HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 8ook I 1j le a 4 • n } r PAGE =TIT S. HELENS INSTITUTE (Continued .frim Page 5) Mrs. ,Andrew 'Gaunt; .1st vice Mgrs; Charles IVIcDonald; 2nd vice, . Jas.. -Curran; Mrs ,Barbour 'Mrs. completed her. term: of. of - having c P at this lie. We. were, favored oieeting by having 'our District President, Mrs:, Dornan Phillips Dungannon, a former, mem- ber band president of . this.` branch. She, brought greetings from . t he • District and also gave an inter- P ,eeting. . talk on her trip to. Wash - u' giton• In Tune ; we decided to : tOWe h vote and ' decorate �the hall. had ;'received ' word.. by . now tilat it wouldn't. be "too•. lorig.. be- fc a the new deed' would be is - oiled and as out Fiftieth. Anni- ,versar7 was .fast approaching we decided it .was time thatm- Provements were begun: The lad ies andgentlemen . turned out in full fore 'numerous . afternoons. and much was" accomplished. We received • the Corporation Act” in August. this • being the ^, final • paper ,issued by the Government: A Wider was to .be attached to the and be justly:proud 'of. There new deed stating that the lib-toa for. me :to telt,. you with � is no 'nee ir UC NTINEL,.,„i2UCK.DPW, C ONTARIO - TIIE opinion are „notsuitable for Ilse as sires. of only one judge con- siders that a bull •should.be re jec:ted it will be. eligible for sale. If two judges register rejectio to allowed be _ t . o the (bull will, net pass through the ' sale, but the owner will be, permitted to take it home. However if 'all' judges register rejections, the bull g be- - ,comes the property of the span. sorin "organization and will ' be 'sold 'tor slaughter vVxth_.. the net of , sale • being remitted proceeds to the breeder. NEW SYSTEM OF JUDGING AT .ONTARIO BULL SALE . W. P. Watson, Ontario Live Stock Commissioner announces: 283 ;bulls have been entered ,that bulls in this year,'s. Ontario Bull 'Sale which 'will be held at • the Sheep and Swine Arena, Royal Winter Fair Building', :On March 7 and 8; The entries: represent 133 'On=, trio breeders located between a on' the west and Kent County = Renfrew on the east: Entered' in the sale .. are,• 111 Shorthorns, 123 Herefords and 49 Aberdeen 'An-' gus. ` animals entered in ,the sale All anon , Must ,be' shown on the evening, prior to' the 'day the breed. to which it belongs is scheduled to be sold. • Mr. Watson states that. a new system of judging is'to be tried. :this year« There twill be an : of- ficial judge "for each new breed and the three men' appointed to these positions will constitute the culling; committee: Each ;man will be . required to• indicate on a card the bulls which in his rary be , always retained thio hall. In September; the ,deed displayed' at our meeting, Was- e . "The°_SSt Hel aw.�s�n.1.1? - • . <ens."Womeii's;: Institute"; Finally, "Fo"r Home and Coun- try". :is a motto. we can look up i t'her. what this'' motto,;'requires of us: Suffice it , to 'say that 'we, over -the past --fifty _.years, have, had _ -—s J - • G�../ -MI . .FIS V.-..;. fit, from our associations g, HOG PRODUCERS .MEET IN .Ev+ery 'Ontario . farmer who. 'on purchase's a lzull in the" auction eligible. for a prerruun} Grill ' e _ of the :purchase of.. 250 `.percent. ... price,, but "not exceeding $150... . TORONTO NEXT' WEE K i of 'Ontario., Hog A meeting: March Producers scheduled for' March 1st and 2nd at. the King Hotel in Toronto, is termed one most . important meetings of the Ontario in the history of 'the Hog F'roduCeTs Association by Charles ' McInnis, president. WEDNESDAY, FEB. 29th, Ito DI S N SALARY .RAISE (W. WawanOsh Council Minutes>, .Wes„t WaNvanosh Twp. Coun« met �on February 14th, .1956,• all members present. , ” The +minutes of the. January nwere ; read and -adopted meeting as : read on a. .notion by Coun- cillors McPhee and "Culbert. On a motion` by Councillor.& -Culbert and •Miller,. Council de- cided - to order approxunately 500: ,lbs. of Green. Cross Warble •• . Fl `: ,wder , from the . luckno'w y powder Price $6.65. per 15• 'District° C � ap► ; . lb bag • The two-day session . is called for the 'annual meetings of th , taro' Hog:, Prod'ucers'' Market O:n. ing Board and, . Association, nd i -annual. meeting of the sezrmi On- tario Hog Producers' Co-opera- tive,- and 'will . be ? attended .:by tee, o f these .`organ - county .delegates, ,. izations: ' . . MINISTERIAL GROUP STUDIES RADIO AND ..T.V. . Clergymen , of the' Wingharn, District Council of'Churches met„ D. in Wingham United ' Chtirch on Wednesday, of .this week to . dis cuss religion. on radio and:tele vision. Chief speaker was. Mr; Orlo: Miller of CFPL.. London.. . ,Sessions were held . morning • and afternoon; with a .period on 'microphone techniques b e i gg held at C'KNX, and a tour of the sum -studios-arranged 1956 "Now that we. have, .a;' fir nly,l estabished marketing agency which is democratically control- led by .Ontario. hog producers; through their 'Hog Producers' ,Co-operative, the time is .ripe to have a full fledged elpression n f inion from.: every ' county opinion Ontario on the. subject of 'fut- ure +policy',".