HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-18, Page 1J AllFresidIKW • 0. 52,50 A Year In Advance $1.Q0 Extra TO U,S;A • lose In Ashfiel Ashfield Township • S c h o o l ,Area Board has decided to close ...three ,schools .1n the..;area, . effect - eve at •the end,' of this.,teerin` The three schools, ;are,. S.S. No. 5, 'Zion; , S:S; No, ii, 4th Concession; S.S. No, 16, '-Crew'e. The. plan is to transport Zion pupils. • to S.S. No. 7, Lothian; S,S,: No, .6 , pupils to Dungannon, and Crewe students to S.S.• No, 9, Finlay's School.. , 'Last year the : Boarci • closed Iintail' and Scheppardton schools,. and • Laurier school'„ .. has- been - closed since' before the .School' Area ;Beard .came into being. ' , The • kissing• of the we re-. duces thenumber of public Schools operating in the Arese-to. none, 'In addition 'there is the separate school at Kingsbridge. . Present enrollment at • Zion, is 9' piufails withi- about_ -__12.- pupil§. ..ect - , t.. 0 ..,.T.r ,. ' "amore :•are.. now . 18 ' attending No 6, witha • possibility 'of 21, to be. transport., ed next term' to Dungannon. Crewe has '•a present ' enrolment of 16,, with 18 pupils anticipated for next termto be transported to `inlay's. 'Total' pupil 'enrollment in Ash- field public :'schools • is 260 pup- els: • Zion.,Considers Lucknow Ratepayers in the Zion section have been `considering sending at, leas( some, of the' . children from that section: 'to Lucknow Public School, In that 'Case the Ashfield. . `Board has •:agreed to 'pay, the • tuition fee of $65:00 •a :pupil!, . but withouttransportation • respon-: sibi1ity, . Transportaton will *`be' :provided to Lothian.; .• ' '•On•' Monday' evening a depute.' ,tion of about a dozen Zionites attended a *meeting of Lucknow. Pulblic School Board. `The Luck - now Board -Informed the delega- tion elega- tion that aecorriodation was avail- able at' Lucknow for ; Zion , pup- ils, but they, in no way wished to influence their decision, and. -. ' left the matter strictly up to them le -decide where they would send their children There has been some opposition .oto closings Zion-sehoal,-vuhi4h-ha§ given rise to the suggestion that the section should withdraw from the School Area • and set up their "own school section.'. administna_ on, UNDERWENT MAJOR ` OPERATION IN • WINGAAM. A.. J. (Armstrong), Wilson un-. derwent an•.emergency operation in• Wingham Hospital in the early hours, of Saturday morning, • for a perforated . 'sto nach `ulcer. His _condition on• Tuesday was report- . ed . AS considerably improved. • . He was stricken suddenly on. -Friday:,; evening,... _, watt-'- a---xrlOs't- . • 'Painful seizure • :and' was rushed` to the: hospital, where 'Surgery;; was- immediately prescribed : and was . performed about 2,00 , a.m.• • 4•E CLUBS TO ORGANIZE ,ON' FRIDAY NIGHT Organization . meetings •of• the. Lucknow. 4-H Calf 'Club •• the .;'Dungsnnen.. Ca f ' 1 Club and the bungannon •Siwine Club -,are, scclie- ' duled to be held in the L� k v► uc now Town Hall on Friday night of this week ,April. 20th, tit 8.30. o'clolck. Boys .ate ,irisi2 the,: district o • are conte/- Latin :j • any of these elui s should. pining con.' tact • Club leaders gat once* and- , pion to attend Friday:..,_night's. `eetn;g,• memibers are asked to note the change inhe t pIace.of itieet- • 'big. post card notices fretrt the • Agricultural Office announced. •i`t would be in Rs11: the Comimtintiy LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, .APRIL 18th, 1956 TW � '. . ir`LVE PAGES. FATHERS DONATE' BLOOD FOR PAUL ,MEIKLEJOHN a Last ,Friday, a carload ' of Fath-, ers , including Alex `' Andrew, Fred Emeferlin, °-G len Warden and• Rev. ". Fred .Starkey. /*Stored to Victoria, Hospital. London, to do- nate block to replace .transfusions received ,by Paul '1VIeiklejohr , 'The, next ,day, Mr, Wm, MacDonald was on hand. with a, group of High. 