HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 4r* 4 • 4141 .�'a iY ,fir • . • 6PA • , t, t A 4141 J ::.;,;'• a 'AGE FQ JR. ♦• • 1004,, -11t s THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO • j APARTMENTS FOR RENT :-- • Apply to. Mrs, Well Henderson.. EOR SALE --100 acre grass farm, riunning creek, $3500.00, Apply. to° Brox No:„KB, .Lucknow entinel. WANTED . cicqiestic bel • __41 41 p•. Dr. M., H. Corrin, Box 209, Lucknow: EOR SALE-Montcalm seed••bar fey; H rol'dH-Errington, , 13,.--R..•;.-2,_ Atiburii phone Dungannon. • FOR SALE, -0,K. Frig and Mc -1 •• iO1ary rangette. Apply to •Mrs.. I John Dahmer, Lucknow, • SALE -cedar posts. Art Breckles, . Lucknow also want' to ibiy . young 'cattle. FOR SALE yellow tweed .sport jacket,' too small (for' owner. Bill' MacPherson,,phone •42-r-21 Luck- now; , HEI2P WANTED - female •help • •wanted at once for work'.at Dun- can's Restaurant; phone • 200 , ' • BOY WANTED; . about. 14-15 ears t©work: Friday :after.; FOR;.. saddle, ponies, 4. years old, broke: to both 'saddle and harness; also 2 saddles and both single and double harness: Oscar White, R. .R.' 6, •,Lucknow, phone. «IRipley " 10-25. HELP, WANTED-good cook for. summer. season, :at •Resort, . exrper, fenced ,in°' general coQkrng;: cap .able of 'taking full" charge ' of. kite: en, a so goo; C-o"ok-Cii-pastry. 'and ,.cakes, etc. References,. •Ap- Pik •Box 238, Kincardine, Ont. CHROME PISTON RINGS,. More and more car owners are enjoying the wonderful service of these. chrome . rings. Let me install a' set in your motor' now. COMING. EVENTS l DAFFODIL TEA The Ladies',: Court. of the (: C.,O.F are. holding a bake sale and bazaar in the Legion Rooms, Saturday, ,April 28th at 2,30 p.m, Children's sun dresses,: sunsuits,. aprons, etc, Tea will, be served.,- Everyone welcome. NOTICE I have. moved •to the residence of the late 1VIrs,.• Temple : Clark, and will conduct business from My office"whichiil be located the ' r re. ' STANLEY J; PYMM. ,. NOT• CE HOG PRO TC>SiVL1;E ,. ING 4141 R. A rn,eeeting of. hog.' producers of the Lucknow Area •will ' be 119ld •. in the Recreational. Hall,. Lucknow, on Friday, April 27th at ' 8.30. (Guest speaker will be: Office 48 • WEDNESDAY, 'APRIL 25th,' 1950 • CO pp Insure With The: ■ PROPANE, ' GAS, • and APPLIANCES • for . . farm, home and industry LUCKNOW' DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE; INC.. • ' Phone: Lucknow T1. ..414,1,04P • R.S. HEMERINGTON,. Q.C. •Barristerd 'Etc; " ".Cu Lucknow ' IN LUCKNOW • Eich Monday and: Wednesday Located in. the Municipal Office 'Phone Wingham Residence 97 Also valve ,grinding; ignition and. Jake Kohler, genera m• n g o caro: work, . • • . the. Ontario Hog . Producers . As - N. W. WINTERSTEI-' . sociation.... . JOIN NSTON E'S • • LAWN MOWERS Repaired & ,sharpened, .'Power mowers a specialty. For proipt and efficient service, ..see or call': E. W. 'RICE, St. Helens . , R 2, Lucknow Phone 211-r!.31 •• 4141 ;:. • :.,hri�.'1T--�' � _._•_ Kitchener Big -4 Hatchery, has chicks 'immediate delivery. ' Pul- •lets. Broilers.Cockerels.• Dayold,' started. Ask .usfor prices and inforunation,' We :don't • think you' can beat these chicks for fast growth, early -production.. .And you'll need that.' right 'now. from your April -May _ chicks,. •• For , a generation' this Hatchery ` has been ' raising and ;.selling ' chicks: Agent—'o • . • LUCKNOW CO-OPERATIVE school, and ',Saturdays.