HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-07, Page 9WEDNESDI Y, MARCH 7,, 1:950.
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"•.(001•0ouaru�1+1 1f d SIMMImilli!i t1 n�1 11.. .m .iewie , „ o e , `�..
The response to the loeal appeal .on behalf of
the MARCH OF DIMES of the iCanadian Foundation
• ni lit a
fd`r• Polio ye is h s been. b n, very gratifying and sin-
cere thanks is extended to;
Mrs. • McKim and members •of the Girl Guides for
their part in handling the campaign; . .
•Membersof the Lucknow' Fire Co, and the CKNX
staff • for. psrtieipating in the (benefit. broom ball
the Citizens' of the community who by their
support, ' helped ,to make the project such a suecesS:
r t`. , • ..
Our Appreciation,wTo All,
H. ew Clerk.
A. W. Hamilton, . Reeve.
►..q�.1t•.1�11l,.y `1�t. .�,)• 10 ,1+41`1111 4�II moiimm �..�/l�fl�f1��.�••
E H •Agn ; ,
Diane Coultes entertained her
girl . friends' at :her birthday. party
on :,Saturday,
Mrs. T. Lamb and son . Bruce,
Mrs. Harry •Tichborne, both of
Goderic-h-,—v-isited with .Mrs..Ken-
im ,moi
borne stayed. for a • few days.
bur • community. , extends its
sympathy to the Tiffin family
in 'their sad and . recent • bereave-
ment of .,Mrs: J. J. Tiffin, a `life
. along resident of th is: c'omrrrun::
ity, -
Mr. . .Clarence • MoClenaghan
has sord .his farm t� Mr.' Dow1-
ing of Rothsay and . Clarence`: will•
take, up storekeeping �. in ,Roth-
• say. • Mr. .and Mrs. M•oClenaghan
will hold an. 'auction sale in;: the
near'fu�ture., They 'get, possession
on April 10th
Mr. and Mrs 'Harry. • Moss and
family cif 'Plattsv ll_e spent t
week -end with' :her parents Mr
and. Mrs. B. • D. McC•len,aghan.
Miss' Winriifred Farrier offTor=
onto spent the week -end With
her parents, Mr: 'and 'Mrs
Farrier: .•
Tommy' .Irwin of Wingham
spent' the week -end with Mrs.
George.. MfeClenaghan' and Mild-
•red . ;
Mr'; and . Mrs.. A. E. Buckton;
received "word .cin Saturday thaf
their Sister.—in—law,. Mrs. C: Jones
of Toronto; had passed away. •
Mr. '.A E. Buckton• celebrated
his .80th birthday on • :Saturday.
••Congratulations,. ' •
Mrs.• ;Lott':. returned home ' on
Friday ' after ,spending . the past
few .weeks with Mrs.'Ed Brown-.
Mrs. ' Ross •SrYiith . • returned
biome on Sunday. after spending•
the past week, with her parents,
Mr, and :Mrs. Russel Chapman.
Mr. Alfred' Ritchie of . Orillia
. visited last Thursday 'evening
with Mr. and'Mrs. Gordon Kirk-
land. •
Mr. and Mrs. ' Jim Smith and
family of .Molesworth visited. on
Sunday with ,Mr. ti and. Mrs. Will
Ritchie. •
Church' will be at '1.1 a.m,-for'
the month of ' March.• ..
Mr. and Mrs, Ken Laidlaw and
girls of London visited with Mr.
and Mrs., George Hunter Siin-
Last week. Mr. Allin' Reed very
kindly brought the O:A:C. •• films
for Huron County -schools to .our
school for the teacher, Mrs:
Sheridan, . her . pupils,• and their
friends " to view and the ,same
• On .'Sunday ,afternoon; a pais
cellaneous • shower was held ,in
the ,parish hall for'Mrs. William
Berry (nee..Ann Doherty), who
received some .lovely gifts. Miss
Loretta Martin read a " short ad-
'dress, ,conveying .congratulations
and ' best•' wislies t�• .,the newly-
weds from the C.W.L. The bride,
then " expressed . .her,' :appreciation
for . these, gifts, and.: lunch was
then served to.the ' thirty . ladies
present Thi shower had -been
.arranged . at an earlier .date; bu;t
due °to ° bad weather and illness,
could : not take place,, till•Sun
d.ay. • •
Mrs: Walter mare' spent. , the
week -end : at her .home here, but
returned to - Chesley' to care for
her :mother who is. now' able to
be .'home ` from 'the hospital, ,but
has . a cast on her back and alse.
on her. ankle, after her ' accident.,
Mr., Leo Moerbeck has return-
ed .to his home. . here' after: a
week in Goderich I• ospital,,'fo1-.
lowing: the ;accident • he Suffered.
