HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-04-04, Page 1$2.50' A Year InAdvance—$100, Extra To U.S.A. r LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, APRIL 4th, 1956 bass By-1.aw To Confine Dogs • For. 5' MonthsPeriod Each. 'Y�ar • At .the. April meeting • of the Village- 'Council on M con d a yr night, By -Law No; 5 was speed••- Sly 'passed, which prohibits dogs running 'at large within the : Cor-. poration from May lot until Oct, - ober 1st;' • These restrictions- apply each .year so ; ong tisa. the'.,by,.-law° re. Mains, in force. ' A verbatim .' copy of the ` by- law, giving• the •.detailed, .regula- (tions, appears . in an 'advertise- mentelsewhere in •this • issue. The by-law provides' for the impounding and destruction of dogs running, at; large during this . period.. Bill Lyons was ap- pointed as poundkeeper. • Council . also passed a by-law. in regard ` to the licensing • and registration.: ' of dogs, ..Details of this by-law • •will • he announced in .next week's .issue; , ' . 13th Power Bili Debit. T.be 13111•..11bwer 4bilfres t '4l4irg4de tweela the - estimated: cost of power to the local system, and the, actual cost of power over the 12 -month per- : iod, :reveals •a debit this year of $792.01, the highest ever receinr- •ed Focally. Last year there Wasa small credit of $47:31 'and. the previous year. a ''debit' of: $408.08:. Prior to• that, • back as , far as 1948, credits' bad been received ranging from • $1,100 :to $6,500.. • Parking • To Fore Again Council received• another let- ter of:coinplaint regarding the parking of 'transport trucks, which ' asked "What has 'become - Of the : parking by-law? A '`four hour ":pa nttob lay. is-inz-'effect but .its :enforcement is .another' matter, if : it is' to be • .' applied to everyone: An ` estimate . of $234.30' for 'shaft 'repairs ' at the • • nurriber : 3 well: was received` from ,Inter- national Water Supply Co., plus the cost of making the repairs. Councillor Joynt contended that faulty • alignment on the part poi the Company wasresponsible for the condition, .and, he was au-. thorized'' to take ,the matter up with the • Company as he plan- ned to be in London this week. A request .'by Cam:'MacTavish to- have the garage :floor drain empty into the • Village's storm' sewer was ..declined. ' No parkingBetween Signs ,.'"go ` parking between. signs''" will be placed ..• in, 'a. 50 -foot 'area west of Silverwoods shop ' on. Main •Street; as parked vehicles in this area are a hindrance in making a U-turn: The :whole matter. of /parking gave rise to the question of the need for a m>nicipal ,. parking lbt: One suggestion was that if aback alleyways •were gravelled and made accessible. 'merchants could- park their vehicles behind the stores, and relieve the short- age of, parking spaces on, Main ~YWith . the',' lie • local hYdro 'truck having, seen. better days, the question Was . aired; of whether 0 x-.eRair_it,-..drive it--aslona as Y,. it will run or buy anew one. is : a problem to ;be dealt with at a later meeting. • Monday, April' 16th was setas ,the date date of, a • special meeting. when Council will also sit as. a Court of Revision ona tax ap- peal: Council moved to make a li. cation aspP . 1lset by the` Highways en or RIPLEY MINISTER . WAS GOOD FRIDAY' SPEAKER, `.comrriemoration.- of Christ's crucifixion•' an . impressive`- iv'iice was held On 'Good 'Friday,: sponsored by the Lucknow Min- isterial Association, and'with' the Rev. *D.. .A. Brydon ' of Ripley as. 'guest seaker. '> The, service was held in the United Church , with Reverends. H. L. Jennings, Wallace McClean and G. .' A. • Meiklejohn • taking part. The choir .sang -the anthem All In ..An 'April Evening". Rev: • •Brydoli spoke 'on the: theme of Christ's words'from the Cross, "Father. Forgive Them for They Know Not what They Do". These' are words 'that have caus- ed men to marvel through the gages; • , Rev, Bmydon. portrayed in a' dramaticand gripping way the; -S ory:,-of ;the C-r'tf)ss;.. • . 