HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-25, Page 1$2.50 A -::Year In Advance -$1.00 Extra To •aU.s A., • Z .41 K LUCI NOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; APRIL 25th, 1956. a.. TWELVE' PAGES_, • Organized. Three 4 H Clubs, Over 40 HaveJojned Continued • enthusiasm in.g. Clwb work was evident here on HEAD. DISTRICT 4-H CLU$S • ' Friday even -ling,, when fifty jun- iors and `club leaders gathered • in the T.own,,Hall,• for,,• the organ-, izing; of the Dungannon. 'Swine and Calf Clubsand the: Lucknow, . Calf Club: , . A.' ' : S. Bolton,. : Huiron County i to a _ricultural re • rese t ative,, ' presided for the mieetin•g and • addressed_, the members ' on the conducting of .club' activities arid the ' aims and" meaning of . . Deadline ' for ' joining .,any of these 'Clubs is.. set for : M,ay '1st. :The Lucknow Club is sponsor - .ed: by the Lucknow. Agricultutal Society with Tom Todd, George Kennedy and Murray Gaunt as leaders., • „ Dungannon Swine and Calf Clubs are sponsored by the Dun- gannon Agricultural , Society. The Swine Club leaders are Arnold Alton- and - .J: a Durn•in. ' The Calf Club pleaders are Chester Finnigan; and -John Clark:. eniy Men ers The Lucknow' Club will this year include (both a beef and dairy division. It will function as a: single chub,', with' two sections for . the showing, Of :the' calves •There ,were twenty: memlbers regste ,red at Friday 'night's : meet- ing, , Officers .are: 'Barry • McQuil- lin, President Jack Kennedy, vice . president,- Ann Todd, sec- retary, Mary' Alton, press report- er" The: other, memb'ers are: • Rob- ert' Watson, Jim Lyons,', Marjory Al •.n Betty Alton 'Kenneth Alr ton, Leroy, Rintoul, Garry Rin- toul, _ .Percy McClenaghan, Dick .Curran, ,Sandy MacKenzie, Jim, Watson, Dorothy;. • Watson,.: Terry \Nilson; Balla Harris,, Crawford- 'MeNeil, David •Kirkland. • Mike Dalton President ' The ::Dungannon 4-H Beef Calf Club had an enrollment of 11 (Continued .On. Page .12), . District•'4-H Club activities got off to an .enthusiastic start on, '`ENGAGE JANE JOHNSTONE. ON ; PUBLIC SCHOOL , ,STAFF Miss. Jane Johnstone, '.daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs. , Russell, John- stone •of Luoknow, .has been en- gaged as a • member :of the' Luck - Grades 1 and 2:` She Will. succeed Mrs.' Roy'tHavens who has taulght. in. Room 1 for seven' years. aVIiss' Johnstone is ,completing Ther third • term _ a s- .-a-member of the Ripley Public School staff. .juniors present for a joint -organ- ization meeting• of. •kucknow and Duganraon Clubs;. From left -to right are Barry 1VIcQuillin, pres-. ident of the ..Luc now 4-H Calf, Club;' Mike • president` of the '.Dungannon 4-H , Beef Calf Clc+b� ;A. S:xlxr n ricultural•representative f o r Huron County, . -who presided' and Wayne , Brown; president .of the Dungannon 4-H . • Swine Club. ('Sentinel photo) FIVE EVES GAVE BIRTH' TO TWELVE LAMBS Twelve lambs' •frorn• .five ewes and not a "weak sister" in the lot, is one: for:: :the (book, . 'It happened .at . 'the farm of ,Eldon '•Miller,, 12, West • Wawanosh Two ewes had tr-iplets. and ..' three 1ia•d twins, All are thriving and there is not cm:all..pnP iii thp4j .k,;.. PLAN FORMATION OF. REC COUNCIL'. • The. • executive of the newly formed Sepoy Community. Sports. Association 'met on '.Monday night, at which time they were' .addressed, +by. Bab Secord, dis- trict . representative for the.Com- munity ` Programs Branch of the Department of . Education. Mr. • Secord outlined various; accom�plisliments ,of other, groups he had helped to organize, and of , tthe'. possilbilities an organized group has in Lucknow and dis= tract- :hal. • ak `_., .. , citizens' through athletic and educational' groups. . r • Mr.'" Secord emphasized that the executive of the ' Lucknow association was: more definite, and advanced in their ' ograniza-. tion; plains, than any other group he had helped to form. • It was the ..general decision of 'the . meeting to: form a Recreation 'Council for Lucknow • and ' dis tract. The proposed council would or of the Bruce County Health be comprised of: seven . members, Unit with, headquarters at muck-• two of which would:'be from. the now, '.has resigned his .position to .Village .Council;,. and would be -a:ccept' the .position.of . sanitary eligible for liberal :grants, under inspector for .the City of Owen .the Departmeryt of. Education ,'Sound, which is , Alan's.home' plan:, A by-law' would . have; `to town. He'. will assume : his new be=. drafted, : and approval given duties an May 14th ; • by :the :Department. • Nr;, Cooper . came to Lucknow ' .Discussion' at, the meeting in January= of 1955,- upon grad- centred round the; possibility of uation.