HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-21, Page 1$2.50 A Year In dvanee---$1.00; Extra To U,S A LUCKNOW, . ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, , MARCH 21, 1956 lu�know Joint Geargia� Bay industrial Development Group :Industrial, interest was quick - Oiled ,locally and, positive actien: taken, as;>a . result of , first of -the- week• meetings with officials of the Georgian :'Bay. Development Association. •• Mr.' Ivor Wagner, r of ' Owen. Sound, President 4 of ' the Georg.: ian Bay Association, addressed the. regular monthly. supper ,meeting the Clansmen, on Monday, • night, at • .which all me;nbers\of the.. Village Council were present. .Mr. Neville Keefe, 'general manager•of the Association, was. unable to be present due to a previous engagement at .Part El gin, .but on Tuesday : morning he met informally with the Coun- cil and, a four -man committee from . The ' .Clansmen. . The' immediate result was that the Cotine-il voted : •to: join the :Georgian Bay 'Development As- sociation, `the fee•. being 10c per case, slightly' • over $90.00. The. Sepoy Village became the • .61st municipality • to . join the As- sociation. There are ''• few urban :centres in ;Bru e County, one of c 'four Zones: n the area, which do not now belong.:'; • •At Monday night's meeting • :President • Harvey Webster pre- sided .and. `after, outlining.: some. ' . of the attributes : of the commun- ,ity, introduced MrWagner, who. is head. of : the Dominion .Trans-, ,pertation .Company at : 0 a 'n, Sound: One. Of. Nine Areas a d Clansmen-commlttee.�to-meet_ •Mr.;' Wagner explained that the the ` next; . morning • with. • Mr. Georgian Bay ,Area :' was: one of Keefe. • nine areas in which the' province •Mr. Hamilton stressed that it had been :divided 4.inchistrialwise was apparent . •that "a pe r by the Ontario oire anent s esseri • pepper ,f', .� .. a Pl;.x2uA�a�a tral.�;fox�ir�d eorg n Bay Area extends from .trial promotion, ••and that pro - Parry Sound in.' the :North to: cedure .along that line ' would Lucknow in the south and• east" •have, to 'be followed. to Orangeville. It, in. turn, • is :$houlld 'Join Association divided into four zones.•; Zone No• •. Councillor Joynt queried if the .1 is comprised.. of all of Bruce Georgian '.Bay Association ' had County. It has . an, area, commit- any , direct overseas contact.,, _with tee . not .exceeding 15 members, industrialists. who .might locate half of� whom . it' . is suggested s could `be elected representatives presentatnves of the various municipalities.. From the Zone Board, three dir- ectors are -elected to the • Area' Board :of twelve members, plus, 'a thirteenth member, .wnho . , is a representative of the Ontario .Government,. • wihich .'contributes dollar for dollar raised from area fees,. ,Up- to a maximum . of $10,000. The ' Georgian Bay Area 'was organized about a year ago, with General Manager Keefe starting. his duties in August ,He and a RICHARD BAKER PASSES The death of .. Richard. Baker occurred' unexpectedly in Wing 'ham Hospital: on' Tuesday. even- ing. Dick,. as• he was .popularly known,- had not been ;enjoying the best' of `health, :but` had been admitted. to hospital only. the day before: He was' 72, • • The' funeral , service .will. -be held. at the' Johnstone Funeral Herne' on • Friday at .2.30 Am.,' with interment in South . Kinloss, Cemetery. • • . deal of'work--and to meet .with Much frustration, but by perse- verance success will Came, some times , 'suddenly ' and unexpected= Thanks Sneaker • Reeve A. W. Hamilton: thank- ed Mr Wagner for a very bene- ficial „addres .... audience gained a great deal. Mr. Harinilton .referred. to the community shed ...Which ' has a. floor: • space of approximately., 8,000 square feet,. and could be diouibied ,' by raising; ' the 'roof. •'here has been suggestions that it might have industrial .possi-: bilities "and' he felt that,. care was necessary in its :disposal so that it 'might .be put to the best use: 'Mr. Hamilton made reference to the death, of former Clerk Jos. Agnew 'and stated"that while LOST WALLET CONTAINING RED CROSS • COLLECTIONS • Donald MacLean, of town . had the rnisfortune on Mon day to- lose- his wallet con= taining. somewhere „around $75.00; Orf.'the,.contents:'.of the wales let," $4000•.was money which Donald had'collected` for the , Red Cress Society,. as one of the Village's volunteer can •vassers. ti . Surely . the finder , of :tlfe. wallet'- will see that it is. re turned to Mr. MacLean.'; He. is offering a Liberal' reward... That, wasn't the only .loss . • reported on; Monday. Another ' party lost a change: purse on, Saturday night containing . $41;00, - and • would :certainly: appreciate its` return: ORGANIZING CALF CLUB. Plans• are currently, underway for the organizing of the 1956. Calf .Club • sponsored 'by the ' Lucknow Agricultural Society, Entry . ; forms -may :::be obtained ':' �, ,m a ac ay.' t, :1-e -' .FORMER CLERK ers' are George Kennedy,. Tom" `Todd and Murray' .'Gaunt. Ten ' Members, ���D.,ON MONDAY burs• , are the. minimum � rg- quired -to' .form a' club.: Joseph •Agnew,..•a lifelong resi _ dent of the commuinty, .:and Who, NARKED ,83rd BYRTHDAY, 'had: the unique distinction' of EIGHT PAGES Call For Tenders in.OrderTo. Reach Decision On Shed Sale OUT TO CHURCH SUNDAY having' served as • clerk ; ' of the Village of Lucknow for 45 years, 1VIrs .')Wilson ., Irwin:' observed :passed away, at the sup e'r., ih�our ,p 'her " 83rd birthday on Monday, on :Monday. March,'12th.She is still enjo',�in ' Mr ,� J Y . g .r.. A�gnevv. was .8i3 sears • of comparatively` good health and age . ons. Februai lst. .'He had on Sunday was in attenddnce at been•in failinghealth for a the •Munici al Office. would be the , mornin • P g service in the' tin-, ',period ,'.and had .been •closed he wished • C • - sited Church. , the ounc&1 urn . • • • bedfast past,few. Weeks. n To ?nark the occasion Mrs:1. Irwin�e was the son of the•late Mr. accompanied Mr, and ,Mrs. and. Mrs." Joseph Agnew,: and was Spence 'Ir•w-in and.PaltrierIrwin Iai the a last -member criember of a pioneer. to ' Goderich for . . a • birthday; • din- Paramount district f e ner at , the'' hoixine of Mr.. and Mrs. 'amity: • 'i:- h Gorsi9.n,�r.�uiii•. : Mr... wae: born on the farm cin' vv�hioh • "vs located` Hope"hh • which Mrs. Irwin vcas ,formerly. La -has;. long since `disappeared. The vina Florence Caesar: of Ash- little ` cemetery. of that name. is field. still'. to . be s ' gen 'soQine. three miles� west of town, and it was. there SHOWERS HELD IN that his..sister Annie, .who' died. HONOR OF' SATURDAY: BRIDE a• young girl, ' was. the 'first stenographer, 'are the only+sal-: arried . offi.cers• • of the' .Associa- tion, • • • Job Begins Ai ' Hoflie - Mr: .Wagner, ,,as did Mr, Keefe, stressed that the j db ' of • indus- trial promotion', begins at home, and that it is important that ,a' Municipality have art' active in- dustrial committee, which can be contacted and ' is ,inossession of intelligent information. • The ser V d • - an • now a ge of the general ,manager is always available to member municipal ' Mr Wagner outlined some :of .the facilities:. that industry is looking.' for and pointed out that the health and happiness of em- pleyees is of major concern. In- dustry will not gravitate' of its own accord, we've ,got to go• af- ter . it and sell it, and we must }isiVe. sa ethi ced that industrial de- velopment ce is not. the only con - %'.•• • person ,to bei -.buried: Miss Christeria: ' MacLennan: ;' Mr. Agnew tnarrjied Edith ''Mc. in Canada. Thereply was ,:that was guest of,, honor at two pre- Lellan, daughter of- Andrew Mc - any such. contacts were through •.nuptial . showers :last week, that Lellan who was a sawmill'o er- Canada or...Ontario House over- preceded her marriage on Sat actor in 'the Paramount district.t seas. • urday to'. Mr. Glen Victor :Mc- Mrs. Agnew` predeceased . him al, Mr. Joynt pointed out that he ,Fadden -'of . London, 4itt most.-. a quarter: of.•a century ago: was • • associated with ie. broker On Wednesday evenin g .friends • Follotwingtheirrnarr' a they that had •an exclusive listing on> and neighbors. gathered- at ..the farmed at Paramount . i for.a. few the looal furniture factory whidh hone of : her :mother, Mrs. Alex, 'years :before Mr Agnew took k has been idle for = a long period, . MacLennan, to shower Christens over ' the • general store ' business ,iSale tenders are.'