HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 3Y. W,EFN !DAY, F.E.,19th : 1056, LUCKN UNITED C Minister: , A M j - Bev, f �eikle ohn . � . ... B'•A. • B.D., SUNDAY, MARCH 4th 10.00 a.m.: Church : School. 11.00 a.m. "Do I. Believe 7.00 'p.m.: "The .Bible .and You". .o..„r...ni.ou.r!!i•MraN., is L cknow Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace Mac lean, Minister F. SUNDAY, : MARCH. 4th 11,00 m : Morning Worship.. 12.15 p.in.:' Sunday School. 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon.• gimping Service Withdrawn BRUCE SECOND BEST,IN RAISING GRADE A HOGS . ":Bruce County Was ' second.' in Ontario in ' production of ' grade '''A hogs in 1955. At. 37.2 :.percent Bruce was only .one . ,point be - .hind. the leader,, • Waterloo, 'with 27.3 'percent ' Bruce, with Perth, : Waterloo,. Huron, Wellington, •Simcoe.and Grey were the coun- ties :' producing over• 109,000 .hogs each. of .the Provincial .•produc- ' tion of 2;000,000. Agricultural re- presentative 'George •R. Gear says' thatthe ,percentage of grade A hogs is still- "shamefully low. We have not eneough'top qual- ity hogs :for .she United.: States Or our: own 'market". The :per - ventage. of er-eentage.•of grade A hogs in Bruce will ;increase `materially .over. the next couple of , years: Mr. Gear predicts when hog prices are low farmers will' .pay. more attention to quality; • DENBY ELECTRIC. 'MOTOR SERVICE Armature and Field Winding; Brushes, Bearings, Etc. .Repairs to ' .Fractional. and Integral .Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Fans, ' Vacuums Clippers, 'Drills, .Etc. Ht1LDENBY ELECTRIC : Kinlough Phone Ri Ile, 111-r-29 THEN LUCKNOW SENTINEL; LUCKNOW,, ONTARIO a .PAGE: THREE. �oi��� ene.ra., HOSPITAL. PLAN• • Bill Brown is ' able to be out Wide publicity to ,the Ontario againafter an extended bout Government's .proposed hospital- with, pneumonia. ization . plan has given rise to muoh speculation as to • the fut- ure 'of ut-ure.'of the organized' health in, surance plans now in . operation, Among the well-known plans are the County Co-operative Medical Services plan, operated in practically every County in the Proving, 'including,'.Huron and; Bruce. Therefore . their •wel- •fare and continued existence is, ,of particular •interest' in this dis- trict. •• ; Some months :ago the ;report was "circulatd•' that the govern- ment would place. the .adipinis tr'ation of the_plan in the hands of the "B14e Cross, ;reorganizing this group as a crown .corpora— tion. It how appears there was little er .no •:foundation• in fact for this rumor, An ,analysis of fact and spec- ulative opinion now seems to in- dicate 'that Queen's Park' health plan will• not replace; but mere- ly cornmplement, the' present -plans plans Such as those .. administered • •by the .Bruce and :Huron Co-op. Lorne. B.. .Evans, • .secretary Manager of the Bruce Services, reports that :Ontario Co-op ser- vices and Federation officials re- cently met•. 'with. Dr. •McKinnon Health, who clarified the •pro- pgsed plan,. • Dr. Phillips was' , .emphatic about ' the,. government's :policy. toward. all: insurance ,plans . in-' ;,ofar as it relatesto who .will administerthe scheme -- io, :plan will have exclusive rights ,or .Special privileges. • He ,dispellefr the worries of the deputation' about. a :government ji:rronopoi'y by 'stating'" We willbe: helping your 'members by paying most 'of' their hospital 'insurance- pre- miurns'' Lucknow 'Presbyterian ;Evg. Aux: The. annual pot luck supper PPe was held' ,. in. :the; church', base• menta: on February 21st', when •25 regular members