HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-18, Page 6Me r? • vLS^2� ice. :•Tioe. LUCKNOW SENT?, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO Other Revenues: Rents, •Concessions and Franchises , Fines •.,.... , ..„... ,.•:... Service Charges, .,,,..,,,....• W19> AY, APRIL 18th, 1956 Thi corporation • of The Village afLucknow H L.DENBY LECTR U;C : ' MOTOR • 1 SERVICE .Armature: and Field. Windinto Brushes, Bearings, Etc. Repairs to ' ' Fractional-- and -Integral Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Pans, Vacuums; Clippers, Drills, Etc, UALDENBY ELECTRIC Sinlouglr Phone Ripley 111-r-29 Piave 'you renewed your Sentinel? { sKE'LTQ.N: EMQRL ti ;rt �7s .y ►• l.' b. • a Tw It • l4 6'E ilz r, WALKERTON We are the only manufac- tuers. ins this part of Ontario of high class monuments who ,import granite from the Old Country in the rough by. the carload' and process from the rough to the • finished monument. No middleman. When choosing a monument come and. see - one of the 01, largest selections in Ontario. Established over sixty years. Write or :`phone Walkerton $ and reverse charges. SKELTO'N MEMORIALS WALKERTON udittr';'s February 21, 1956 The . Reeve, Membersof Council and Ratepayers The. Corporation of • the Village of Lucknovir Lucknow,. Ontario, Dear Sirs: I have . audited ,the accounts and ',records. of the : Village o: Lucknow for, the ' year ended Decemlber 31, 1955 and have pre. • pared._therefrom the statements andschedules listed in the Index • accompanying ' this report,:' to some. of • th'ese statements, : the following conn- . • With respect . are'presented• /rents Balance Sheets All bank balances have, been reconciled with amounts• con- firmed directly to • me ,by: your bankers. Utilities 'Commission - HydroThe investments held. by the Public/ Hydro were verified, by examination on February 16, 1956; '. Capital. and Loan Fund Balance Sheet ' During 1.955, •$5,777.77; 4% debentures due in *1956 and -the t succeeding nine years were issued at par to finance a grant o Wingham• General -Hospital. , • • Revenue Fund Balance Sheet Due from Province of Ontario $2,126:60 • The following estimated subsidies.. receivable make . up this - 11,11 A 1111 amount; .„• 0 Highways improvement 1111.: $ 2,05790 0 Relief 68.7 ; 2,126,60 Taxes, receivable* $5,952.86 • Negative tax verification notices were,mailed:to all tax payer's in arrears ,as at. December 31;1955. 1955:• To date no replies indicating differences have been received that were not satisfactorily dealt, with. .. ,w 4 • • 'TooledTo . Repair'. All Makes Of Tractors, Machines & Shop Work ACETYLENE & ARC WELDING KI NLOUGH'• GARAGE W. BRECKLES. Phone 18-r-20, 'Ripley THE HOME Of QUALITY SERVICE and Genuin BONN DEERE PARTS ;IMPERIAL. ESSO DEALER, Esso: and Esso ,Extra. Gasoline Marvelube and: Mineralube M BIT OI 'ATLAS TIRES --,-Alava +s' loop to—Imperial...,.,... 'for the best * * J : E. MecDONALD Phone 3, .LucknT w .. Operations' 1111 The operations for the year resulted in::a surplus of $2,286.69; compared, 'with a surphis of $1,928.45: for 1954. • statement nt . of Presented below ' is a . condensed comparative e Revenue. and, Expenditure:for the years ended December 31, .195$, .1:954 .and 1953:. . Revenue 1955 /1954 .. '195_3.. Taxation :..4 $ 49,069.17 ` $ 44,020.60 $ 35,124:7.9 Debenture` debt charges recov- ; . :eralble w.. 24,588.91 25,837:40 29;608.20 Grants and 'subsidies /' -r • Ontario Province o 341.01 4,975:56 3,385:001 f � ” . 