HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 1$2.50 A -::Year In Advance -$1.00 Extra To •aU.s A.,
.41 K
Organized. Three 4 H Clubs, Over 40 HaveJojned
Continued • enthusiasm in.g.
Clwb work was evident here on HEAD. DISTRICT 4-H CLU$S
• ' Friday even -ling,, when fifty jun-
iors and `club leaders gathered
• in the T.own,,Hall,• for,,• the organ-,
izing; of the Dungannon. 'Swine
and Calf Clubsand the: Lucknow,
. Calf Club: , .
A.' ' : S. Bolton,. : Huiron County
i to a _ricultural re • rese t
ative,, ' presided for the mieetin•g
and • addressed_, the members ' on
the conducting of .club' activities
arid the ' aims and" meaning of
. . Deadline ' for ' joining .,any of
these 'Clubs is.. set for : M,ay '1st.
:The Lucknow Club is sponsor -
.ed: by the Lucknow. Agricultutal
Society with Tom Todd, George
Kennedy and Murray Gaunt as
leaders., • „
Dungannon Swine and Calf
Clubs are sponsored by the Dun-
gannon Agricultural , Society. The
Swine Club leaders are Arnold
Alton- and - .J: a Durn•in. ' The
Calf Club pleaders are Chester
Finnigan; and -John Clark:.
eniy Men ers
The Lucknow' Club will this
year include (both a beef and
dairy division. It will function as
a: single chub,', with' two sections
for . the showing, Of :the' calves
•There ,were twenty: memlbers
regste ,red at Friday 'night's : meet-
ing, , Officers .are: 'Barry • McQuil-
lin, President Jack Kennedy,
vice . president,- Ann Todd, sec-
retary, Mary' Alton, press report-
The: other, memb'ers are: • Rob-
ert' Watson, Jim Lyons,', Marjory
Al •.n Betty Alton 'Kenneth Alr
ton, Leroy, Rintoul, Garry Rin-
toul, _ .Percy McClenaghan, Dick
.Curran, ,Sandy MacKenzie, Jim,
Watson, Dorothy;. • Watson,.: Terry
\Nilson; Balla Harris,, Crawford-
'MeNeil, David •Kirkland. •
Mike Dalton President
' The ::Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf
Club had an enrollment of 11
(Continued .On. Page .12),
. District•'4-H Club activities got
off to an .enthusiastic start on,
Miss. Jane Johnstone, '.daughter
of Mr. and 'Mrs. , Russell, John-
stone •of Luoknow, .has been en-
gaged as a • member :of the' Luck -
Grades 1 and 2:` She Will. succeed
Mrs.' Roy'tHavens who has taulght.
in. Room 1 for seven' years.
aVIiss' Johnstone is ,completing
Ther third • term _ a s- .-a-member of
the Ripley Public School staff.
.juniors present for a joint -organ-
ization meeting• of. •kucknow and
Duganraon Clubs;. From left -to
right are Barry 1VIcQuillin, pres-.
ident of the ..Luc now 4-H Calf,
Club;' Mike • president` of
the '.Dungannon 4-H , Beef Calf
Clc+b� ;A. S:xlxr n
ricultural•representative f o r
Huron County, . -who presided' and
Wayne , Brown; president .of the
Dungannon 4-H . • Swine Club.
('Sentinel photo)
Twelve lambs' •frorn• .five
ewes and not a "weak sister"
in the lot, is one: for:: :the
(book, . 'It happened .at . 'the
farm of ,Eldon '•Miller,,
12, West • Wawanosh
Two ewes had tr-iplets. and ..'
three 1ia•d twins, All are
thriving and there is not
cm:all..pnP iii thp4j .k,;..
• The. • executive of the newly
formed Sepoy Community. Sports.
Association 'met on '.Monday
night, at which time they were'
.addressed, +by. Bab Secord, dis-
trict . representative for the.Com-
munity ` Programs Branch of the
Department of . Education.
Mr. • Secord outlined various;
accom�plisliments ,of other, groups
he had helped to organize, and
of , tthe'. possilbilities an organized
group has in Lucknow and dis=
tract- :hal. • ak `_., .. ,
citizens' through athletic and
educational' groups. .
r • Mr.'" Secord emphasized that
the executive of the ' Lucknow
association was: more definite,
and advanced in their ' ograniza-.
tion; plains, than any other group
he had helped to form.
• It was the ..general decision of
'the . meeting to: form a Recreation
'Council for Lucknow • and ' dis
tract. The proposed council would
or of the Bruce County Health be comprised of: seven . members,
Unit with, headquarters at muck-• two of which would:'be from. the
now, '.has resigned his .position to .Village .Council;,. and would be
-a:ccept' the .position.of . sanitary eligible for liberal :grants, under
inspector for .the City of Owen .the Departmeryt of.
