HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-18, Page 11W. PNESDA ,, AP'1144 18th, 1956 gra ANO " TiiS 1 v ? a •A -Z7 WMJ,11 llr r ,�ilir7rd THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL,, I,UCKNOW, QNTAZUO • 11112261111. 1111 'I3,A.N1K OF 1\11.4yN i Kt pi' •A'AYINGS• DEDARI1.401 / eit reliN44•a gnat Scud . A WORKING ; WITH CANADIANS IN' EVERY WALK' OF LIFE` SINCE, 1817 ra' mama maims Bof,m Lucknow Branch: MURRAY . 'COUSE, Manager • • ,•...•.:... ,....•.. e •..., e'e e ••••:•!•••••••••••••••• .... • $CHOOL, GROUP ATTENDED '. OPEN- HOUSE AT. :WESTERN William MacDonald and Dick Abel. teachers at Lueknow • Dis- :trict ;Hugh ' School, along . with Q students .Arnold .Hartford, Arch . ie McQuillan and Roddie •Wraith • of Grade : 12, and George ' Rich= ards, Percy Barr,, . John .Helrn and Carmen Nixon, of Grade ' 13, at- tended. the ;',open ' house.;of the' Physics ' and 'Chemistry depart- ments of Western .University, .at. London: • last' week -end. , The ,group, were •part:.. of. 400 teachers and students from Wes-; tern Ontario:who availed them- selves'• of the 'opportunity •ofl. vis- iting. 'the University and viewing varius experiments in light :.un- der ;the headings of .: defrac'tion, ' Phone 181- 'Kincar.:din. • e •. ,• ' PAYING .HIGHEST PRICES FOR 'LIVE POULTRY' Poultry :Culling A :Specialty ' In accordance .,with government 'regulations ,our poultry coops are: thoroughly. washed •and disinfected '. for yourprotection. spe.ctrascopy, atomic :'structure, •electricity arid, chemical labor' a- tory procedure. : All of the .group ' were • volun teer blood•'donors for Paul Meik- lejohn, but, th'e. service• of all the'. group, was not .needed. and -Car. -. men Nixon was the ' only dopa7. bon taken ':at this time. LITTLE TOT WON SEVEN '. Y1r;AR-OLD. SOLO` C AS Little Cheryl 'Tell, daughter of Mr. and•, Mrs.:' Aubrey Toll of lyth, is- to be congratulated on receiving the '.highest nurrilberof points . forher solo' in her age group 9f" seven ' and under -at the Music Festival of twzi townships, Morris and, East Wawanosh. Shet was also 'within one mark of • the highest in Senior grades. Cheryl is a granddaughter of Mrs., Will MacCrostie of this district. Is_ Your Subscr'ption. Paid? . n• • h .. FACTO • I. • .Wholesale Deal 'rs TV .SERVICE CONTRACTS ANTENNA: INSTALLATIONS TV .PA.RTS, TUBES ANTENNA PARTS; ADIO' PARTS,- `TUBES 4 Consumer Specialized .TV ' Service 01 at .depot ;ANTENNA REPAIRS• ANTENNA 'INSTALLATIONS ear warranty $59.00'io• $129.00 90i€}ayarrantyaOn. _..._.. _ .• ALL TV SERVICE . � �,.• VI'SI�P �J` hetour-probl�exns�-TV- dwards Buildin Radio• Victoria St., Wingham Phone 96( n i .�• i .' '. ! r +aws"r"= INMICIMIN PAGE ELVEN West Wawanosh .1[o P.'iy: Gaderich Hospital Grant In Two Instalments (W,; Wawanosh bound], Minute. West Wawanosh Twp. Cour held their regular April meetin on April 10th, 1956. • The min utes : of thes.March meeting were read ' and adopted on motion, of Councillors Miller .and McPhee'. • ^' ' • ;On. a motion •by • Councillor 6•Diarnin and Miller, Twp. Coun cil agreed to:'•accep;t. the 'tend • of. .George Radford for • the crus ly 7, 0 cubic ,yards or grave t g -o pproxirn-a ly 7, in ••1`956 •at the. rite of: 60c pe cubic yard. On a motion • by Councillor Culbert nncL McPhee, Council de tided to procure ,a bond in th amount. of $1;000 on the Warble Fly inspector for •1956. The ,bond policy was taken out ,with, ,the Flog Insurance Co. . After : considerable discussion' Council' : decided to • grant • the Goderich •I-tospital Board the surra,' of $4;100 in two instalments' -the first instalment being ' a grant of•.