HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-07, Page 10►« • , t • PAGE TEN r. ,ym v. Aityirialit Tian 1 explow SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO ` • is not, far .off. CURTAINS Dotted Marquisette Curtains with frills at $2.69, $2,98, $3.95 Plain tailoredCurtains in 'Rayon and Nylon . $2.98,• $3,49,, $4.39 floral patterns :11I rquisette Curtains in ., e$5.95,. . $6.50 Received This.: Week . NEW CURTAIN MATERIA. .. . hemmed, edge , Rayon:.' (Plain), , .,., ,..., .,, ,., , ,::.,. Nylon (Plain), hemmed. edge c,. Dacron ,..., . o fi $X 05 Nylon' .(floral)- ;,.. $1.38 Yd. Dotted Marquisette, small and largedot, frilled• and tailored., `AGENT FOR KINCARDINE 'CLEANERS Free Piek-Up and Delivery Monday'• and , Thursday. e Men's, Ladies', Children's Wear Piece- Goods and Woollens TO .MAKE . QU I,L' TS s. Allister Hughes was hos- February meeting of #ess,for the• .: the • K. airshea : W.I: . Mrs.. D. L. eKinnon'.. presided for the b' mess:, when' it was decided to give $500' each, .to the Penny Rundup for 1V1ental Health..and St.' John's Ambulance'iCorps.•The. short' course has 'been ' changed •• from March 8th to March "9th; Each line is to. be. responsible. for quilting one; Red cross quilt. Roll cal, was 'answered by, "An • antidote; for Worry". • Mrs. ' A. M,atIntyre _ introduced the..guest :speaker,'.Miss Joan •C'ormack;. who gave- a very interesting and informative talk'' on the' 'toll - ac-cidents . take in .lost work -and: health. Mrs.'.: Wm...Scott . aceom panied Mrs. Steer who sang a solo. and also accompanied ' Mrs.. 4.114era isli-Jor. �a c Keith Mrs. H , Buckton and Mrs. C. Roulston . gave readings:: The Motto "Good health and.. .good sense are two of, .life's greatest. blessings" was prepared and read by .Mrs:, Win, Scott. Alan Mac- Dougall then 'sang . a solo and. Grace ,'1VIacDougall' favored with an instrumental:. A -con`test "Parts of the.• Body" was :conducted by Miss. Dean MacLeod, the winners being . Mrs. A. MacIntyre, Mrs. H. Campbell', Mr ' .H: Buckton: arid Mrs.. C., '. Roulston. Mrs. L. MacDougall :gave the vote of thanks and the meeting ended with a social'. 'hour: The March meeting will • be• held at the, lioiine of Mrs..: Win -MacIntyre. l SEE BY.. THE. :SENTINEL: THAT . Isabel MaelVMlan, daugh- ter :of Mr. and Mrs.. Philip Mac- Millan, Observed ,her 7 h birth-, • day, on, Friday, when' she en- • tertained a. number . of her. friends at ,u birthday party. THAT the prize winners at 'the Ladies' Auxiliary Shoat ,party on 'Friday night were Miss K. •MacLennann 'and Wm. Gollan. ,Mrs.:Sid Gardner w•as tied for 'the thigh lady prize, but lost - out on •."the cut', THAT Mrs. A. Lenioine and ' children' left Wast week to, take up residence, in Quebec City, as her 'hus'band is stationed at • Valcartier . Army ." Camp. The • Lemoine family resided here in the Gammie ' Apartments, while Mr. ienoine was ' serv= ing in Germany, '.with the Can= di .4 Ari,,_ ,THAT a short. circuit •in hydro. lines in . the' vicinrity . Of Alex MacNay's home ' w•as 'cause. for' a fir -.e. alarm .on .Tuesday 'even .' trig 'about . � 9.30.' The. 