HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-18, Page 4PAGE rouR viE LucKwow =want, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1- 1 0-,...-.....)4044......w..............;,0 1 COMING EVENTS.; i 1 DAFFODILf;TEA • The Ladies' Court' •of the • C.O.P. are 'holding a 'hake sale and bazaar in the`Legion Rooms, Saturday, April 28t1i at 2,30 PP. Children's sun dresses, sun suits, aprons, etc. Tea will....'be served. Everyone welcome. • cataBA.GE ',ARTY LucknoW Legion will hold '6 cribbage 'party on Friday; April 201h 'in.. the Legi:on Hall. Every- one is •welettne and it's' the last ,party • , f the season' . ,.BARLEY. coNTRACws . Barley contracts. no* avail. able. Improved price from,. Iasi year, Elliott's Seed House, phone, 154-J Lucknow, ' IOSIDAY, AiU i8tk, ja54 0144~•~4.44..460.,444.~4~0.••••• 'Insure With The CU LROSS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE CO. for . Reasonable rates, sound pro,• •tection & prompt, satisfactory. Settlement of claims. •••. PARISH MOFFAT • Your Local Agent R.R.3, Teeowater 'Phone Tecowiter 57-r-41 4,744 • Fre SALE -- 50 acre pasture - farm. Enquire at 'Sentinel. Office. I 1 FOR SALE'— 10 pigs .ready io • 'wean, Ross Errington, St. Helens: WANTED — derestic help. Dr. • M. ZI. Corrin, Box 209,'Lucknow, FOR' SALE -1950 Prefect • Or in good. condition. Russell Johnston, R 7, Lucknow„, -FOR SALE—alfalfa and yellow blossom sWeet 'clover. mixed, Apply, at Sentinel Office. Poul)ryand ' be • able . to milk cow's and work with- tractor, FOR SALE—pizessure tank. pump Non-smoker preferred. Arnold and 'motor: Jas. Mathers, 'Luck- Aitoit Phone 674-1* Dungannon: • now, phone 97. * FOR SALE • • '• SPECIAL HAROAINS• . -Propane Gas Ranges as low as $134.00. Lucknow District Cd -op, phone 71. •, MAN.'VVANTED ----. reliable, !cap- able man for ceinent and con- struction. .work and able to rcop- erate bulldoie and drive' gravel truck. „Apply Spence Irwin, •LuCki—lowt phon 171. 1 WILL. fflREI for 6, months: ;good dependable lad of 16,, must like Roy N, BENTLE !vow .elccouNTANT .moptiily 4\ccounts._ Business and tura Tax • •ItetUrns Box 478Tel.•1011 . GODERICH, ONT. R S HETHERINGTON, ' . • . . Barrister, lac. Winghani and Luoknow • , IN LUCHNOW 'Each MondaY and Wednesday • • BABY CHICKS - Bray (chicks. A/fixed. Cocker- Locateein the .Munieipal Office els. And- Pullets --: clayold and ' 'phone •Wingliam ' Property •of the late .Alexthreecls, crosses. started. Hatchery has lull range Office 48 • Residence 97 (Ames' '4n -err*, etc.), (May- • .• , June broilers ou1c.1 also be on, . order). Let us*. now your needs, we'll- quote ,prices, order.. Agent:. '• ID. R. FINLAYSON, • ',Lucknow. Phone :91 , ••••••••• ARMSTRONG OPTOMETRIST GOPERICH. FOR APPOINTMENT 'Phone • 1100 For • - • Appointroeht or information See Wm. A'. clunid, 'Phone ,1•117-w, Lucknow • • .14SURANcE FIRE, WIND, cA.stTALTy AUTOMOBILE. AND LIFE ,• To Protect YOur Jack, Insure With Jack Today. out.. 't .„ 4i! tf! 4.) .6" ; • FOR SALEcluantitY ,of timothy seed, or will trade for red clover or alla.lfa. Ronald MacCrostie. USED COOK•STOVE with water- •• front in good Condition. at a bar- • gain. Wm. 1%M -die & Son: 'FOR SALE.---- 'girl's light blue all-weather Coat and.hat, size 11., • years, like. 