- Lucknow I.G.A. Market, phone 20. FOR SALE OR' RENT —.,house,.' all conveniences, good •garden. Sacrifice for quiok'. sale. Luck- now, Box 72.••; FOR SALE --young Jersey • cow, in calf. 'R. B. Quance, .Lucknow: FOR (SALE -new wooden hand- made:.crib & Nordheimer` `piano:. Apply to Mrs. N. V. Bushell Or Kenneth' Cameson.. k'OR SAT,.E-a '•quantity of •lura • iter, and 'rafters, suitable' *for -a then house...' Mrs. .Ervine Henry; Dungannon., ' • HOUSE FOFt,RENP ^OIFc'•16ALiE--_ Apply to Lorne Farrish, R. R. 7, Lucknow, phone ,Dunganri9n• 82- r -a5. j' BARN ', T MB ERSapproximate ly •8"x10" 'wanted,'ore 36.•ft., two 25 ft., .a ,ifew short ones. Arnold Alton,- 67-r-1, Dungannon; PROPERTY FOR ' SALE - . con- • siding ; of corner lot, with ' nine- room: ine-room: house, '• hardwood floors throughout, •,modern conveni • ences, , barn, and garage.. Apply to Mrs. • N. E. Bushell or Kenneth• iCameron. • HAY EOR' iSLLE=•1500 !bales' of choice clover and .• alfalfa mixed hay; also 150 bushels of Mont-' ' calm ' seed barley. 'Wm? :Rintoul, R. Lucknow, . phone Wingham iS,PRA.YED . - to our • Week, .iblack, .friendly' • dog .with some white •Phone 60-rw Lucknow ,Elizabeth Henderson. home this little male. on breast. or contact HOUSE '(FOR. SALE modern 8 room brick house on .Havelock. • St. Oil . furnace, 'hardwood floors. Apply to. Dr,. T. B; Cleland', Luck- now. -a• The Kin phone 76 will hold their, meeting, Thurs- day, May 10 , at 2.00 -at the home of .Mrs.• Lloyd MacDougall. Note change of d"ate. NOTICE . •.PU N ERAL .HOME tail Womenrs Institute: • I • Day . or ,'Night Ambulance' Service . USE OF. FUNERAL HOME Moderate Prices, • Established 1894 • f A. M. HARDER 'FDR ' SALE : 'Property . of the late.. Alex Cameron •consisting .of ; 101 gores on: First Concession of Kin loss, adjoining Lucknow. Im- mediate possession. ' Apply to John . E. , Tiffin',. Adm., Victoria. st, Wingham, Ontario, . phone 408r4w. • ; . SURGE, ' MILKERS , More farmers • switch • to Surge milkers.. Low down payments, easy 'terms, , satisfaction and : Ser- vice er- i r ~ � ce guaranteed •:Contact Lovell McGuire, Surge dealer, . phone. 593, Wingh arn. ATTENTION FARMERS! • For .your; .spring . fencing sup plies we hdve in stock , a good -supply. --of Canadian Heavy_.:.Baryb- at $9.5 .a spool;• brace wire and ,black wire . at : reasonable prices; good sub, ply of electric fence bat- teries af'` $3.15; large and ' srnall porcelain, insulators' and . 'the new • plastic snap-on=type instil - orKi The• regular " meeting : of .' the Ladies': Auxiliary to • the Canad- ian. Legion will be.. held. in the. Auxiliary , Rooms- on' Tuesday next,. May 'lst. Members are re- quested to be. '.present, ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION For artificial, insemination in-. formation or ,service from all breeds . of cattle; phone the Waterloo. Cattle Breeding • •As sociation at: Clinton HU 2-3441 or .Kincardine 460 'between . 7,36 arid 9.30 a.m. We have all. breeds. available - a top quality : at • law cost. SEED FORSALE-we ' carry : a dull line of , Clovers, grasses ;and timothy seeds. We •,have' pasture mixtures for• every type of• soil. Harvey. 