HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-21, Page 2ri . :1' • • ' ARK WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr, and Mrs, Les Ritchie were .Pleasantly'• surprised on Friday • evening last, when some fifty or more of their -'friends and neigh- bors dropped in to extend best Wishes on the occasien of .their. thirty-fifth'Wedding anniversary. The. evening was spent in play- ing pr,ogressive lay-ing'progressive euchre with high prizes. going to Mr. and VIPs. • An- drew Gaunt- .• A 'beautiful, wedciing' cake with all: the, trimmings, formed . a.part. of :4 bountiful 'lunch; after which the `;following' address; was., read to the (bride and groom• df thirty_ 've 4ya e rs and they were pre'- � sented with an, electric tea kettle: and . a suIn •of Money.; • Dear Les ' and Deneda, A little bird told us in pass- ing the. other clay,. that today, March 16th,.. was a very special one in your , lives and `we your. friends .':and , neighlbors . 'could• not let the occasion. of your thirty- : fifth wedding anniversary •pais without extending to ' you • our best wishes. and •our appreciation' of you as good neighbors. ~Many , of •, the 'couples' you 'knew • as a ' bride and groom .are not among us tonight, as the pass ing -. years bring many changes, -but for those. et us here tonight : we want. to tell yoit`we are.`pronal to have you as neighbors and friends .in: •our ' • community and we ask you 'to accept this small token wjth our "best `wishes. 41,- .1, , .--w. - -ii*--Iwor7 slat f THE .LUCKNOW 'SENTPNEL,LUCKNOW, ONTARIO KINGSBRI GE; _-. . W ITE HURCH Week -end visitors to this com- Mr, and Mrs, G Gillespie and munity, were Mrs. D. Moore and '1r and. Mrs, Donald: Qilles de & daughter "and Mr. Jimmy Sinnott son of Kinlough spent the week - of Detroit, .Mr. •and Mrs.• J. Diet- end with Mr, and Mrs... J. C. Gil - rich and family, of, Kitchener, Mr.: lespie at Sarnia. ' attended the 3- Y :and Mrs. Lalonde of Sarnia, Miss A large ' crowd a Mary Sheridan of . Toronto, Mr. act • comedy Too' Many . Rela- • ,and Mrs. Jack '• Fitzgerald: • and tives" (Which was: sponsored Arby children: of Listowel" the Belgrace Anglican Y.P, The St.• Patrick's dance held in Eldon McCleraghan, had, a tont the parish ish hall on :• Friday even- silectomy in Winghan Hospital ing was well ;attended: There will on Saturday. • re has• been a be' no' ' more dances .here' until Mrs. • Cr, r R. Moo._ the Easter 'Monday dance,. ,Spon -. patient ' in Win;gham Hospital . for' Bored (by the C.N'h, the past ;eek -with: pneumonia. The new Bantu •y floor in St.` Quite.,a number front this care-. Jos h's •.C'hairc h is • well, on its m'unity ;attended, the, Allis,-Chal- y wa towards :being a reality . asp triers entertainment • in J ucknowp the work is alxead ;`•half ce plet .Town. Hall orn;'Z1hursday. evening,, ed, and is . a wonderful improve aV1 r: ' Bert. Moggach the rb• .lock ment. The •coni ,letion of tills salesman and: Mrs. Moggach at - work . work will take Place shortly so tended. ' Mr, Fred Tiffin • won the that all, will be in readiness for gents prize, ' • a pail of greaser • the Easter ,services: _ • !Thee' C.G.I,T. was held at the Mr, and Mrs, 'Victor Finnie of home ,of Mr..and Mrs V. Emer- Goderich visited at their home son on Wednesday' evening. Miss • here. on Sunday. Lois Riibey,, School • teacher at- S. S.: No, • 9, showed films: • M. and Mrs. Lorne Durnin .