'new. Mrs. L— C. • *A.D.a 4 • 5 Cameron, consisting • of 10 acres .bn First Concession of Kin,, loss, • adjbaning Lucknow. .1m - 'mediate possession: • Apply to John' E. Tkffin, Adm., Victeria st.„ Winghani, Ontario., phone 498-w. , , !..!! TWO,NIT-PC'181,IC BROODERS' at reduced prices. Wm. Murdie & • Son. FOR SALE—colony house •10x12 • feetKeith JohriSton, R. .R: 7, • LuCknow, phone 76-r-11. Dun- gannon. . . .FOCR, SALE—new wooden hand- • made crib & Nordheimer piano, • Apply. to Mrs. N. E, Bushell or Kenneth Camesen. , , FOR, SALE — electric brooder, Apply to John MacRae, 'High- way 86, mile west of Lochalsh, • • phone .110-14—Ripley.. • • GRASS FOR RENT ;plenty of • 'Water; also Med ,clover seed for • sale. George 'Alton; phone Ditn- •gann.on 84-1-9, • : • •'..< '4;0 • t 4 sit .• 'SEED ,FOR • SALE • , ' SIJRGE MILKERS . Grade 1 Grimm alfalfa, $18.00 s-„ e - farmers swi tc h to avSieurtgme Mbus.g;Ontlatrilo tai lfalfa orcertified ed lrnv-dowlnenVW uEue asy L ., terms, satisfaction and ser- red clover, $18.00 bus, -On - ice guaranteed 'Contact Lovell trio red clover, $20.00 bus.,; Al- McGuire,'Surge dealer, . phone sike, $18.00 bus.; sweet clover, 93, Wingham. $7.00 bus.; timothy, $5.50 bus.; ' ATTENTION • FARMERS! ccommercial"Beaver 6r Ajax oats.. e . • $1:55bus.; lVforitcalm or Galore • barley, $1.85 bus. We carry a complete stock Of clovers and ' M.. 11AliPER . grases ,for all hay and :pasture . •• seedings. Custom grain 'and Seed . Chartered Accountant cleaning. , : . • ,, R.' CRANK,: Pinkerton, ' • Phone.Cargill 68-w.-3'• ' West Street • 'Gob4wit, . ONTARIO, c. Telephones .343.T - ;343Wr STON RAL.H 'Phone '76 Day. or Night 'Ambulance Service USE OF:FUNERAL' HOME *72-.1---Ait=2-10—Stxtra - Moderate Prices • 'Established 1894 E'S OME ei•E••••••••••••;4.46:1•94,•••••••41;19 ' For your spring fencing sup- plies we .have in Stock a good supply of Canadian Heavy Barb at $9.25 a 'spool; brace' wire and: black wire at -reasonable prices; good supplrof eleetrk fence bat- teries 'at, $3.75; large and small ,porcelain , insulators and the new plastic:snap-on-type insul- ator. MacDonald's General Store, Kintail, • phone ' 12-r-7 Dungan- . non. '• ' • FOR SALE— 'McCormick 1.0-20 tractor, 'recently ' with* a major, overhaul; also 300 bales timothy .hay antl some .1ciose hay; 500 bus.- orf Oats. John. S. MacKay, 'fantail' PIMPERTY 'ROA SALE -- con_ sisting of corner -4a, With nine- roomhouse, • hardwood floors throughout, •mode rn conveni- ences, barn and garage. Apply to Mrs: N. E. Bushell_or__Kenneth • Cameron. • • • HOUSE IFOR SALE—rmodern 8-‘ , roorn brick ,house on Havelock. '• St.! Oil furnace, hardwood floors. • • Apply—to-Dr:T B:,Cleland, Luck-- - • ' ' r• • - • • • FOR SALE , ' Chickens, pullets: cockerels, capons: day-old , to 12 weeks Of age, brooded under ideal condi- flops, under government inspec- tion each 'week. , All bird's over 9.'weeks deiwOrined before de- i 'NOTICE liveryfree delivery on ill! The regular meeting of the orders. Agent 'for Monkton'Poul- Litcknorw Branch' of the Canad- try Farms. Stanley J. McGratten, ,ian Legion will the held in the R.R. 6, Goderich, phone 3008 Car- 'Legion Rooms 'on Tuesday, Apr. law" 24th at 8.15 •sharp.. NOTICE LEGION AUXILIARY •Sgecial notice ' to all Legion Auxiliary inembers-7-the 'birthday. party Will be held .in the Aux-' Ilary monis on:'Frid,ay, April 20th 4.4.4;•.f.