5a. County ; of Bruce -road rebate 623:57 ' 760.99 593.67 Licenses and permits • ' •:•„ •... - ... 164.00,: ' ,190.00 175.00 Interest and tax penalties • 135.99: , 96.44 83.53 .Other 'revenues .::•..•••.•••• ••.•. 2,505.06 1,686.92 1111 643.58 . Year ended December 31 Gross Total Revenue Total Revenue Section. ...R,. r 1111 .Expenditure General Government': ' • Executive and Legislative •.,,,,J Administrative Other ,,.,.,• ,. ..•••••1•1•••••• . •, op 1,333.06. 11,11 72.90 , 1,100.00 ' 2,505.06' $::82,427.71 $ $2,427.71 11.66 U09,24 : , 1111,. , 1,708.23 •--=- '$ 4,809! 15 Protection to Persons and Property: Fire t ' , Law Enforcement Street Lighting 11,11.....••t•••• • , .., •;,, • Protective , Inspection Wor g. ,-- ,Roads, •P.Highways, , and: •subliG: �, •, , 1111 - 1111.+.• . .: ' .Streets, etc,' . •,.,,• 1111. ... .. Sanitation., and WasteRemoval • Conservation of Health Social Welfare—Relief 'Assistance' 'Assistance' Educ ation, including ' debt. •charges. -Recreation and Community Services • 'Debt Charges:: • • • DebentureQ debt charges 3 31',899:76' 18'99,76 Less awn :Aare of school .debt charges .... 4,992.72 6,152.37 •. 40.00• 2;762.00 $ 82,427.71 $.77,567.91- $ 69,793.77 Year ended Decenvber 31 Expenditure' • 1955 1954 • 1955.3 ,General government' $`.' 4,809.15 $.'` ' 5,617.87. $ 4,89J:93 Protection to persons and ' 'property • " 8,969:37 • 8,728.04 ., 7,181:33 Public works — roads ( 7,982:39 6,582.36. 3,83339 Sanitation and waste removal 74L74 ' • 769.50 488.43 Conservation of health w ,4,517:03 3,356.26 • •• 1,558:16 Relief assistance 780.00 8.40:00 , • 1,040.90 -Education , 1-6,189.-1.5 . 17,08.0:07 • _._11,O1I0 9. Recreation and 'community. seri vice • 2,145.77: Debt . charges, • : 27,626:3.0 Tax es written off by Court of Revision 1111. 179.13 County rates., 6,176.29 ,Taxes refunded " 21.50 • 2,867-60 28,608.32 137.77 '6,051.67 1,946.35 32,f 88.68 12.46 5,463.64 ° 80,137.82 75,639.46 • 70;114.26 2,289.89. ; .1,928.45 ' , ' 320:49 Surplus or deficit $ 82,427:71 .$' 77,567.91 '' $ 69,793,77 • . � ..•� 1111. The operations for the, other -Commissions and Boards of the ,Village-of-Luckno-w.were; as shown herewith for. 1955. Public utilities ;Commission Hydro :— surplus • .$ 519:0.4 Water: Supply. System ; — surplus r • 140.6 9 Lucknow District High- School — surplus Lucknow: Public School Board — deficit • • ' 113:38 Lucknow. Library Board --'surplus Y 663.83 Lucknow Arena .Committee •• T :deficit :. • • '455.64 Lucknow. Recreational Centre surplus ,1111•:. :.....„ ..•. 9.92 Lucknow Caledonian Par ommi ee — •e Resp eitfully submitted, , • AY 4t2. HARPER, Chartered . Accountan Interest and other 'charges Taxes written off ;by Court of 'Revision 'County' Rates Taxes refunded. •Gross dotal -Expenditure •. -. Surplus -tor the te•aX «.ww.whcrr r^ 26,907.04 719.26 The Corporation ,of the Village of Lucknow ' REVENUE AND EXPENDITUREDecember YTEMENT • -For the year ended. 31, 5 •. Total ' w•en ue from Revenue - Taxation $49;06917 Re Debentu.r•e Debt. Charges Recoverable 24,588:91 • ., i.... -. 