HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-03-07, Page 6@�s r'* • ADE SIX ONTARIO AR THE LUCKNOW •SE TINE1 LUCKNOW, ONTAR GRO GUL�tOSS CORNER S . PURPLE VE On: 1Vlonday evening Bethany Mr. and Mrs.• Edbert Bushell,,_ Farm . Forum met at the home Katherine and George were at of ' Mr. and Mrs, . Frank Brown the home of Mr,. and Mrs. Rex and Reg ..with an .attendance of Stewart on Sunday. 17. The topic was "Paying .for Mr, . and lvirs.• Isaac Nixon and. �� dcail Co- Emerson on Sunday. Jon Our Health Mr: , Hugh Arm- fai i visited wiith Mr. Jo _ strong•of the Bruce Me .. , • op.was guest sneaker. He gaVe Mr, and Mrs. Kenneth Rob - us' many good points about. the ertson and family of Zion' visit - co -op insurance. • Some played ed with. Mr, Calvin Robertson • euchre and others watched Tv. on ' �Sunday. , • Lunch was served, The next • Mrs. John Emerson spent last Meeting will be at. the. home • :of week with her sister in Hamil- Mr ' and� ilVlrs..1VIorley Wall;.. ton.:., . • Mis's Lois Haldenby ;is. employ- „ ;Mr, 'and Mrs. Donald McCos`h, ed. at Wingham IIosPital. Mary Jack and.Dickie Fnisite Mrs. Frank Brown spentd.. with Y':'Tues-'Bushell Mrs. Will. Bushell in Lucknow • • : diay .afteirnoon - with °;Mrs:. , on. Sunday. , .. Schumacher and Mrs. Wm, Wall. �A nu nher from the drone -at. ' are 'glad to . report that tended • the achievement night at ,Mr. Clayton Meyer was ' able /to Ripley on Thursday evening., be brought home • from Winghani. , Visitors at the home •of Mr. Hospital •on Thursday.... •and Mrs. Victor Gawley for din We regret that Mr Fran ner on Saturday night . were Mr. Schumacher had his foot- injured and Mrs.' Bent Brown, Mr. and -in a',inishap while skidding logs. Mrs,. 'Howard Brown •and family, We all hope for a quick recov- Mr. and Mrs. Nelson 'Helwig, Mr. and Mrs. ' Ernest Walden & tam-. On. Tuesday evening the. West- ily, ,Misses Lettie and Ada ,Gaw ford: Bedroom Belles metat the ley. .of Ripley, :home of the assistant leader, Mr. and. SVIrs.... Russell Stanley •Joyce Haldenby: Thi . meeting and • family visited at the home opened,'in the usual manner._ We of Mr: Milton Stanley on Sun - finished our :chair . Pada, - The day. • a Ritchie —next. Meeting ' Will . be at the Mr, and . Mrs: Lori _ :11'_I.unch visited at the home of.Mr. and -horde-0'1%W-.Elia Wa _ Qom+ �, eson • also. Norval' ed — � .�..e- .. Le v'a's Dery -, . _ �_- ._ . Mrs.Annie Wall, Teeswater, ,Stanley, Mrs 'Helen: ,swan and . • spent the week -end. with • Mr-: & Rosylind : ' • Thom+ son ' and fain- ',Mr. and Mrs. Jim Brooks,' Mr..; "'Mrs; Frank p iWill : Clayton and Garry 'of • h �tock Thaineaville were visitors. at the. Mr.: and Mrs W Everett y s nt . Sunday with home., of Mr: and Mrs. Frank and family p, pe• . Mr.: and Mrs: Alex WY ytocll hd +Currie. FIREiTi REA E KINLOSS HOME (KINLOUGH NEWS) • The .. home of Mr. and Mrs, Cliff Robb, Con. 10, was threat- ened with destruction by fire a week ago iSaturday night ,�dur- ing the height of the snow storm and high wind when fire ;was discovered in the partition sur- rounding- the stove pipe thimble. Quick action on the part of, the family and "visitors in the home. and the use of fire extinguish-' ers soon: brat the• fire under control. The. Ripley, fire .brigade was.' summoned and was- enroute. to the Robb home' when,,, halted and let•' return to, Ripleas •.the fire: danger. had.passed, .. • .