HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-21, Page 3" R F � � WEDNESDAY,MARCH.. . 21, 1958 THE LUCK OW UNITED CHURCH. Minister: Rev. r. A. Meikle john, B.A., , B.D. SUNDAY, .MARCH 25th 1Q:00 a.m.; Church: School. 11.00. a.m.:. "God being', my Helper". " 7.00 p.m.: "The Evidence o1 the, . Resurr'eetiipn". Lucknow re ,by ter. isn h rch' Rev., 'Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDAY, MARCH 25th 11.00 a m.s Morning Worship. 12..15. p.m.::Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.; Dungannon: Evening'. Service Withdrawn • k ST HELENS The annual meeting of the St. Helen's Public Librarywas field. on Tuesday evening with the., .'pres'ifientt "lt7llss W: 11.'Rutherford ' iii charge.' The treasurer ' report- ed a balance on hand of $1.4.81. Miss .Isobel Miller, the . librarian; reported\ a rnem.bership. of 26 families with: atotal of 945 books .read.; Booka,'. are received 'from the. Huron •ICounty 'L'ibrary'' arid aver $80 had been .spent on new books. The.' „following • officers were re=elected: Pres. Miss .• W. D. 'Rutherford:; librarian,. Miss, Isobel Miller; :sec:, • Mrs John' Cameron; treas., W. A. Miller; directors, l. rs.W. A: Miller, Mrs:: G MacPherson, Mrs `Frank 'Mc- Quillin, Mrs.: Alex Purves, . Mr.: and .1VIrs. oo s, an ,dhn, Cameron. •-) ' 'Everyone is invited to'the Var ' R,iety concert by ;.the . Woanen!s In= stitute In the • 'Community Hall brig;itiay-revening ti-8;30:""'EM 1hember is 'to arrange for a .num- beron the :program: A dance Will follow. Ladies . please 'bring lunch'.• • . Mrs. W. - I. Miller was 'hostess • for .the `meetings of the W.M.S. and, the W.A. 'on Priolay ' after-. • noon when 16 ladies were in, at,- tendance.. The theme .' ofthe wore ship service ; for, the W.M,.S. for which •Mrs: Miller 'presided 'was 'The , call to ,the ,mission of the •church thrqugh service and cit izens�hip". Mrs/Miller was assist_ ed by "Mrs. G. MacPherson, Mrs. n • Frank•,..Mcf 1ui'hin • 'and 'Mrs: .J: Cameron. The .'..topicfrom the 'r - tudybook -"No-Vanishrrig Race” t,on the Canadian 'Indians today, d' , was :most interesting .as• conduct' s; '` ed by Miss 'W. D. 'Eutherford,• In A :answer to the questions `asked .by d • her, .Mrs, 'Ross ' Errington, rs". 'Y D: C. McDonald and Mrs. E. W. Rice, 'representing different In- a dian tribes, •gave much informa, t' • tion. • Mrs Lorne Woods read of s, the work of'•1ames. Evans in ro- viding' the writtenlanguage for 11.. • the :Indiana' and•: Mrs. ' W. A. Mil- ler read • •P.auline • Johnston's' al , POQm "Canadian 'Born", • id .Mrse T. J. Todd, .the' president, was in . charge. of-, the W.A,, Ole in R theme' of . which was "Kept • •bey the. I:otuei-.'ef oct==Pen' et Mrs Alex Murdie read the .scrip • tore lesson• and Mrs, L. Woods, -the•�les.son,,t.h: •. oughis�,It `was.u..s`lat'. -ed-" an '"electric heatdr had ben 'purchased for the • vestry. 5.60 was voted to the Cancer F' id !r: ry p" rl. rr- , n rrs)r- rs. or and and it was decided to, make a lavetre for the bale. At the conclusion a pleasant social hour has enved with . lunch : served by Mrs, ,i. Cameron and . Mrs. W. • A, ,Miller Plari::ya, i�an rn"for thr play "Too Many Relatives" by the Belgr,ave . A.,y.P;U, on 'Tues day evening,- April •_..._. p 3rd.,.......