HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-04, Page 67.0 •A 'PAGE SL* LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LT 4CKNOW, Q TART() • WEDNESDAY,' APRIL ' 4th, 1956 SHORT=HANDED PEE WEES DOW .. OUT f N 'MST GAME Lueknd'w Pee Wees bowed out. • on Saturday morning in the first rOund, of the Young Canada. Hockey tournament in ,Goderich when they dropped an. 8-1 de- vision to Kurtzville in the ",D" series. ' Otto Pedersen was in chage of the Lucknow • .team who were short=handed and, could only .ice nine men .for the encounter, They Made • a 1-1. game of it ,in the first period;, but. with few re- serves , . the pace was too -much for them. And thus„ wound up..the. 1955-; 56 ' hockey .season;, whichwill go; dgwn as having produced prob- ably the least Hockey action . of any season since the .:arena was built. 'Refereeing , At Goderich . Jack. Henderson has been btisy refereeing hockey this; week'at Goderich at Young .Ca nada Week. He refereed • the, game be- • rtween .' Shallow Lake and Mild- . may for • the '"D''' championship . on Monday night. ,,,Shallow Lake won by a score Of 6-0, He was scheduled to referee the 'game Wednesday night between . St Johns and Winnipeg'. Two ref.: rees-h:andle each game. • • lG F7, .�a 4 :G• r,.• 1 l,{; .Vr• . , , ti; 41 ii,": , . d ra Norm • Bagnell fastball •'hurler, • who ' has'• °toiled" for Kincardine for . the; past few: seasons, will exhib t .his pitching ability in °.Oshawa. this coxnimg season: TIMBER TIPS Gladys Hamilton: ,with a 603 and Alan Barger' -s. 600 totals . were best for the . Kangaroos while Dorothy • •and [L . Errington led the Cubs :With 654 and 677 re-' spectively. . • • On the only sheet` we have from the "B" division playoffs the Zebras mov. d into conten- tion with a 4 •poilt• win over the Coons. With Jardine's 698 total and Bob Soak's 600 • total were best for the winners while Marg Finlay was (best for, the losers. "A" Division. Squirrels. 11, Pole Cats 8, Go- phers 8, Chipmunks 3, Kangaroos. 3 Cubs3. ;. YOUR gar .LOWEST .i3OWpito BROOMBAI L. LEAGUE "HIEIJD FINAL MEETING THURSDAY The.. Luicknoiiv: ,and . District Broaniball League .held '•a special 'meeting in the arena last Thurs- day' night to reach' .a decision as •to what would be done with the, year's profit. The meeting was •open, to .all players, and the; exe- cutive, with Glen Walden, pres- ident of the league presiding: ' It, was reported by the treas- urer that after. all accounts, .doc- tor's • bills, 'etc., had. been paid,. the league had a • balance of $382.03. • After various " controversy ,and discussion,, the, following motions were passed: • • 1. That Jack : Henderson "be give :435 1 r..'fSfee.reeing n ! N.: during . the year, (by Art Brck- les .and Bob .:Farrish).. . 2; ; That $25 be given to the wine ,ning" team, Kintail' (by Thomas Hackett and Ron M.cCrostie) 3.: That $25 -be "given. t'he Cans :men . TV'. fund, for''Marie 'Cup- skey (1by Albert :Chin and Floyd Milne) 4. That the .remainder' of the money be divided between the eight •:teams to do as, they see. fit (by •Art Breckles and Ken. Murdie):. fhis• amounted . to $37 foreach team 5: That the brooanball: league be limited to. the eight teams, of • thin year, and • if • one • .drops ..out the remaining ieve— n wi1T ,decide on the' new . member ' (by - Albert 'Chin and;Ron 'McCrostie). • The Squirrels moved well out in' the' lead in; the silverwarethis week as theydumped the Goph- ers for 3' points. Freck ;Button.. again led. the Squirrels with. 611 plus 54 for 665' with Bill Button over 600,�a' Iso. Buster, Whitby band 'Betty Finlayson aided the cause with high singles,' M. .Westlake scored high ` or' 'thelosers:. • Meanwhile over on alley 3-4 the • Chipmunks ' upset the. Pole Cats despite some fine . bowling by 'veteran, Mike Sanderson, who scored a 727 triple, handicap in- cluded. Bud Hamilton led • the Chipmunks, with a 638 total 'while Anna Johnston and Betty Millen also rolled near 600 • totals . In the • other "A"division tus-. sel • the Cubs.and Kangaroos ended ' their ' hopes. ' for any chance at the silverware as they settled for'. two .:points apiece. Pork. & Beans Toileta.Tissue ,k Soda Buscuits: Kernel-. Corn Canada First Gl'ade. B utter FEATURE, E,pound Cheerio, Large 20 oz. SAVE 8c White Swan „Special Deal, SAVE 15c tins, .Z rolls, 39c Mc.Cormick's $alted'or P.lain..iFEATURE. 1b. ,." Garden Patch• by Green Giant, 14 oz.. FEATURE' -- tins, _ • • • ' . , � . � . _.: , ... ,' Valines Effective April 5; 6, 7: BE 'WISE, GRAB THESE BUYS! - .....: A . PHONE 119 Speedy "Jet" Delivery OBITUARY HusbandsI Wives! Weak; :Run-down cid? k. d lack Thousands ' of couples are .v✓ea , tub i energy and pep, :they feel run-down, cid be- cause bodies .lack •iron .at 40 50 60 Try ' Ostrez Tonic Tablets ; today. Stuppfies invig- orator you, too, may need to revitalize, stimu- late, energize and build-up entire body. Feel years, younger, Getacqelated' size costs little. Or start with big, p opular • "Economy" size and save 7$t. At all.druggists. THOMAS W. QUIGLEY This •:communit'y was . shocked, to. learn of the. death of Thomas W. Quigley of isondon,' which oc c • urved: suddenly. at. Buffalo on Monday..; Tom was born at Kings- bridge 61:' years ago. ,Mrs.. Quig,. ley is • the former, Jear Long. of Ashfield. ' They haveresided'. in London for the, past four •years, .and prior , to that'had' made their'home in time., .. irn '.�, Lucknow fora • . Since 1926, :'Mr. Quigley had' ,been chief marine engineer for Nicholson Steamship Company. He was a member of Blessed 1, Sacrament•Chiirch,; •and -1 fights . ! of Columbus. , He .is' esu rvived by his wife,' one. son; -James, .of,. London; one' sister., ; • Mrs. Jame Chisholm '(Angela) of Goderich. 1 �LUCKNOW LUBRICATION! • , 'THE ;EXTRA PLUS .'IN _ f'J,BRI-LOY is' a' combinat1on•'of the finest• .available' .oils and basic chemicals. , .. ' ordinary oil sto ! s. '" •LUBEU-LOY takes 'over *here d ,.Y P LUB:RI�LOY places a ina . mnamatic film over. 'all ,parts of the ! • g This clings to allparts of the engine and ' engine, .i film g 'all' - makes an oilier than oil"condition _and i. LUBRI-LOY does not drain" away evenwhen left •for long: ! periods: The body• is' ;at. E. C. Killings- worth funeral home until .Thurs- day ::when :requiem high mass` -will be sung at 10 a.m. at Bless- ed Sacrament Church. Interment will be in St Peter's Cemetery, London. The Rosary will be . re- cited: at the funeral home Wed nesday -at 8.15 p.m.with the Knights of Columbus ' in attend- ance.. months 'with.. them, were visitors know that Mrs. Charles McDon= during .;.the _ week -end with JMr-aldwas--able -to-_return- home oe and IMrs,• Fred McQuillin .and Mr.. Sunday from Victoria Hospital and Mrs. Frank. McQuillin Mr.. where she :underwent 4 .thyroid ISB1JRG WALLHIDE •wrseei:ea • Keep. hydraulic. ' valve' lifters free by adding LUBR'I-LOY to your crankcase :.oil. • Add one pint -of : L• UBRI=LOY to each oil change and have 1 a smoother; easier ,running motor- with slesi wear and better gas mileage • . •' PBELL'S:., . 