The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 9••• • • WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th, 1956. • Lyceum. Theatre wINGHAm Matinee Saturday 2.00 pm, ,.."0041.#4.14~0r040,004,44,0044~0944,04. Thurs., .Sat. Mara 14-3 Janet Leigh Lenunon . , Betty 'Garrett SISTER Ep,gEr: -The: adventures, rornaritic and 11! otherwise, of two. 'small-town • sisters. who "come to New York seek fame and fortune, Tues.i Wed. ..March 5-6-7 Jane Wyman. , Charlton Heston, / /. Clair Trevor I • , .. • . • • LUCY GALLANT" • A romantic, melodraina with career, versus • marriage '.• In a modern-day Texas •boom -tow -n. • • 'PROPANE 1 , and AP-PLIANCES , for - farin, home :and: industry LUCKNOWDISTRICT CO-OPERATI,V1E INC! Phone Lulknow. 71 • ••••••••••44~.•••••••14,,ste•••••••••••••• CO-OP AUTO 1NSURANCE• Can Now Accept TOWN RESIDENTS •Lit COMERCIAL TRUCKS as Weil as the farm business. • For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, • Phone Dungannon ,70j-10.. JOHN Mc1VIIIRCHIE,IRIPLEY, Piton. 26-r-23 TO. CREDITORS In, the Matter ofthe Estate of William Johnston Davison, de- ceased. 0 • .• •NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that :all persons having claims against the estate •�f William Johnston'Davison, who died ' at Lucknow on the 10th day of-De- --tember, A.D. 1955, are notified to send their claims ,duly veri- fied. to the undersigned before the First day Of April, 1956; 'af- *ter which•date the estate will be distributed amongst the parties entitled thereto havingregard only to suCh'''claims 0 as are then received.• ' • • •Dated .at Walkertdtv this 18th day of. February, A:D. 1956. • Kenneth' Cameron, .1..ticknow, Ontario, Executor. E. Howard Agnew, •IticknOw, Ontarie,• Executor. • P. Stuart' IVIacKenzie, Walker;• • ton, Ontario, their •Solicitor. APPLICJITIONS SEALED, • MARKED APPLI- CATIONS for the '' positien of • warble fly inspector for West • VaWanosh Twp. 0will be receiv- ed by the. undersigned up ,to and • including 1VIareli 10, 1956. Ap- plicant to state hourly rate ex- •pected. Inspector must provide • his own transportation and win, be 'required to. collect' •spraying fees 'from the. cattle owners: Spraying operations will eem- --nlencelen.- i•-•abo 1956. • ' F. Fermi, Township •Clerk, .R. 2, Auburn, Ont. •••••••--•• . ' ..`. . CARD OF THANKS I wish to thank friende. and rieighbors for ireats, eards and O gifts while lwas in Respital, also for the ktany, kind 'acts and eX- pressions of Sympathy *during the illness and at the time ,of Mrs; Frank ThompsOn, igommAggegm-qmoTersizr,-nwarillmollmor‘lrAwililigraiori.M.WasgrolfellFjEnW4=1W. Cs • • 4 THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO 1, PAGE NINE' KATE ,chicks—dayoid, started. Pul- VALUABLE !OUSE AND LOT lets. Broilers. Cockerels. Canad- • iaz Approved. Plus Big -4 corn- ', 'Under and by Virtue of. the plete breeding program covering Powers of Sale contained in a more than 30 years.' During that certain Mortgage . which will be time ;hundreds of poultrYkeeP- Produced at the time of Sale, ers have 'mine to rely on this there will be offered for sale .Hatchery.. Stndard breeds cross- by Public Auction, on ' es, and specials. Asic us for • Wednesday, March 14th, 1956 Spring prices. Get. Your order in at 3 vonat the Lucknow Com 11°w to 'catch the. 'good egg mar" munity. Sale Barn at Lucknow, kets late. summer. Full itlforma- Ontario, the following property,, PEA ATIVE namely'Park Lot Nuni. he. r Threein 41•ICKlyW CO -0 rr NOTICE • the Subdivision of the 'South Extension .Cnuese Date Change Half of Lot NuMber.. Eleven in the Second Conc'esiionof the The EitensiOn Course. -"Some- -Tow-hshit,.