HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 3'WEDNESDAY, APRIL 25th, 1958 • 11,o,,4.o..., 00. 11.11..... LUC.KNOW 1111 , UNITED CHURCH Minister: Rev, I:.' A. •Melklejohn;. B.A., B.D. SUNDAY;, APRIL 29th 10:00 a,flL:. Church ,School., 11.00. a.m,; •The Fruits of , 1111 H'uniility. .7.00 p,m.: The Continuing iSpirit. • Lueknow I resWterian C 'u.rc_ C Rei, Wallace McClean, ' . i 1111 Minister' '!, •SUNDAY, APRIL 29th i ! 1 10.00 m 'Sunday School i 111.00 a.m.:"Our • Presbyterian Heritage", , I "3.0,0 'p.m.:. Dungannon.. i 1 7.00 n.m.: "Our Wonderful • 1 Saviour". Anniversary Services, Sunday, !. Sunday ,1 ' 6th, with • Rev., George 1 Douglas of Woodstock, as guest, 4 minister. •1111. �' � � ,. ._ .. MiL1 . rt, ......,....... 1111 ,� a •. , . .,... 1111 1111... -1111.... 1111. 1111 1111.. 1111... THE. LUG CREDIT CITIZENS - FORFE�NFIR.E•.S. a At the annual ibanctiret .of the. Lucknow Fire , orppeny On* Mon- day night, ;Fire Chief George Whitby gave credit to' the c'iti- zens. of Lucknow for . the few fires that have occurred, in the Village in . the past couple of years.We are fortunate and can. be thankful, , he said, in referring :to the loss of life and (property in • some centres, • • • • The Chief pointed to '•the ' ac- complishnients of .,the past year that included' ,obtain ing• a resus- citator aril ,an , auxiliary' . pump fo'r rural.'"fire" fighting. •He: 'said: they` hadn'ttoo many plans for -this yea:rl-'--•but into som.e.thing Fpr. , the •: lbe�n.efit :.Qf the active .20 -roan ' brigade• he Said there wound be a few good practices this. spring. Council ' members, town. offic- ' dais; . , honorary members, and members of :the Company .and their wives' numbering about sixty enjoyed a delicious :turkey banquet :served .by the Luck.n.ow Women's Institute. 'Chief Whitby extended 'a welcome to the gath- ering, H. D. Thompson proposed the toast 'to the ladies and K. C. Murdie. thanked the: Institute lad- ies,, 'with Mrs. Charles Cook...re-' plying KNOW SENTINEL, .LU'CIOW, ONTARIO Ai Loca General, n n J. M. Greer returned home o Tuesday from° St. Joseph's Hos. petal, London', where he had a eye operation, Mrs. A. E.. Durnin, returned home the latter part of the week from a, visit 'In Ciinton with Mr. and' Mrs: Ball. • Lorne Johnston, who was hos- pitalized at Wingham for some time, ',Was taken to 'Westminster Hospital, London, a couple of weeks ago, as: • there •has been little improvement m his ,con-, -dition, . =Rev.,.A. W. Brawn of . Brant. ford . calledon friends ' in • the community last ' Thursday. . He $i 1 �s: tPc]-,�.iinn -�...nclucting- the fun 1111 eral service that -clay for Mrs. W;• T^-'--' •.. HEARING Alf) canoe worn in a .woman's parr,, or: clipped to.a'necktie'. `.Superb in Clarity and Sensitivity. ' . • Operates for Only About, 104 o; Week • New .Dime -Site Earphone 10•Day Money -lark Guarantee•. EMERSON'S: DRUG STORE: Phone 45, Goderleh RAILWAY TIME TABLE CHANGES Effective $iinclay priI29th, "' 'tau •end` due to, another meeting..Council- lor George Joynt congratulated Chief Whitby, for his 'courageous ability andthe, members* of -'the Brigade generally: `With: ,equip, ment, 'second. ' to . none the ,town is •proud' of the :Fire Company and the rural .corninuni:ty :ap, preciates, they fire protection' ser, (vice they. are able to provide. Others called •ort were Allan. Hackett, the junior member of the :,Company, :'Councillor W. •G, Webster, Cam• Thompson,'. ;Cam, Mael5onald', and Austin Solomon; the latter:. three- being honorary members; . �Mr. 'Solomon:'abserved' that .it would be forty years . in: June. since he,. joined ' the . Company : at the time• . of the death of- Fire. Chief Win. Taylor. There,`is no one in . town now bt.>t he who Was Was ':a 'member: of the Cor ipany at that . time. ' Card playing concluded the. W; J:. Freeman of Teeswater suffered .a heart: attack. ' while vacationing 'in Florida and was taken to hospital in a St. 'Peters- burg, , r Mr. and Mrs. '. Art Breckles: have returned from a week's visit' with friends and relatives in Toronto and will shortly move to Clam Lake;. for the summer. • Mrs.' 'Bruce MacLeod and dau-' ghter Mary Pat ; of North Bay,' are spending ' a couple of ,weeks with her parents, Mr^•'sand Mrs: George': Elliott.. ; • Mr. and Mrs. Harold Agnew and .4„am31y ':lyonaautl . 