,'Sound, which is , Alan's.home' plan:, A by-law' would . have; `to
town. He'. will assume : his new be=. drafted, : and approval given
duties an May 14th ; • by :the :Department. •
Nr;, Cooper . came to Lucknow ' .Discussion'
at, the meeting
in January= of 1955,- upon grad- centred round the; possibility of
uation.- .He will be.. succeeded
here by Lloyd .Ellenton ,of.
cardine, upon his graduation in
There are three members on
.the. ,Bruce Unit inspection staff.
Hog .producers .in this area
are being' notified of a '••meeting
to be' held at the ,Recreation, Hall
..Lucknow, on. Friday .evening at
which' . Jake Kohler, general,
manager ' of • the Qntario . Hog
Producers • Association will' be
guest speaker
A report will be . heard from
the `7 -man committee that ` was
named ten days' ago, to; investi
gate the •.(possibility of establish-
ing an assembly point . at Luck=
now: ' Harvey Houston is chair-
man of that'' committee.
This is a meeting of :importance•.
to _hag, ` ¶prod,ucers, and in fact,
all farmers, and a large attend'-
;ante is .anticipated.
• Daylight,Saving, Time goes' in,
to effect . on . Sunday in Lucknow,
,in. comamion with. other 'centres
throughout -the --province: ---The-
time officially changes at 2.l0
Better turn that clock ,on an.
,hour upon : retiring-. • Saturday
tight,=or you could -be -an hour
-late for church on Sunday,.
Circulateeiitions Against
Closing Ashfield Schools
The . decision, of • the Ashfield
Township School Area Board :to
close three schools in. the Town-'
ship at the end of this. term and
.1_ tianspor-t the -students--to adja
' cent schools, has, ' as could be
. expected, met• with opposition.
,. There has ,been the proposal
advanced to secede from ',the
-fir :and -re-establish indi r ua
' school sections.: -
petitions are being ';circulated
in each of:the' three sections con-
cerned, protesting the Board's
action. '('hese petitions, we un-
derstand, will be pres nted .to
the Township C`ounci1.'Reports
have it that `'they '• are • being
largely • signed. - ' '
The 'three sections -involved are
Zion,' S,S', No 5; :S.S, . No. • 16,
' xuz t tir
.Concession, • •
The Board's action is , basically
aimed,. at 'reducing costs, but
those 'who are-reitie:tant- -toLL lose
heir•, school argue that increas-
ed now plowing costs could off-.
set the saving, 'resulting from
combining two sections,
Ir anycase the suibjecthas
currently •s ark-. p sect„
sparked quite a con -
s c g z
t b l b
-South Kinloss "reabyteran
Church congregation is to cele'-
brate its centennial' annivesary
On Sunday'; may 20th:. For some
time .this: red-letter event 'has•
een ringed on;the calendar an
'the congregation ' has • been 'pre-
paring for.. it by a • planned. pro
grain of redecorating and..�iaYi-
proving the church building anti
enhancing the ,cemetery grounds
with memorial' gates and orna-
•menta.l" fence. - • At a meeting of. the Centen-
nial Committee held at the first
of ,the week, plan's were finalized".
to •a degree in making final ,�r-
; angements :. o_.�,.:_a•t.propJat-e1v._
cornmomorate` the occasion.. . •
e tennis oo . is er7�ti
pulblisled by• The Sentinel and
in�vit��r•:tio is -aro. gboing sent -04
former :snemnbeis and friends to
join with the "Big . Church" con-
;gregation in marking their hun
dredth•(birthday. • . ,
Special services are, planned
p 4
•A c n l .b, 1 b
Alan; Cooper, •sanitary inspect
Alan has boarded '. at' 'Mr. - anl.
Mrs. Roy Black's during, his stay
• A .corps • of volunteer workers
will stage' a, • iblitz on Friday
night in.Lucknow on'behalf of
The Salvation.' Army: Red Shield
appeal—a cause that -needs r o'
'.Chas.. Webster is chairman of
the 'local committee and at press
time had `lined up sixteen ,can-
vassers '. who were .willing to as-
sist in the 'blitz They Will 'ap-,I
precate your preparedness when
they call; , so that they may `get
over their territory. 'in : •the one_
It would be a convenience to
have_-y_our_.doation .ready_? --large
or small -and : residents • of this
'community wi11 no doubt prove
again 'that they are always will-
ing and .generous in supporting
any such .benevolent. cause.
.The, Lucknow objective has
been set at $500.00.
