HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-18, Page 7WEDNESDAY, APRIL 18th, 1956; The Coi poration of the Village of 'Lucknow • *.... AUJDITOR'S. CERTIFICATE Subject to the `report herein contained, I hereby _report that in n1y opinion: • , (1)" All the explanation's and infgrimation, required•'have been obtained.The financial transactions. ( tions. which` have come under my nQtiee have ,been within the powers of the municipality.. (3) The audit sbeen condu'eted in accordance with the instructions of. the Depo�ent of Municipal .Affairs. ' (4) ,;The Balance Sheets, .,Revenue and Expenditure State, merits and ,Supporting Schedule$ are properly drawn up -to Odin, t a true and correct statement of,the affairs as shown the ,books: of the 'municipality! .UCKNQW SENTINEL, L _ �._.. vcKNQW, oNTARzO, •_ , • PAGE 'SEVEN' c"r' 7Li1n'Y rrr .. ., 4. M. HARPER. • Li'C.ense • Number 460, Date of'filing, , 'February 22 • CULROSS. ,CORNERS • •Bernice Tho ion beSgan • ,her educational career after . 'Easter 'holidays by starting to school at S.S. No: 3, Kinloss. ' Several, of the ladies attended. the Hobby Club exhibition, and concert in Teeswater on Friday evening ':and report a lovely . showing of work and • a good ,concerts • • Mr, ' Ed Schumacher. of Walk- erton. spent . Friday :evening at • Brown's. ' We are sorry. • to report. that We are ,glad to•meport that Mr. Mrs. Catherine O'Neil fell . and James Wraith ,was: able, to" be injured' her leg.. Hope' you are, brought home' on ,Sunday after soon around again: ' •a brief:. stay in'. Wingham Hospi 'Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Nicholson tal. A• and. Harvey' : of Benvie. spent Donnie Wall -spent Saturday Sunday evening at frown's :Billy 23e1e�__ Mr: •and Mr's: Elmer Wall, 8th; Is Your, Subscription. Paid? • ,Cori. and; ' Mr. , Joe Wall;; Tees - Water, visited Sunday afternoon h _Mi's:.'Mar`Y Wa1T �1�r and Mrs. proal Wilson; Mfi and -Mr. �. WJas.: Sunday visitors with Mr: an Mrs. Midtord ,Wail and Donnie were Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hack- ett and Dougo. of Ashrfield and: Mr: • and •Mrs. ' Eric Hackett' and children, Paramount.. Mr. Harry Brow/1.°f Richmond Hill spent Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Brown and• 'Reg. b, O$ or To Owners,'' Harborers . or Possessors of Dogs. within the Municipal..0 oration of P the, Village of- ,Luck now. f • Pursuant to ,By -Law . No . 4, 1956, all Owners, Harborers or Possessors of Dog ' ' procure ,from the Corporat 1 Any within the said Municipality. shall 1'ion AT THE MUNICIPAL OFFICE , • A TAG FOR '. SAME, 1fee 25 cents and shall pay an annual License •Fee• of Two- i1 . Dollars for . a Dog, if only :, one and 'Four Dollars for each 1 additional Dog, and Four Dollars for" a Female Dog, 'if only , one, and Six` Dollars for each .additional Female .Dog owned, i harbored 'er' possessed by. him, 1 Each License 'and Tag shall ' be procured; on or _ 1 j before May 1st' and shall expire . December 31st. '.1. in each year. I. The Corporation Of the Village of Luckn c.,.........71.../ (....,„X0 1/i11l„..iu..... O�IMi....o.....q..r....,. f1 ....,:f By -Law No. 5, 195.6: A BY-LAW TO; PROHIBI'T DOGS RUNNING AT LARGE IN- THE VILLAGE OF LUCKNOW', • WHEREAS it its provided by the Dog Tax' and • Sheep Pro- tection Act, lf.S:O. 1950, Chapter 107, Section 6;' that Coun- cils of Urban Municipalities may pass, By -Laws for prohibit. in the riuuling atlarge of dogs: . TiiEREFOItF the Council of the Corporation of the Village; of Lucknow enacts as follows: ' 1. That to. dog .or dogs shall be permitted to run at large Within the limits of .the Corporation of the Village of. 