$2,050 in 'April 1957, and. the .second •instalment ' being a grant •of • $2,050 in April, ,1958.' s) EXCELLENT ,PLA,X cil ' The• dramatic club ' of Zion g Church at Arinow, 'staged a, 'de- lightful de-lightful .play • "Uncle Josh Per- loins" at 'B1alfe's. on Thursday ev- • ening. • The , play was well pre- sented' although the crowd was a fbit• small. Between acts Lo'uise Androw contributed piano. '' :sel- s esti fns', and. Wrxs. ; Buckingharn gave a humorous cotc�h nurriber. h� 1 r ' COU'N.CIL.=MIN-IvTTES IiIN1OSS TOWNSHIP ' Kinloss Council met in the hall • ri s on April .'2nd, 1956, ashper . ad - j ournrent ' All members Pres-, This --,decision was ea h Eon, _. •m'otiai ,. by .:iCoune l'lors 1Vliiler & McPhee. Motion carried. Th Clerk . was instructed to writ Goderich. Hospital Board in thi respect. On 'A motion by .. Councillors ..McPhee. and Culbert; ' Council passed a by-law'for the Purpose: of.maintai ing stop signs on two streets that join Main "Street in the Cpolice village• of Auuburn It'•w.as.. pointed ' out to. Council that the rate'.for Goderich.' High School District'for .1956 would be 8 mills 'and. also that :the•de- benture ' levy in . the amount . of $4,024.26 is• due July 1, 1956: Murray -Carruthers that: the minutes of • regular , •npeting' of 1Vlaroh 5Ith and especial meeting of March • 16th as read be. approv- ed and signed. ' Carruthers and ,Conn . that we order 20 drums of.weed spray,,, and 15 .•gallons of'Bruslikill from Chipman Chemicals. . ' Murray ' and .Moffat that . we' reject' the relief aec:ount from Vest Wawanoah and the account" -4be- r.etu nie'd. Carruthers - Murray _ �... . '-�1VZuri�ay that we re- ''• e ject tile indigent claim for Baby o ;Stroeder.. s Conn -Moffat that we • accept the .indigent claim. .ofGeorge.:• Haines and 'Mrs. ; Levi :"Carter. Murray -Moffat' that the ;. Clerk �infomn the , Geor,gian : Bray .: De- veloprrient Association.' 'that • we • are not- interested • in : Member- ship. Carruthers -Conn that we do how adjourn and constitute as a • Court of Revision on: the Taylor • Tiffin,Scott Drainage By -Law; Iwo :a!ppeals ;against acreage from Charles. Taylor . and Wallace Conn were 'sustained and adjust- ments made,.• '.Moffat •' Carruthers'that we now` close •the Goairt: of Revision - on the Taylor -Tiffin -Scott. Drain- . age;,By-Law and it be:1giiven first'.. and. second ' readings, and the... 'Clerk forward to the. Ontario Municipal Board for :approval and we .now resume for general• ,business: ...On a motion by Councillors McPhee And Miller, the 'follow- ing accounts' were ordered paid: Alfred Rollinson; • postage and. envelopes, , $6,97;, Huron.. Co Treas., indigent patients, 51.00'; Mrs. May Smith, relief allow- ance, ,22.21;. Wm. Rintoul, three fox (bounties, 3.00; Huron County Treas, : Standard, patient, ..57.00.; Blyth Standard, 'printing acc''t., 9.00; City °of :Guelph;'•. February and March relief accounts, 86.70; R. T -1 -)Kilpatrick, ' Ins: bond on WarblFly': Inspector, 7.50; Dur- nin Phillips, Warble Fly liability, insurance, •25.00; • ; • -RoatE-xpenditures ' Lorne Ivers;. ,'salary, `. $120.00; .I'mper-igl •O11 Ltd., . fuel oil, . 