'School • students, •to give blood if needed. , • We are 'glad to • learn that the wee lad is home again . and his: condition rhueh unproved at, pre-' sent. HEART ATTACK PROVED FATAL ;fairs -John -. - Mae3�ougaR of • the,; Second Coneession,'Kinloss, • re ceived word' on Monday \o f the sudden death at. Brantford of her son-in-law,' Percy Crosier., Mrs. Crosier, is ` .the :'former- .Dorothy' MacDougall of ` Kinloss: , • Percy, who was in his ' 40th: year, was . ,'a 'garage operator ; at Brantford. He was; stricken at his. place 'oaf . business:: on Monday morning, and.died at his home within an ;•'hour.'• Mx,, and Mrs. Leonard` Mclnnes and • Mrs;: MacDougall motored to Brantford on learning. of the be reavament. M'rs. MacDougall 're- mained remained in the- city. and : Leonard and Freda • twill return for :the funeral, to : be ,held". at Porters ;funeral 'Home: 'Delhi, at 2.30 on. Thursday, ' with :, interment Delhi Cemetery. • • Mr, Crosier issurvived.,by,.his widow end :a daughter Sandra. ' He is. also survives# ; by two Janet and Dianne, will not -take sisters • and. three brothers, , all up residence . here until the close 'of Delhi \ of . school.' NAMED MANAGER BANK'. MONTREAL, The , . appointment Of Milton 'Rayner as ananager of the local office of. the Bank of • Montreal leas . officially ;_been ,-announced- . - nnounced.- iVfx°: Rayner,. formerly >g mans er- of the of M branch at High- gate, succeeds " G. Murray :Douse, w.io: will take charge at. Tillson- • burg, • , •A native: of Edrans Man., Mr. Rayner •. joined' the' B of M at Unity, . Sask., in 1912 and and gained a wide . knowledge of banking while serving with branches'. at, Unity, Regina, Carnduff-�' and Saskatoon :in' Saskatchewan, 'and Hamilton, Kitchener and Simcoe in Ontario.' He was appointed accountant,` at• Leamington. in 1946, and, for 'the, past six_ years, has been : engaged ; in manager- ial duties at Wales and Hpgh Mr, Itayney -takes an active part. in community' activities and has , held executive positions with several charitable and church ergaeizations. Mrs.. ' Ray •net: and their two.. daughters, . Name Commitee To Study Setup Of Local Hog Assembly. Centre Hog marketing was ;the st Ject TEACHER •RESIGNATIONS of a :three-hour discussion at a' ARE ,RECEIVED LOCALLY' • wellsattended meeting of district_ "` farmers, 'held in the Johnstone . ,Miss: Mary Fulton: and Mr. Paul Block, Lucknow, ton Monday-- ev-.: H, Pratt -o': the-Lucknow • District erring. The mieeting adjourned High School ' staff have tendered close to •midnight. a f ter Setting up their resignations.. Miss . ,Fulton a seven -man committeeauthor- teaches English, , typing and ized to investigate the Matter of girls Physical a ation Mr. establishing a. hog 'assemlb�ly`'cen- Pratt's subjects include indust- ttre in ' Lucknow: Such, Centres rival. arts, Latin and ,boys' `Phys-`� are• in ',operation at Teeswater ical• education.. • and Kincardine: • • The Board 'had previously re The 7 -man 'committee is. cote- ,ceived • Mir: Coulthard's 'resigna- prised •of Gilbert: Frayne.'•'Jack ' tion,-; : and . his successor- appears MacKenzie,. Omar Brooks, , Har- to be definite. • vey Houston,, George Elliott, •Wim: The . Public Sehaol Board 'has -Kinaham arid• -P. -A, Murray. With seeding tithe at hand the Committee was given• thirty days to study the.' plan as to: iocatiion, cost ' of • o. eration, etc., and• there: to report back to a genera meet- ing, :I.f the plan is thee .approved' a permanent, iboard " will be set • up, .Under the, assembly centre plan, hogs are' "purchased W.0.1%. at the assembly yard by the pro- cessor who pays 'the. .trucking charges -and ..