•;•••44;•;•••••••••44).9. 4.4.9.mekotp •at 8:00 p4n..• It's ,a'pot luck sup- per, ladies, cOnne out and enjoy ; STATE FARM MUTUAL the :celebration; • r AUTOMOBILE • 4-4D0 AC31411;, R.R. 3, Lticknow, Ont. •• 'Phone 61,5,. Dungannon dr.;444P.P4P: • • . BABY CHICKS • ••Aptil. Chicks are. pretty good bets to catch • the .good markets. If they're Kitchener Big -4 they mature fast, put on the weighT you want for broilers or table tbircis-L:and they come froin good laying • stock that catches Grade A Largemarkets. Hatchery is Canadian' Approved, with -years of wide and successful hatchery • sEED-,FoR SALE—we _carry•a experience. 'Let me. quote prices dull Line of clovers, grasSes and on mixed broilers. cockerels, timothyseeds. We have pasture mrxtures for ev,e,rY 'type of soil. ..ltrO Hagedorn, phone 7144, • • I have .rnoved to the residence • of • the. late IVIrs. Temple • Clark, and. wilt conduct business from • office which be located there.. • • • STANLEYJ. PYDAM. °IN S U RA N E „. Investigate liefore investing' • .itpuBEN. WILSON R.R..3,: Gaderich Phone 'so. r. -8 Dungannon • R W.:ANDREW Barrister and •Solicitor • LisToyvEL,' ONTARI0 IN LUCKNOW Every. • Wednesday and Saturday • Afternoon ° - Office in the Joynt, Block • :Telephone:- - Office 135 , Residence 314 ietime••••••••••••••;e444.9•044.4.44••••• G ALAN WILLIAMS . Optometrist ; Office on Patrick: St, just• * ' off the Main Si. in:, •. WINGHAM Professional:• Eye Examination' .Optical . Services Evenings by. appointment.. • 'Phone: Office 770; Res 291"'. c•••••4;••;••••••044.00,04P4P4••••••••••••••••••••• NOTICE _ Ari 'orgOnization Meeting for the • Lucknow and Dungannon •Calf Clubs will be held in the 'Council Chambers, • frown 'Hall,' &now, on Friday., April 20th pullets .(some started). Agent— LUCKNOW CO,OPERATIVE at 8.30 p.m. A good :attendance 0 • • r • • •is requeted. Alex MacNay, se - TV... SERVICE CENTRE refary, Lucknow Agricultural Society. offers. '•Used 'TV coinpletely • re- ' • PRIVATE SALE •. built ,new TV 'warranty. 10 -in., sprivatesale , - • bf• hou•se41014112-lin_,: 14 -in.., 1,74n., 317M., $60.00 .1 up. . All in poptilar 'narne brand Surniture of V. E. • Treleaven. !TV. Highlight 'specia1-17" 'table model Originally .$279, our ,price $89. Ftill (Warranty:: Antennas in- stalled. Areas delivered to:. God- erioh.' to Exeter, .0ran6vi11e to e n. Sotithampton., Nitrite TV Service Centre,. Vic- toria St„ Wingharn, or phone 966. ' • Call Thursday,, friday or Satur- day afternoon or evening at Har- • old Treleaven's. . Items include • „small size Frigidaire' and Moffat electric stove (sinall), •both in new, condition;*. 6-pieCe ,kitchen set. in• riaturar-vmod—witir—red ' trim; oak filing cabinet (2 sec- tions); 2, pull-out couohes; Lazy • Boy chair, and •lounge chair;. • chest and tables,' 3 book cases. • TEACHcR,' WANTED , • Proteitant teacher required for • SS : 17; Cedar', Valley, 'Ashfield Township School Area,.