�ceP. the -date -in -MTh -CU- ••�' '— High honors . at, the Shoot party on Thursday night went to Mrs. Bob. Lyons and Lorhe Forster and second rite � oing 1 Mrs. Victor Errington.g and red. 1 cr�ri-llin, There were 9 LUCKNOW 541TINEL,: LUCKNOW, ONTARIO WRITES FROM• THE SUNNY SOU H __ t Received a ' letter least„we from Mr. T. J. Salkeld iF1 •ida, where they are enjoying t sunshine, greed grass and wa air. Sounds ' good to those ba home, where King Winter is r luctant to ease his icy grip. Enroute South, they left t snow 'behind below Grand Be and: in Ohio saw the spring bir •which :we will- see, in Ontario late, April,, On Saturday, February 25 •they, ran into a' severe rain a wind storm •in; lower Kentuc 'where , trees• were uprooted • a' a Ali' of 'damage to: 'be seen; Th ret. ,nf ,-the trip •was : uneventf with the weather. • gradual warmer, until ;iif the ,South : the have had temperatures : as' hi as ` 87 degrees. They. reached S Petersburg' .on February 28th an have . moved . around 'Florid damn the West'Coast to Ft. Mye •and across and up the middle 'the State through ` the •citru •groves where orange and grap fruit trees; can .be -seen' for mile The •fruit, is currently being Tic ed.. for processing •lento . j'uice • o for , crating for shipment north • At the: .time . the letter' w written, March '10th, the .Salkel ,party :was staying at: , a mote' within half a mile 'of the Rae at Lakeland and .•had visite them seer--al..tia,„>arl .a. ally 'received.. They have recentl built • an aluminum 'addition t their trailer at the Lakelan trailer carrip,which 'is tinder th management'o'f' Jim Nixon, .a for mer: Lucknowite. • •They. rnet Bi11;ari°d Jennie:Por teous at . Rae's Ton March 8th They ' were taking Mary t T.amp�a' ,to catch :•a- plane back t Toronto = .just 41/i. 'hours•: from surnmer . ,.to' winter,' but • ,1,4 Miles, as ''oro put.' it... The-Lakeland,.district is a' fruit R and ;'vegetable .district and car loads , of •strawberries'' are grown. n:eariby. .Mr: Salkeld thinks L_ake= sand doesn't take second .piaee' to: any :• in Fibrilla:. They, saw the +first ..'•big •league game:i :of the southe.rri:' training schedule be- tween Detroit • and• Washington. M '"--S' lictid cons u es that • while:., Florida'' is :. a :' wonderful place: to get' well warrned and tanned- in ,February .and • March, there's no 'place: like' home ek or- he rm. ck e he nd ds, in t11, nd nd ' e: ul ly .y. big t. a, rs of e s. k- 1 as` d s y' d: I ' . • p .• Local C-tene�a�._ "Mist. P, M. Johnston returned; "hone last. week after a two weeks'• visit in' Toronto with Mr.. and Mrs. Donald Johnston, Dr. R. D. -"Dick" Lane was giv- en a welcome by Port Elgin Rotarians, as. the attended his: first meeting . after an. illness of several weeks from a 'heart at-, tack. Dr,, Lane, a brother of J. R: and Mae- Lane of " .Kinlough,, retired iron.' Toronto:'to Port El gin,°.•• .• 1V1rs. George Hunter. is visiting, in -,London ' with- Mr. and= Mrs, Ken Laidlaw. . .: • Mr.: and- - Mrs, Wafter > 'Abatie` and Jimmy of Plyinouth, Mich.,, spent• the week -.end with'Mrs:, A.' R. Fin'l yson. ,and ' Messrs.. Dun- can and' Jim Cameron. Mrs. A. E. ''Thompson of. Lind- say :is visiting' with. Mrs: R.. T: 'Douglas and Miss MacDonald. Mrs Everett,' Harris "has re- turned to her .home in Goderich •after being ; hospitaliz'ed fora ti•rne in London ,where she •irn derwent major' surgery. Mr: and Mrs. .George Rdbert- soh. of Kingarf were recent • vis- itors 'with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins: . • Mrs. Morgan Henderson pres ident. of the . Maitland': Presby terial of •the W.M.S., was the .1 d.. Feting of St. Andrew's WKS. in. Wingharn:. WHITECHU*RCH Thr ee quilts. • were done' by 32 ladies at ''the'. Women's,: 'Institute meeting' last week. During; ...the o afternoon _ Mrs. Frank; Ross :.con'- o ducted the monthly Meeting Mrs. Shiell reael the ;minutes of O0 the .last meeting: It was decided to ; donate. : $10 to„the Lucknow ed 'Cross • Society A nominating committee af• three;. Mrs. Frank Ross4T 4VIrs. Hugh Simpson: and 1V_Irs Wallace -=.Conn; i -s.: to-=-Iirin-g in the slate of 'off1cers At the April meeting. Mrs.:Frankr Mil- ler made • a motion 'that '' Mrs. 1 PAGE, THREE me