- transit' insurance. The .local; assembly •. centre is strictly. a Local project, 'with the cost sof operation •decided ' . to-. call =sand � var es- aec�r d n - y+ g whether hogs are picked. up or delivered to the. Centre. Cost of operating = the assembly point r i iS ere:Witt 30c. a..hog,:_- but- .v;ar¢.. ids, with • local conditions. The. 'meeting 4 was- presided. over by Lorne Woods of St.. Helens, with Grant Case acting as secretary. There were about seventy A1ye farmers 'present.. -yT iIdren Had rst Salk Vaccine Monday Approxlimately 245 p u ,b.1 i c . ACCEPTS C01�1GIZEGA�'ION'S.. " school children from. Grades `1,,'INVITATION /TO 'kEMA1[N 5, 6, 7, 8 received their " first in- j ection, of Salk vaccine on .Mon- : " A . large ' congregation � g at the . day morning at. the �Recreation.al .Un ted(Church on 'Sunday morn- Centre, I'1?he clJnic was in. leherge' of , �g gave a standing vote of ,'ap prov'al •tet.. the' ,motion . ±by .Lien oifficials of the Bruce 'County 1'iealth Ilp�t, .,and within an' hour 11i�°alden cryo-` 'T:, A,°.`C'ameror�; Rela- after opening at 9.30 �a:qn. 'the en- members of the Pastoral tire.tions Committee, 'inviting Rev. group had been inoculated It '.is,.: A• 'Meiklejolin to' remain as po.,x� of a D�aminion wide pastor . • .program aimed at immunizing ,Mr. "' W. L. MacKenzie, °hair - children against pol omyelitis. man "pf the Corriimittee, was un-. upon completion .of the 245 able to ;be present due to illness inoculations'. at Lucknow, Health ,and..Mr. Ernie Ackert stthstitut- '. Unit. officials. moved ; on to 'Rip= ed for -him .in` outlii ing what the ley Where-:anothermorning clinic Committee had done. was held with .about 130 child :In ace " in ren treated, ep't g the invitation to Tentative date for the. second inoculation has been. set for May 14th: At this . clinic: children of'. Gr"adesr 2, 3. 'and 4; who received' the vaccine' last ' year will 're- ceive another : needle, It is `: a-_ pected. at n7'e.•29a be treated .'in May. • remain, - Rev. ., Meiklejohn : ex , pressed his 'appreciation of . the kindness, consideration and loy-: alty of the ;congregation. '< Guest 'soloist was Mrs. Ralph. Howlett, whose husband : is a• • _student- minister-andA as -been in 1.110-1° targe of the St. ' Celens••Pa stor- ate Mrs. Howlett's sol "The Th.e • , Lord Is :My, Light", greatly im- . ressed the congregation.. ngregation. , , . , . • 'HAD EYE OPERATION • Mr. J. M. Greer underwent an eye operation in St. Joseph's Hospital, Londono on Tuesday of last week and is ' getting . 'along nicely, ' although it is uncertain 'as yet* when he may . get ham. Mrs. Greer , has . been staying with Mr. and Mrs.' Harold 'Greer While Mel is .in .the hospital, and she has not been enjoying. good TO. SA1 L: FRIDAY FOR. GERMA Y N Mrs. Ken Bridges (formerly Mae McMahon) and • her t+wo . daughters, Donna • and Patsy, are scheduled to sail on Friday for overseas: • They will' 'leave from health. •_ Quebec Cityare on' the:Homeric and due . to arrive at Le I#arve, LOST FINGER IN .A - they proceed • to .Zweiibrucken,.`• W M I S H P .Germany.; to join .,Mr. Bridges: France. on. the, 26th.'