and 7 visitors sat • dawn to a bountiful :'supper. .After: supper; Mrs.: Norman Tay- lor presided over the meeting;; Nwliich'. opened' with •a hyrnn.: The theme was "What ..does it : mean.. to be a :member of the church". Mrs. • O: Petersen ;read the scrip- -ture reading, ::after. the.president offered ,prayer, Mrs, ,Jack; Mac-.. ,Donald: had charge of. the topic with the panel• being . made- up •of Ms's. M. Henderson, • Mrs. J Pollock; Miss' Gladys MacDonald, =•�Vli�s-=-1�--`MCI-ntosh�-and=- Mgrs:�-�= Mullin.. Mrs: Joe Wasney; 'and• Mrs. S. Jarineson' rendered ' a duet. :Mrs. 'Ronald.. Forster gave, the. 'Bible: study Mrs': :Garfield MacDonald sums .arized a •chats ter from the mission'; study 'book. Several thank yeu: 'letters were - read and. Mrs. Robt. McAllister. expressed. thanks :on behalf of the '. Dungannon .ladies for an enjoyabi.e . evening: Mrs. M. ,Hen derson' introduced the , guest Speaker, ' Mgrs. Fortune' of Wing - ham, who gave , an interesting. talk • on Stewardship. The closing prayer ,Was given by Mrs.: Robt. Reid r•1105.i0mm.11`64000.01r••••••r1imi.Omik1momNnoi.miuisosii,mm,o.adiu•••tlM•.4i►14.1 PaInt- f `FIs :.fust Around ' The Corner"' FLOOR' PAINTS TERROR HOUSE PAINTS' EXTERIO OB HOUSE PAINTS ENAMELS • +` r. J ,• » UND,ERCOATIRSL_._ Quart $i.00 • Gallon ALL,. COLORS -- p - ' e_..s , p sale " last_,' 1_ . ame,-Appy-;owed.. Pa�nt�- .r�n,_e, had -on _ year. Whig ,went' over ;so Nig ander"" proved si p•opular. • . 1 1 , Webs:ter .plum lin ; ' Heat n Wiriai ;v tro Nin thme.qk .a } f Angus Graham has notbeen enjoying good health and was taken to Wingham. Hospital. last Thursday, .Francis, Ackroyd of. Brampton spent a few •day's';recently with his aunt, Mrs, John Carruthers. ' Burton Collins. and tWo child- ren, -Sandra and 'John of Purple. Grove visited his aunt, Mrs.'John Carruthers on Monday.. Miss 'Audrey' .Stanley,: a sec•- ond-year student nurse at Strat- ford . Hospital, who is: currently taking three months' "training .'at the. Ontario Hospital, .London, Spent the week -end • with her parents, Mr. and' Mrs. Harold Stanley. Mr: and Mrs Cecil Johnston spent, the past week in the coin munity and. were the': guests • of Mr, and Mks. Sam Alton Mr. ;:• and Mrs.'Johnston .had .;., ,amu d+�nii, g�q""?'" o�ru a ,>•ni�c . ....?+l =0•.;; s0•■..4.. been m _ . 1 11 1'S r Ladies' • and Men's Wear —: Fashion M liner r , 'PHONE 85, LUCHNOW e I lade-To,Measure .FOR HIM. FOR HER • New s. ' 1e "' fo ' ty , s r ,Spring .: yours to choose,, from an exciting', parade: of the' latest -fabrics ;.; these per- • fectly reflect your• ovin .taste .. cut' by 'hand .` custom tailored ,and' fitted for• you -,alone , select. • yours '.early . Phone or Drop In For' Appointment Slacks, Skirts, Suits,. Jackets and Coats by T'IP .TOP TAILORS Western 'Canada since early last 'summer .until 'returning. recently ''to visit her . father at Arkona.' Speaking. to Cecil on Saturday., he Said his future plans.were not definitely. decided. • • • , Mr. and 'Mrs. -;Donald=' MacKin.. �rrxtir r i ecent'vis itors at Bowinanville, suing Mrs. Annie Struthers 'is a vis-; "dropped 'in" on. 1V"irs: MacKin- itor with -her daughter, Mr' arid lion's:parents, Mr. and Mrs. Rich- 'Mrs. Lawrence .' MacLeod. :ard..Stinson, who celebrated their: ' Messrs: Wm. Maolntyre, ` Dan' 49th wedding anniversary . • ori McKinnon Elli t o t . Carrutl%ers 8i', February 16th. Alphonse ? .Murra . attended the Mr: and Mrs. Wm. E.; Andrew ,Good. Roads Convention in . Tor- onto last week. Mrs. Charlie Tiffin • spent.. 