s•od 's •Ladiep' ••and . Men's. Wear -- Fashion Millinery ... _ 'PHONE .85, 'LVCKNOW 'FASHION MILLINERY—EASTER BONNETS Children's, Teenagers, Misses', ,Matrons'. Glistening new straws alive with Color—white, pinks, blues, greys, navy, reds. Choose now' for your Easter ensemble. Store Open Saturday; Afternoon ACCT SSORIES ` SCARVES=sheer and nylon oblongs. SQU'ARES '•--ny. lori, rayon, satin,' GLOVES:—large assortment incolors. FLOWERS''—."HANEBAGS —.COLLARS, HOSIERY seamless, Stretehies, Silk, Lisle. • MEN'S HATS •by Stetson and ;Biltmore., -Dress ,up in ' grey, tan or blue for Easter. • Wide variety in site arid price: Special . ; All. Purpose Coats 1 9. New: ' materials' and styling •"Ma arid Pa : Kettle Back on' The Farm''. e t;Egye tr t .4 hti: atur PURPI E "GROVE .Mrs. Bt in dley ; • of ' Riverdale visited.' : with' 'her .daughter, Mrs. Frank Dore,: last week. "Mr. 'and Mrs. Oscar Armstrong of Bernie spent the week-efid at. the liohie of. holt_ daughterie..Mrs.. Frank ' Currie!, ' ` Alit..,'and 'Mrs.. Wilfred Traher and faMily and Miss Edith Stan- ley of London ' visited at 'the home of Mr. Milton . Stanley on Sunday, also Miss. M. Irvin and Mr. and Mrs; I-foward Thompson. Mr.: and. Mrs. 'Donald,. MoFar- 1•ane and family .spent Siarrday at Mr. and Mrs. Howard Ores. .Mr: and . Mrs Frank . Currie spent. last Friday : at' Thames- ville. • Mr. ;and Mrs. . Graham Thomson" and . family of •Fergus visited at the hormie of Mr: and Mrs,.Donald McCosh on. Sunday: • • .,Miss Margaret, Robertson spent' a few,days with. Miss Annie Mc- Leod .o f Lucknow, 11 U ary,Mc shLrs-iterlw here friend,. Miss Margaret •Ribey Of Port •Elgi n; f nr the week -end. The. .10th- - Con: l ar. ml? -or -um hrheir 'annual tuikcy su .er l pp on Saturday evening of last ,week at the home of ;VZ'r. Milton St;an1et,. C NO MAIL FOR TWO . WEEKS Fisher be appoi noted to send a report ..of , the : meeting, ,.fie: London Free Press each ' month. The motto,- "There is nb luck like the luck . of the Irish",. was given. by Mrs. Jack Burchill' and Mrs. Herson Irwin had the 'topic on " "No` one'. has . eye strain from ,looking on the -bright ' side of life". Then Mrs. Irwin : • called Mrs.: Clarence. ' McClenaghan . to the front and Presented' her with an ' Institute' spin; as a remem- brance, •. before leaving''for' her new 'home 'at Rothsay:. Mrs. 'Mc= Clenaghan. made a , very -fitting reply. Thirty-seven . dollars ;was paid thetreasurer by 'the Lang - side group of the Institute as .net m profits' frotheir ,concert and dance. Eleven'` dollars and ninety cents was given ,her : by. White t church group from. Hobo tea. col-' lections.• The, roll •call was, ans- wer.ed by . a. name of, an Irish. town. After singing the Queen,. lunch was served: -Brooks -Howey Group :. The `March meeting of Group.. II of:the Women's Association' met at 1VIrs. Wellingtijn :Hender- •son's home for an evening meet - with, thirty 'ladies ••present.: Mrs. Brooks presided. and the meeting c+pened with, a hy,.rnn and'repeat- ing the Lord's prayer. Mrs, Robt: Finlay. read' - the scripture. :les-' son ' rs. ' oy, - avens gave' . the med'ita'tion. The .ion. call :Was' ;answered by an Irish joke, Mrs: ` eld"Alear Havcnr.i,:. ;;leper dw -oi i 'the , sewing Committee that two Red, Cross` quilts were' finished, also •some.''sewing done. The Cheerio ommittee :along .with members ad .-made over thirty calls, on ick 'hicrnbers. Mrs, Brooks clos- .•' d this hart of the, meeting, and Miss ' Helen' Thompson, ' convener. �.. : tbe.:program _committee, _ _took` barge and had ,ari'ariged .an Irish program which opened with :an i Irish sing song. prepared by lVJrs. ! shton and :red. by Mrs: -3.1:-W.