The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-29, Page 1$2.50 A. Year In Advance.-. $1.00 Extra T U.S,A, .q• LUCK -NOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY; FEB. 29th, 1956 Mang Dan MacDonald's Portrait .With Ministers Of Ashf eld Kirk • a . Tribute to theiworth and 'pop -w ' uldrity of D. A. MacDonald of Lacha,_lsh ' was paid at a congre•- gational ';gathering ' in Ashfield ,. Presbyterian 'Church 'oil. Friday,, • February 24th, as. Mr. M'acDon- ' aid • had' .proved himself an .out standing' type.of "man, .'a loyal `and trustful. (friend. Rev. J. R. MacDonald, his• pas - ;'tor, presided over the gathering. The. Kintail quartette , of ladies sang two numbers, assisted by mere};biers of the male' quartette from Lochalsh. Solos were: sung by Mrs.. John ;MacKenzie;• Miss Murray of 'Windsor,:' who . sang "Bless This House": and "We Give Thee Thanks" in. response to a„well' {merited encore. ' Rev.. ',Alexander. N.imrno of Wingham, Moderator of the Lon.: don Synod,was introduced by his friend: Rev. J R. M:acDon- aid,_• Rev,' Nimmo .injected soriie' He spoke ;of Mr.` 'MacDonald's' unique record of service in the same 'church, of his sterling qualities,,, his . worthy example . and his -loyalty ; to • church.:• • The . Session,, in consideration of his half century .' of Service, presented Mr MacDonald with is portrait. .Mr Ewart Jameson• unveiled thoe portrait which will hang in the vestry with` the:'•por- traits of the ' eleven ministers who served this •Ashfield. church: After the' :reading of the address Mr. .. Will'` .Rosa 'presented- Mr: MacDonald with a•' beautiful TELLS OF ARCTIC RESCUE OF'FLIER There is -local. interes in .the rescue of Eric . Pears corn the frozen: wastes of Labrador, *after surviving: a plane. crash • which : claimed the life • of : Whitey Dahl • whose exploits. . won him inter= national: publicity. ' Dahl and flight engineer Walt Givens died in, the. wreckage of -.:their : 'DC -3. war :surplus aircraft 'which crashed not • •far distant from their ;destination/at Fort Chim�c Quebec,_.__near '_-Hi dson, • Strait. 'Pearson was in the tail of the plane and,. escaped: death. ' He. was discovered four ` dayslater by an RCAF Search', part and flown to Goose Bay Labrador., along with the. two bodies. ' F.O.': Shirley Robinson is . a nursing sister at Goose.Bay, and. in a Metter • to her parents, said that Pearson . knewevery trick. m the :book for, ; keeping alive in the Arctic., and when brought to the hospital had scarcely a mark except for a black eye. 'There was a 60 -day food rat- ion supply on 'the 'plane, and Pearson 4figured iby trapping spine game he' could • last 'longer than that But, he. also knew ,that. after • a week the Air Force would give up the 'search: They found hire, on: `the ,fourth day: lac. had -mitts, but covere his face arid "hands with greas :from the aircraft ' as pr tee tion �p 0 C against . the sulb'-zero tempera-, tures, . He had carved. d. out ,•.a • huge ,SGS On the snow. ,He had acro- • her of tomato cans filled, With gas, ready to set ablaze if ever a plane appeared., He planned to build 'a lean-to • theday the rescue plane sighted him, Up ran- iii then he had taken Shelter, . in --the-Wreckage. • .warn But ' t that t all the recent excitement at Goose Bay. F.O. Robins. on, tells that their matron -tocurl went on an air ' evacu- mien mission to Pond's Inlet, to 4• il y ,sick Eskimos out for treat- meat . The two. theyrent in for increased to six before ,and because of � ore take-off, weather condi- tions e the'return flight destina- tion, was chan'gaedirt, ,,Q:. than via Goose Bay. 7 TWELVE PAGES mantel clock with Westminster chimes, His son, Finlay •MacDon- ald, Chatham,: expressed thanks in behalf `df his -.father ,and fain, ily. . :,• All. •members . 'of the , family were present, 'Louise',Of •Chicago 'Salina of Windsor, Mr. and . Mrs. Cowie of London . and_ -Dr. and Mrs. Ford of Fordwich and five grandchildren. A very. Pleasant : social time was enjoyed by all who 'were. anxious to record the esteem in. .which. Mr. MacDonald •.and faun- ily are 'held. • The following: •.. address' was' read by'. Mrs: A. A. 