& Olivet W.M.S. sons of St. .Helens and Mr. Pete Twenty-three members • attend- . Kennedy '• visited 'a day last week' Twenty• ed the March meeting of the with friends,. in Guelph., •'whichwas held at the Mrs• Harry' Tic'hborne :of 'God h6me of Mas..' Walter Roulston. erich, Mr. and Mrs: Lorne Dur- Theresident, Mrs. Clayton, op- nin and : Sons of St. Helens. visit - P., ened' the ineeting• with 'a ' poem: ed : ' on Sunday •with Mrs: ' Ken-. A. •n a::.h the' Lord's: nedy and Fete. After si ging., ymnn• You have ' made a ' host of friend- " Since the day' you :said "I ' do", • . No• wonder. this occasion means So very Mitch. to ' you. • A` nicer married ,couple 'Would be `nighty hard. to find, Sincere •congratulations • , 1 f the .very. warmest kind., i t w • WEDIIESDAY, MARCH 'Zi i604. 'KINGSBRIDGE • ' (Too Late For Last Week) Mrs. Jerry O'Connor .has re- i ' •. '.:turned •to her home There after lengthy ' visit' with her sister, • • . by f Miss Anne. McKinnon of • Wing • .ROSEMARY THYME . . hams, ' .....•••.~0:4444....• 1Vfrs.' Blake Martin;, is in God, • ?rich Hospital dOilowing • an in- ' ' i have .iben• doing;. one of my u to her shoulder when she . , ..obs . in my � p period, clean=out . J slipped on icy steps on Sunday desk — not that much . is ever morning. really cleaned out, rn?rely shift- Miss Margaret ~Foley is visit- ' ' ed from one' crawer to another, ing with: relatives in Detroit, ere are always things: collie The Ushers Club. are sponsor- • '' but th . to; light F1hat T Have �foi�gotten a11', acks of ing their annual St, Patrick's . t• notes on the . b nee in. thea.. -arish hall . on Fri,.. - abou,� .� alendars from the days arch 16th and ; have , en= �' Murd1e s, .r �_. fh.. aY... M . we lived . i Lucknow viinity, 1t gages °the Henderson ochestr�a .to, is a good thing . I• . have' a good 'supply the 'music,., ` memory,' kiecause the •most of the Mr. and Mrs, -James Johnston.• : ', ;mem randa •rings a ` bell: for rne, . o. ... , ' .. ,, � and.: family:.and the Ed 'Johnston • • For • instance; ' .a scribbled i family` of Goderich visited. at 'the think it':s a Pilggrirn" brings back .home of Mr. ;Michael 1�'oley oil a senile recalling 'the. dray •when. ,Sunday my ,practically grownup son waS ,,Schoo,l will': re-open`tomorr.•ow, , about, 4, and was Ieaking at the morning (Tuesday) after being pictures:: in, a magazine. "Who . is closediaa� W ca a�, gy�uw our ., ,. that" mummy?" . • .Mummy didn:t • ',That' � hal - cher, 1Vlr f Sheridan;.was ill with know. . That was a• very s p the 'flu. :face; ,with heavy brows and very, , .Miss Mary 'Sheridan' of Toro-- long pointed'' teeth, a sort,, of •car= to .pent the ; week=end at • her • • icature. :John • continued to' study..., horn? here. ' it absorlbedly for ;several min- Mr' and 'Mrs... :,Gene Frayne, : ' utes, 'then announced with fin- Danny .and. Jimmy ;attended ',the ality,:' ".I :,think it, is a Pilgri-ni"• funeral of:; Mrs, . McCornnck, . an '.. 1Viothers really 'should keep a aunt, in • Mactori' on • Monday diary of their children's early morning, and spent the week -end ' ' ' • years: I` very ,much' wish that I .with the Kraemer, family at lies- had -;the few ; letters -that ,1' -have son: "' a i_ r •4 "�it"��''�(:l.'- l� 1J' "=r�`" � 1 n. , •.:�• �i'' `�:L �''f'`�'U "�'�"'i'�t.e:rea,0: s' ja:ngclos toi. inn, toe vYi ne.rbyaup..!yhn.ed: rFro ro hw,eynn9auhr.!are, visiting with the -DWyer fam- ..ily: a, .tc;"iiKuin:cor:oc. 1,3ANE'll...4.s.‘ ',, ' . .:•• ..' '.you may read' in later. The Rev. J. Q.' E.., Ball of .paint . , ' ... .irniogn, .a.th. ewreelli sA. ,;.inocitlifir.g. .:ah.e. yCcpuini: of.ing-of the United ChUrch Board •••• •ster likes to.: hear abotit more •Vie,, the thurch is' in 'danger •of :. . •. ,than the. things that happened. to coMPlacendy. •We. are'. ih danger .. ,''him When he was toe .srnall to' .of developing 'an 'anaemic Christ- .... - •reniember. Yeti think at the time dainty, cold' and. calculating; and'. ,, •,. . . •ing • was • se. original • that ' you' There., must! be a reviVal . of the I . . .