• of • Kinloss, Church, thin To Wear" sP9risored.hy the Survey, ih, the County of Bruce,, Kairshea Women's institute,..ontairong.• 'approximately five. be held ln HolYroOd'Hall Pri- acres Of, . : .••• day, March 9th, from 1.30 to 4,00 , pon. in 'charge of ' Mss Nora. On the said lands there is said to be situate a ,Frame House ap- proximately 24'8" x 18'7" With a. summer kitchen attached '24'0" x 18'6'. This house is wired for hydre. There is also situate' on the , said Lands ' a d,ouble steel garage 24'x24' and a barn 12' .x 20'. •The Property • is loCated about 11/4 Miles north. of Ltick- now. ' TERMS. OF SALE Ten. per Cent of .the purchase 'money •to be ,paid :doWn at the time. of the Sale and the Bal-. aoce within Thirty -days -there= after, without'''Interest.-2-- • ' ' For further .partieulars ` and conditions of Sale apply. .to .. 'ALEX J. ••WiclIAB., • • Walkerton, :Onttio. • . Vendors' •Soliei r: • Creyke from the Department: •Everyone welcome. Note change of day. • • • SPECIAL NOTICE . TO all members of the Lticluiow. • Legion and 'Legion Auxiliary: • A joint, meeting Will be held in the Legion •:Rooms on Tiles-. day, March 6th at 8.00 pan.; to mark the occasion' of the unveil- ing of the Auxiliary's Past Pres-'• idents Plaque. Mr. George Has- all.Of. Lucknow, iri Memory •of his: Mother,. Mrs. IlaSsall, the first•-preSidentthe,• lauelinayr Legion Auxiliary, , will ,unveil the Plaque, assfsted by the Rev, ,Mekklejohn, :pastor for. the Leg- ion, and •Zone. .Commander Luella Hall of Blyth. • The social part Of the evening will be an oyster su.pper. All DATED this' 6th Day of Febrii- members please take note of this a0, A.D.: 1956. date,. Tuesday; .March 6th. It is boped TEDITORS as many Members as poss- NOTICE O CR ible will attend. A special. wel- All .Persons having claims come. is-' extended • to all Past against the estate of Wellington Presidents, . ' McCoy, late of the Village of " • : • ' Lucknow, in the County -of - TENDERS -Bruce, •Painter,, deceased; who • . . ' , ' died on or about„ the 2nd day TENDERS. :for the' Warble. ,Fly, of December, :1955, are notified spraying 'Of .cattle in. West Wa- 'to send. to the undersigned, on wanosh Township will be teceiv- or before the 17th day of Mara,' ed by tha undersigned • up to and '1956, full particulars of their including March' 10; 1956. Ten- ders to., state price per head ,for each sPray. Tenderers to supply all • necessary equipment and will be distributed :amongst the. help. Twp.- will supply warble parties entitled thereto, 'haviog fly powder: Calvesunder .six regard only to claims of which months of age and 'cattle over the AdniiniStimtorshall.' then three years old are exempt by, have ,notice. :ToWnship By-law—it free from DAT.01.) this Twenty-third day • • , warble fly grubs. ' of February, A.D.' 1956. • J. F. Foran,. Township Clerk, ' Crawford • &-Hetherington, R.R. 2,• Auburn; Ont.. . •• Wmgham, Ontario, W 'claims • in 'writing.. Immediately after the said 17th day. of March 'the assets of • the said Intestate SEALED TENDERS will be re- Solicitors for 'the Adniinistrat- , eeived by the undersigned, until or. .