'J. Simpson: Dear' Donald, We are; glad to have this op- , portunity of expressing 'tQ you our appreciation ,for your long and faithful ;service to this church. .and. ., congregation. You have- the..remarkable 'record • of • ,• , ;Con ivo: ; from, :. Page 1) • Discuss Industrial ,Promotion NAME COMMITTEE TO MEET`.000NCIL: . At the February 'meeting: of the .Clansmen Club, the :subject of industrial.: promo'tion` was raised, • and; the membei;s: enter.- ed ir'ito' ' an', informal discussion: of the `subject, ' Industrial activity is pot booming'focally,: while in some centres .expansion. is -going ahead., and new industries being acquir- ed • As a 'service, organization it was •felt • ':there 'miglt. be some way the Clansmen could: foster.: interest, • and a, ' corrimittee • 'was named- to 'confer .with the.. Vill- age Council, to determine if there is. any ,part they can 'play in •this regard. ` The foursome named to meet • with Council were .President Harvey Webster, Lloyd '.Ashton, Wm.: Schmid and L. C. Thompson Reports .> were: ;received: • from the ' .carnival, which showed a deficit of upwards to ' $50.00 ,but was regarded 'as. wellspent :in •provieling-a` tght '`for the -kid- dies"., Restriction On Cash. Prizes. The Club were 'surprised to learn . that • it was questionable if- w -o of the-car-niwal-winners • could accept ' their 'eash .'.'prizes••: The matter concernedtwo Luck - new public school children' who are members of the Wingham figure skating club. Each ''won fancy and ;comic prizes of $1.50 each in Grades 6, 7, 8, • but ac- -ceptance, .:of the honey raised the ,question of . 'their amateur status. The Wingham Skating Club is affiliated with the :CanadianI PAUL MEIKLEJOHN 'UNDER ' OBSERVATION IN LONDON Paul Meiklejchn, son• of Rev. and Mrs. Grant ' Meiklejohn, .is a patient in the Children's Hospi- tal at London; 'where he is under observation. A listlessness which the .child has developed is 'be- •Ieived due to .a blood condition., • Paul will •be three . in -May. He was taken to London on ,Satu'r,- day and his mother remained in he' city; .Rev. Meiklejohn ' went to London .on Tuesday. J1M. REED IN' WOSSA F I tALS Lucknow District High School will be. 'represented . by James Reed in the ''Western Ontario Secondary Sehools.e Association oratorical. 'finals to be held at Exeter on Friday evening, Jim, the son of Mr. and, Mrs.- Allan rs.Allan Reed• of Dungannon, is a Grade XII 'student at . Lucknow High. a • His: puiblic• speaking ability won hips '.top •honors in t, e s - io o "s iv sibti i ; 't uce County competition at . Kincar- dine. Last ''Friday afternoon he competed successfully jilt, the WOSSA semi-finals ' held . 'at -E17 mita, and .qualified for the Wes- tern Ontario championship corn.- Petition om-petition to be held this Friday...' • Jim's prepared subject. is "Canada As A Nation", At :.each competition the .;contestants 'are also required -:to give ',a: three- minute :impromptu speech, in -ad- ditionto , the prepared , speech:. On' Friday Jim'.chose. as his promptu,•' subject . "Spare That Tree". • Junior- ' -winners were from hesley and. Orangeville •with . an Elmira student winning -the the sen- ior.. girls' . honors. • BROOM BALL : FOR • MARCH OF DIMES' Climax to the 'local .campaign in: support - of the March ` ,of Dimes; is.a. challenge Broom Ball ,game "tonight ..(Wednesday) in the Lucknow Arena, ' between a team comprised of members of. the staff of CKNX Radio and TV and the Lucknow Fire Com- pany team. Face-off time is 8.30 and there promises • to be .lots of ,fun 'for' an hour or so; .as well as aiding a very worthy cause.: • The players themselves 'n each payto. play... The Arena is' free for -the --encounter, a cr--w th- h`e entire ..proceeds in aid of. the March of 'Dimes, Fund should ret .a tidy sum. iIt will: possibly be ' split .two ways — half in .support of the Lucknow Campaign, and the Other half in ,support of the cam- paign am-paign'. 