-,couldn't possibly :forget :it. But res'pectahle, • coniPlaeent church-: ,; .shbald put Jehn -in my 'iliarY ta-. to Complacency. : . :A.' revival .was.. .,: ...might Irm Sure ..he would, well re- needed to. recapture' a••sense: e.f.'. ..,,Mernber the evening; he : and - They .certainly :tidied it• -even -if •able to feel that theY. -needed to ,'be 'So :dradtic . abeut• .it. EverY- needt you, and .not because Yea ,. ',•'thing was, put somewhere it had! thing yoit need the' ehurch.. ' •never. been" before mien John Speaking :Acquaintance' ; .could net firid. hid oWn 'cap ma- . Often when I -Pass a church:: .. . ,ishoeS . the., next. Mer.ning, .and a •I drop In for a (Visiti. , . • ', .,'flolitn.",. not. tOo.. pleased about it So that *hen -.I'm. carried in .... :' ::Worst.: displacernent ..yas discev_ covered three min. Remove one,. ,left 'right en stop.' of everythingColUmn I had. done that daY, and centre is dry' they are stifficieat- • . • .on"'mY 'writing table. I finally. liquid to :hot platter' arid .poiie , - . ,'Wadn't .w•orth, saving. and it had them. Brown ;butter in A, skijlet, . ,been crammed in a .waste. bas7:.. add reinaining bread crumbs. and' . . 'ket However it finally. did turn Onions arid coak several Militates, , ..they; 'had, done, - when We got Of onion.: These dumplings maY'• ....' ... i'butter may be_ used instead •Ideasere. at the wonderful •job inand. how ehlidreri's;.labors be 're -heated. Still sounds .like.a .home. .Why mothers get,,i gray!' in this sniffing , of materialfrom drawer to ,drawer, an old well beaten, 1.1k tbdp.. flOur,, one- ' • :cook book turned tip, nist.ing eighth :tsp.. bak. Powder, 1. tsp. , - .. t'.1VIother . used -to Make".. ‘T -ii -c, -----t. dalit; ,Pare .pptatods , gld cover ; .1particular think I have tried any of --..4e- '14.7ith: ..poldhours fj3efore Using, Drain and •know the motto of good cOoks. you grate. Rinse, 'Add eggs to grated , ,.3.,‘potatoes and 'inik lightiY; stir in " , .. ti The roll call . was answered with a proverb. After:. the' dedication: ZION • of the • offering by Mrs. D. A. Mrs. Wes Ritchie • spent week !rydon, :the scripture was .read end.at Port Elgin with Mr and by Miss Beth ,McTavish:; A• grant Mrs: Tim McKay.. was made to :CARE for parcels . Mr and Mrs. Harvey . Ritchie to,. India Wand" Kora.. •An Easter and • family visited.with `Mr: and poem -was ,read . by Mrs:. Norval Mrs.. Jack McLean on Sunday; Stewart' Mrs: Ross Black review- Mr: and : Mrs: Dennis Dannelly. ed . a chapter frown 'the study and family of Pinkerton. visited book, "No_' Vanishing , Rake' •Suday with Mr: and .,Mrs. Ger- Readings ,were` given by Mrs. H. don 'Kirkland: Brooks and .Mrs. Ray:'Hamilton.' Mr and Mrs.• Donald Murray, A !vote -.of-thanks was moved by Marl.brie ' and :'.Mrs Cliff Menary ' A 'word at :thanks ` froni : the Mrs. B oward Henry to the, hos- visited : .last ', Wednesday night •(br„ide and. groom; followed. by a teas- and group in charge. • The:with ,Mr, and .Mrs. `,Nelson Ray- -sing. song'.: with_Mr_s:_ -Rost_. Scott meeting closed With a hymn and . nard. '•and° Mrs. Andrew Gaunt at the the—W.M.S. ,benediction.. ' Lunch Mr. and .1VIrsordon Ritchie* piano, brought' .a a very 'delightful was served' and • a • social hour ' and Mr.. and Mrs. Lorne Ritchie evening to .a close. `' spent: were in London 'last Thursday. Libby s .Cooked Spaghetti, e Mixes, 7 •varieties .3 for $1. • ' Betty'• • Treesweet, Grapefruit Juice ' 15'oz.' tin 2 for '25c • 48 oz. tins'--- 27c Aylmer Catsup. tomato,flavor, 11.' oz 21c ' Good, Lnck' Margarine, special • pack 31c - Birds Eye' Frozen Orange' Juice ,Mazola Oil,.. pint; � 39•c • . . Libby's Fancy Peas, 15 oz. tins .... . 