• . • Mrs. Jim Smith . presided for the' March meeting. of, the H.W,I. held at 'the .home of Mrs, -Tom I odgins, Mrs. Alex Percy and Mrs. 'Lyman : Sutton were nam- ed auditors. An invitation 'was received ,from •the. Kairshea.'in stittite to •attend' the extension ccourse,' "Something to ..Wear" on, the afternoon 'Of March. 9th 'in Holyrood. • Hall; Reports , Were heard from the:•:,'standing corn mittees The, roll call was "A ‘Schoolboy Howler". Mrs: How- and Harris, , convener :of • the pro- gram, gave :a line Taper on mak- ing :a will. Mrs: Tom Hodgins read 'the' current .events: -Read.: rs James, ingts ',Were- g�re�'�*liy .r�fi Smith. and Mrs. Tom Hodgins. Mrs. Rap -lard Acker'Ptdemonstra- ted a proper table setting which Was, : 'also: very; interesting and `helpful:. • Mrs.. Howard Harris gave the closing' remnarks; . Fol-. lowing' the singing of the 'Nat- Tonal Anthem and .grace, delic- ions refreshments were: served: Mrs: Frank Maulden willbe. the. April hostess. .Mrs. . George • Haldenby • wO° hostess for thea meeting of the Evening Guild ' on. ,Wednesday evening with' a good attendance. Mrs. Ronald :Thacker was in charge. The scripture• was read by Mrs.: Tom Hodgins:.'The hymn "Stand up, stand up, for Jesus" was sung. Mrs. Harold Haldenby gave the thought for the. day, interesting facts, about the . Holy Land.- 'Repent was the word for the roll: call., ' A. sale of home - Made articles was both interest=- ing •and profitable. New mater- ial was distributed to be..made UP„: at •' home. Plans were . made for a play after Easte with . Mrs.' Don Gillespie, Mrs. Harold Hal- denby and., Miss May Boyle. as •.a ' committee• to .arrange for it. Prayer closed the .meeting: Mrs. Jack. Hewitt .gave the closing re-• marks and 'dainty .refreshments were serve • he arch meet_: ing' Will': be 'held ; at the ' Rectory, Bervie, .with, Mrs, ' J. Palmer as hostess. • • • Infant Hospitalized lin Toronto • Mrs; BertNicholson returned home from . Kincardine Hospital' on • Wednesday. Her• infantdau- ghter was taken ; to Sick,',Child- ren's Child-ren's :Hospital on ..Thursday morning 'whehe shewill be a patient ' for ten days. The ` little girl had suffered several con= emulsions ;r hi'ch necessitated her removal to Toronto. Mr, Bert Nicholson, and.. , his .isister, Mrs:. .Howard • Thorinpsen, made the „trip •to• the city with the little •week=old` girl. ` • • • Institute 'iAt Home" • '` The Women's Institute enter= 'tained ' their husbands,• families and invited guests on Frida 'ev- ening ' for the annual 'At Ho e'. Mr. P.. A. Murray was chaffii A . variety program was in ch enjoyed. ' The , usual bountiful 'lunch -Was' served. by -the ladies. Dancing • then followed to Har - .ria' orchestra ,and everyone had a, most enjoyalble time. ' Mrs. Glen Campbell and Glen=: na of Amberley spent the .week- end with Mr.' and Mrs; Bert Nicholson and family. • Mr. and: Mrs. Clare Sparling and:.r_AlIan...,..of,_ Wa1kkerton...were;. Sunday Visitors with Mr. and ivirs. George ; Haldenby: •.. Mrs, J. W. Colwell visited for a few days in Lucknow with her. sister, Mrs. ,W. Bushell. Mr: and 1V .s. Leonard Stanley and Carl of Lansing, 1Vfieh., vis- ited with ' Mr, and Mrs. Harvey Hodgins, Glen and Kenneth. Mr:. Ben knittle of'' Kincardine called on friends here during the i&eek • Misses Elda and Beverley Wall visited Sunday ' i ed ' with Mrs. Frank Brown. on yet luib :m ..