'Conducted by` 'CKNX. OLVI�ANASH EAST. N`PL'AY`CONTEST Figure . Skating, Association. .A . Colwanash Junior ' Farmer and • Junior Institute drama group competed in the Huron County 'drama festival at the Clinton legiete lristri rite ---last' �Th day, and. were ; edged Out by t five points by the Clinton' • Jun- fors, who thus' qualified' to com- C :pete in the Provincial. finals to couple of,years ago file Wingham Club' 'had •a similar situation; arise, ..and upon taking the .mat=;• ter up With the Canadian As- s . ciation it re ommended 'that ahl. :members should be "very . caut- ious about just what carnivals, etc., they take. part in"• Referring to': the rule book, the Association letter, at that • time, warned. that they: might imperil' their amateur ' status by taking part in any 'skating, competition when a prize of money is offer- ed; particularly if not • first sand: tinned by the C.)+:S A. iIG SA)t,L STARTS FRIDAY .A store -wide stock reduction sale, , featuring . 5en.sational .N i ...cries...gel . undereityma;t-7-T.h;' g. Market -Store, on Friday, A two* a -.e spread in this issue, ane]' p g a wide coverage .Of sale bills arc being used` to .. announce the event. • 4 The sale will feature .a draw for hn electric kettle with "no strings WEATIIERIVIAN HAD FAL. PLAY AT THE . WEEK -END • • The Weatherman. had 'a' field day the latter • part of the 'week ,and rani the . full gamut ' of change -.-sun, snow, sleet.' rain, and • howling blizzard.. At that; this:. immediate, vieinity ;seemed to » escape, the worst •1:if the. storm's fury. • • . • • • A freezing;rain. Friday sheath- ed, streets sand _highways in a treacherous:.- glaze: On Saturday the temperature' climbed into the forties accompanied by , a heavy. rain it the morning that quick- ly changed too hail" and then snow,' and whipped by a strong. gale ° that, reached hurricane guests. in some',areas, : created the worst IbliZzard of the winter.. Driving conditions could scarce- ly have been • worse and scores of accidents were reported. across the province, • including , a 'fatal crash north of Kincardine.- Many .. country roads quickly became impa`ssibl'e, during the blow, with snowplow crews eon- centrating; .• on trying to” . keel -amsti,404a0R4r441‘x .• =ape The storm was short lived arid ad blown itself out `iby . Sunday when more snow" fell, but Mon- day it.. was crisp' and :sunny •'again. HAVE .LEAP YEAR BIRTHDAYS A number of district "residents had themselves: .a birthday, ' ,.on Wednesday..,,•.a n•. • anniversary which they .can only ' officially •celebrate once , every four . years • on February '29th, ° Topping the list of 'these Leap Year••,babies , ••so far as -our in.; fgrmationgoes, ls. 'Mrss patrick .: of ' Dungannon, and" a -lifelong resident, of Ashfield. Mrs: - • Kil patrick has reached the age ;of eighty and thus ' officially mark's.' her "20th"' birthday. Youngest bass; we have learn- ed • of is Linda Treleaven, eight- '• year-old daughter .of' Mr and' Mrs. 'Ronald; Treleaven of Kit chener',. and formerly of •Crewe. It's' her "second" birthday; Mrs. Ernest Snowden., . of West Wawenogh, : formerly. Carolyn Humphrey,. marked . her "eighth birthday. Will ;Lane of Bel ont`and for- merly . of Ashfield; is also' a Feb- ' ivary 29th celebrant, we' under•-• many it 'is- for- B111.' Tanner.,Brooks of the Purple: Grove .district is -.another whose birthday.. falls ,,onthat extra ' day once-\ in four.; Nanny pore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs, Frank, ':Dore of Purple Grove was •eight on Wednesday and celebrated 'her second ' birth, .day with a party •of school churns,, Nancy':is a • niece •of Mrs. Gerald Rhody, Con. • 10, Kinloss. - Since 'the:- 'aabove was., written. we learn that ,Joe Conley 'a, ' . February 29th baby, He is "72 but claims only 17';birithdays, as he tells' .us there Was no. ".extra : day". •in; the year :1900. Greetings• to them all. PAID VISIT TO COMMUNITY FARM Mr; and Mrs Jack CarYipbel] of Point Clark have .returned. from ,a ten-day visit at,,"various 'points,' in Eastern and Northern Ontario: • One 'of the ' highlights of..the tripe was a visit .to the co-op-. erat've farm . 'near .