- .He will be.. succeeded here by Lloyd .Ellenton ,of. cardine, upon his graduation in "June. There are three members on .the. ,Bruce Unit inspection staff. HOG PRODUCERS TO HEAR. ABOUT` ASSEMBLY CENTRE Hog .producers .in this area are being' notified of a '••meeting to be' held at the ,Recreation, Hall ..Lucknow, on. Friday .evening at which' . Jake Kohler, general, manager ' of • the Qntario . Hog Producers • Association will' be guest speaker A report will be . heard from the `7 -man committee that ` was named ten days' ago, to; investi gate the •.(possibility of establish- ing an assembly point . at Luck= now: ' Harvey Houston is chair- man of that'' committee. This is a meeting of :importance•. to _hag, ` ¶prod,ucers, and in fact, all farmers, and a large attend'- ;ante is .anticipated. 'DAYLIGHT ,SAVING TIl1fE ' • EFFECTIVE ON SUNDAY • • Daylight,Saving, Time goes' in, to effect . on . Sunday in Lucknow, ,in. comamion with. other 'centres throughout -the --province: ---The- time officially changes at 2.l0 a.m. Better turn that clock ,on an. ,hour upon : retiring-. • Saturday tight,=or you could -be -an hour -late for church on Sunday,. Circulateeiitions Against Closing Ashfield Schools • The . decision, of • the Ashfield Township School Area Board :to close three schools in. the Town-' ship at the end of this. term and .1_ tianspor-t the -students--to adja ' cent schools, has, ' as could be . expected, met• with opposition. ,. There has ,been the proposal advanced to secede from ',the -fir :and -re-establish indi r ua ' school sections.: - petitions are being ';circulated in each of:the' three sections con- cerned, protesting the Board's action. '('hese petitions, we un- derstand, will be pres nted .to the Township C`ounci1.'Reports have it that `'they '• are • being largely • signed. - ' ' The 'three sections -involved are Zion,' S,S', No 5; :S.S, . No. • 16, ' xuz t tir .Concession, • • The Board's action is , basically aimed,. at 'reducing costs, but those 'who are-reitie:tant- -toLL lose heir•, school argue that increas- ed now plowing costs could off-. set the saving, 'resulting from combining two sections, Ir anycase the suibjecthas currently •s ark-. p sect„ sparked quite a con - • s c g z • t b l b PLAN S.' KI•NLOSS.' CENTENNra�:. -South Kinloss "reabyteran Church congregation is to cele'- brate its centennial' annivesary On Sunday'; may 20th:. For some time .this: red-letter event 'has• een ringed on;the calendar an 'the congregation ' has • been 'pre- paring for.. it by a • planned. pro - grain of redecorating and..�iaYi- proving the church building anti enhancing the ,cemetery grounds with memorial' gates and orna- •menta.l" fence. - • At a meeting of. the Centen- nial Committee held at the first of ,the week, plan's were finalized". to •a degree in making final ,�r- ; angements :. o_.�,.:_a•t.propJat-e1v._ cornmomorate` the occasion.. . • e tennis oo . is er7�ti pulblisled by• The Sentinel and in�vit��r•:tio is -aro. gboing sent -04 former :snemnbeis and friends to join with the "Big . Church" con- ;gregation in marking their hun dredth•(birthday. • . , Special services are, planned p 4 •A c n l .b, 1 b t.to., UNIT INSPECTOR LEAVING HERE' Alan; Cooper, •sanitary inspect Alan has boarded '. at' 'Mr. - anl. Mrs. Roy Black's during, his stay here.:. PLAN REP'SHIELD _BLITZ: - FRIDAY • A .corps • of volunteer workers will stage' a, • iblitz on Friday night in.Lucknow on'behalf of The Salvation.' Army: Red Shield appeal—a cause that -needs r o' explanation. '.Chas.. Webster is chairman of the 'local committee and at press time had `lined up sixteen ,can- vassers '. who were .willing to as- sist in the 'blitz They Will 'ap-,I precate your preparedness when they call; , so that they may `get over their territory. 'in : •the one_ evening., It would be a convenience to have_-y_our_.doation .ready_? --large or small -and : residents • of this 'community wi11 no doubt prove again 'that they are always will- ing and .generous in supporting any such .benevolent. cause. .The, Lucknow objective has been set at $500.00. One of these gentlemen will da a ening Wilfredoor on: be tapping on your d y .�Anderson, Kenneth • Cameron, Donald Them,pson. . IP7a r v'.e y Webster, Hato .l •d Thompson, Cameron MacDonald, Gordon Fisher, Rob- crt 1VlacKenzic; Virden Mowbray, Lloyd Hall, `l K. C. 1Vturdi•e, Chas.* Webster,. Alex Andrew, Gerald ath vel1. 