HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 2• • 0 4GE .APEX urs:.. Cleaners - powerful. Modern .:• Cannister. Type with Throw -away Dust Bag.. Complete with attachments.. nts. SPECIAL$59.50 • UREKA !VACUUM CLEANERS Complete wt l attar ents. SPECIAL '$89.50 G.E. and . EASY FLOOR POLISHERS. While They Last: - $39.95 • SMELT NETS and FISHING,TACKLE. reer Radio Phone '1.10; Lu, cknow 87,50,. Iectric • linipaitycla r: - - - �. - W DNESDAY .A.Pr1iIL 25th, 195E fTARIO 0)4.4p11.4)40104 ,,N1.1141119410 , OBITUARY MRS, . WM. T. (AR1 NER .' After; .several .years, of failing' health, death came to Mrs. Wm. T. Gardner tkf Ashfield on Tues- day,' April 17th about 3.0.0 a.m. at B°aker',s'' Private Hospital, in Lucknow, where she , had been tenderly cared for someeight anda half months. .Mrs. ''Gardner was the daugh- ter of David Webster and Martha• Mallough. She was born in Kiri loss Tirwnshipon august 9, '1884.. Forty-nine years ',ago she mar-. ried..Williarn, T. Garcdr4br of Zion, a son of" the late Mr: and M'rs•. W:;. T: • 'Gardner, •who predeceased her seven and a half years ago., !'ley •' 'resided Foss ---the family- homestead ,at.;Zion for 42 years, after !which she resided with: her daughter,, Mrs. W. G. Hun- ter, almost 'continuously. The ;past' yevar and a.'half she was completely bedfast, suffer- ing from : an arthritic and, heart Condition.Four months of this time she was. •cared for at the name . Of ':her 'dattgl ter,' Mrs. Joe Freeman, prior to entering Bak- er's Hospital. QVIrs. Gardner w.as a faithful' Member of Zion' United Church for many years, and also a rriem lber. of Zio�W n••.M.S. - and Ashfield. `W.A.• and in both organizations had ihekd various, offices. . ted at_the :;Mc--:• -.::�1.e_�iE."iYkcLll�is rested _..r _ .�,,..__.7 Lennart and, `MacKenzie Mernor= ial. Chapel where •man y called. ,to pay their respects ,and • where the' funeral service Was held ' en Thursday • arfternoon . . and, was g lar ely at'tend'ed. Rev "J' li,. Dick , •ago, Which: did\ not : slacken her n-; kindly .. ministries to . others: � so* Lt� Rain. .alorg . with light snow; falls, accompanied,, by .cold wea- thee delayed. seeding almost en• tirely. this past week. Most farm:. • Viers appreciated the delay • as it gave 'them further time'::to pre- pare re- pare.: for seeding operations, however,- • everyone hopes for. good seeding .weather' next" week. Slightly. in • access 'of, • .1,206 *bus.;. of Garry. oats: has been distrib- uted for Agricultural' Society Field Crop competitions aid the 4 -Ir Grain '.Club ' program. 8uT1- -Bought ,Shorthorn At the Bruce -County' Short' - torn" Short 3i.orn sale held at:.Walkerton, a (bull 'consigned* by. Alex Melten-, ze •of Teeswater was bought by ie ;MoMilan -for Z.1 O:N' ;Mrs: ' Mary : McAuley,' returned to Acton- on ;Tuesday. (Mrs. .Alex' Leaver spent last - week with Mrs': D. A. Hackett, who was ill with the, measles. :Mr. ' and Mrs Nelson, Reid.of Varna. and !Mrs. Dave '.Elliott. ;of Clinton and Mrs. Fred . Mulhol- land . of Holmeaville visited. •asst C • Demonstra ion OOd Chino We.d� w _ _. . g (coloured.