'Luck-, w and shall be securely'.tied .or closed 'up. by the owner or owners or harbourer at all tunes unless on leash from 'the .lst day ,of 'May,to the 1st day of October in the year. 056 and during the same period in each subsequent year while this .Hy -Law. 'rerhains. in force. 2Any , g.'' t . g 'g y•' rna` do � found ru�nnin at large contras to this kitl'e . Without, being impounded by' the Chief of Police of th, said 'Corporation or underhis order and direction. 3'— :. For the purposeof this B Law a do 'he shall- be- deemed. runninrg at. large when 'found iri' a` highWay" Of—tither public plate and not under the control of any person Signed, sealed and finally ,passed this 2nd day of AprilA,D. ] 958. r • t' L AGNEW, Clerk A. W. HAMILTON,Reeve The • Easter' Thankoffering of the WMS, was held in the church •on Tuesday .with Mrs. W. I, 'Miller presiding. The theme 'e!, the worship. service was "Re - of r of. i_ e a • r d 1, f' e e e. a°' loi.eing in Hope" Mrs. Lora. Woods read '"`What does, Easte mean to 'you" and the story the resurrection' was. read in un son Mrs,,;, Alex Murdie gave th meditation on Easter,. aS' •a seas on of gladness and joy and as. t}me ,for resolve; ;i s. ,Frank. Mc Quillin gave 'the meditation. o the Cross and. Mrs, • Joohn Cara eron on' the .Resurrection. Mrs T J, 'Tedd read 'of the taste festival•—Victorious 'living, • :Th treasurer reported °'that $30' ha been- , sen to ;. the l�'res!lyteria Treasurer. ' The theme of the 'Meeting. o the W .A. that, followed was Th Easter Gladness". The . president Mrs. T. J. Todd, `w.as in charg and' the 'meeting Opened with the theme hymn prayer and .th. creed,: Mrs. Eldon. Miller'' tread the : scripture 'lesson and 'Mrs •John Cameron, the l e s s o n thoughts. ' At the conclusion • pleasant. social hour was spent when lunch . was served 'by Miss Annie Durnin arid. Mrs. Frank MoQuiljin:.,. Rela—The play, ',Too Many tives". was presented:iby the Bel - grave and, Blyth A Y:P U in the community • hall -off' Wednesday evening under, the auspices: `of the: Women's. Institute.' Clark Johnston' sang• 'between the .acts and dancing to music by 'the Wraiths with 'Mrs, Scott'' at the piano ,b1ought. an enjoyable: ening to a ..close... . 31 r. Hugh Rutherford, ' who suffered a. slight, stroke recently, is 'making: favorable recovery in Wingham, Hospital ,Terry Wilson; had, his' tonsils 'removed .at Wingham Hospital on Saturday 'dung People's; Meeting The meeting. of the ,St. Helens Y.P. was held on Sunday. Doris- Miller, convener of ` Stewardship and Training; had charge of•'the :: worship service, -which included' the ..:call to torship, . singing .:01, hymns,'. the scripture 'reading; ;a. prayer, • the reading ' of .a poem and the benediction: Mr. Howlett conducted the Bible study. Anne Todd, presided for the adminis- tration. Mrs. Howlett and Anne' led in a 'sing -song: The meeting.' closed with taps and prayer ,by Mr. Howlett:.. KINLOUGI-I • Mr. Dick Richards of .Para- mount visited ,on.Monday neve •ing with Mrs. J. W. Colwell, Misses Nellie and Margaret iMaleolm of Lucknow visited on Wednesday ..with friends :here.. Mrs. Roy ,Schneiler was host- ess at the church. f(r the A'ng- lican W A:. 'rrieetin'g .on Thursday afternoon.. ” The 'opening exer- cises were followed with : busi- ness. Tentative plans were' made for the; Dibt esan annual ; meeting in :London • on April '.; 24th,' 25th .ad. •26th. A speCial••.offering will be received at • the May . meeting for the work pn the Columbia Coast. .The allocation •for the. 