HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 11WEDNESDAY, FgB. 29th, .1956 . MR. HILL'S SISTER; PASSES"'',. ,The death of Mrs, Sarnuel •G, Vets, age 73 years, of Stratford, "'occurred in Stratford General Iosptal 1•ast week. The .funeral : service, was held on. Thursday .at •°the Heinbuck funeral home cell - ducted by. Dr. U. Laite of Cen- ' tral . United' Church. Interment' was. in Avondale Cemetery. Mrs; Weis was a sister of • Mr.. W. W; Hill orf Lucknow, who at- tended. the.. funeral.. Her husband and a daughter 'Sylvia survive; • also a half.sister, Mrs. Ivan. ' Stuart of • Niagara _Falls, PARAMOUNT' ' W.f:, - Paramount W.I. • met- at the home of Mrs. O. Richards. on .'February 21st. An, invitation was 'received from T.„airshea W.I. to 'attend the extensioncourse on "Something.. to wear in Holy- . rood Hall on March 8th, from 1.30 to 4 •pm.'.It.•was 'decided 'to.' quilt at the March 20th 'meeting, Mr. Steven's talk on the care . of. the eyes., was *enjoyed on television ;after which 'a dainty lunch was served. A MONUMENTS. SKELTON RI LKERTON We .are the. only xnanufac-. Curers in this part of Ontario • of high ': class monuments. who import:.granite from the, Old Country in the `rough by .... the.carload and process from the. .rough• to the finished monument. No middlemaii. When. choosing ' a monument come and see oiie . of the . largest selections in Ontario. 'Established over sixty years. Write or . phone Walk 'ton 8 and reverse charges. SKELTON M:EMORIALS• WALKERTON • Tooled. To Repair All Makes Of Tractors; Machines & hop.: Work ACETYLENE' & ARC: WELDING KiN LOUGH 'GARAGE W, BRECKLES ' Phone 18-r-20, Ripley • THE HOME OF QUALITY SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE PARTS IMPERIAL ..ESSO . p , DEALER Esso' and Esso Extra Gasoline Marvelube and MOBILOYL AtLASImittg EPLORE 1- D I SRE$PECT DI a .nov e ' to maintain fair treatment for our 'Indian people, Druce Presbytery of the United Church of .,Canada meeting last Tuesday in Port Elgin, voiced• a protest against such Ty pro-. grains as hold the Canadian In. di•anin disrespect, There -'was. also regret for the 'Publicity which discriminates by giving special 'notice to. crimes ;committed by Indians.''The prac- 'tree-'of using the word s'Squa,w"- was deplored; .. • , THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCK -NOW,. ONTARIO IAN Members . were thrilled. with a visit to the "Church House" pro• j'ect- of Port• Engin. Opposite the Tjnited Church building,- a dwell- ing was purchased and adapted to ,be used for 'Christian edu cation and fellowship. 'It provides .a church office •In the current mission. to Church M'ern'be•rs, professing Christians are . 'beingurged to make diligent use of the Bible, prayer and worsh'ip and to make. dedicated ,witness in everyday living to .the. love of. Christ. Rev. W. D. Elmsl.ie, ' minister df the church . ;where 'Presbytery • Was meeting,. referred to. the . prepar- ation' necessary in "Calling .Can- ada to Christ" and to steps al- ready being taken in §Qin o� _te fp'r ;sp ler evangefzstic missions this fall', Area, Institutes for Chri4ti;an Education 'workers are being planned " for April 4th and ; ,5th, Rev W:' K: . Lake announced.. Radio: programs for summer Sun.