9 Sports and Auto , Supply LUCKNOW, ONT. 'PHONE , 65 .our meetings" ':Professor Robert Robbie of Em - " N 1VIr and • Mrs.' Irvin McCabe ;of malluel;College, Toronto; Will be': Windsor and Mr.' John McQuil- the guestspeaker.. lin, . who 'has spent the winter Her many friends were glad' to. ST:.HELENS HELENS Easter lilies and bright spring flowers added to the • joy and beauty• of the service: held in the United Church on Sithd y 'morn-, ing., There was ' a large congre= gation' in attendance to hear 'the' Easter message.. presented by the minister, •Mr. Ralph Howlett. The choir sang the anthem "He. lives" and Mrs: Howlett and ;Mr. .E, W. Rice sang "Hail the Day 'that sees Him rise". Miss •Anna Stuart of Toronto' spent the week end with; -Mr: &' Mrs George Stuart and Mr: Joe Stuart Mr and Mrs. Mel Brown and Bob Murdie of Kitchener are Easter visitors with 'Mr.' & Mrs. R, Woods . and Mrs. Murdie.' • {Mr. and Mrs. G. .S, McIntyre Dwra-ld of Bracebridge wer visitors for Easter with Mr. and Mrs. W. L 1Vliller. Mr. and Mrs., McIntyre went on to 'Toronto leaving Donald • here» tor. • the week,' . Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Miller, their daughter. Mrs. Leslie Camp- bell and Mr, Campbell and son Douglas. of Strathroy were week- end guests of Mr. and Mrs. Fred McQuillin and Mr. ,and Mrs. El- don Miller. Douglas' remained ' for Miss W. D. Rutherford and Mr: bon Cameron -spent a feW days in Toronto'• this week attending sessibns of `"the ' Cntarn–Educe• tional Association. The ladies are retnirided of the annual meeting cif .the .Women's Institute' in the Community Hall this (Thursday) afternoon. Roll call, `Suggestions" for in-iproving Dry in an hour for rehanging pictures and drapes. • o. Scrubs clean Again and Aga3in — without' harming .its lovely satin finish. No Messy Cleanup— your hands, brush, or rc,tier- coater all come clean • with water., Easy "Glide on"Applicption —goes on as .easily as stroking a wall with a dry brush.! JOHN W. HENDERSON LUMBER LtMITED-:. PHONE '150, LUCKNOW McQuilli, took ill in church on operation ;on Tuesday. Sunday and was• unable to re* 'gr Mrs `Alex Murdie '.and Bob turn -to Windsor. Mr. McQuillin'S were visitors for --a few days - illness was later diagnosed:as the with friends in Toronto: munws. He, is at the hoMe. of '.his. " Mr: and, Mrs Lorne Humph- daughter, Mts. Carl Johnston. rey of Hespeler 'were Easter vis May 20th will be Family. Sun= itors .• with- Mr. and "Mrs.' W... A. day in the United Church when Humphrey. " 1 1. ave .Electric Bropders F Poult�'.y ' .Founts •andeeders � .Brooder Thermometers . Heat Lamps' Choice' Brooder Coal Harness. Parts; and Repai rECIAr CLEAN`=CIt1T *RI1 :• On . _... :SWEAT*. AADS rs 4 Mtirdie Cl Son.I. PHONE 71, LUCKNOVit i�«+rr+�rrH�Sa��,r++�rA.i.U�iNs+�►�,w,Y�nwri..k�.rrt�t►.w��.Mf.�i�••:e•r��•rc►•