. Fro..tn .there 'RCAF arrwaras pol fsfieteder-Bridges 'Germandfy thin e • • :to February_ after a long stint at Centralia . airport. They expect. to be in- Germany for three years. BBillRoss• of • the Loclialsn Am herley oistrict is miring the index finger on . ,this,, right hand as the'. result of a buzz saw, mishap on Saturday. afternoon:' The second finger..was (badly' mangled, and exten. ve surgery ; was perform- ed at eriform-ed:at Winigthaan.'Hospital, to 'save this finger. Bill. was • still, in the hospital on Tuesday. Bill owns the • sawing outfit and was (buzzing: wood , at the, farm of Glen :Campbell, at Am berley when the mishap., occur- red PUBLISH 'AUDITOR'S REPORT SUMMARY .THIS WEEK • There _ appears . elsewhere in this issue,a. suminary'otf the aud. itor's statement of the Village of Lucknow and of other ` .boards. and. commissions: This .summary gives a "nutshell". report that is readily understandable and gives' a concise picture of the receipts and expenditures • for the past year. • The' summary • is a:..portion of the detailed report which was presented and explained • to. received -._the resi''nation. of 1VIrs.. _Council at. the ' March meeting Eli Mor an who liar tau t artsby 'the -Municipality's. ' auditor, g 'Mr. A. M.' Harper of Goderich. and crafts since lastDec'emlber, Mrs. -Morgan plans: ' : to attend Teachers` 'College. ' These ,sub- 'eets..w4lope. at t e lic . School. ' • ' ' :BEAR IN ASHFIE D! A , bear : has been seen : in Ashfield Township:by Mr.. and Mrs. Ben' Comfort of.St. (Catharines Mrs. . COn fort ,was formerly Myrtle: Blake. 'The bear was seen on the • *thick is ow ned' . by ,Blake Bros;: "with- Mr: and Mrs:. Comfort having reno- . vated the house as a .sunt,' • mer 'home. They *ere spend- •ing the week : --end: there when they : sighted the hig • fellow..' On the farm is a_reforest "ped acreage „ With a , creek flowing near the house.' Mr. ' Comfort ''spotted' Mr. •Bruin • iamib1mg along the river ;bank and . scarcely believing his • eyes told the, news to his dis= ibelievang wife who was can- vinced' however at one look: '. ' The bear eyed -them both and ambled off 'quite ''uncon- cerned. Explain Marketing Plan Guest speakers 'Were Eldrid Aiken of Allenford and Wesley Magwood of 1=Ianover, w1w • are 'both'members of the ' 1.1 -man Ontario Hog Producers Market- ing .Board, to 'act as the '"inark=, eting agency." for the .marketing of Ontario" produced hogs... • Mr, Aiken :outlined • how the (genu c a-m'eAnto- - being- .said- that while it has the power'''of 'directing hogs to,• where they will, be sold, they prefer co -op- oration. - o -op -oration.- Provincial and bomi n- i'an, legislation "which gives 'dir- ection powers Is being tested„ as to its validity, and ' Mr. Aiken stated that efforts were being Made . to 'break up the Co—opera... • ' (Continued ilia . Page 12) . ped Fire That Threatene Destruction Qf B.A. thrrage A.flash fire :about 10.30 Tues, 'office portion; of the' building. • •daymorning seriously threaten -The main powei switch to the, ed the B.A. Service ,;Station:, and furnace vwas turned `off and. an,;• only quick action and .presence alarm sounded. ' of mind by the operator;' "•Biil.' Lucknow Fire Brigade res o -. Hunter, in turning off the main, d"ed but were lam ered seat . power Switch to' the oil furnace; h ` • -'°p greatly ' , smoke.� . , . Itiiig in cin efforts by the • choking saved the.building . from, likely' By this time the fire had destruction. ' leaped up a hot air duct setting __. _ ce l�r�rss'ell.---whrfksy'�.�ad. _tfrre =-tzi•Ache � �a�' • of --the .__Office- been doing'some .painting in the and stock room and Seine items early morning; and the first stored in' the upstairs of the signs of smoke were. ibelieved to building. : Fire eh su : . .. 6 ,, ceeedcd..iiY.•,.. Abe. paint ,in •.the:rvair Increased,:-extinguishii g,..u,�the., .•.pblaze_:'with-- haze and the smell oaf smoke little actual fire damage being g proanpted an investigation, and done, .1VJ:ost serious damage .+re- the basement.wliete the`oil fun- suited, from smoke' and: water ace and drums were situated was : About four, inches of water re- found to be full of smoke, The 'mained in, the •�baseanent portion. basement' is situated under the • f, •A • . 41, ,A Y • 41, • i '4 •