39.60; Treas. of Ont:,• tax ori, fuel, 22.00; Gus Devereaux, motor oil. 20:40; Daily Commerical' News, gravel ,tender advt., 7.70; • Norman M'= Donald;; • .plowing snow with truck, 366:00. ' t urnin Phillips, 'insurance, non -Township owned vehicles 'emlployed . by' Twp., 2$.62; .Durnin 'Phillips,.,insurance week spraying; 75.00. Council adjourned to meet on ;May 8th, next, on' motion' by, Councillors ' -McPhee •and , Dur nin: J F. FQRAN, Twp. • Clerk.: Presbyterian Easter Thankoff'g The W.M.S. joined •. with • the Evening'Auxiliary at the Easter T;IYarrkoffer.ing ' which ,was : held in the ' ,church basement on April 13th. Mrs. Jack Fisher presided: Miss Maudie Fisher offered pray er after a' 'hymn was sung. A group of •• children/ from. '' Miss ,Webb's room sang a n xm'ber: Mrs. N. , Taylor gave the Bible' reading and meditation. A' read- ' ing was given - by M•rs.r J. Pol- lock.: The ° schod1 .children render- ed another number. Mrs. Mor- gan Henderson intr duced the guest speaker, Mrs, ,Nk ilsori of • Port Elgin„: She gave a. Very in- teresting, n-teresting• talk ;oi-i the conditions and ---different- religions- rri India: _.Mr.an•d-Mr; s:'” Wilson..• s .,...,..., Vii'' pent Sr1.- then years , as ` missionaries Ind"ia. • Mrs. J. Pollock thanked the speaker. rs.•• J.. MacDonald closed the meting with prayer after'' hynm 8 was sung. Lunch was served. ,Moffat -Murray that the Reeve and Glerk. sign a petition or pe- titions applying for .aid ' for the Wraith Drainage :Schenie •and the' • Taylor -Tiffin -Scott D. r a i n a g e Scheme,, ;under the provisions of the-`"Provinccial Aid' :to: Drain: . • a'. it !„ • Murray-Corruthers that the in- surance on the Hall. property • be renewed in amount of .$6,500.00 with 'the. Culross Insurance Cern- .Pant,: . Moffat -Conn that a by -Taw be prepared appointing the follow- ing Fire.. Wardens in the Town- sh Cp:+r Concessions .1 •,and • 2, 'Harry • Lavis; Concessions 3 arid 4, .Rus- sell' Ritchie;: Concessions 5' •&` 6, Ivan T McKinnon; Concessions 7 .and 8, Cliff Johnston; Cones-• "signs 9 -ad 10,.- Frank Thompson; Concessions 11 and 12, • Jack Barr; Base •,and South Lines, ' ,Morley Bushell!. Highway No. 9 • and North Lines, Dougall Capp.- ,bell': r . • 1Vliurray-Conn that Dan T. Mc- Kinnon be refunded •$14.00 • dog tax - on taxespard i -ori Cochrane property:' -7-Carruthers- urray that We' clo now adjourn. to meet' again on Monday the 7th day of May 1956. Cheques issued: relief; $75.00; 'Village of Ripley,. P Carter' fire,' 100.00. Dr. J, A. 'MacDonald, School" dental work; •35.00;• S•au- geeri 'Valley C. A., 1956 assess, ••• merit, 87.44; Kinlough Garage, repairs t9• sprayer.. 66.75; J. R. ane, • -postage 5.00, unemploy- ment ' • stamens ' .80-x-5.80; 'Frank T•horrpson, reg. tax'. ce;ficte,- 7.70--1)an T. McKinnon, refund dog tart, 14.00. • Highway cheques: Pay 'list leo, 4, oft30 C „,.„„ oft'5$ 58; R�,brrison-Irwin, 6u1 verts, 226;24; H. 1T. `Bannerman, snowplowing 684.00, tire 84 tube'. 248.09; Dept. Highways, fuel tax, 31.90'; L: Becking snow plowing, 108.87. J. R..'LANE, Clerk, 4*. . A:. • f. r .,;