• when a load of baled ' hay . upset
`injuring : him on the'`head .and,
. Mr. Pete; Captein of Sudbury;;,
-Desmond O'Donnell of Sarnia;'
Douglas Frayrie of Toronto, Miss'
Theresa Martin and friend ' Miss
-Bernice Griffin of. Hamilton •and:
Miss Mary 'Sheridan , of Toronto.
:were week -end ` visitors '. dere..
Our teacher,' Mrs. Sheridan, is
ill • With: the . "flu, therefore our;
school is closed.' ' for this week..
• Several from, this. " district at=
tended the• "CallegiatecCapers .of
'1956". held last Thursday and
'Friday evenings at' the Goderich
.-Collegiate, and enjoyed -'the
iety.. program very much. Peter"
�Lierman, Diane Lierrnari, "Fran-
,ces Dalton; Loretta Martin, Bet-
ty' Lou, Vassella and Delores Mer
'Gee were among 'those- who pais
ticipated in 'the ' different num-
CHISHOLM—at 'Alexandra Hos-
•pital, Goderich,, on :February 28,
1956, to Mr. and Mrs.' Grant
Chisholm, R. 3, Goderich-,.a dau-
Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick '0celebrat-
ed' her 20th or. 19th? birthday on
February 29th. She has spent
her 80 years in Ashfield, being
born at Zion, daughter of the
late David Anderson and Mary,°
Ann , 'Webster, After . her mar-
riage in 1906 to 'Samuel J. Kil-
patrick she. lived at Blake's, then
at Crewe, ' and in Dungannon
Cecil Bl
many .frien
e • death of her husband
6th, 1951. '• •
ent her birthday at'. the:
f ' . her daughter, Mrs.
, and• the day
rid relatives call-
ed to extend •good wishes,. M.
and: Mrs. Richard. Kilpatrick and;
family, also. M:rs. Irvine Henry,'
had birthday supper with her.
The lovely (birthday cake was a
surprise 'gift from Mr. end Mrs.
H.'Eugene Hanson, East Tawas,
Mich., •through Eedy's.. bakery.
Mr: and Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick
.nd' family, Tor.onto, were not
present -due Tto school. duties.
Among 'those who visited:. her
wa's, . her ,brother.; Mr. Fred And-
erson,: Lucknow, who is the only
other surviving , member :.of the;
family. Two cousins entertained
'hy..playing the piano and' sing-:
ing old.• .favarite hymns and
songs, Mr. and Mrs.' Thos. Blake
and yrs .eor e' ;, mm
1C�Ir$ 71<iJipatriek enjoyed all
her' visitors and will. Icing be re-
minded' oaf the•'d ay by the • many:
cards ..and gifts .she, received:
Mrs. Leonard Crawford, 'W,ing-
ham, . spent a few days with. her
mother, Mrs. W: A. Cullbert, who
was ,nmiserable , with .a seige of
Mr. &. Mrs. John, Wilson' (nee
Edna. Rivett), Toronto and. Mr.
:Ross Rivett, also ' of the city,:
were week -end Visitors at,. the ,.
ing of ,St, P'iul s Anglican• •.Guild.::
parental homes here..and at •Car_ .
low. . Mrs. 'Elmer Black .presided. Mrs.
H, ^L. Jennings ;read `the scrip-'
,Mr._ John .Maize •_s ent : a _few:..,.. ..... _ , , , , =
p tore lesson. Mrs... Tom Young
flays Iasi •: 'week with •.'his sister• _411
Mr. and .:Mrs Glen Springer and attic P
family of Tillsonburg. • R. Mole was elected as a dele-
Visitors to attend the . Cancer.. Soc-:
Visitors recently with Mrs .. .