1111 . . "_• Qf `'C"..orttribUtfiCYns`G i' nt =eI rtitii bxlIes3 -� • 1111_ ----- Children's Protection 55.38 Direct Relief ' 382.93, _Homes- for the Aged _,.,,, ..r,..:.:.... 122:85• .:: :11,::,11..... 18:00>.. _....�.,:. Highway Improvement • 2,718.85 Unconditional Per Capita Grants 1,362.00 'Special, grant ,11:;11....::• ................... ..1111:.....:,Y:Y . 681:00 Other Municipalities 1111. .... ......... ...........Y.: License ,,and Permits'” (including dog tar) Interest, ,'Tax Penalties,' etc. , . .: ,:1111 .......__.....,-,11__11. m...._.�..,.r.,.�...._._ , ..,�,.,.._..._.,�, M Total Expenditure Section , • "8,969:37' 7,982:39 741,74 4,517,03._: 1111 780.00' 16,189:15 2,145.77 27,626.30. 179.13. 6,17829. 21.50 $ 80,137.82 2,289.89,_ •$• 82;427':71 The Corporation of the Village of Lucknow ELECTRIC LIGHT AND POWER REVENUE AND . EXPENDITURE STATEMENT For the year ended December 31, 1955 Revenue Sale of 'Electrical :Energy: Residential Sales, ' i••••. $ 12,593.28. • Commercial Sales: : °. Power and Lighting ,:1111 13.•081;40 .. .Sales to :own Municipality 1111. Street Lighting 1111 .• , -2,762.00 Miscellaneous Incomei' . 260,35' Bond interest' . 1111. •$ 28,697.03 .Total::Ineorr�e 1111. , Total ••'Income Section . • $ .28,697.03 • Expenditure Administration and General . , • .. $ 1,551.91" Customers' Billing, and:' Collecting 1,781;48 Electrical Energy Purchased • '21;377.03 Distribution Maintenance. 1,394.87 .• Street Lighting' Maintenance355.70, Depreciation. � 1,71.7,-00 Total Expenditure •$ 28,17 7.99 Surplus ,for, Year. carried forward' to. Surplus Account 519.04'. -Total Expenditure Seetion 28,69 7:03 • The Corporation of the Village of Lucknow — : -WATER SUPPLY -SYSTEM • , ° REVENUE AND; EXPENDITURE STATEMENT For the year ended' December 31, 1955 1111 Revenue Sale of Water: Residental j .$ 7,416.11 Hydrant ' Rental. Miscellaneous -Income: Materials sold • • A♦ 3,420.00 •$ 10;836.11. . 1111. 7.00. • .:Total. Income Section $ 10,843.11' Statistics Population served; Inside Municipality, 911;. % Outside. Muni cipa-kt3r-60-'Souree-'-of--Supply, :Deep Wells; 1V ethos of ;o.p1Y., • Gravity; Miles of Mains, .3.75'; Number of Hydrants within Muni- cipality, 39. • • • • • Expenditure Administration and General ...;:...•.�:;, ::........:...'...:.,$ 1,524.'5 ' Power and Pumping Operation 1111,..,. 11 11.,. (35.78 •Transmission and Distribution — Operation 1111.... 1',619 92.•' Debenture' discount amortized 95,85 1111., Debenture' Debt Charges t:......... Y,. 6,77 6.12• . Total ExpenditureOlga...480o 4110 •l 0. 02.42 Surplus for year •••••••400•••-•1••••••••••••••••• .. ..::..::•.•...Y.,./...::..:..: !.......: 140.69 -_...�.-:.....� ure __ ofaT ExpenditSecfiori ,1111. ,: ,u N•,//Y,IY,.,, Y.YY.,i„YY,,.�Y. •+••.• ' Statistics . _ a1s 1111 �_ 00::; . ... Production, of Water �ti:�.....�•,�. •1111,,•. 1111 ..... ......:....•,•��w •33,22 ,,.0� 1111.,-�,,. Consumption of Water „ 1111. Y 11:11. Y ......... . :.: 33,220,00() gals• 5,341.01 623.57 • 164.0Q, 1.3599' .I' Domestic and Commercial' Rates: • Consumers with toilet $20.00; •Consumers without, toilet' $1:3.33; Industrial ;by agreement/ direct with Water System; Churches, - 50% of domestic rate; Gross rates,subject to 10% prompttl1Ymen.. discount...