• film to:. be shown) 1 TOWN HALL, ,LUCKNOW May r Thursday, 8.00' Pon 10.0 R PRIZES Admission .., „ . ,.. .,,,• ;,. PROCEEDS ',FOR .. ENTIRE '. LOCAL GIRL GUIDE ASSOCIATION' (Girl Guides ' Will be out selling Tickets)- Demonstration ickets)•Demonstration . Courtesy of' W, . A. Schmid i address, recalled the • ens her health.. and; activity ' when family was small and her ' rela- tionship to. community and the church �w.as of the highest order- ing. Her cheerfulness endeared her to ` all, who .knew her- and in time `of trouble ..her. affection- making heft an indispensable angel of .th •community..' Her husband predeceased her some seven and a' ' half years f (brothers, Ed Webster. of Big Val- ley, Alberta; . Jack of Edmonton; Ewart sof • Kirkland Lake; William' of Lucknow; 'Nelsonof Windsor, . The pallbearers were .former ' Ashfield neigh hors, . Hei ry . Gard- ner, Will Ritchie, Frank Ritchie, Fred Anderson, George Hunter , :aokett:' The flower-: .;arra ,Sandy � inson of'Ashfield 'Circuit co ducted- the . service assisted by Rev:' A. ' W. Brawn of ;Brantford. Mrs. Wesley Ritchie, organist ' of Zion ch urch , played t he .inter - .Thursday with Mr.' and . Mrs, hiding , music:Mrs. J. W. Joynt Will Ritchie. and Miss Belle Robertson sang Mr, and 'Mrs.' Donald : Murray very :beautifully.. "Beautiful City 1 and Marjorie.'.spent Sunday ev- of Gold",' with Mrs. John :Hall r._ d 1VIrs Nelson as ' accompanist. ' . ening ._with:•M an �. , g Raynard.•' Rev. A W. ,own, Mrs. Jiro iMcI£ay of Port Elgin minister,' o .Ashfield " ` nd • of she. close fne memorial .: i losses .and afflic. and Mrs Wes Ritchie., ..family, in 'gKving' ;the .me�ixior strugle,a n, s long' as health and . strength peri mitted;. Her gracious .motherhood was `well. known. Like an o'ut Standing: figure in Hebrew stony the . Chronicler • observed, . of . his "He' built for lute and character, us the' higher gate:': so: that had'. .been ,her pri�rria task '• for .' liv- ing and .. demonstrating the. joy B formes end value : of high • human : ser- f the United ';vice under God. visited last Thursday with Mr, Church and a �In . he'tempestuous . years of r. ►.� 1 k t el'se 4.1 101 4•. G 41, •k t • I. • ry . • Our Own .Blend Tea.: ' ibbag , .,: . ' . 79c E` BONNET -'MARGARINE St. L•awrence Granulated Sugar,' 10 'lb. 79c Regular I'ack -. lb. 29c GM 'Krun-Chee Peanut Butter, 16 oz.: 35c Libby's fancy. Green Peas. 415 :oz. : .2127c Libby's fancy Fruit . Cock! iii 13 oz.:., i 3c OTHER'..LIBBY ITEMS • Sliced Hawaiian '.Pineapple,' 20 oz.' tin 330 Hawaiian Pineapple Juice, 48.oz. tin :. 33c Fancy Sauer Kraut, 28 oz. ' tins 2439c Fancy Pickles, Feature -,1'6 oz, ; jar •Fancy Tomato ,Juice', 20 '.oz. tins ..' 2129c Spaghetti in Tomato Sauce with cheese, 15 .oz, tin ..... .. ., �2127c• French 'style prepared Mustard; 16 oz. 19c Chili with Beans, 15 oz. tin ..:.... ` 29c Swift's premium Canned Ham, 11/2 lb. 1.49. St. LawrenceCorn Oil, qt. tin .:.`'. . 67c:' .Weston ;s Digestive Biscuits, 15 oz,, pkg. 35c. Johnston's Pride, 8 oz. bottle . ; . 79c Golder} Hour Confectionery, pkg." ,. 29c __R gal:..Rice, L2 Ib. cello.:...:..:' 31c Weatern•Glo Macaroni, �2.1bs .. .:. 25c Aunt Mary's Sliced Bread, brown or white, 24 oz, loaf 15c R & W Evaporated Milk, tall' tins .: 2125c R & W • Orange Pekoe Tea, 1/2 ib. pkg, 63c Nabisco Shredded Wheat, pkgs .... 2135t Quaker ' Cornflakes, gt. pkg... ° .4 . 25c Early Riser Coffee, lb. bag . 8 7c .QUAKER MUFFETS Packages —. 2 for 29c LIBBY'S DEEP BROWNED BEANS 20 oz. Tina' --- 2 ,for ' 37c ' LIBBY'S TOMATO CATCHUP 11 ioz. Bottles 2 . for. 39c • Glide Liquid Laundry Starch 64-6i. 