• Kingston, a ventre' in •'which farmer resi- dents. . of this' community. , are jointly engaged; and. which • is. watched.' with ' widespread inter- �. • • est: : Bob Barlkwell ` and Morley Mills; .formerly, of. Huron ' Town- ship, are two of the six 'prompt- ers: of the plan, who pooled .their resources in this co-operative farming scheme.; ' Another .of the gentlemen whom .Jack Campbell knows personally. T. .Harold Ghent, formerly of Moun • For- est. orest..., The sextette own. '950- acres of land and have another';850 acres rented. Known .as Hemlock Warms, the -settlement -has- ten homes, , or -e the properties and in addition to the Six. families• there are three.to •men. • • They have 6,500' hens at pres- ent and _are. -_considering doubl-, ing the' number this summer They have their own egg grad ing plant and . sell. directly to atitUtions and the consumer. They / have.' fifty-two cows milking ,at present • The "Board" meets, periodically to .plan, oper ations •:: and farm' policy, with each member, 'responsible for a Certain. ' department...,, The ideation of Hemlock Farm is abput six miles north of. King- ston, "straight out Montreal St:" SOIL MANAGEMENT MEETING SPONSORED- BY THE C.O-OP hr Care of the ' soil ,i§ a .subject more atten- ion in rural Ontario, and in this. cgnnection the Lucknow 'District. o -op, in conjunction with the North ,American. Cyanamid Co., s sponsoring a i•neeting in. the F.ecreation Hall on Friday. A, ,discussion on "Soil' ,Man - ago -nerd" Man-agennent" will be followed, by appropriate fifths ' and slides. There will be a door prize and refreshments 'served by the Co - bp. p Winner of Dairy Cattle Judging Huron County Holstein Breed- ers Association held • a• barn is n eet•rrrg 4 Bis;, :t $mss: at ASairt ford. on Thursday afternoon'. :Gordon Be11, fieldman • for Wes- rn Ontario,• conducted a dair�. Y pe demonstration, • Top win - erg in the judging of dairy attic • were Vernon .Hunter of. ucknow , and Alvin Sherwood YOUNG' LAD RECOVERING FROM .SERIOUS ILLNESS '. Eugene •Pritchard, 4=year-old son ';of :Mr'- and Mrs- . John.' Prit- 'char'd,. is convalescing in 'Wing-.• •ham . Hospital fi:om a c_ritical n,ass resulting from . a ruptured appendix: The lad had been ill ' at his horrie_for a few days with: a biL- mous. attack and a fever, but had never. complained ..of` any pain, and " the' sickness. ,was regarded at first as;,just a childhood "up- set". •• . ' The ' case ,was ,later diagnosed as a ruptured. appendix, with the inflamation• having 'localized, - •. and by `so- doing= -probably saved • • „ »:a • • 'Eugene s life. -.: On Friday it was necessary to' • - operate to drain ;.the abscess arid '- at. the 'same time. the' appendix was removed. r'•+ugene`. was' a.. sick' boy over `. 'the week -end hut 'on Monday • was some brighter:•. be held soon • at the': •OA,.C., at Guelph. _ ',The: Clinton cast presented the one -act comedy "Bobbie • Pulls: Up Her ,Socks''--' and "Bobbie award- ed 73 marks by adjudicator' Vin Dittrn.er of Winghann. . • The Colwanash group staged ,,:_ • _._.- 'w' .,-._ _, ... :. i,: _ .__.__. _., they one .let c�iiiiedy . Carne Gut of Its, d 'i ected by Ken McAlli- stns, 'Members of ,the 'cast were,; lfelen , Li•ttle; Lorne Hackett, Joh ee"'Little` :lro y , Hackett. •Frank. ,Alton, Sheilla' Fea"gaii and Robert Lyons. ' A var'iety:' program was pre-'te sented• between plays', Chairman' t y of the,'festhal. was Arnold Alton of ' Ashfield, president , of the :c Huron 'County Junior Fanners; L strnra'tiOrrt. • RABIES' IN BRUCE .• a URGE PETS BE VACCINATED -'. The Animal Diseases Research Laboratory has reported a: case b1es"in a•fox tom. truce County, aecoraa, ig to an an- nouncement by ,Dr, D. R..Aliin, head of the ,Bruce County Health. Unit. All own,crrs,: of domestic- - ' s is pets, (dogs, , cats,' racoons, etc.), are urged to,have their animals vac- cinated against• rabies by the local practicing veterinarian.' Any dog acting in a suspiciou., manner, should be• reported to the /... proper.. c�cal attthorit Health th of ` Anrn� s ": Ya i�r .ion Do -s minion Departnicnt of Agricul� ture, T)r. T, • Cornish. Director, Cheslcy, `Ontario. Any person ['Sitter) or . attack' cl• e by an animal acting • in :a , sus- picious manner,' should report the incident immediately to their. y r family physician or any 'member' . of . the 'County. 'Health Unit: `• A11 pet owners arc asked' to co-operate in thiraraixr,- nfe"renis of puhlie safety. , 9 j• B • • t, • it