�being • called for, the=Lucknow Community. Shed so that. a 'decision • may be officially reached to -sell, or riot "to : sell,: the;; building:.., With' at •: 'least one .'party interested ` in the property, this '• procedure '• was • considered necessary in order to deal with'. the matter. • Back'in 1951 when the shed was purchased as, a • community . shed from the trustees •of- the, United' Church, it• was registered in the name' of the Village of Lucknow, with the municipality • responsible for lighting and ord- inary ,caretaking; ' The • authority for disposing of the building,'' or•' ,the -making of• major repair's, was vested in a Permanent Committee comprised of the •four reeves' of the muni- cipalities of Luckriow, Ashfield, Kinloss' and West Wawariosh, currently in ; office at the time :. T � nnzg f arise... .. • Reeves A. .W Hamilton, Cecil Blake, Harold Percy and John Durni:n ' of these respective muni- .e cipalities met on Saturday and. decided. to: call for tenders on �the.shed,: •with the provision that the highest” :or any tender • need not be accepted: • The shed' was: purchased for $1,600 from donations made in 1951 by resident's Of these .`four municipalities and :was specified •for "the �accomodation of farm era ' and... others Who may be' en- titled to:. its: use". -The 'provision •:was also Made. -that.. if the : building • was -ever.. sold, and. the sale price .exceed-: ed . the purchase. 'prico' and the cost of: Major •repairs • .which might ;have ' ,been incurred the, surplu's`' rb'e `re"mlburse. pro -rata to the 1951 contributors. "* • All' such details are being re- viewed. ,and -studied by the Per- , • manent CCommittee, as `, they: call for tenders. PLAN GOOD. FRYDAY SEYtVICE • The Lucknow Ministerial As- sociation is planning a, commun- ity Good Friday service.'to ..,be held in'the •United Church at 11 : a.m. with y Rev. ,D. A. Brydon of Ripley ,:United Church as guest speaker. The offering will 'be` for the Bible Society but would be pleased .to. • work with .many, lovely- -.miscellaneous at Pine .River: t a r a • Followirng this � 'a familiar and popular along with anyone. He • favored gifts.:Mrs. 'Roy.` Black had .charge lure' in the mercantile . business •' ..ca figure joining the' Association... of the program and /Catherine they moved . '.to Lucknow where. Joe' ' as ... 1everyonenactive. life.—He Mare ' :Councillors Aiex• MacLeod,' W. MacLennan and • June Collyer he • had since been . lived a full' and aV lla• eife: i- prominent in had served ',on :bhe Village : Coon- , G Webster ' and Sam Shrewood assisted the bride-to,be= in open-. the life of • the. community. He Cil, : • spoke. briefly,. pointing out . that ing her gifts... • was, first' associated `in thepro- prior to his appointment to while. we couldn't'expect an On Thursday afternoon form- duce business with Alex•fraternalthe clerkshi�pl He , wasi active in thing too big in an.. industrial er neighbors. in" the Lochalsh dis- and . (olhoe days, circles in his. Younger then , ,went into • the'shoe : havinga 'way, we would be 'happy to' have trict . met :at the home of Mrs. .business, • which he sold to John n attained the .Black Knight degree in ;the 'Orange any industry' locate here 'no` mat- Reg Campbell to, honor;Christena Joynt and Son, .to enter the law 'Order. , Amon . other• - ter' .how small, . ' who , a ain received many lovely_office .- of�_ P. - A: Malcamson • g . aci 1.0. F . g . � was`... a member of the 10 4;F: Tuesday's vleeting ' gifts, which she :was assisted in Where the received his. grounding and A. • , opening, by Mrs D. A. MacI:en- in the.cony of the, user having acted. At' Tuesday ,mornings meeting ian a , eyancing business and as local treasurer for Mr.. Keefe joined in a round y years ,held the title ofthe 'latter. and Mrs. Lennie Houston. for urianOrder for many table discussion of the workings :Mrs Campbell had charge of the conveyancer dna notary, ,colic: His 'seryl years... of • the . 