'Hagedorn, .phone 71-24 Ripley CUSTOM CAR PAINTING A nice 'new paint • 'joh..' "is` money well . spent, single or two • tone, hot spray method. N, W. WINTEB,STEIN ator.-MaoDonald's General Store, Kintail, • ' phone 12-r-7 Dungan- non. BARLEY CONTRACTS Barley • contracts now avail •able. •Impproved ` price from last year. Elliott's Seed. House:phone 1544 'Lucknow. NOTICE TO CREDITORS ALL. PERSONS having claims against . the' estate of. RICHARDE., . BAKER, late; of the Village of Lucknow • in the. County of Bruce, `Gentleman, who diedon' or about the. 20th day of arch' A.D..1956, are notified to send to the undersigned on or before 'the 12th' day of May, A.D. 1956, -full- particulars -of .their-=e-lazas- in 'writing:.. 'Immediately ' after the said. 12th •.day, of May .the assets of the said : testator •will. be distributecd.'amongst the part- ies entitled._ therieto.„haivng e__ •gard: only toclaims of which the executor 'shall then have notice: DATED this'20th day of ; April, FOR'. SALE Chickens, pullets.' cockerels, capons. day-old to 12 Weeks of. age, ,brooded under .ideal condi- tions, under government inspec- tion each week. ' Allbirds over 9 weeks dewormed , before de- livery. 'Free delivery ',on . all orders.' Agent' for Monkton Poul 'try 'Farms: Stariley '3:' McGratten, R.R. 6, Goderlich, phone 3008 Car- 1ow. •. TEACHER WANTED Protestant teacher required for ' S;S, • 13; Huron.. Apply stating qualifications and salary. Duties to commence in September. John ,$co_ 41t41iz sec41_re taryn ley, phone 14-r-24 Ripley.' ipley.' ._.. .._ p7 RCST HOME ACCOMODATION: •Ac o co moda ion a v a%1 able at Carrus"` ther''Convalescent' home. Home -cooked meats, modern, con- , veniences,''warrn, Registered nurs- •• itiiig available if required. in Case of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car- , ruthers, R. 3, Holyrood, phone 27-16 Ripley:: TV SERVICE CENTRE offers used, TV • completely re- built ,new : TV warranty.;10-in:, 12 -in:, 14 -in.,. 'i'7. -in., 21=in., $69.00. up. All inpopular name brand TV. -.Highlight 'special -17" 'table model originally $279, our 'price"" $89. Full warranty. Antennas in- stalled, Areas delivered to: •God- erich to Exeter, Orangeville 'to O•w e n Sound, Southampton Write TV Service Centre, Vic- toria',. St., Wingham, or phone 966, A.D.:1.956.` Crawford &`. Hetherington, Winghain, Ontario '. ,Solicitors for the. Executor. Chartered Accountant ' :West Street • CULROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO,' •• for, Reasonable rates, sound pro- tection &• prompt, satisfactory settlement of claims, FARISH MOFFAT Your Local. Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater 57-r-41 • • ie pi • • • J • • A RMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST< • GODERIC -I' : { • •. Tl; Hi fa , fe GODERICH, ONTARIO _ Telephones 3434 343W 'STATE FARM MUTUAL .• AUTOMOBILE... INSURANCE Investigate Before Investing REUBEN 'WILSON R.R. 3, Goderieh :.Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon : > FOR APPOI,NTMENT' - 'Phone '1100 • Fol.., Appointment. or Information • See Wm. A, Schmid, Lucknow 'i( INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, 'CASUALTYy AUTOMOBILE • '. • AND LIFE 'To/Protect Your...Jack, Insure With Jack' Today. • • R.R. 3, Lucknow, :Oiit: dr 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon ` -°' • 41 41 • • • : w • rri of. R. W. ANDREW.. Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO • • IN LUCKNOW Every . ' Wednesday and 'Saturday • Afternoon Office in the Joynt. Block, ' Telephone:• Office 135 Residence 31-J '• ,. 1• G. ALAN WILLIAMS • • Optometrist • Office :on Patrick 'St:,just off the Main' St.. in. ' . • WINGHAM ; . Professional Eye Examination O c ti al Services •• , • F Evenings by appointment. 'Phone: Office 770; Res. 291 • • NOTICE . TO CREDITORS IN THE MATTER of the Estate, of • DONALD 'SMITH, • late the the Village ' of Luckiko W, in' the County fof Bruce, Retired Farmer, deceased. . , • NOTICE IS :HEREBY GIVEN that all ,persons having any..1 claims or demands against the --Estate--of Donald Sirrith 'f ore- said, whodied on or about the Twenty-first. ' day February,: t • e A.D.re:: re 1 .D, 195 r6' required .file proof ;of their claims ctyily veri- fied with the undersigned exe-. cutors on or before -the Four teenth day of 'May, 'A.D. 1956. AND NOTICE. is further given that after the said date the un- dersigned executors • will pro- Geed to distribute the assets of the said' estate ,among those 'en- -titled thereto l" riot-- be` liaible for the/said' assets Or any 'part , thereof to -any one of whose claims they shall not then have 'received notice. Dated at• iltipley.., 'Ontario; this Seventh day of April, 1956. " • John Smith, RSR. 4; Ripley, Ont: . John Willocks; Ripley, Ont, Executors, ' MEAT EOR 'SALE ;good ' beef for sale, by the quarter. • Eeef • killed 'under . Ite- mise front the Department of Health. Choice 'Hereford year- lings, front quarters , 27c, hind quarters 38cr. Custom butchering a• speciality, ' • • r Raynard Ackert, Holyrood Phone 24-30, •Ripley AGN EWS' AGENCY MEMBER: OF • —f—Ontario---Insurance Agents' Association GENERAL` INSURANCE - Established Over 30 Years Ago ' Telephones: , ' Business' 39 • • Residence ..138 - McLENNAN and MacKENZIE FUNERA,eSERVICE • Services ._• conducted accord- : ing . to, your wishes at your• v• •-Ho` .e, Y - 'our` Church', or at m our-1Vternoria1 Ch-apelLt-no additional • charge. . / AMBULANCE SERVICE Phone 181, Lucknow, • .a Day or Night , Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O. . . Optometrist LISTOWEL, ONT. • -Tattlle -former Wrona :Jeweleiy store. Ripley, ••10 am; to 9. p.Tr1:. WEDNESDAY, MAY 9th • •-' and every Second Wednesday. 04, Eyes• examined Glasses fitted` • For appoin+tmenf-'phone `Roy.. • MacKenzie, 96-r-24,' Ripley. 4141 i :wr NG ' ,:MERA:►M MO IA,L. SHOP We Have, Been Mehi rial Craftsmen .for „Thirty -Seven. Years, Always Using' •' • THE`BEST GRANITES . Along With • aper esi ii ng and •.. • • Workmanship. Prices Most Reasonable • 'Iltemetery lettering a Specialty • R..A. SPOTTON. •'Phone 256, Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE •Co=Operative Life '"Insurance 4141, -- •�- _ , • • Insurance, ' ' • ' Mercantile & Farm Fire' • Insurance Economical and Reliable See TED COLLYER. Registered .Master Electrician' • 4141• ELECpRIC'AL: CONTRAOTOW ' specializing in . . Electrical Wiring and Repairs . AGENT FOR SPAItTON TV and, ' All Electrical Appliances Phone :46-r-25, Lucknow T. A. CAMERON LUCKNOW 'Phone 70-r-10- Duin,gannon 4141 ••� 444.004,4044#~4.44,404i~.4.44•0. rr 4141. � _ 4141 4141 rrA .• �:�I'S!1w+'�1�11„y �r� ^.'�/.1�"•i`�"`;..��'lwC+r'��11►'<'tlt�.:;;��•.�w:...+ •