` Apply stating qualifications and salary •elepected not, later than. April 21; •'1956. Duties to commence in Sep- • R. T. Kilpatrick, Searetary,' R,R, 7, Lueknow; Ontario., • NoricE O ourirroR§ IN THE MATTER Of- the 'Watt' Of DONALD' SMITH, late of the Village of Lucknow, in the -",--:-C-MintY of - Stiite;- Retired 'Farmer, ,deceased. • NOTICE is, HEREBY • GIVEN that all • persons' •haying 'any. demands against, .the Estate; of Donald Smith,, afore - Said; who -died. cni. or About the MEAT FOR SALE ' • Twenty-first clay .,of Telbruary, .Good! beef for sale by the A.D. 4956, are, required to file quarter. ,Beef .killed under lic- ense, from the. Department of Health. Choice Hereford year- lings, front quarters .27c; hind quarters 38c., Custom butchering a speciality. • Raynard Ackert, .1Iolyrood . Phone 24-30, Ripley proof, of their .clairris duly veri- fied with the undersigned exe- cutors On or before the Four- teenth day of May, 'A.D. 1956. •• AND NOTICE is further given that after the said date the un- deisigned 'executors will pro- ceed to, distribute the, assets of _;the .said', estate agj- ARTIFLCIAL INSEMINATION titled theretoand will not be Waterloo Cattle 'Breeding. .liable for the' Said ,assets or: any . Association part thereof to any. one of whose „received notiee. • . • a 0 REST IIOME ACCOMODATION , , •Accomodation a V a il able at "Where Better Bull ---Are—Used" Artificial insemination service Carruther's Convalescent Horne. • Home,.cookcd meals, modern con. for all breeds of cattle.. For ser- vice or information . phone Min- • , veniances, warm. Registered nurs= ton 515 collect, between 7:30 and in g available if ,required 'in. case Of 'sickness, Apply to Elliott Car- 10;00. e..tri, on week day nd 7..80 • ruthers, 3, He yrood, phone, "encl. 9:36 a.m. on Su d ys , and 27.46 rt.j.pity - Holidays. — • Dated at Ripley, Ontario, this .Seventh day of April; 1956, John Smith, R.R. 4, Ripley, Ont. . 3 Ott. Willockg;Ti1ey, Ont. . Executors. AGNEWS' AGE.Ncy MEM1,3ER OF• . Ontario Insurance • Agents' Association GENERAL INSURANCE. Established Over. 36 Years Ago • TelelhOnes: Easiness 39 Residence '138 • • , i•odp.i.•••••••••••••••••••••444...~...«, 1VIcLENNAN and MacICENZIE„, 1 FUNERAL SERVICE • ServicesconduCted accord- ing to your wshe at your • Home, .yOur. Church,.'or at our Memorial Chapel at no additional charge. • AMBULANCE SERVICE• • Phone 18eLucknow, • Day or' Night #'••••••1404.‘,!~•••••••,.".0•••:#41rmet.....s0.#44.,4 ###;,s4Ne#444,4‘41,444:~4••444),.;),•~444 • TED COLILYER • .Registered Master Electrician ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR • Specializing in . ectrical -Wiringland Atepairs-- • AGENT, FOE, SPARTON TV; and All Electrical, Appliances • Kenneth J. MacKenzie„ optometrist; _ • ,LISTOW1EL, _ONT._ - at the. forMer Wrona Jeweler, store. Ripley, 10. a.m. t� 9. p.m., WEDDM$DAY, APRIL 25th and every Second Wednesday.: • Eyes examined - Glasses fitted For appointment 'phone. Roy . MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley. _ pintrooduW•;•We.i.•••••••1 • WINGHAM.- •MEMOIRI*L SHOP. ; Hav-e een _ ••Craftsrnen far Thirty -Seven , Years, Always ,Using THE BEST GRANITES ' • • • Expert Designing and • Workmanship. riiices Most Reasonahle• , ,Cemetery Lettering a Specialty A. SPOTTON ,!Phone 256, 'Wingham, Ontario INSURANCE _Co-Operqtlye Life Insurance • Co4lpel•ative Aifl Insurance Mercantile & Vann Fire - Phone 46-Y-25 Lucknow IPMRP5,C. EconOm—Ical and ReffilTer7 :See . • T. A; CAMERON LUCKNOVV, Phorie.10-r-1.0 Dungannon , •