• Mr. McInnis said. "The tw^o-dlay session will per- niit us to • garner the _views of the,. hog producers throughout Ontario and foram a policy -base from., which to rriap out "our fut- ure • prograntime` on delivery and sale .:of hogs, and on the import- ,' ,07ri a.. Motion ,by 'Councillors.' Miller and Culbert, Mar. Lorne Durnin was , appointed as the.' Uurn representative on the Township Petth-lluron Unit of the Cant adian Cancer" Society. ' • Councillors, • • On a motion . by, the Reeve Culbert and. McPhee, • and Clerk :were authorized, to. . � l for - the. subsidy. on..•the 1955 appy . road . expenditures. The amount of money expended . on roads, culverts and, bridges . in the Twp. in. 1955. was. $1.8,341.00: "It was moved by Councillor MOPhee , and seconded by Coun- cillor Culbert that the, Township assessor's ' salary • for. 1956 ie raised $50:00. Council,Iar 1Viiller moved in ; arrlendmeiit that the assessor's " salary remain_ :at , $30¢ _ assesso _.. for 19'56 ''The '- �r •g ril— iat orL-...- carried • prior __ ---� -- fit,_ r}f_-bg .payments `r , ; ilk' 1'ltyon-,YC1?e -' viii j to' the start . of �°t . , liberations. the president said: • •h YEARS OF PROGRESS Whai -ri ernories•-are-�stin�ulated ii ___.._electric and 2 large fuel -electric 'grandfather's •mind with' thoughts ' generating stations, and.is presently • of his own boyhood?' His was an co-operating in the development of lige of manpower, steam and , .Canada's first nuclear -electric gene .work.' In the • hal£ century separ- . erating station, to provide power ating his boyhood fr`am that of his from the atom: , grandson, electricity has literally Who can say how, much power "taken to . become the life- over", « , . will be required 50 years from to - blood in the pulse of; progress: • day'? New applications are .found. „oh) that..ceiatively short span of daily' for this most versatile of all years, Ontario Hydro. has grown commodities T`�mr�where-`yon • from' a conception .in 'men's, minds ., look:' electricity is'at work in' the to one of the largest organi2ations _ never: -ending search for better liv- • . 'of its kind in.t e won • « 'I'o y, in p eTT i n g 1 w --h o whorn h-xt - Hydro •owns and operates 64 hydro.. • „ mean a brighter future for all. On a • motion by Councillors Durnin .and .. Culbert it .was.:'•: agreed :that West ' Wawanosh ` Township pay . U;5 S. N. 9, Kin loss,, $3546 in order.;to .:correct errors in the Township ;grant in 1954 and,1955. • On a: ,motion •-by Councillors Culbert and , Miller, ' the Clerk was instructed . t� advertise; for. tenders for th e warble tly',spray ing .of cattle and also to adver- tise for applications .for a :warble fly,' inspector. It was pointed Out. to 'Council that ',Huron •'County Council at their January .Session had: passed' a by-law•to establish a bounty on .foxes: •. A letter. was tabled from the Board . of Goderich Hospital re- questing the sum . of $4,1.00.00 to assist in their building program.; In this: regard;. ,Mr. J. H: Kin, kead appeared: before Council and gave a: verbal .resume of the Hospital Board's problems, plans. and ' their • 'building pro ects. -- ; Ons motion by Councillors .Mc . Phee. and Durnin, the following accounts were •ordered paid: Keith Good, 1 fox bounty, 1:00 Zlwp.:of . Ash.f-ield, relief accouht Dec. and, Jan.; 61.16; Huron., Co. Treas., •indigent p.atients,:, 143:50; The ;Municipal World, 9 subscrip- tions •for 1 year, ''27:00; H.E:p C., W:ingham,,. Township hall light ing, 0.07;• Mrs. Miay. Smith,. relief.' allowance, 22.21; Blyth Fire' Area, Twp. levy; etc.,.:40.00; City ' Of Guelph, • relief-accbult, .40.00; ' Sec., U.S.S. No. 9; Kinloss, COY- rection. in. Twp. grant, .35.46; Sal- vation : Army; London, grant, 20.00; ' R. T. , Kilpatrick Ins. Agency, bond on Twp. Treasurer,' 12.00; Postmaster, Luckn ow, stamps, 5.00; J F. Foran, regist- ering vital statistics, .75.:, Highway AecOunts• for January imperial oil. Ltd".;„ fuel oil, $67.32; Treas: of .Ontario,,' fuel tax; 37.40; . Bell . Telephone Co., to moving pole; 12.371 W. A Cul. ' hem, sand, 1.50; Gus Devereaux, hydraulic cid, 11.90; K. K. Daw- • son, salt, 37.98; W. R. Mole, °ssnd- c • ing , roads, 15.00; Everett Erring- , • w ton, welding,' 8.00; Robt. Stoth- 'I . ers, .tire, tithe & repairs, 430.76; •• ec Miller & Co., ' salt, 4.60; Norman' , • it McDonald, iplowing snow, 576.00; hl G. C. Greet,' stamps; 5,00; Lorne' IN Ivens, salary, 142.50; Arnold Ai ; hi drews, erecting snow fenCe00; by Ed Leddy, .. erecting snow fence, le 6.30; Kenny .Leidy, hauling Snow • si fencer 900ussQ4 I?kr%llips, .and.. ler g, 10.50; ,Albert Phillips, sand" ni iing, 4.20; Earl Jamieson,, *mid- aa_a,_, v...... , joine-leers;. ,Road $UPt. On motion by. Councillors Cul- bert ul'" Bert'and.M ller,•Council adjourn- ed. t9 meet on `March 13th nett«` ::' .Y. F. FORAM, Twp, clerk, r.. •'1 • 0 si .Ci D 0 HYDRO FAMILY' •ASSUR 'UTU.R' Good luck° is that wonnderful.. phenomenon which . shows itself when pr "p'atri°£°�nriec tunity. • • • •