Abner Morris were
lett' meeting . in Goderich. Mrs'.
b Mr. &Mrs,
Anderson Mugford of- London;' Jennings closed the meeting 'with
Mr.r. and Mrs; Harold' Mugford: 8i:. p ra. ey ' �� �r. Mrs ;Tom Young assist
three little .sons of .Detroit, Mr,' •ed the hostess ' with lunch.
and Mrs., Ken _Morris 0of Ben Rev. G. D. Watt recently at=
miller, tended the Radio and Television
'Mrs. Herb Finnigan visited..re- Work Shop,Sponsored by
Gently wibhher brother, Mr.W.1 ham Council of Churches, .
J:: McCI re , 1 k Miss. Flora DUrnin • is 's; endin
this week with her parents, Mr.
and Mrs. R. J.. Durinin and- her
aunt, Miss• .Ellen Durnin.:
Clearing •
March Sth to March '19th '
Of ` Mattresses. .
Such• As `•
At Big
Reg. $59.50 Sale $47.50'
Reg. $49.95 --Sale
Reg,: $39.50 -Sale $29.50
Reg: • $:49.50 -Sale $39.95
W Priced Mattresses
Mclennan` an
rood will. , show pictures of his.
trip.. through, the''Southwestern'
States and. Mexico:' '
,Mrs.• 'Robert Mole. was, hostess
at her .home: for the March.meet-
u , E mita, P g
Mr, and :Mrs.: Earl' 'Sherwood
-arid family :of -Carlow 'were Sun
day visitors' with Mr.. and .Mrs,.
`Howard Culbert.:. Miss Eleanor. Alton spent the
Mrs: Frank .cousin, -Don-
Harold Da
Glenn . roand.end with her.
rip Mitchel
Gerrie visited' T.• Glenn � at Mitchell,- S -alt r.
fo d.
Westminster Hospital; . London .1 Mr: ,Jas:; Thorne `spent the
on Friday a week -end visiting his.son, Jack
d y eevning. He is � there visiting
for treatment and will undergo
a . second operation. •
Mr. and Mrs.. Jack: Skinn 'of
•Wingharn visited 'Sunday :- With
'Mrs. Sarah. •Errington. ,
Thorne,•,,wife'and fainily .at .Port
On ,Sunday' Rev. G. D. Watt
announced, the; gift of a 'large
projection • screen o use each
'Visitors with _Mrs. ,Matthew. Sunday in the Su 'School to
Shackleton' onSunday were Mr; . project the hymns ,ingtead of us
and Mrs. Clifford Webb and ing 'hymn books: This was a gift.
Mrs. Howard Durbin, Mr. Ainos ifrom• the . Cecil ' • Blake family.
'Cornelius, -Mr. •-- and Mrs? James, There Vas also ,a. gift from the
Kelly and five children of • God Mrs, A, B. •,Pentland family 'to=
erich. • ward 'a' set : of slides: •
•Mr.' and Mrs. Gordon Maize The C.G.I:T: met in the church
visited the former's • mother, With 12 • members present. The
Mr's. Gordon Anderson last week president,' -•Sandra Finnigan, op
at Clinton Hospital• where she .erred the meeting •by all •repeat -
underwent an operation.. We• un- . ing' the C,:GJI T.purpose. Marion
derstana she has :been doing Mole . had the call' to worship,
to her home Eleanor Reed presided. at the
quite well and back`piano for the .h hymns '..followed
again. • y .
• Mrs; Abner x 1� Mo ris spent Sun- by prayer,by .Marion. Mole. The
day at the home of her lough- 'scripture lesson wa`s" ' read by
C rol Pent -aii h -c nd--eha -
er, r r: an • rs. en, Christi- . 17`
law, Nile. / • terion .worship .was given by
Miss, Nora • Creyl,:e of Schom- Mrs. H. Finnigan.. Joanne• Croz-
• t 411".."4.6"."4."16"40.4,41.1.4,44.14...41.14tl ./fit. tl:MID+,fin .i a nrn n.111iu4=11.141404144
alley Beauty,
Monde,. T-usday
'berg was a • week -end visitor. -'i•Iet- Showed u i irrst i;p , obi Jz,s --
with ,'Mi'. and, Mrs. R; • J.' Dur- eph• •
nits: The 6th. Con,' Euchre Cluib held
Mr. Ben. Caldwell' .of Windsor the last of ten 'parties at the
and. Miss Pearl .Caldwell,' Clin- ..home of Mr. and Mrs. Jim. Er-
ton; ,spent the week -end at home rington on Wednesday night of
in :the' village and also visited last week, There were .7, tables,
I Mr. and ,Mrs. Nelson Culbert. &. High scores ,were: Mrs, T. Web-
family, stet and Mi'. Brown Smyth;: low
. ill.; Pias -o.0 h� scores, Mrs.' John. Durnrn and
_,_..Mi:�,J.a.sk... � �tl..__.. has_ �_•l�vt... �._-' t�.,,...__... � -�_.�.��...m..��_-- _.�
the cottage of Mrs. ,a le uric Pi/ r'iigdr•r, Sxsec '�`--prrr.Es
and the l,atter• has moved- to Were given -at this closing party.