't: s t _�ki-a �s - n�i��ust' ;rearch out' :"'to 'accept god's 'gift ' of forgiveness . and to make ' God's grace • operative in our lives if' we 'are to know the triumphal power of Easter annorn- ing: :SEL- LS`ASHFIELD TOWNSHIP FA 'Cyril . Campbell. mnbell ' has sold his, farm on the `loth Concession of Ashfield, in -the L- anesville Com-, munity, to Mr,• 'and `Mrs.: Peter MacDonald of •Wingham. and for- merly or`merly Of this vicinity. • Mr.' 'MacDonald has obtained `possess•ion 'of ;the :farm .ands the family is moving to Ashfield this. week., Mr... and Mrs.. • Campbell' have been "looking around" for accomodation. in Lucknow,:but at the end of • theweek had; hot made;' any definite decision: ; Mr. and Mrs. Campbell have resided on :this farm since their marriage forty-two • years ago. Cyril bought it' the year before from, Jim Miller. . Other Farms Change Hands Other farms .in Ashfield. 'have recently changed hands.. Donald Drennan, who has .'been, in Tor - 'to, has bought the. farm of the late John Cathcart: • Donald is the son. of Gordon `.Drennan. • In the Crewe district' Norman' Rivett has bought 100 acres from Clifford ,Crozier and . Jack. Curs ran .has bought Tom, Culbert's farm. .MARK ,FIFTIETH' ANNIVERSARY On Wednesday, March 28th; Mr. and Ma's. Thonias.' Rabb :of, Amrberley celebrated' their' 50th wedding anniversary. Mrs,. Robb was the former Jennie. E. Elliott, .daughter .of the late Robert. El- liott and Ellen Victoria, Martin. Nin. Robb was` the son of the' late EIGHT PAGES LIBR'ARY HAS FACE-LIFTING, TOOK' SEVERE SEIZURE IN PLAN TO SET UP TO BE REOPENED SATURDAY CHURCH DEVELOPS MUMPS �--- 4 SPORTS 'BOARD Lucknow Public Library has Mr. John- ,McQuillin, 77 -year- undergone a modernizing and re: • old. West Wawanosh Township With a view o rrelating,'the decorating' program that has re; farmer, 'took a severe seizure at direction of all organized; sport, stilted in an amazing • transform• the morning service in St. Pet- under one sports organization, anon. •, er's • Church on Easter Sunday,. , p. uwblic meeting has been' caled The work schedule calls for but the ;worst re -action has been to be held in the Town Hall having the library read . ,.for re the develo ment of aa. case of the ' C ' - y PL,. •• ., ouneil Room next Monday ev- 'opening en .Saturday , and "open mumps=: ,y,• , enir'g, .April 9th at • 8.00 '.m. • house" wtriU be held afternoon.P Mr. McQuilrin had returned Everyone from town and Conn- and.- evening with' the generale only Satur a' 'fro rh Ji ` `. •• public cordiallyinvited-to •. n, y •� d y , o a visit m try who is interested in the pro•.. i i ed to drop Windsor. Ho 'was : about , to :..par- . motion andwelfare ' i in• "Cl have a look at the bri lit � : , „;. • •elfare of, sport• �n '• . g take,' of ; communion on Sunday the: 'area'. is invited..— es :•- •u e • ' new room. morning, when stricken k, with a' —to• attend. y r _ d The renovation program, in- seizure that alarmed the con re - eluded lowering andg d ^which. had the•a building a ation ang' new Bilin , : installation of a •p- pearance that it might ,be fatal. modern lighting system, painting Mr.. 'McQuillin can't recall no_ and redecorating, and floor sand- thing for some time following the ing. attack: All told' `the- project will cost about $12001 with . the Library Medical attention was received. at' the church, and, Mr. ,McQuil-. lin ••wras ; removed .to his home, where' he speedily revved front the attack and regained a meas- ure of normal health apart • from the discovery that he had the mumps. He .is now convalescing at • • the home .of his daughter; .Mr -s.`• :Carl • 4--ohnston ,- d mem- fibers of the `; 'erQurlln ihoaseho are keepingtheir fingers crossed' as not .'one of them have had the malady.' Board.. and ,Village , Council .as-, sliming a proportionate stare of the cost. • • . • •. FELL ON STAIRS: i FRACTURED. NJ Thomas s Blake of Ashfield, had the: misfortune to fall,' .on. the staiTway at. his home early Mon day ,morning, sufferin.g:•a fractur ed, hip, The mishap occurred about CONTINUE TO 5.30 aim as Mr.: Bis a ::was des tending the •stairway He missed BACK .THEATRE,. hiss' footing : as ••he` reached. a 'step. or two frem the bottom. • He was taken., • by ambulance to Victoria . Hospital, London,. where x-rays were. and,;a pin was to 'be, inserted' on . Tues-.. Playhouse Theatre, .: which has day _afternoon:: The .break • was been .backed ,,by a .