- day un-day afternoons. were ,supported. Rev: Wesley.. Cope presented our' Sunday heritage: as a•"treasure- to protect a day , when the labor er's.. rest is safeguarded arid, free- dom to worship' is' ensured by using; it well. '• The, showing, of '.a . fine' film, "Our Bible -How it. came,• to us" ensured the future welcome' . in this ' area of this :Bible .:Society, picture which displays -the. his-' toric power' of the Word ; of.' God. WHITECHURCH Whitechurch W.I. Mrs. George "McCIenaghan: Was hostess for the February'W./' Meeting meeting with 24 present. Mrs. Frank Ross presided and; .open ed the meeting • with the usual` ceremonies: *,Mrs. `C}arles Sheill read .the Correspondence and the minutes of the. January meeting It was .decide to. :send ' Mrs Sheili to Guelph for the 2 -day coursefor• secretaries: sell Rpss ` was appointed" to thecancer committee" sponsored_ ' by the Lions Clu'b• in t Wingham. .Mrs. • :Sheill was asked:.' to ' write and thank Miss McKercher for sending, Miss Grace Hamilton :to 'conduct -a short course in White "church ,as 'it was thoroughly en- toyed: Mrs, Albert Coultes and Mrs. Russell ' Gaunt'- were ap- pointed to the HalL committ a fn. plane 'of Mrs. Cecil Falconer 'rand Mrs. Herb .Laidlaw: The roll call was answered 'by short-cuts in cooking Mrs., Frank .1VIiller had the' motto and .gave •an interest- ring talk on "Good' Health is pre= cious beyond. .'wealth and .wis- dom", Mrs. ' • George Fisher .sarg- "When apples grdw on the lilac .tree" and Mrs. Bob Ross gave two Valentine " readings". Mrs: _Hersora.-.Irt in-.-gave..-a»-:read .n "Knitters". Mrs. Victor Emerson gave the Federated News Report .and' held a 'quiz. on Institute lead- ers.' The meting closed with' the National Anther' after .which the • hostesses, Mrs. Wm. Evans and Mrs. H. Laidlaw help 'd Mrs. McClenaghan serve lunch '• • • Twenty-eight ,ladies gathered at thehall last., week and quilt- ed three quilts, and three .more are 'to be "put ,up at the March ineeting.,. :The C.G:I.T. girls net at. the home of Miss Elaine Conn last Thursday- evening: • Mr: and Mrs. Cecil Falconer,- S'ohn . McGee, and J. D.' Beecroft attended' a banquet •and safe driving contest 'in Blyth Mem- orial Hall • on Monday night and, Mr. Falconer received 2nd ,prize for the essay on .safe driving r u ar Forum. Always look to imperial ,' .tor the best' is MacDONALD phone 3 Luckno r TL ►-1 FARM OUTLOOK Tire` winter issue of Ontarib Farm Business has been releas-. ed by the 15partment, of 'Agri- cultural Economies, Ontario Ag-. ricuitural 'College. This issue. contains . a 'es of,: timely art ides . dean g wt current prob- lems and developments in :the agricultural econon}y,.. The 0014t1ook"• section dealing With the prospects for major, types of livestock; and livestock products ' offers little encourage- ment for farmers' who. prodµce beef and swine. In' .dealing with beef cattle outlook, the ' eeono- mists suggest ,that with numbers on,. feed, numbers o, f . `calves' and number's of steers, all. up. from last year; 1956 'will 'likely . see a peak •in beef cattle . numbers in Canada...The situation provides. the prospectof heavier supplies with .slightly weaker prices par •ticularly for lower grades. The' hog situation is. sgm.ewhat similar according to the 'publi- cation, publi-•cation, with numbers of swine or) farms i up 10 percent :at De- cember 1st, and farrowing,in the winter nienths .expected~'to 'be• up • percent. Spring farr.owings are Pl. to be .about, the'..same as for the, spring of - 1955. Mar- ketings in the first: nine months v . 40 : T' `x4l10k he; same period in 1955 and prices will likely be slightly' weaker. The seasonal rise in mid -summer prices is . to be expected 'again but is not expected to approach the 'high of 29 cents reached' on July 1st last year. The. price support at 58 cents .a' pound for butter will continue, until April 1, 1956, after which price; support decisions will de termine , the future. 