I.tzclelio.r`: for ..the 'season. Mrfi. John 'Fin
Mrs:_ John McWhinney of Nile
' her sister-in.:law,. Mrs,, Frank
Oliver, were visitors last Thrust
day with Mr's (Mathew Shackle.-
hackle.t The Dungannon United church
Congregational scupper will be
held ori Friday night, Marchi 16.
While Mr. and Mrs. Bailey are attending
The • Hairdressers' Convention. in Toronto: •
nigari Wen- -if ory-havin the- most
lone liiands`-`Mrs. is r. , rringW
ton won the ,lucky; chair prize,
The second • last euchre was
held at the 1i ih- a bf Mr. Brown
Smyth„ with an attendance •of
25, High prizes went to Mrs, Jas.
Wilson and'; Mr.. Otto Popp and
lour•prizes to Mrs Gus Redmond
and Mr;, Jim Errington.
:The, reguLuar W.M.S. meeting .
'for March was held, on'' Friday
at .'Mrs.' •Mel. Reed's home with.
13 members (present. 'The meet.-
ing .Was opened ..by Mrs. Hodges;
•the president The: aim and-ob-
nd ob
j.ect, was read ; by Mrs.' Cecil •
Blake Mrs A. Elliott aril
Herb Finnigan .led 'in the wor-
ship.. an Bible study'. as::outli.ned
in; the.; Missionary :Monthly,' The
roll call . was• answered' by a:.
number. `• of. home and hospital
:calls _made •Mrs. Reed reported
'for "the. Women's ' World Day. of
Prayer, having . sent • `$7:14 to . the
treasurer, . including 84c from:the
:C.G.I.T ' Mrs. R. Irvin. ' was in
charge of the.home mission study'
digest assisted by . Mrs. C.. Blake:
• ,
James Henry' Phillips, , age 67,
a • native. of West ,a. Wawanosh
Township, passed away Sudden-
ly on Saturday, February 25th,
.in the Halbrite 'district • in Sask-
atchewan;4.w'here he has farmed
for'a • number of ,years. _ •
The . funeral�•'service was held
last Thursday afternoon at the
Weyburn Funeral Horne, with
Rev. Douglas :White .officiating'
and 'interment in Hillcrest Cern•
• Mr, Phillips was a son of Sam
'Phillips'. and Eliza 'Gaunt arid
was born. iii West Wa:waiiosh on.
the farrn ' now owned •:by her
brother Lloyd, -e -went :West in ,
1910. • '
He -is survived by his•• wife
one daughter, Mrs. 'R. Pinder of '
Vancouver; five sons, ' Neil, Mt.
Forest; Douglas, Colfax; James,
London; 'Delbert, ,Regina Reg,
Moose Jaw. Also' surviving are •
four --brothers, ::Georg -e; John and
Lloyd of West Wawanosh, Al-
bert in the West and two sisters,
:M :-«- l ltori. —Robertson- e,tson- —eril ,.......,..
and Mrs. Bert ,Howlett .(Ruth),.
both in,. the West: .
George and . Lloyd 'Phillips and
James •' Phillips of , London all
flew ,to. Wby'burnto' attend ,thy,
funeral.. • , • •
He ids Huron. Liberals'
iberals -
Hugh Hawkins of Clinton was
e ted ;sitte—ri "oi—1..Ii'e _ Huron,
Liberal, , Association . (Fedora].)
at, the annual. Meeting at Zur;-
'ieh:: Amor;---the-ho ora-ry-t-presi•
TIeiTt `care wn rriytli, o`f`1 es
Wawanosh `;•and Mandel. Matheson..
'of Ashfield. Robert Simpson of
pintail is district vicepresident
of district No. 3 comprised of •
-"Ashfield, West Wawanosh, Col- •
borne and 'the town. of .Goder-
ich. . .