HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-21, Page 8PA0E-FIGHT THE. LUCKNOW SENTII`TEL, LUCKNOW,0NuRIO 'WEDNESDAY, 1441teli 24 m: t i Jr IT'S SPRING ATS ASHTON'S ! ,and .the , Fashions . Are Prettier Than Ever Before Visit. the Store and ,Choose. Tour• SPRING . and EASTER LOVELIES! • SUITS, .• Choose your Easter Suit now, All the' s'eason's new look—easy fitting jackets in. boicy and :fitted styles - In .Spring tones and ;latest fabrics. COATS • . • All :weather Coals -.-boxy and fitted styles in .tweeds, tapestry, plain fabrics—spring , shades of :- grey, mint,' turquoise, pink, ' beige --priced from $18.95 .. .to $32:95 DRESSES • ' •t ye a rr !:I R1 ,T A �Yr A • A :1 To ,go :anywhere--anytime—newest in Spring,fashions.,. Delightful neve fabrics in prints and plain—cottons :galore --'new colors as •well as black or' navy. 'Misses,, 'Women's and half -sizes. We also :feature Teena-Paige ..dresses.perfect. for . all teen-agers-sizes 9-15. • MILLINERY ...., Ladies ' -and, Children's. Hats all pastel."shades_ as well �.__.. _.�_�,.�y��-.._sem..._. -_ .. , • We invite you to visit. Our Children's, Boys' and Girls'. and Men's. Departments for all : your clothing needs. AGENT ' FOR KINCARDINE '.CLEANERS Free: Pick Vp and ' Delivery Monday and , Thursday. 1: SEE BY THE SE. TI N.EL THAT 'Mrs. Betty Stewart, R.R. Auburn,, was. the, winner •of the electric kettle in the • draw at The ' Market ,Store in con- vection with .th'eir ;March ,sale. —8--. . THAT residents, of the ; comrnun- ity ; are in for another good laugh this -week-end as' Pa .and ,Ma • Kettle' return to the Play- house, !this . time‘ in "Back on 'the Farm". The show will ,run for three nights, • Thursday; Friday and Saturday. ' ' THAT Rev. E. Jy Roulston, a, Huron Township. native, will. become minister of. the Lucan United Church. in July. He •is. concluding a successful past- orate •at Central Church, St.. Thhomas, Where a renovation - programwas;•, undertaken: thru phis •initi - 'ye' and guidance. THAT' Mrs. Barkwell ,and Mrs. Sproul.. were the winners at the Ladies' Auxiliary. ' Shoot party on' Friday night. THAT Mr.and Mrs. Jas. Mat!hers and Betty are planning to, move ;th_is, spring to the:former W. J. Davison home. They have sold : their Havelock St. resi- dence • to`, Cliff. Crawford, • who. will get 'possession the first of May. • en's, Ladies', Children's Wear Piece' Goods and Woollens At The Playhouse Thursday, Friday and Saturday" - "Ma and} Pa Kettle Back on. The Farm", !RAT Lorne, Woods: was elected. '1st vice president of the Huron % County `Fruit !Growers ; Associ- ation at the annual meeting at Clinton on Thursday. J. W. Joynt' is district representative and ' George 'Joynt is a: mem mer of the board ,of directors. o, ve di ed down ,again THAT:yve'pP... for the, annual r$$2.00 license fee 'that's required to make us one of the government's :legal , tax collectors. .Yes, ::you. pay $2.00, for the "privilege" of collect - THAT. Work of; renovating, re- wiring' e-wiring' and redecorating the Public Library is being car- ing .10 percent sales tax •on all . . ried out at present. . g printed matter.. And; it doesn't —0_ spay .:to be .'late in making the • THAT the winners in the 'mer- - returns --there's • a penalty , at, ter thirty ;' days. • ' THAT A. J. (Alf)- Armstrong of prey; London; and a native` rfLuck- ---o-= now who suffered a 'severe THAT. 'Clarence 'MacDonald' will ' represent' the Goderich Branch of the Canadian Legion at the Dominion Convention in , Van- couver in July..Clarence is a past -president of the Goderich Branch, Mrs. MacDonald plans to accompany. , her husband to the .coast., chandise draw at Henry's Fruit Market.: last. week were Louise Andrew ;and:Mrs. Harold Hum- , stroke. October, is improv- ing slightly . and is able to be lip a . few hours. 'each day; al though his speech and the power in his right arae 'have not ::yet come back. r _ r • r r Sports and Auto Supply .,aeries. for Cars .