'btl. 35 ; Sweetheart Soap, reg: bars .. , 3 21... Interlake Supper Club Serviettes, . 70,X 2 3 3c Saran Wrap; 12" •25 ft. roll 39c R & W Toilet Tissue, rolls .. , ..: 2125c Save -All' Wax Paper, '100 ft, roll 29c Planter's Party'. Time Peanuts, pkg. . , ,' 43p • FRESH PRODUCE •_ Selec.terL.Bananas, for desserts, etc. 2 lb, 3 7c Sunkist. Oranges, size 288,: juicy, 2 doz. 79c• Iceberg Lettuce, fresh, large head 2135c Flavorful Asparagus, fresh,attractive price Eastern Potatoes, selected, 10 lb. bag 5 3c 'FROZEN ;FOODS Birds Eye Sweet -Green Peas, pkgs. , . 2149c Birds Eye French Fries, pkg...::'::.:, 2:37c Red ite Fosti4. Sul** phone 26 — Free Delivery tithese ' never soured ' her. ons .• Into the 'clay vases ofher life. ed" and to those who knew .her closely • 'and affectionately . she -demonstrated 113y.: her faith and .endurance , . "of • Heaven's own sweetness .around it thrown". ° ;Sur+ri ing ' are:••'two' sons • and two. 'daughters, Harold of .Rich- mond Hill, 'Sidney' of .'Lucknow Mrs, Joe. Freeman (Eva) of .Lee-. !burn, Mrs. William G. Hunter (Beryl) cif..Zion, and 11 grand- children and one great grand- child—Also randchild::A so sunva>vi'ng is._her .aged - mother•, Mrs. Elizabeth' Alton of Lucknow,, one sister; Mrs: W. G. bearers 'were, -ond ' Gamer; Ivan . Gardner,... , . Jim, Gardner,' Howard Reid, Dick Reid, Wm, D. Reid, 'Arthur Freeman. KINGSBRIDGE Week -end' visitors here were. . Mr. acid Mrs. Jos. 'Reid •and .Mrs.'• Jas. Wallace of Toronto; Mr. and/. Mrs. Jos. O'Reilly . of • Detroit„ Miss Theresa, Martin of Hanii'1:.. ton .. and .: Jimrny'. Shiflett of: be- • frost, and MVlr. and _ Mrs. A. Moran of . Woodstock. . Mr. and M4 s. Mark :Dalton aid•. fainily' visited • in. 'Kitchener last week -end • : ' Mrs. Cyril Boyle of St. •Aug=' ustine . and`1VIrs. Geo.. Nivens and children. : of , London spent. : day With 1Vir. and Mrs. •Donald,• "The Divine perfume was .pour, Frayne. The death ,of - Miss Anne iso«-. fr • ::Plumbing.,, Heating, Wiiring Eavetrou•ghing - • Vhoiic 50` ler occurred at .'St. Mary's hos- pital, 'London, on April 19, 19S, The requiem ,high mass was sung at St. .Michael's , church at 9.00. a.m..'in London on Saturday..the. 21st: • Interment was in St.. Jos- .eph's cemletery, Kingsbridge, at Saturday :noon, `.with Rev: H. Van.. Vynckt conducting -the ' ,.grace- side .services: *• `• -Mrs.:JaS. M. Bowler and Miss'• .Elizabeth Bowlek of Toronto & Mr. and Mrs O'Leary of tori- don ' were among the relatives: Reid ° (Debbie) 'of . Lucknow; five .who attended the burial here. THE BEST BUYS IN . We are exclusive dealers for the new DUO TRIM POWER MOWER . --- 'Made by... • the Makers of Famous' Duo -Therm Heaters: Duo -Trim "vacuuZm cleans'. your lawn 'leaving • it with a. velvety swept up look no more raking as,ex- clusive ,"wind' tunnel" action• chops grass elippings' and leaves: extra fine .. no .more trimming 'chores, cuts right up to all. borders ; reversible handle, no more "U" turns , ...safe, easy starting ..' corn 1, , plete with leaf inulcher. 1i We Also 'Handle The • Well -Known • Line of Maxwell Mowers Swirlcut Jr,:, Swirlcut Sr,, Reel Cut. Considered One or. the Best Line -of Mowers Made SUPPORT THE RED' SHIEL- D DRIVE• ' ON FRIDAY NIGHT • 3, ive generou5l:y, when the volunteer canvasser • cal'-; at your iinor. ebsterF&�MacKinnop 1