2 for 35c ; 6' oz. tins — 2 for 35c • old.' Dutch` Cleanser, -tins 2 for .21e Cream of Wheat, pkg, ......... �....�.......... r:..... 31c Lynn Valley, Green Peas.: . Wagstaffe Strawberry Jam, '.24:,oz: jar :' 430 ` 15 oz,' tins- 2•' for 21c. Culverhouse Cream Style Corn, 20 oz. 2: for 31c Campbell's Tomato Soup, 10 oz: tins 2' for• 25c Rose Brand Margarine ,Nestle's Quik, 16. oz tin.... f ' R & W Instant Coffee, jars, •2 oz.•56c; 5 oz. $1.36 . 4 one-pound`.pkg .'-- .�9C Monarch. Sponge Puddings, pkg'. 21c Treesweet Blended Juice Je11-O Lemon Pie ,Filling, 'pkgs ...... 2 for 25c• - 'Betty Crocker • Pie Crust .• Mix, ' 18. oz. pkg. 35e 48.•oz. tin 35c E. D. Smith's Che Pie: Filler, 20 lily �.--� s ��, tin -,3.1c Mealtyme Sliced Bread, loaf .r:= `15c , Easifirst' 'Shortening, lb. pkg. 27c • • 'Kraft" 'elveeta Cheese, % lb. pkg 29c, R '& W Evapoi ated'Mi1k, 2 tall tins :•4 25c. . • Libby's .Pineapple ~-Juice' Golden Hour, Easter Candies ::rr.:r. ' 29c , $8 oz. tin 53c , Javex Coneentrate, 32 .oz bottle 25c Saran `Wrap, 25 ft. Toll ,....r....,.., 39c; ' Graves Apple Juice • Save All Wax' Paper, roll � 29c. Kotex ',Sanitary Pads,' pkgs.• of'12 ...: 2 for 79e -' '�8 & tial - ' c ace Elle Tissues, 1nkgs. 2 'for 39c F FRUIT AND VEGETABLES, Libby'sFancy iTomato' .Juice' :wcet Sunkist. bran esu •side ; 252; doz. ::::4 oar ten --- c .y, q •basket r,.. 79c ,... Faric grade Spy •Apples 6 t: FROZEN FOOD . SPECIALS *New spring crop Carrots'. 20.oz. cello 2 for 23c Crisp, tender Celery,' large stalk :.:. 2 for '29c . Birds Eye Sweet Green Peas, pkg. r:rr. 25c Select No, '1 Potatoes, 10•1b. bag' ..;r,,•:r:.: 35e Birds Eye Fresh frozen Strawberries ,.:::r.. 49c WHITT'ICl�'S BREAD and BAKING Birds Fye, -'French 'Fries; pkg,.- r..r,.r.. 2 for' 41c Birds Eye Haddock Fillets, lb,' ;.. 39c: r • y�y y_ r , .,•-n'.i 7T"J1��i- t.110:41.*. on ` them`•'as being tested. " remaining, ingredients. Drop tl. in---tile-older-da from on wellgreased skillet good cockk always tastes,' so if a recipe wasn't just to her taste tsp. ,I and brown on both sides. Serve tt with applesauce t "something was added;-, •P-otato�.v .Fr=fitters;.. y. J3c........+?'+p ,..� ' ..:..., However these recipes sound basic. recipe' as for pancakes. Add ' 1. sensible, and, should be worth a 1 onion grated, and 11-z t1�s1=, try, I think: enough '� ' chopped parsley., . Use . F Potato -Dumplings: 9 , rnodium flour to hold mixture .0g -ether, a potatoes, '1 tsp. • salt, 3,.„eggs well increase ibak, ,pdr. to i/ tsp Drop beaten,' 1 cup sifted flour, ' lk tsp,, by tsp: into hot deep .fat. ,Fry nutmeg, '1j daps bread crumbs, ntil • browned. Drain ori rttii,ox 1. cup butter Qo�ch! let your' eon- b tpaper. tcx A .science : be. y g Toe i t}t err `upe; days, there was no ,margarie), grated uncookedgsweet poi i1 p7 2 tbsp • chopped onion, Cook pot-' 1 cu ' •brown sugar, tt atoe$ :in jackets until tender;; Mases, i/a cup butter -,y 1 tsp. gin` ' c�Y a eel and orce] iro y h' ricer. del' ger, -tap. or.nnarn!°1/411;• n Bait, • eggs,: flour, „ two-thirds cup :,pioe, : r%x tap, salt, �� .tap. c�r`ry�ress bread crumbs and nutmeg: Mix 1 tap.• grated prang rind COm- thoroughly; Shape. .into ba:11$ bine ingredients and mix' t13cr- . • tel about the size of walntats (if• mix_. oughly;. ttransfelc 'to gre•soci s1�a1` • ' 1'r 'tore is tee moist add :more bread low pans or skillet and baker .. tel crumbs). Drop balls into boiling slow oven about two hours.� •salted ,water, When balls. come Serve hot with hard sauce', or • la' Mto ur acci....coli;tinitis 4c.hc rl 41n col #Avith whrppec oroa. -, . •