'os man- Taylor, 1VI: L Sanderson. 'NEW 1VtA litEi ARRIYESu- Mr. Milton Rayner, newly pointed manager of the Bank of Montreal, arrived -on r1V[onday to f4enior ball, hockey, Ibroomlball, SAILS NEXT WEK ON- NEW LINER. 1. Fred Jackson will sail from Montreal next • Tuesday for a three -months' visit in• England, He will travel,. on the' Canadian Ipacific's spanking .new flagship, the. Empress of :Britain, as she. makes her ,first .west • to east crossing The ship is 'scheduled k a o real- firm--T4ztrr3=. day ' upon completion. of ,her., maiden trans-Atlantic voyage ,She 'sailed•'from Liverpool last Friday. Fred will leave . Lucknow next Sunday or 'Monday. The Empress of .Britain sails ; from Montreal, next Tuesday morning- ,at .11.00 am.,. with Liverpool • as her des-. tination,.. ,From there Fred will make a 200 -mile trip -across. the northern. part of England • to Hull, where he' was .born: fie has' two sisters and a brother living in that city. Fred came. to• Canada • in 1914, • as a..youuth• in his 19th year, and. •started working' , for D'unc: 11!IxlInt r'e-- . ; : < � FS1r2T,1 • Ti717r:�:4 ; a �,.`._..w:..:. thing `--new • for this:•city-(born :young . man. He spent: 'a ' couple' of years :on Ashfield Township farms and in 1916 took .employ- n ent with John Ross in Huron Township. After his death • less than -two years: later, Fred con- tinued. to operate the .farm for .' Mrs. Ross and her.' sister; Miss Margaret •• Henderson.; They , re- tired' e- tired'.'to Lucknow in' 1947. The ladies have Iboth'pass?d on. ' • a Fred' : re, turned 'to his homeland for a. (visit; in .;1939, . but was there., only two :.' weeks when ' World .War IT; .broke out,. and all:Ani'. erican and. Canadian : visitors.• were ordered ' home His return voyage this time is booked for . August • 30th,. on. , the Empress of Britain,•: An ardent. lawn bowler,` Fred• will be.Miss- ed . around the ;greens this sun�i 7. • 1 • •.7 Y mer. town -country minor ball, drains - .• crafts, and a playground, all of which : would come 'under , the proposed Recreation 'Council. . ' Minor 'Ball The .executive ` of 'the .Sepoy. 'Community Sports Association is anxious to know if the surround- ing rural areas, are interested in forming a : town -country `minor ball -group. The idea is (being ex- plored by officials ,to try and -inerease-the number ---of young people. participating in .sports circles.. Any young boy or adult from town :or country who would be willing .to pia" or :organize -a-softibal-l-team, is -asked -to-con- tact ',any'. member of the 'e.e- cutive' promptly. ' •- SAW BEAR TRACKS: In support of • last week's' bear story 'carried by, The Sentinel, Tom Culbert rePor,s that he has. • since seen bear. tracks inthe snow,' which• came' from 'the'. 50 acre.. pine reforestation plot. Late last fall a cow 'freshened in that Picini-ty-Hbut--no•-sign-of-the. caul , or its carcass was ever found' and it is presumed ' that it may • .. have .provided food • for' the hib- ernating bruin.: Hove you renewed your Sen- tinel subscription? Home; �I ftr Comp!eting Research Work In England Dr , Helen Salkeld;returned home on • Saturday; ,upon coorn- pieting a year in research' work. --in-., England: - She is -spending---a. 'few days ,' ith her parents, Mr: and Mrs, . T, • J. Salkeld, before 'resuming her duties . •at Ottawa, Miss Salkeld returned by air .mhkir g--an-°venlight-4-rip--frorrr England to be met at 'Mahon on Saturday 'morning. by ,her'' parents, Dr. Salkeld is associated with the science ser c ice branch of the Department of Agriculture at' Ottawa. She was on a year's. leave of absence to. carry •out re .search work• with insecticides at kiothain'sted Exiperii ental ,Sta- tion; near London England,' _which •is that._ Fours -try s-olde •:ex - perimental station. b�. Salkeld p -gr ua e scho ars ip course at • Rothamfited, where. She 7_eceiyed: lit rn:_Ph.D.!,...degree...in 1952, During the - past year in Eng land she spent her summer Vaca- tion On a motor' tour of Scotland and spent Cl rastthas. iri'Paris. Prior to . going overseas 'Dr, 'DRr HELEN SALK1aLD ' Salkeld did field .Work, for' the Ottawa Departmment and upon her return to the Capitol ek -ts e aasignedto a -rotor work for 'Sunday; ,arida historxcal and a new duties, Mr, Cou.se as5•uzne his roversy: o ial eve'nin. on Monday." will remain here this week. ....::,...k..:a.......:,,tt.;.,....i.w..•.! .Si:......:..:..ti .1+^,-.• ..•...-.......,..�;..w.;.:..:.-:,:......:•.a.;.. ,:,. ,..:..:: - .�...+...,•ra -... .. ..:. 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