'price . of: cream. Stocks of ,cheese: at Jan- uary. 1st .were down 10 percent from ..a year earlier. Supply and demand prospects look more fav- orable' than 'for. several years. In-,. creased consumptieri'.per person and increases' in, population will leave . only small.' amounts:' of cheese .for •export Stock's : of: corieentrated • ;milk products are not •high and ,im proving export prospects' and home' consumption should keep prices irm to slightly firmer, `ac c•d' -,g :to : the • outlook T e prospects• are for the '. slightly stronger demand for dairy cattle' in the U.S. to con- tinue. This should.. somewhat strengthen prices. Copies of Ontario Farm: Busi- ness are available at the 'office of. ,the •agricultu tral ,,represent- ative. , ST. HELENS The ladies are •reminded of th'e meeting ••o f the Women's .-Insti- tute this (Thursday) . .afternoon at 2.30 at the home of Mrs,! Lorne. Woods. Roll call, An. Irish joke. Plans are beingmade by the Y.I?.YJ, of the' United Church for a variety concert on;Friday, Mar. 9th,. The program will: include a short play'. by. the Colwanash ,Tt. F.ariners., Keep the` date in mind. Her many friends are glad ...to know that ,Mrs. W. A. Humph rey is .making +favorable . recov- ery' from, her recent. illness: PURPLE GROVE A number of the :ladies .have een taking-L-atl-vantagetlie- course given in rug making . at' the home of Mrs..Frank Currie. The instructor; ' Miss , Florence Wright of'Georgetown, has been staying at. the • home of .Mrs,. Herb. Farrel:l. A euchre and dancewas held. in Kinlough Orange Hall Fri- • day 'night. - • Mr. and Mrs Steve: Irvin ge fairiily,: Dickie and David Stan- ley of Clarks were visitors at. reFrrnxrp. iri I'Vf-rf-lEltin---Stanitsr On Friday night. • Mrs: Elsie Sco,tt is spending "a' few.. �veeks:..a_t -the .home. ;of._ her- C'hr'is" heltm Lt ck- A imrnber .of the ladies from here' attended the W.1VI.8. meet - at KinloughI ing .which" Was held at the home..of Mrs. 'Lyman. Sut- ton 'last week. • Guest speakers at this meeting were, Mrs., Allah McAuley^ and Mrs. .J. °R; Mae- D... u.aw. s- f .....,.+w.. ..e.,. �WIwI ..r�•..•':i onald'rofI.ip e•7" y; " A symbol of allthat is best in human nature , ..,to, give a helping hand when needed . .. to show kindness of heart . , to care for the sick :... to comfort the distressed: eep; this fli:g4ln1q in Canada! goiierousiy TIIE RED CR I RED--CROSrS-4C-A-NV*SSERS—.WORK WITHOUT PAY •They give .up their spare timesolely and unselfishlyto help others. Please greet ,them accordingly,. And remember, y'Ou• also ser4e by Diving. ' DONATIONS MAY ALSO BE SENT DIRECT TO: i` + McKiiH'S Drtg Store c. Pres. E. ROBERTSON, Mr. Walter Collins is visiting friends :in Detroit. Miss` Myrna Irvin 'spent the eekencLvizitlti�her fr-i;.id-,-M' Mary McCosh, Miss 'Marjorie Irvin visited Miss VTelrna Cawley . for the week -end. • • . • . Last week the Farm Forum Met at.the 'home of ' Mr.. and Mrs. Burton Collins, This ,week :.. :�....w.n3`:Fw �:�':"« w..yn.MY.P` � dr..n.A•+.u„.a+.,.xn.. it .rnet at e Home of "11�Mr'. and V. A. MOWBRA'Y,, Campaign it,lanakera • t. . .1 To `Join Development Ass'n.. Teeswater. . Chamber of Coma- merce has decided to Kirin the. iss • sociation.. TeesWater Village; and C. of • C: recently published an attractive 'brrochure, outlining in- dustrial possibilities, and other facilities an ' opportunities that, make .the Culross village a der •arable place 'to locate. rs ' ' i onalc �M1G o o i�Q.lx�.n^.�n.swn�vml.Fan3•a�m"'�x&!Y..-M1M.mv�.1� bW.arpA.!...tiea.nn4,w,. 9