• big majority high up in the hip, but, not)at of 'local merchants for alrnost.a. the' hip . joint year... • Mr. Blake is 79 years of age.There were fourteen of Some He' .has. continued. "to farm to thirty. sponsoringMerchants at last 'week's meeting ;when it was 'decided to keep the show operat- ing. At a special meeting'last week of . the Lucknow . Business : `. •Men's' Association it' Was `:decided 'to continue the.'sponsorship of The some degree despite -his •advanc- ing years, ' A' sale of his stock is. being held. this 'week. GUIDES ATTEND COUNCIL. SESSION The : Lucknow Village' Council transacted some of the business of the regular April meeting" on Monday evening before the larg- est ".spectator „ gallery', that has attended a- meeting in the m_ em_- ,cry of this•,'reporter. ••- • •.Eleven;.': Guides, accompanied • by their .. leader's, Mrs. A. E. Mc- Kim and Miss' Jane Johnstone,. sat in at the. 'meeting, for over. an hour, took- notes: and will i have to". write 'a .. story of -the meeting in connection with the requirements' to qualify for their citizenship badge. Reeve Hamilton welcomed the group, and. pointed out that at the outset of the meeting ' they would . be scanning accounts, when. it might seem that' they were • not doing .very Much. Before the a group dispersed, Clerk • E. H. Agnew • outlined • It was in .March of'last year that the theatre closed—perman- ently, So : far . as • private; , enter- •prise was concerned. ' By the first week ,in May it was re -opened again with the:.backing of the business men. ate Theatre has • not • paid its way in. ' the"• intervening ,,;period, but the ' Majority of • those -pres- ent' pres-ent' last week .felt 'it was worth ..underwriting'.. _ the' _.deficit,-_ and: those who weren't in' agreement','; were willing -to go . along any- way and pay their share. • Trwo . assessments .totalling $14. have alreadybeen:paid.: bythe' backers :with, considerable of the original levy, resulting from' pro- motional expenses, ,incurred in re -opening the show. The meeting has ""been called by Reeve A. W. Hamilton 'and if ' the proper organization can be set up at Monday night's. 'meeting, . it should provide the solution to having :a planned program `of,• sport direction. The, organization -would prob- ably require membership` sup-; Port financially •as well as as- sistance from local' organizations 'which in the past 'have individ- ually (backed and promoted sport 'of various types • from time time. ,�.�y� .,yam `.y» -�i cake � • c�ti . , yn past winter, '•particularly; in the ,minor classifications, has again, 'ifocused '.attention: ,on the. need for an:overseeing 'sports • organ- ization, and. has sparked the cur=• • rent . move. Committees : under such an organization Weilld' Abe . charged. with the direction ;` of, softball, hockey,' baseball, .broom ball, and, : such organized' , sports as might be' sponsored: • Zt is..hoped that 'sports :'minded citizens' in Lucknow. and the sur- rounding rural . area will' show their interest by. being. in attend- ace. next.Monday. night. �.t COLLIDED : 'WITH CAR,: HEAD CUT -NO BONES BROKEN . ' Allan McQuillin has a, gashed forehead, and is hobbling . about on a• . sore •leg,. ; as evidence of a collision'- last Wednesday 'at: noon hour with a .car. driven by Jim- my' Wilson • of town.• Allan; 17 -year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. •Dick .McQuillan. of Kin- .w loss, is :a1 student , at Lucknow ,District-High'School. Be was me- turning to school at noon hour on' Highway 86, and went to cut across the' highway' towards the school, not realizing that a ear was u' approaching. :... Allan ran : into the side of the' Wilson car. ,Ile suffered a gash: to his forehead that required .about '5 stitches. It was at first thought . he had a broken •• • leg, g but fortunately this was . not . so, • although ,at the'.first of the week it' was still mighty sore and bad- ly'. 