--: Joynt, Mrs; C. Thomson ' gave an Irish. reading: Beverley Ash - ten played Irish selections • • on the 'glockenspiel, a band instru- Ment, Mrs. Henderson gave. an interesting ' and illustrated talk I on African Violets. Mr/�s. Stuart +flyA "�'(Y ,". a e/�,R [�ij'Y,n. .' M'Y} Iy�r�• .AMU.S.14 i+ ical numbers on. the . mouth or- _gen . were played by Mrs. Col- lins. `Miss 'Thompson closed the meeting, with prayer Mrs. Robt. Thornpson' ••thanked.' 'he. hostess' and all. taking' part and the corn: mittee . se'rved. lunch: Church on . Thursday sponsored' by Group ; II • under : the conven- ersihi • ATTEND' ELDERS'' ;SCHOOL . �; � P of Mrs. Howey and Mrs.. Brooks: Afternoon tea and music liwelde. members of 'the' Ses were in keeping with f t..' Pat; Sof�the ' : Lucknow� .United risk's Day...The, guests' , enjoyed sion attended., 'a• shoo' ' a sing song of Irish airs wow: - Church Mrs. - 'elders held at Pine 'River` on .'�anied '. by Mks. Ashton. ' Mrs,•. Friers ,, held ing , w t11 -:1V1 : 0. T HO y welcomed.4h- e-guests-azid presided ',for the following' .pro - ST. PATRICK'S ' TEA WAS. PLEASANT SOCIAL EVENT , .. Spring . flowers and 'shamrocks' decorated the 'Fellowship Room for the Irish tea i- iii 'I the United Scott of Caledonia `as' the leader , and special speaker:': This vfras gram: vocal duet,•.''�rrs, 'Janes and and • Webst r•' brie off four such- schools held in ,violin solo, Bruce Presbytery : to .studyand discuss tl olppor nl*�ies�ehall enge and responsibiiity:of elder-. ship. Old Get.Pep,Vim Feely Full of Vigor; Years Younger EN,WOMEN of 40, 50, 60. Don't be old,weak,worn-out, all in, exhausted. Try Ostrex Tonic Tablets; Often needed after 40 by body old, ,run -p. down because lacking iron; increases vim, , vigor, vitality. Thousands feel full et pep, years` younger. Quit being, old. Get Ostrex- today. "Get -acquainted" size costs little. Or start with' big, . popular "Economy" size and save 750.: At all druggists. , Mrs:. Blake Alton, vocal solo; • A, Mrs. H• rol.: . inouth •:..; organ• selection, Mrs: -,,Collins and' Mrs. Alex Havens; Monologue, Mrs. Alex MacNay;' vocal. 'solo, Mrs. Hewitt; reading, Miss Hel- en Thompson; spring chorus and; 'drill' by Nancy: ' Webster, Joan Crawford, Elaine MacNay,' Joyce Maclay,` Shirley"' Irwin, ::Joanne Hunter, Marilyn Kilpatrick, Inge. Suter, Bessie Reavie, ,Ann, Craw- ford; .duet,. Marilyn 1� and' :Inge• Suter. •' At" the • close of the program Mrs. Brooks. thanked all those who had helped to ,make •the St. Patrick's . tea •'.a pleasant after• - 1 . .Trade In Your�•-�rottbles �`or- A ... , . :NEW McCLARY �! 1 hook 11, seerathe McClare which, has Selection f models and 'sizes .:; ..and. ' y been' designed just for yout. ''I, ENJOY ALL THESE. ,FEATURES ;. WITH EVERY,McCLARY RANGE • IIdd• a letter 'last week ' from . George =Book of .Lorebturn, Sask., wfiic h7g#ves i lithe-fiat=li trrl c titrn of the rough winter they have 'been • having" in' the West.- George, said they had :-been•- �wi�iliou '-marc-f"r`am '11�Iarci'��"nct""t:n" the ;).4th. • They, belong ,to a snow plow Club. which • has a good , snow blower,but it was useless to open The: ry id as it ' would fill in 'about as fast as they could aFfp�rrr-�t*a«..-ti�«..:...e?wt..,�..+n........•a".�'� N;�t-`��m:a' y New modern streamlined design .; , . fast heating, Mc- • �Ola.r'y tubular ele.-nt-- w lid• -•- porcelain enarneled under- peens . famous McClary rcelari era - m�letl, super~ insulated broadway oven . . tainless, seamless cooking top balanced oven -doer .! storage, drawer 1 ' pilot lights . . . broadway broiler exclil;sive for.. : Mula Titanium porcelain enamel finish`. • 114' •1F' • 0 - Matinti� Plumbing, .Heating, Wiring, Eavetroughing 'Phone 50 . At The Playhouse Thursday, Friday' and Saturday—; "Ma and Pa Kettle BaCk on The Farm':' ' r ,1