• • . _Saturday, March • (1) ter the spraying of cattle in the • Township, of Ashfield for Warble ''Fly contra]. •, (2). for the position of Warble .Fly inspector in the Township of Ashfield. Bruce, Retired -Farmer, deceased, Lowest or any tender not ne.. who die ori or about' the 22nd eSsarily accepted. , day of December, 1955, are not - Donald M.. Simpson, kintail, ified to send to the undersigned, Clerk, Township of Ashfield. on or. before the 17th day of March, 1956, .particulars .of their claims' in writing.' ImMed- All persons having a im'a iately after the said 17th day of against' the eelstate of Herbert March, the assets of the Said -In- Leslie MoKeith, late of. the testate will be distributed age of Lucknow, in the County amongst the parties , entitled of. Bruce, Retired Farmer,' de- thereto; having .regard only to ceased, who died an, or about ',claims of Which the Trustee shall the 20th day of:February, 1956, then have • notice. . • : are notified ,„to send. te.-the un- • DATED .. this Twenty-third day dersigned; on or before the 17th df February, A:D. 1056. day of .March,. 1950, full particu- lars of their claims in wilting, Immediately after -the -said 17th day .of March. the assets Of, the • NOTICE TO -CREDITORS ' Alipersons having. claims against . the estate' ef. Roderick Ross; late of the Village of Lucknow, in, the .Cotinty of NOTICE TO -CREDITORS Crawford & Hetheriogton„ Wingham, Ontario, e. raid Testator will be distributed NOTICE TO 'CREDITORS amongst the , parties entitled in, 64. Estate of Eva Greer, • de - thereto, •having ' regard Only to . ceased. , `. • .. c,Iaims , of which the . Executor All ..persons ,haVing c 1 a i in s. , shall thon have notice. • against the Estate of .Eva Greer, DATED this Twenty-third day late- of the Village '” of Lucknaw of February, Al).•1956. ' . in' the County , of Bruce, who Crawford & lletheringten.died on or about the :19th day of . Winghatp,'Oritario, • '. January. 1956; ,are hereby noti• SoliCitors for the Executor. , tied to aend in their claiins' to • s_ b Piaybouse ,eatre Two Shows Each Night at 7.30 — Saturday Matinee at 2.30 Friday and Saturday, March 2; 3 Doris Day and Ronald Regan, in "THE WINNING TEAM" • • ' A, baseball story for auto. enjoy. "The Winning Tealn" is a Warner Bros. production Paying. tribute td' the immortal Pitcher, Grover Cleveland Alexander,•'who is partrayed, by. , Regan, who •is himself a skilful ball player: . • • , • „ • C • HEAR AND: SEE OROBLEMS fellowship room. with'an':',atteri-• OP. THE 'CANADIAN INDIAN, d4/1C 43(f. 23. Mrs. Jones opened ••• • •• O The 'February meeting of the with' - oraYer and, conducted . the Evening Auxiliary of the United - :, ' • Church was held in, the Church business Perind- 'Mrs. 'IC Camer- : ..........r___ on gave a prayer for Our prayer. CARD OF . THANKS partner, Rev. n.cousins 'of Jap- •' an Mrs. K. Murdie wasconvener for the,pregram. A solo was sung by Mrs.. j': C. Armstrong: and a. Valentine poein, written by a • former Lucknowite, Mr. Robert - Graham.. was read by. Mrs. Chas. Short. 'Mrs. H. Aliin :told ofsome of her ehildhood memories of the poet .and librarian, Mr. R. Gra- • ham. The worship service and '. ' •-• • ". it •• / • , • ,... scripture was given by MrS. H. Webster and Mrs. Shaiddiek.--Thi- ', • . •:4 .' • • '•,z-• ,;,,',!:.• -lad 4-tudy-aboollb-IVaifigrilrieRade-7.------.7•-.--,-.-•,--,t ,, ,.,•4 4: ' fiks • Was introduced ' by Miss .Helen .Th.omPsOn. Itcleala with the. sev- • en main divisiens of the Indiani,.. al, medical and educational prob- lems on the reserves. There are •67 indiairschoola in Canada with . . some of the 'children gradually ' becoming absorbed into the pub- lic 'schools in nearby, toWns.. It t.0 become' socially. adjusted 'than ": '.' • ' ' ' is, much easier for an immigrant • , it is for our own Indian . people • . , • „, ; .. once they have left . the protec- • ; L '-c..e.