� D 1 u K b The Kum K I Sunday. evening • :at. . the, home : of Mr.. and Mrs. Morley Wall.. Mrs. Merle Hodgins returned to her home '.here - 'after spend-, ing some ; time in Teeswater. Mr. and Mrs. Don Donaldson and Mr. ' and Mrs. Jack Schuma- cher attended the' London. Seed Fair on Thursday. Mr., Herb Ward of London spent . the' weekend with Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schumacher. Miss . Helen Schumacher of Lochalsh spent the . week -end ; at Tier home; here: FEBRUARY WEATHER Weatherwise :you; couldn't find too much •_fault, with. February. There 'was `a• higgh, of 42':' degrees,. a low : oftwo below ': zera; .27 pinches of ram.and thirty-two inches of snow, which was a bit on the heavy side' with the: most of; it coming -during the last.- ten days of' the ` month. • The- February 25th blow was • the only thing that resembled • an old-time blizzard . and: it was ;short lived. • The month . was on the : 'dull side more than _average' . with only three days of completesun; shine. • 1 n • t • WEDNESDAY,; MARCH 71 1958' WI L1 Seas�nable� Me-rcharidise7.----t-:---;. * ___ . .. RING HOUSECLEANING WILL SOON SP COMMENCE ---, J E PREPARED! n You are • sure to 'need some of • . .' , the Following Articles; , : 'Thl PASTE WAX—Simoniz, -Johnsons, Hawes, Sepoy • :tic WAX_Sitnoniz,' Johnsons and Hawes. ' ' LIQUID WAX APPLICATORS ' Sponge Mops.• i i Dust. Mops, Floor Brushes , Floor Brooms . .• ,Step Ladders :. • •, An Carpet Sweepers Polishing Cloths Bri. 4. • Furniture Polish � .. Glass • Cleaner - . • • . •.slip Window Washers Metal Peof Silver Polish . Scrub Brushes _ Serub Pails :. � • Mop . Cloths • • Rubbery Kneeling. Pads • Door Mats Moi SOOTFOE• • •The tried and tested. Chimney Cleaner -- on the • Glc • / Market for years. " • See our Counter of STOCK -TAKING BARGAINS You may find something you need and AT • GREATLY REDJCED PRICES Thi and • Ara • ab' in. Mtirdte Soli we • 'PHONE-71, LUCKNOW ' N. • • "lles ie, i • Fit Lieut. Keith .Black of La - -�---.,�i••� Y ::��d..,1!�r's..,. ..Don _• Gt ,p :._,. , • -. , - -=--- _ . . -' , ,- Mr.' and Mrs:. Don Bushell, Jan- Chine; -2 `1 uebec, is spending a ent to Toronto leave with" Mrs; Black and. boys. • et and Shirley. y .. •on 'Sunday and spent the day He leaves soon for a trip to ;Har- With Mrs. Charlie Gillespie. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Thompson of Kingarf visited Saturday ev- ening with. the, •Nicholsonfamily here. Mr. and Mrs.. Tom. Hodgins spent Sunday evening with Mr. Mrs.Art Hodgins. ns. and g Mr.: James. M.Hodgins is able to be up. again 'following anA i11- ness with: pneumonia. • Mr. and Mrs. Art Graham and Mrs.' Dorothy- Thompson visited a Fridayevening._with Mr. and Mrs. Albert : Hewitt, Nlillarton & also called on Mrs Maude Hall, who is • a patient vin Kincardine! Hospital.., • Miss Helen Schumacher, Mr.. Don ' Robertson visited: over' the, week -end with her grandfather, 'Mr. William Wall. • 4 ° • a: - aoK,WE:HAVE frau FIGURED a here's--tile,smart_way_toMake:=her, SiMply invest ire ` , 4% Guaranteed Trost. Certificates:'llere's:what'you get: • 4% •yearly interest, payable half -yearly • Authorized investment for trust funds • Short term --5 years For example, $410.18 of your money accdmulates to .�_-(li3:QQ''r►s:j�rst=�-vee-yewr_s�=•�.