3I cia,� were week end vrsi:tors l ere. Chris: Shelton ' suffered- an- other heart ., attack at his•. home in: the .village,on Friday.. night. Mr.. and • Mrs. Meryn Osborne of Guelph and Mr... Bill ,Larson of Sault' Ste: Marie, were Week- end, guests at the 'horrie of 'Mr. and Mrs. Waiter .Chesbro. PAGE T .. R. Eg ��Naro�xrri�i>•ws�ta�+r.ri �,w.�����lh!p��.<,�r��o s n s 1 1 Ladies and M Ladies' Wean —Fashion Millinery 'PHONE 85, , LUCK NOW • DRESS SALE =Real Bargains $8.00 BUYS DRESSES regularlyula rl to - $ 18.95: Prints; n I11o11 ns, ° tucatmas, co tions, crepes. 1Co1ors and 'all sizes including:.outsizesi • 1' $5:00 BUYS. DRESSES y re ularl" " ' regularly to$15,95. • Large ' •assortment ' toChoose • from _. • ,!. ' , I' . $4.00 BUYS°,CLEARANCES . ' P ir . g three •.of these I. sof all rices— 3 �otd will . nab two: •or cottons, nylons, ..taffetas, prints. $1:00 BUYS. BLOUSES regular to $5.00; : 79c BUYS: NYLON : HOSE - 2 pair: $1.50 FRIDAY AND SATURDAY; ONLY Cash No Lay-Aways nor. Exchanges r$ i CiNm••••••4r.mo►a er Yi..m•Owip••••r••••t•=i4ij. , e.m..;fit flom< oil.osmc t>•it•:. 1 • 1BOf,Iv de •BOER—en''Wingham• General; Hospital on Monday, April11.6th, 19.56,' to Mr: and Mr's John .ale Boer, '' of Kinloss, a son; Cecil., STOTHERS –�. 'on Sunday, 'April 22nd, '1956, to M. , and Mrs. S. C. Stothers of :Winnipeg, a son: TEEN GROU1,ENDS WINTER DANCES.- The Holyrood • district Teen Clulb''.` recently held ':their. •' final dance of the•; season at `Holyrood Hall; which was' taxed-, to cap- acity by teenagers and their par. e -Cf V �. HESTERFIELDS,. SOFAS, CHAIRS,' ANTIQUES, ETC., RE -UPHOLSTERED :Choice. of Quality' Coverings See tis —.'Phone Us — Write Us 30 YEARS' EXPERIENCE—FREE ESTIMATES . .4 lie d'.s :'U l olster Shop 59..Hamilton St., Goderich:Phone 1102-w. the Teen ;Club: every -second Holyrood Hall.: Music 'is; provid- ed -gratis rovid-ed:-gratis :by Mr. ,and Mrs: How- ard Harris and. Earl, as is • the' service of the ' callers,. P.. A.: Mur- ray, 'Jim 'O'Donnell; John Smith and Harold Kenriple. The hall is, made available- rent free, and thus.' a silver collection •on the part' r of :. the young.. people fin- ances the b -monthly • events which.. are: popular 'with the young folk •and appreciated • by. the parents. has -:held dances Friday : night at • evening' with prize winners, be- ents, to, .ring down : th'e curtain. The Teen Club promotion w,as. I ing Mrs. H D. Thompson and ' on another successful season.' sparked by a paper •on .citize -i- ILloyd Hall: / ' , • This is the second year. that Ship :given, at a : -Holyrood Wo - Mrs, ,Roy Cullbert. :was. taken' 'bY'larnbulance on Sunday• o, Wiartq.n hospital=; Mrs. Grant MaoDiarmid,• 'Mr ,.rt Russell-R.ohertsan;;_Mrs -V.Vi]freef rennan, Mrs,' ,Cohn Kilpatrick and Mrs. J. W. Joynt ,attended Rruce. Presbyterial. of the United Church at Wiarton,• April 17th. M`r,; and' Mrs.' John C•: , Car, rushers, Gayle and Anne .Werd Week -end visitors with he's moth er, Mrs, John Carruthers. : ' Mr. Robert Rae and .Miss Mary gar"et.li.ae arrived home On da,Y Woodalls Trailer Camp .at --TilUr clay kr. and Mrs. i'ortous • :returned from . 'ta,St torr 4. ( t , " J.oh Munro and,.. her.. eianciel ughter Janis Hall. of De- troit spent a couple of weeks With Mr. and ".Mrs. J. H. Hall! and family,' T'iiey returned to Betrait with 'Mrs, Eileen White, who sant. a Air . days 'in ,the city • ter,' • men's/'Institute.; meeting by Mrs: Howard Harris, and • who became, and is, the chief promoter. At; the, last. dance dance •the young ,people 'presented Mrs. Harris and the orchestra with a. 'wrought' iron •paper rack,, two : china.' orn- alpents and _'a ., poem:" of - appreci- ation. ppreci ation. Plan • Public 'Address' System Steps .are ,being takento instal a public address system in the Hall. The -Teen Club °has about $36.00 to donate for the purpose,' the Holyrood .,Institute will: also assist, . and.: a dance is planned for after . seeding to ,boost the (fund. un estandin Food; clothing,. shelter ....yes, But.it.takes more than• these to lift the burden from despairing souls. • This The Salvation Army knows. In its hostels, havens, homes arid hospitals; in instances of .emergency relief;. • the understanding heart and the human ,touch are cfaselessly employed in mending shattered lives and kindling hope in, spirits darkened by sin or suffering. That this, work may never flag,'.YOUFt, support is needed by faithful workers of .The ,Salvation Ar ' y ' dedicated,to these. tasks' of mercy'::. ' " 1111 -4 4 . 4 -4 : r` 110' • • • • . • 74 • r Loca Campaign Chairman, Charles Webster Support The Bliti On Friday Night tk