'Association and his program which' added to , the en -as secretary uf the • p�,r. joymerit of , a ' lesaant' social af- ' In 190.7 Mr. Agnew was appoint-. Agricultural. - Spciety � equalled•. conal ;activities in co-operating .-. .. e .. p ed clerk of the , Village, as Mr, that -of his individual • . • ,. .. ernoon.. . ,. , ,. - , NLalcomsibn's successor and�..w service. Ile the as an ardent l. (bowler at one follovin rear 4ssuned---t1te—me sand arr�tber of the Fres- . r g ;treasurers, duties. also, succeed- 'byterian. Church with , individual municipalities t and he area as •a whole, He dressed that there was. no such : thing• as. a • "list of • indus,,•• IENRY� CARTER •• • • • • • Blies" lookin far locations bu'tGOING TO CLI NTO on l ib errs -on•- she -alert• nd-. y. g following every leads could stie Henry Carter' has been -ap- tress be expected: pointed .0:N.E.• agent. at' Clinton' He did not clairn the Associo and will assume his new duties tion to be ' any Santa' 'Claus in the first. week- 'in April: Henry ibtaining. industry, It' is only in has been ..agent at ° Ripley' for its infancy, but, is now •begin-. over five years fling to :walk and on the basis He �rc�as employed 'in' the ex - of achievcrnents to date the•'As- press business zit' Lucknow for iati$n - s==t -est 1d =E ` . tWve nt- - :.-.'ears::.lac*fi i joining-�"t1 im -or`tance and prestige. C.N;R. in '1040 at Fergus. He pre- p g p 1Vir.. Keefe stated` that he.' i vioufily served as:an epeiator at CI ih.ten. ' 1 lien ;y_„_wars--....� gen-t,--at`-- Neva'ton- for two years, and 'served a .sign- iliar period `at l3rucefie.ld, .prior) to his ;Ripley assignment 4' Mr. and Mrs Carter, who was rnhe Georgian 13ty.•,As- preparing to present a budget to oclation , .T .���.:�.0a t�Et&""`H6�iii't]----(�i I�11'�Ctt11":, li seeker„s' ' paradise and ' 'i• os for the iss in: of an this p c d g u Phase of ' promotion should riot be overlooked. Must Persevere, The speaker., ��g,anstressing eoricltxded by local organization g the importance of anization ,+.With the corn - arca brochure, and a sunn• for promotional • advertising. Ile. u recoini•nended each muni- cipality. publishing its own bre- formerly Lona Durnin, own their be at the office with regularity chure containing all .the pertin- •own • home i, • Ripley: and, will until 'last fall' failing eyesight h prospective desk facts in winich a roc ec�tivc continue to i :.Side; there. for the forced him• away from : irititistry' ntilWfn:'cei'cstreld. %`i'tigY .. wlrefe' Tie , iI"af'or so long"`beers ing John Murchison in this role. Twice "married, Mr, Agnew Throu hout 'the ears At ew is g y ....,..._.1lira,.,..Ag-.•,..su.r�vived.�b:,-.. his:-- ...,�_. _,u P. Y _ wid+ary a tare.:flip= ._. nes---also-.•, ezigaged iii,: -.thy' -firms :mcr �Rebekar-C _w_. insurance business. three. sons,: Clair anday, and by and Howard of He - was appointed ` '.to office Lucknow ' and Harold of Pl. during the • reevesh' mouth • .�.i. y g , >!p of J, G. .. 'Michigan, A son •. Lloyd Art"derson and 'for two score and .died ' about a year previous to ive. years ul and' of-• his :•mother's death :and • .a sora, gave faith+ fitrient service under such other Earl, died at the •age of 14. ' ii'edves as,• John Joynt,' Moore -Two brothers and two -sister: • house Mitchell,' J.. 'G, Mui o' d,..c _. hi `t'red,eceased hino.,...David,.:ali,]: _Tay �....�.. i n ert Jolzn o D. NT - o inston, is. wan Maci en -ie Robert tae A. W. Hamilton, W. (Maggie) and 'Annie.. B. Anderson, N. E. Bushel]:, J, W The remains ;a, r , r e resting at the Joynt, VV,. A.. Solornon and: J• C. famil1incus lcinii until Thur' d Ci`hrb 1Te retired iii "February` ' end t11e"�.`funer al • se1 - lee will 1952 whien his son, .F• kl. Agnew, be. conducted at Johnstone's Fun - was appointed, to succeed him. ural Home at 2.30 - o'clock, :., But in the • intervening few Rev.. J. R MacDoh,ald: •• years 1,1r. Aghew, cont,nued to Iiltei-flaunt tl• wi.. be in . Greenhill Cemetery, the pallbearer. being J. • W. Joynt, S. l✓'. 'Robertson. L..:Macle2il tan • . «1L' and writ Baird. rar • • .4 ,d is • r is '• S