'a few days with :her parents, ,Mr and • Mrs:Brown, Lucknow: ,,The ' Langside .. group ofthe 'Vit I. are planning a' variety pro gram and dance at Whitechurch on Friday" night. Ladies 'please. bring sandwiches. • • Mr., :Wesley '� oung . is improv- ing •after having,. the jaundice:. The. dance in ` :the Langside 1<1aa11' was Well patronized Friday :night. in spite. of- icy roads , and fog. Master' Peter :Steer:' was a' vis- itor with °'David Wall,' the occas- ion being. -.David's birthday. 'Mr, and Mrs.. • Ed''Moore ' and Freddie • of Lgcknow were Sun- day visitors ;with .,Mr. and. Mrs. Clifford Young acid :. family and Ori Tuesday ` Mr:.. Alex Why= Mrs.''Wm. Young. • tock attended Presbytery meet -Farm :'Forum •'was' held at'the ing . at• Port Elgin.: home sof Mr.' and 'Mrs. Charlie Little Bernice Thompson'' spent Tiffin on Monday .. evening. ` : last week with her. gr.andmoth Mrs: Wm. Wangler is visiting -her--daughter, x"Vfr' and -Mr's. • Pat MacMillan . and farnily.. • fANGSIDE • There was no church. en Sun- day .owing' to . road conditions... 'The Ladies Aid eeting is ° to be •held at the houe. of Mrs. • W'm. Scott on :Thursd Let • us' be sensible, and above. all, let us be 'fair. The C.T.A. > good legislation,•...What .. it needs . • is' more; .support and fess Criti- cism, more • realism ' and •less • theorizing, more 'boosts" and 'less° krioektng .-•(Adv • ; of: Mayort'horpe, Alberta, accom- panied : by. Mr.':Bruce: .Gammie of Elora .• spent the 'week=ends 'with Mrs. :George: Andrew ' and` Mr'.' and Mrs. Alex-'Andre.w.' Owing to stormy weather they were ,unable to visit other 'relatives in, the country: Murray Couse. and Harold Rit- chie iit- chiewere the "top. pair. at the Legion's cribbage. party. on' Tues- day night.': Mr. :and Mrs. Clifford Mac- Millan'' and children, Christine, Michael. and John of'St. Cather- ines, spent the, week-end:with his parents,. Mr. and Mrs. J. L. MacMillan. . •CULROSS CORNERS.' • � e'. JaWall;'WTe-eswater . Thursday evening • iisitors with Mr., • and Mrs. Jas;' Wraith were' Mr. • and Mrs. • Art Hodgins and. Messrs. Edmund & Ross Green. We are grad to:rep ort=that Mr Everett . •Whytock �.is improving. Due to the sleet storm on Fri- day several -homes were without hydro for several hours. ' The, storm_ Saturday: saw' • hiost peo- ple staying at home. 'We were all glad to ,see ;the, snowplow. WHY BLAME `TUE C.T.A.? Three. young Men were_ killed in a motor accident . in' Huron, County. 'They. had been drinking. ' They, were minors And people. are saying, ``A:way ' 'with • the C.T.A.; if it is . repealed this. will ;not .happen .again". ,How utterly stupid can we be? It could:not have beers : the fault Mr and Mrs.. Wni;' Stanley of'•.of the �C.T..A. .When '..there is Kinloss visited on 4 Saturday with avarice or brutality, who do not Mr. and'Mrs.'. Aleic ' Whytock say, . "Well • sc rap - the : - Golden Mrs. Frank Thompson and"in' Rule",,. Let tis lay the blame fant daughter arrived: •home from where it ; ought. • to , be .laid:—up Wingham, Hospital :.Thursdays on greed, selfishness and the drink. habit.. '' , Mr. ;arid .Mrs David ':Ross' •mot, When people wish to discredit tired to Toronto on Saturday. and on the return trip Sunday were a good.larwthey will take unfair' advantage. The L.C.A, does not e-rnpani_e-d--•homeb "� Miss -Edna- . Y �-pzTevetrt-`drrnitin.g• in • genera' . Ross, :who will, spend two weeks , drinking by minors. • It does. :not at home before returning to the• prevent accidents ..due to drink- QueenCity to again '.enter the ing ' drivers; but • nobody . ques- hospital, for: ti eatment:S'he. is in . tions the validity, :Of the L.C.A. a,...gast and on. crutches. ' . The community extends sym- )athy to Mrs...Arthur 'Green and he loss of Mrs. ,Tom attended - the .funeral of Mrs. amrly in "t Caslick of . Oshawa in her 18th 'Tom . Casliek. a °of Oshawa 'spent a few days With Mrs, . Art Green and boys and } Y %....