One of these gentlemen will
da a ening Wilfredoor on:
be tapping on your d
y .�Anderson,
Kenneth • Cameron, Donald
Them,pson. . IP7a r v'.e y Webster,
Hato .l •d Thompson, Cameron
MacDonald, Gordon Fisher, Rob-
crt 1VlacKenzic; Virden Mowbray,
Lloyd Hall, `l K. C. 1Vturdi•e, Chas.*
Webster,. Alex Andrew, Gerald
ath vel1. 'os man- Taylor, 1VI: L
Mr. Milton Rayner, newly
pointed manager of the Bank of
Montreal, arrived -on r1V[onday to
f4enior ball, hockey, Ibroomlball,
Fred Jackson will sail from
Montreal next • Tuesday for a
three -months' visit in• England,
He will travel,. on the' Canadian
Ipacific's spanking .new flagship,
the. Empress of :Britain, as she.
makes her ,first .west • to east
crossing The ship is 'scheduled
k a o real- firm--T4ztrr3=.
day ' upon completion. of ,her.,
maiden trans-Atlantic voyage
,She 'sailed•'from Liverpool last
Fred will leave . Lucknow next
Sunday or 'Monday. The Empress
of .Britain sails ; from Montreal,
next Tuesday morning- ,at .11.00
am.,. with Liverpool • as her des-.
tination,.. ,From there Fred will
make a 200 -mile trip -across. the
northern. part of England • to
Hull, where he' was .born: fie
has' two sisters and a brother
living in that city.
Fred came. to• Canada • in 1914, •
as a..youuth• in his 19th year,
and. •started working' , for D'unc:
11!IxlInt r'e-- . ; :
< � FS1r2T,1 • Ti717r:�:4 ; a �,.`._..w:..:.
thing `--new • for this:•city-(born
:young . man. He spent: 'a ' couple'
of years :on Ashfield Township
farms and in 1916 took .employ-
n ent with John Ross in Huron
Township. After his death • less
than -two years: later, Fred con-
tinued. to operate the .farm for .'
Mrs. Ross and her.' sister; Miss
Margaret •• Henderson.; They , re-
tired'.'to Lucknow in' 1947. The
ladies have Iboth'pass?d on. ' •
a Fred' : re, turned 'to his homeland
for a. (visit; in .;1939, . but was there.,
only two :.' weeks when ' World
.War IT; .broke out,. and all:Ani'.
erican and. Canadian : visitors.•
were ordered ' home
His return voyage this time is
booked for . August • 30th,. on. , the
Empress of Britain,•: An ardent.
lawn bowler,` Fred• will be.Miss-
ed . around the ;greens this sun�i
• •.7
town -country minor ball, drains - .•
crafts, and a playground, all of
which : would come 'under , the
proposed Recreation 'Council. .
' Minor 'Ball
The .executive ` of 'the .Sepoy.
'Community Sports Association is
anxious to know if the surround-
ing rural areas, are interested in
forming a : town -country `minor
ball -group. The idea is (being ex-
plored by officials ,to try and
-inerease-the number ---of young
people. participating in .sports
circles.. Any young boy or adult
from town :or country who would
be willing .to pia" or :organize
-a-softibal-l-team, is -asked -to-con-
tact ',any'. member of the 'e.e-
cutive' promptly. ' •-
In support of • last week's' bear
story 'carried by, The Sentinel,
Tom Culbert rePor,s that he has. •
since seen bear. tracks inthe
snow,' which• came' from 'the'. 50
acre.. pine reforestation plot. Late
last fall a cow 'freshened in that
Picini-ty-Hbut--no•-sign-of-the. caul ,
or its carcass was ever found'
and it is presumed ' that it may • ..
have .provided food • for' the hib-
ernating bruin.:
Hove you renewed your Sen-
tinel subscription?
Home; �I ftr Comp!eting
Research Work In England
Dr , Helen Salkeld;returned
home on • Saturday; ,upon coorn-
pieting a year in research' work.
--in-., England: - She is -spending---a.
'few days ,' ith her parents, Mr:
and Mrs, . T, • J. Salkeld, before
'resuming her duties . •at Ottawa,
Miss Salkeld returned by air
.mhkir g--an-°venlight-4-rip--frorrr
England to be met at 'Mahon
on Saturday 'morning. by ,her''
Dr. Salkeld is associated with
the science ser c ice branch of the
Department of Agriculture at'
Ottawa. She was on a year's.
leave of absence to. carry •out re
.search work• with insecticides at
kiothain'sted Exiperii ental ,Sta-
tion; near London England,'
_which •is that._ Fours -try s-olde •:ex -
perimental station. b�. Salkeld
p -gr ua e scho ars ip
course at • Rothamfited, where.
She 7_eceiyed: lit rn:_Ph.D.!,...degree...in
During the - past year in Eng
land she spent her summer Vaca-
tion On a motor' tour of Scotland
and spent Cl rastthas. iri'Paris.
Prior to . going overseas 'Dr,
Salkeld did field .Work, for' the
Ottawa Departmment and upon
her return to the Capitol ek -ts
e aasignedto a -rotor work
for 'Sunday; ,arida historxcal and a new duties, Mr, Cou.se
as5•uzne his
roversy: o ial eve'nin. on Monday." will remain here this week.
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