'Deanery ,was- accepted. The roll call '.was answered With an Bast- -er-,verse:.-Thank• you .e ipressioris were made from members who had been remembered by , the facial iervice secretary during °illness' and bereavement. Two quitts—were-quiltezl tu'r, frig—'C afternoon... Mrs. J. Palmer led in the litany and Mrs, .Howard Thompson;, president, closed the ' meeting with prayer. 1VIrs. ,• Wm .. Cox thanked •the 'hostess'' and dainty refreshrnen.ts brought ,a ,pleasant afternoon to a close: Miss Joan Hamilton of Con. 4, Kinloss and Miss Mary. Scath of Tiverton, who .spent the week teaching in our school,' returned toStratford` Teachers! .College,,_; tri resile their studies" there:` 'Mr. and Mrs, Maurice H•od'gins of Londonspent, the week -end, with 'relatives here: r Mr: and_ IVIrs 'Walter 'Porker ' and family of Ripley visited on Sunday with Mrs. J. 'W. Colwell..' Barbara '. stayedfor a • holiday. here. ' Mr. John Murray, left ,this Week for"... 'Lethbridge, Alberta, }310 LATE MODEL' SPECIA�, -- 1955 STANDARD CHEV.. SEDAN -With Radio -- :$1,695 , 1955 Choy. Standard. Sedan, fully equipped. f' 1954 Chev: Pbwerglide Deluxe' Sedan .,, ,.,,.,,$1,$.95' Two 1954 Standard$1;650 Chev Sedans",�jnll)- u-ipped $1,495 1954: Chev. ',Belair , Convertible, ' fully equipped $1,995 1952. Plymouth Sedan , w, $ 950 1953 .Pontiac Sedan $1,295 1951 Chev. Deluxe Coach $ 900. 1051 'Pontiac Coach ; .. $� •950' 1949 • Chev. Coach _...695 $ 495 1948 Pontiac Coach"' 1948 Chev. Fleetline .Coact%;.. , 1948 Plymouth Sedan , 1948 Pontiac Sedan TRUCKS 1949_Up Ford i/z -7ton - Pick4.1p. 19.47 .Dodge %-Tun Pick -nip f 525- $ 495 $: 495 . $. 450 • $ 395 1949 Chev.'• %-Ton, with FY'at Rack • $ 395 . Huron • County's •Forem •.Vsed Car' 'Dealers Cask, Trade, .Terms ;-Open Evenin ` Until 10 Cities' .Service Dealer'� - . Phone. 73a, .Brgsse'ls where: he will' spend a while at the homy of • his uncle, John 'Murray. Mr. and, .Mrs. Lorne Kraemer and son .Larry of Toronto' spent the week -end with Mr. 'and Mrs: P. A. Murray.. Miss Lonna . Nicholson speint the week -end with Mr. and Mrs. George Cuyler, Millarton. Toro McFar+lan • held a clearing auction •safe on, Tuesday afternoon, having,. soldh'is•farm to his brother • Donald: . • Little Margaret and Marilyn Bushell ,visited Saturday ' with 'Sharon Hodgins, ' it being her ,1 "N• ' Rl• • I r Mrs. :John Barr and family . vis- . ited ' Sunday with Mrs: Purvis, Mr • and,. Mrs.. Jack Cuyler and: family • visited Thursday • evening with Mr. and• • Mrs:. Bert Nich olson. .. An' Asesments • , Gpealarricks ansd Culross Townships have appealed their :assessments •in the. Walkerton District I•figh -School Area.,meeting of `•ass ess ors has be . A en held but a de-• icision .is being deferred';until the. Paisley, euualization .;is completed ,birthday: in the fall.. 'S MAD ?'?'/" "Me? Not on your life! I'm just shouting loud enough so's everybody can bear what 1 have to say. And what hat I have to say is, this: Never overlook the importance of . . your estate.' Our Tigerish friend. is so- right. Fortunately, toda.+,a many Wise men and women, rely On the experience and co-operation of The Sterling' Trusts Corporation in • natters concerning theirestate. Our free booklet, . . • "Blueprint For Your Family," covers' marry aspects Of _OP. to altAinistrauon_ lreitfoi otir-enfr-:..to y;_ THE TENLING ,C.. . b R P C9 R A t 1 . ' HEAD OFFICE • 'FRANCH OFFICE iYO flay S'f ,Toronto t-$ Duntop St.,:•Earrie• •y{ �y -,�y.. +� ,rte ,.�. fir �il��!'�Jili..^C.'*�LC�.''rir.��R: �4�"�li%i4•�Irw'*.r�rn'1�y+`'-.,M.:•�.7..,,.ir,�`.I�WiI•rMiirl�;l�ar;"�:,r:.'.�.�::: .r �r.