�1�1..*.0-►7,�1u�t�h�ai:,►I,N..�t,...:.,,�If,,/��r�►t/i.b�1,.n.,�:��/�,�F..�.,.,., year• 'The. funeral.' was' hem Tees- r 'Church's funeral chapel. item • Is Your' Siilbscription Paid? • : KINGSBBRIDGE Mr and' Mrs.• • Blaise :Martin. visited:'.,With their daughters•in: Hamilton • during : the past week:: Mr. Pete Captein left'` here on.• Tuesday e u sday for Sudbury-rwliere • he • expects to Make his.. hothe for, .. a:while, having rented 'his farm •. for ,this.:year. Mrs :Captein. and• babe will be'joining;him in Sud= : bury' shortly: . ' Mrs.. Ed Sinnott,. 'Mrs:• Jack inney' and • Mrs. .Ursula ` Hebert orf Deroit spent a • few days With' !'relatives 'here last, week.: Councillor Thomas Ioward at_ tended the Good Roads Conven- • 'tion in Toronto. during the past week. • . ,Solemn Requiem. Mass'.was cel- ebrated on : Wednesday morning in St Joseph's Church ' at .10;30 • . a.m.,; for 'the late .Mrs. P. M. Sul- livan'•With Rev. - 'r.: Michael' • Dal-• ; ton .:; of• . Woodslee as . 'celebrant; Rev..Fr. Van .Vyr'�ckt' ::is . deacon an•d • Re . Fr. Graham, of Clinton as sub -:deacon.. . Monsignor Mor-' rison of St. Thomas :spoke brief ly,. requesting that" we continue our prayers for our' dear departs: ed. Several nuns from St' Jos- eph's Motherhouse, , London, at- tended • the:' f zneral.:as 'a tribute to 'the late Mrs: Sullivan, toge t her with all .members : of '•her • family,. namely.: Mr. , and Mrs.J 1'. Su1T>'van ^and zvrr and` Leen. Sullivan of. Toronto Mr.. and Mrs. Jas..Morrison of Dub- lin; . Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Joye' of Detroit and families;: Sr. Diony- nius .of:. Sarnia (Eileen),, -Sr. : • Denise (Patricia), London, tr.. M. Dolorosa •. of St. Thomas ( edeleen'e) and 'Sr. M. Mar . • guerite of . Yellow knife, 'Alberta, who returned to London via plane. to .attend. . her mother's funeral. The pallbearers were John S. Dalton Dennis Dalton, Matt' Foley,. MarkDaltort, Jahn O'Connor" .and • . Norman :.O'Con=„ nor. A duet,. "Mother Dear"was by Ray. Dalton. and --a>;ter--Dalton-vwh4le-=the stnaur- ers • wended their way' to St. 'Jos- eph's..Cemetery where 'interment was_.�inade. . Week -end visitors '.here were Miss Mary Sheridan. of Toronto;' Miss Maureen Vasseila of W'iind- . sor, 'Jimmy Sinnott of • Detroit and: Desmond O'Donnell of ' Sarnia. " water. Mrs. Caslick was a 'form • of ' zees ont`_`oT:-thc-1-0th--- Cul ross, and:. was ' a sister-in-law of ' Mrs Att Green's. • • _Miss E1,da-'Wait.,._ spent .. 'the... week end ,with her 'grandmother, 1VIrs. • Jcie . Wall, Teoswater. • ' After a month's ,stay in Wing- ham Hospital, 'Mrs. Win. Wall was s able to bemoved ori Sun- l , clay td' the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Schumacher. s Rolan. Mdr tS rs, 'Jack Morrison and ami A►11llarfir1'�w►P3Y�YM1i�.al�is�ll�il�Rif �►r'1� W �A�iFisUaliisn�Y�AL�fr��1 Ki di _ - Ph.one.,.I 41._.. i'A,YING MIGHE•ST 'PRICES FOR LIVE POULTRY .. .'Poultry Culling A -Specially. In accordaiil0e with government regulations our poultry coops are thoroughly 'washed and disi}fected• for your .protection. . Rd.s=%.sa�tYm.T'}Sti�.1`•a� - .:.. _ . �ur'oK�k;s'.NSP.M9irmU..+/kKKR.4wCA...GA....:.acl#M1Y`k.. R:.HIk'a XSe. • .+�1w�rwc�•,,iir►,iaior►alis+iNtlr'o�r�•.>•iwri>•.iiiri�r►.'ryrw�..•o�s, .r; r • • 4 • 0 • Y. •• • ••0, •:P. 4 t '1, 4, c' :r. -4 • • i, • • •