�ltit-,1h�:ti2SC1-t�lsuerfu•�rle+' :-•�, . right away. • THE wr_ Friends of Mrs.' Win. •Wall are pleased to know that she is im- proving after • being ',hospitalized for some time and is ,convalesc- ing at the home of .Mr. & Mrs. Jack Schumacher. achie,; Pakistan, with Red Cross ' supplies: • Be sure to, attend the variety concert by the Y:P U. of the Un- ited Church. Included' will be •a play •"Come Out of .It" by the • Colwanash Junior Farmers ; and Junior Institute; This will be;in the Co counit yHall o n Friday evening and the. 'ladies are "ask ed to bring lunch: :Mr. • and : Mrs. :Carl Johnston, = Marie,Keith' and. Terry of ue • � vale. were recent visitors with. M. ' and . Mrs. Frapk : McQuillin: Plans.. are. being ! madefor ' a ; • Shootparty in : the . Community .. ' • als Hall on • Thursday, March .15.th.. OBITUARY •'. lr MRS.' 'JOSEPH TIEPIN The .death of Mrs: Joseph T'if • to fin. of Whitechurch:.eccurred'at th. her home in the village on Mar : . ca 3rd. er. a month's' '.' She`` ' : 11111.1 was in her 82nd year.. She waa. a daugafthter of Mr:. and illnessMrs. -Jas.: .Elmer Taylor and was: born on ,Con. 6, . . T grandchild,: ' Kinloss, oh April 3rd, 1874.: , • Mac-• After her marriage,. to Joseph • ' Tiffin, why prezleceased her -in-, 1953, 'they ; took up:. farming on : ' • th N Highway: ld between Con. 4 and • aha 6 on :the farm now .owned' by cal her • son • George. :They, farmed , • ther-e•until they: -moved 'to White-, : 4 fie church .around. 25 years ago: • cel : She had ' a kindly disposition ' : vil and was a"'faithful member Ut• ., Cu ;Mrs. Ethel James and of Wingham and her ren, ` Donna and • Johnnie Kenzie '•of Port Albert,.were' vis - Go itors :Sunday with Mr. and 'Mrs. Perry Hodgins and. Sharon Miss Winnie Percy, R. N., of Woodstock, spent .theweek-end with her ;m -other, :Mrs: William Percy and with her 'brother Aar-. old and family. . ST. HELENS . Whitechurch United church;. life Se ' member of the W.M.S: and mem- ' avirs. Jas. MacFarlane of Luck: her of the Whitechurch. Women's . Dc now • was: a week -end guest of Institute. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon MacPher- span: • • Mr. and Mrs. Gordon -Miller-8r,- Larry Miller-$- Larry and Donald Taylor of London and .Murray Taylor of Winghamwere week -end ,visi tors with. • Mr: and Mrs. Chester. Taylor.. • Miss Isabelle MacPherson 'of St. . Joseph's Hospital, London, L.asr.homp fir itfew days; las week. Bob Murdie • of K%tcherier • spent the week -end with his. mother, Mrs. Alex In rdie •ancC"Inlr: arid` Mips. R. Woods. Mr, and Mrs. C. H. Cadman moved last week to the Gammie Apartment in Lucknow. a brother Harold. The, funeralservice was held .. ler at: the• .:home of her son Wesley tri -on Monday-, .March.-5th,=-cord-r�ct- ,.fit, ed by Rev: R. A. -:Brook. The • floral tribues were many show- +' ing: the esteem. in. which she was ' • held. Burial was in Tiffins cem- etery, ; , ••, • ,, • • Mrs. Tiffin is' survived Eby.: • three sons, Orville, Wesley and . 'Geon . - .Nall of , Kinloss;' also one sister (Isobel) Mrs. •Cottle of De. `. troit; two brothers, Wm. and Al- •bert of Edmonton; three grand- • c" i'ilaren -ate six; great :grand`= children. • She `was predeceased. b. Emily and Mme*... y .two. "sisters, • ,garet •('Mrs.Fred Thompson): and 1 CSO R P O R•A T 1 0'N HEAD OFFICE 272 Bay St, Toronto BRANCH OFFICE • • 14 Dvnleis St.,.Sarr'ia 2=6 • 'Phone 181 Kincardine r•- •, PAYING`', IIGI-ZEST 'PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty In accordance with government' regulations our poultry . coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected: , • .• , for your. protection: .