;_Mri. 1• :.rti't We Specialize In'All.Types 'were.. two poems' iby. Mrs. E. Pass More, • The" 'story. of ; the :hymn, "My Jesus I Love Thee!' was told ',by . 11VIrs. • Glen . Walden�� and sung' `by Mrs: Rdbt. Campbell Mrs: ' MacNay, : closed with pray,. er' -and the benediction:. Mrs.. Earl White conducted a contest. while lunch . was .served. ' • And Carry Most Com 'fete ..Stock. Where in .the. home does your money go as far as 'with a ;:BRIGHT NEW . FLOOR '5 Gold. Seal 'Qngc�leums All..the Beat Patterns in 1 . 2, 3, , 4 yard ':widths DOMINION' ' DELUXE FLOOR COVERING lfl=all---Kis' Dominion and• Barry and Staines INCAIDS Reduced' Prices . on Many Patterns• • ARMSTRONG .RUGS • Plastic Coated Fibre,'9x12 '$29.9$ • AXMINSTER RUGS 69•x83 .$39:95 Also as above' in other.'sizes. Samples . of , t11ADt manic tock for those who wish rugs , -"`-_•'-n�AR-A•�1�1f:--ASM We Carry A 'CompleteS ' ' made.up. of different; sizes: or wall to wall 13c • FLOOR. y COVERING SERVICE If you are :thinking of :eichanging your flout . C covering• this spring or buiiding a new rootl1, . code in and talk it over at .Our store. NO + , OBI:rIGATION WHATSOEVER "lust brine; + • tacisize ,of room, colour; etc.,, and we will adv'i` e 4 Laying Ec ui Dment is available, to our Customers without chargee Our Floor: L y ng �! � ,� . Hod .:4= r_'7 .ar:.. e a r <. , it �r�l til ir�i a �� Received Provincial 4- Honors s• or we 'l`_la�y nla "and rge .. Leaderst and r: ..... ..:. ... ...:. , . LKERTON O.1 a�J, , ,.. ONT.' :• A. � � �, 'from here attended t:-t�. Ar ��cv�- I merit Day is 'aikE rtor, or. Sat Phone 690-691 urday 1[17"� A r u. WJcr • ' ty r ! *. girls have, p1eted se .'eral pro.- l't ` lira .Jean P'e'r{ 'e ••ject5. � '�' r iv: -1?. rAv1, Gi ...:: x `• . `... 4 n • and. MacKenzio . Frurnr ure Store, 'Phone 181, Lucknow • P in L1. H ro be .sol is., tcn fat lin ie do Ja the eli Pi br grl ilio coi du se to th • be tet if •tib tic