& . Tractors Battery Packs for Radios International Mufflers Oil Filter 'Cartridges: Seal Beam Units , Windshield• Washers Directionai Signal _ Lights, Truek,Flares Generators ' • Water Pumps Fusel Pumps Bonded Brake Shoes • • ' Brake Cables Seat Covers Car Cu'hioris Car 'Mats :Wool Rubrs'. •Spark . Plugs: • Fan Belli Castrol , Oil &; 'Grease Cat. Cleaners &, Waxes • Electric Light' & Heat Bulbs Goodrich 'and' ,Seiberling : • Tires and Tubes' CAR ACCESSORIES OF ALL KINDS' 'PHONE 65 . • , .ria 1. Ai A. A . .. AL.!....a.AL BORN NIicHoff. SOON ' — in W'higham I3os- pita! on Sunday,' March , lith,' to' Mr. sand: Mrs. Kenneth Nicholson (Joyce' •Mowbray),' ••R. , 3, Luck= now, " 4 .daughter, Donralda Jo- anne: Five Star .5 C, I,G.A, APPLE SAUCE Fancy; 20 oz. , -- • t. DOMESTIC,' SHORTENING° LG:A* TABLE. 'grit LARD 1.lb:v--- -- ROBIN HOOD FLOUR 7-4bs. LG.A.. PEANUT BUTTER. .16` oz. 001:00:. a s 2 _for 2 TAT Ln�noW.•et Phone ' 20 - Lucknow FREE', DELIVERY At The Playhouse .Thursday, Friday' and " Saturday- "Ma and Pa :Kettle Back op. The Farm". ran -of $16:00 ;OO Was: voted ` 'to the -Rid- TCross� •SOc-° iety. at the Monday 'night meet- ing of The Clansmen. Business was dispensed with to • give the evening over' to•an• address by , the president 'of the 'Georgian `Bay Development Association, 1V Ir. IVor. Wagner, followed, by a question and answer. "period. THAT Mr:' and Mrs: John Blake of Wintghaan and formerly of Ashfield, Township, , left the first 61 the week.'for a hplidpy in Florida:' • 'ENGAGEMENTS Mr.' and . Mrs:: Ross Howard Martyn . of Ripley:announce , the engagement of 'their` daughter, Bernice Adelene,: . to Rodney Fraser : MacLennan of Toronto, son of Mr. Emile MacLennan of Lochalshand: the late Mrs. Viola MacLennan. The ;marriageiiill. take place ,, on . Saturday, : March 31st 1956, at 3.00,o'clock in St. Group .T of the W.A.. �. dvhnut met at the home of 'Mrs. McNala.• on March 14th, for an ,evening meeting. • There were' nineteen members present: Mrs. M, John- ston was in charge of the ' meet- ing which, opened • With the. theme hymn, motto and the' Lord's prayer., Mrs. Glen Wal- den. read. the scripture and. the meditation was • taken by; Mrs. •A.' Wilson. ,'Mrs. Drennan led prayer...It was' decided to quilt for the. Red Cross Society Mrs:,. George', Joynt' was in charge. :bf: the program incluging: a reading by Mrs Houston,. an Edgar -.Guest poem by Mrs. Bryce • El: - Hatt an Easter reading by Mrs. L. : Hall: Miss J. • Cormack , was ,guest speaker and .'spoke ` on Health. The • meeting closed With the .mizpah benediction. A . con- test was conducted by :Mrs. Joynt. It's pretty soft :*when a. young , married couple can, 'feather their Andrew's United Church; Ripley nest with "down" payments : J�OHNSTON ',_in Winghasn Gen, eral Hospital, on Tuesday, March .134 1956; to Mr. and Mrs J. C. Johnstone, Lucknow, a daughter: N acKINNON on'' Fridhy, March 2nd; • to Mir. and Mrs. Angus 'Mac- ,Kinnon •: of Aurora, a son, John - Angus. KEQV PTO1T-in Kincardine Hos-' pital on March 7, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. William. Kempton, ' R. 3,, Goderich,., a daughter, Linda , Joyce.• KEIE in Wingharn General Hval ital;--on-•-Satur-day,-•!,March. i.0t . 1956, tor. and Mrs. me LIJCKNOW, ONT. ' : M Lo = Keip, R. 7 Lu>rknow, a son,, For', All Te Family. SMART NEW STYLES FOR THE, LADIES SAVAGE and. WRAGGE SHOES for' Children and Teenagers MIEN'S : DRESS OXFORDS'and LOAFERS in Black or BrownALL" REASONABLY PRICED CRathweiiaSo FINE FOOTWEAR FOR AI.L. THE FAMILY , Ai The Playhouse Thursday, Friday , and Saturday. "Ma and Pa Kettle, Back• on The Farm". . •w • "-' A SEW *ND. SAVE WITH THESE .:.. SILK• LINENS I3resses, skirts,• suits, lovely. new shades Jteg', . $L22 quality, • .KRINKLE CREPE Small pattern, white ground, swell' far gowns, pyiarr,as. Reg. 98c Now 59c Yard • �OR YPCD ' Great for " kiddies overalls,' etc. • Reg, $1,29.. • Now 8cYard DENIM, CHECKS Swell for sportswear, sanforizecl, dandy quality, Reg. $100 yd. Now 79c Yard Many Other. Yard .Good Specials • OPEN, STOCK �_`"'�EOtGIA►N 'BAY :CIIIN`,K.:�_ �tt 'Rambling .Rose" ' patterri, 'Sneeial. Offer , 5% Discount— , on all orders of $5.00 and aver. • • . Start your set now. Men's Fleece TOPS & DRAWERS -!MEN'S 'GABARDINE PATS. _ $5,00. Pair- _ BOYS' 11 'Ox. WESTERN JEAN'S ,g to 18 $2.'77 Pair Winner of !,lucky• Draw—Mrs. Betty Stewart,R. 3: Auburn , -a • " tee.ti,11•ii.''Y+,ai„' it ...mask,