'bruised. • Local ;Man Recovers Waliet "In Million To Orbe Chance" Alex 1VIacNay of town is the municipal government and pro- .better off by close to ; $100 due. to .r. cedure, pointing• out how Count l the co -•operation and • keen eye- cils'are elected and the calif- sight of a.provincial. police of q John Robb and Elizabeth `Fowl- o -e The wedding took place, at' the •s ' (icer .at • • W1)itby, whose . efforts. cations necessary , to • stand for' flee and. to cast,• a vote: went mar beyond the call of duty e -` Clerk a-xplained- ••-th.e in his search for .a •wallet ` that ounces of revenue 'by ..which. the. was presumed lost by the way- home of the bride's. father, Rob- ,C e'rt Elliott of Holyrood, on Mar. s 28th', 1900,.!with, Rev,' S, V: R, t Pentland of Salem and Holyrood s Circuit . officiating After 'their marriage ,Mr: and Mrs.' Robb set- a tled on Lake Range south of : B clinch raises the money it side. • pends by taxation, licenses, ren- Mr; and Mrs. MacNay, Ken - 41s ' and grants; and outlined' neth. and Gordon were ' enroute' ome of the major expenditures, on Good Fr}day to ' Ottawa, for. as ':well as the procedure recess- a week -end visit' and family ry in applying .to;' the Municipal gathering• at the home • of Gra card :should a ,'major•e,rperidi ham-'Maexay.• Amberley, , until four years ago t ure he•undertaken and financed ' ,Si.ow was .falling and driving e ar when they retired and moved •to 0 A tm t . for grants, on ' road Amb'erley. . expenditures in 'the maximuDuring the afternoon frier wipe off a dirty Windshield and .� • • .... 1m , . __._am w .... _ ..- ... the_wfresh Dunt of $•�00o consists g of` p �"" ° i'er• a period of years by. the conditions 'weren't good. Near p y . ;issui.ng• of debentures. 13rooklin the MacNays stopped to. ds Mrs. McKim ` thanked • t h e • :...:.-• �rrc1-�+ 1��= acrd--for--thetott test' eXtei led-- an'd-"rieghrb7ir'S �-�rl-T�d -tii- ; congratulations, ' In the evening they were pleasantly surprised when ' their 'family an relatives numbering' twenty'=fi'v`e'"ga'thri at. their 'home fora social even - $2';000 for construction , n at'the roadside while doing so, work and pi ocean e ''I'hey proceeded, 'by wayd of Port. $3,000 for niaintenanee: Set Daylighti Perr to Peterborough where Saving Time • ] f l d t C . ,. d o refuel: -and ouncil a. .P'p o f, 13�roved" the adoption riaylight Saving • Time effect- iv a'nd the • insight into municipal procedure. • Guides in attendance included -Louiso...And ,ev�,..Sara "ane Ban • nister, Joan Crawford Patricia where to" his dismay, Alex dis= 2tat 2,00 a the ''I`hom• `son Name l o.rster Eliz- covered his wallet was missing, 29th t • , 'a.m. Sunday, April ing . Mr, and. Mrs. Rabl? were 1? + i• to ',;e ' I-eeling certain, he had it upon o the same hour on Sep- recipients of many lovely gifts abeth Bann 5 r, Mary Allan,. 1 , t®..when 36t1, and cards including' a telegram Sand Finlayson, Elizabeth Pin caving home, has • Drily cortins- "---- ti n t " t h d d g i, 'Counci1l r Sherwood .comment_ of congratulatiois from Priririe ,layson, Margaret Mullin, • 1VIa'.- son . was a i adropped p Laurent. t Macienzie when they got out of the car (Continued on : Page $) Minister Sth surer . cera e Y• _ ak r `yis • •Kr at Brookline Police at Peterborough advised.. • them-- to ;'contact the Provincial' Police Officer at Whitby, One • .: lone' officer was on duty but 'he volunteered to do a whirl' into the' Broo in.,.._.d strict, aind be lieve. it or not' his, sharp' eyes spotted • the billfold some twenty miles from Whitby: , By then it was getting pretty well •splash- ed with slush and soon would not have .been distinguishable g lying on. the snow.. by the side of the highway Alec's instructions' had been to ,call back- in •an hour or so,; and p . one can imagine his relief—not' to - mention ani izement--to team tf1E- ril.na v_._. wa-Lletu d�: e`en:W f The . Ma6Ta f . ilv continued . Y am • � c tinuert their journey.' to spend ,a partic- ularly pleasant week -end. in 'Ot- tawa, t- utawa;, ,Y.n.-thew-knowledge -that° the wallet :was safe: and sound in a,Whithy, where it . was picked pp on their way home on, Monday. That, we'd say,. was a 'One' in; ' a million chance: '" balarkalinpft 14„ • • It • A >, r• A. r, ,Y4 4