'vicinity was "lit up g like ,a Christmas • tree", and With flameslicking along :the insulation on wires leading' to the . M,acNa' and to the nearby sawmill,. it created 'a. real '.hazard. . By • temporarily . cutting .. off the , power the outbreak was Con- trolled, THAT Rev. Wesley :Arnim, :not- ed . evangelist, . addressed; the Youth forChrist .meeting held last Friday :in the High , School. • auditorium. He presided at WEDNESDAY, MiAH 7, 1953 See:::p041: 3for bid ri��e�sary s4e specials Phone 20 Lucknow •FREE DELIVERY the piano for a rousing period of • hymn singing' and theta de- livered . a `forceful address IP. , lustrating how, while , many people profess their faith in God? they do not commit thenci- .selves to Him. • THAT Mr.. and • Mrs. C. H.Cad- Man have • moved from St., Helens to the Gammie' Apart- ments on 1VMain' Street. Mr. and Mrs.. Cadman. had. , lived at St. Helens, for the -- five ,'arid a =`half'years . -where- th oiv` , the forme Phillips 'home. OBITUARY: MRS. JAMES STOTHERS •:'Last . week Mrs. Jahn' Einer - •son. and. Mr. Isaac Nixon receiv- ed .the . sad news of the death . of their ' sister, Mrs. :James Stoth- ers . of Winnipeg: Mrs: - Stotthers was the former Margaret .Nikon; eldest ' daughter • of the late Mr. 'and Mrs.` Ralph Nixon of Ash-' field;• where ..she was . born and raised After• her. marriage ' to Mr. Stothers, they ..lived^on. the -r0th Cop., of '. Ashfield , and for .a .few years at. the Nile • before .inov-. ing to Western Canada. Her htis band .predeceased ' her • about 20 years ago. p Mrs.':Stothers lived a life ded- icated to thework of .doing ,good and will be .missed by her fam- ily: and in the church 'where she, gave unsparingly of her. • time: She: was, also associated with, evangelistic ,work in Norther=n: Saskatchewan. ; She had made plans to 'visit her daughter •who is in the civil • Ings ' at Ottawra, but: shortly •be- fore leaving she developed,. a blood disease, 'lukemia,. *for which there is no known cum and pass ed away 'within a' few weeks.• . • :She' leaves to: mourn her pass- \ ing, two .daughters, Isaballa (Mrs. Kossats) not ' Winnipeg; .Margar et of, Otta*a; four sons, Steven of Kingston, • .Ira and..,John of Vancouver, Will of Saskatoon: A ` son Tomi y predeceased. her There . are also., four sisters, Mrs: Harry. Brunt.' of Winnipeg, • 'Mrs: Nelson Albertson 'of Vancouver,, Mrs.. Victor ` Whitley ,of Hainil= ton, Mrs,' Jahn Emerson' of Kin-. lough- :and our. fbio. hers, Geo., Will and Ralph of Saskatchewan,' ahJ Isaac ,.of Ashfield. • , hird An�ua* tespo.nse. La THERE'S. AN OPPdRTUNITY ,T0 Save DISCOUNTS' On EVERY' .ITEM of Men's'; ' Clothing WHITE . 'FLANNELETTE • , "Run df . the milt" -Some imper'- fections, ',. ibirt a real . opportunity to save: ' ' • 2% Yard LADIES' HATS ....Winter styles - . 50c Each HOUSE DRESSES' 1Veiw crisp .styles ' $1.'77 Each • • ..; aIe . Runs ee- arch iUt )ur Sale'. 'Was'. ;greatest re. WS E:I3T ONLY, A SEW $EL'OW CHILDREN'S RIB HOSE Rego 59c and. 69c 28e. Pair CUSHION FOOT ANKLETS Were 79c,- .Girls' or Boys' • 25c Pair 72�t90,,flette blankets., • First, quality -'- , $5.69 Pair GROUP OF DOYS' ANKLETS Values from: 39c to ',69c Pair' Sale 18c Pr. • AID RS ' NEW SPRING HATS;; 20% Off Reg Price PLETTE • GOWNS, PYJAMAS Reg..$2.9.8 and 03.75 Sale Price $2:25 Ea. . NYLONS. First grade, 51. gauge, 88c...'air BOYS' JEANS 8 'to 18'years,11 oz, . sanforized zipper . Special $2.7.7 Pair MEN'S UNDERWEAR'., Fleece Tops and. Drawers .: $1.00` •Each .MEN'S PANTS '. Heavy '13' oz, Dentin' pant $3.88 Pair MEN'S TOPS & BRIEFS • 2--for--88e; FINE"'DRE SS -S.H TS $2.88. Ea. --- ,Two for '$5.00 FLASHLIGHTS Reg. $1.49 99c Each ale i'icKe. tie • 'e • 'll ou �•11 •'as of of o: • GE Gt an erg of me ani enc Riv gar -Wa tial ;lel gal] .1 wen hair; ably the the treat HEA Al: tor. true ea 8 DY a lams in_pt tan's "bnul� as th back gone' spend high -444.