-.• '.• , tion of the reserve Miss ThomP4. • ...'•-.„, Sori shoWed a fihn "Strangers in ' ._".. a . documentary. We wish to express our heart- felt thanks and •appreciation. to all those who were so very kind and 'sympathetie in so many Ways et the time of, the, loss of a.dear wife and mother. Words are in - 'adequate to express our, grati- tude • for all . these kind and thoughtful. acts, which. have been a comfort in our sorroW4 Special thanks to the Dieters, and nun -trig staff 'General' 1Hospital.••• Lloyd, lierbie and Marybelle Hunter. • , Mrs. Wrn. A. Humphrey wish- es to express her sincere thanks and, appreciation to friends:and neighbors for cards and fruit and other kindnesses while She was • • Bill. Brown wishes to sincere- ly ' thank . those •wh.O. called on hint and sent treats.•and cards while' he was sick. These 'kind ads were much appreciated. • •IN MEMORIAM WHITBY—in loving. Memory of Joseph Whitby, mho passed away three years ago, February 26th, .1953... • • ,. • , Nothing can ever take away • The lave a heart holds dear. . FOO memories linger every day, Renierribrance keeps hira • near. ,Ever remembered. by ..Wife and Family. • • •• •t 7 ;.•• :; . . • • 4 *-0 4. • • 4000.4 • , : • theirtoWn. Land,. ; • natural colors showing story iri the many problems :. . facing an In- • •dian and.his family after he has • .. ' left the' reserve and coarie. to the • .•,.., . • , _..•, I::: ,,, ' - .. ....,... eity. Mrs. R Johnstone conducted , . ....., , a :Valentine contest. The prograin and lur,ich committee was Mrs. • K., Murdie, 'Mrs. ,R:, Johnstone, .. , V . • Mrs.: C. Webster and Mrs.• Webster. • . . •• • ,1 • They are baekedby a breeding farm and hatchery of over 35 year's' experience. Eight Breeds and . Crosses AS well. as Ames -In -Cross. HybiidS, / • HEAVY. COCKERELS, until end .of....March 4e LIGHT BREED. PULLETS 31c • . HEAVY PULLETS . •28i • • • • • 4 • II • . • • . • • 144 • .• , " • •4''. • ' . . • • t •• 1 • , 1 .1, • t 11 • • • • • • • • .• . • The father, mother, sister and brothers of. the late Alma Hun - tor --aid infant. express their heartfelt thanks their ,rnanY friends .and neigh bors for their kindnesi• and Sym- pathy sylowri them during their recent sad tbereavernent in the lass. of a dearly beloved &ugh - ter and sister- '..'"MIV.arridtWra.Herbert,Xurrart.,, and Family. Goderich • NOW -.a. 'Thursday, :Friday and Saturday • • • the undersigned Exeputor, on or efOie'fire-Itiffi-W--Kafilt . 1056; as after the said date the tefate will be distributed among ' those' entitled thereto, having re- gard Only TO-thd-trairfisadf---Whickr the said Executor shall then have notice. . . DATED. a LuCknow, oritario, this 23rd day of February 1956.:, 'Clarence •Greer, R. 41. No. 1, ,Lucknow, Ontario, Executor. Into1 the Estate, ., 4. • •• Abbott &.Costello•with:Lynn Bari and Maxie Rosenbloom • The ,clown prince§ of ainetnafun present their 'latest : • rocker as they turn back time's pages Oto embark on •a nos- I talgic film career. 0 • •' . . 'Meet The Keystoni",'.', ,fr• - • 1 Monday; Tuesday and 'Wednesda.yAdult Entertainment o eiVityan,7Sley-Yamagucht-Sesstilleaya • Robert Stack ....A beautiful Japanese• girl aids an.'undereover, agent 'in his ' . adventurous- crusade' against some renegade. G.I.s.• 1., • . • "HOUSE OF -.BAMBOO" • In Cinemascope and Teehilic'olor • • techniolor, with, Yvonne De Carl° • 214. .• VO: Ott.iiiikkiiikkomiam-ktimittiottriotsimittEattkooktersktaisio.ntotemttiimikt4ormsmoast4 411 • ). ' • . 1 • • • • • • ' . , • • •••