HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-22, Page 5WEDMSDAY, FEB: 22n4 190 iyceUmNatie WINGHAM Matinee Satuxda3' .2,00 pt;iln. Thurs., . Fri., Sat. ' Feb,2344.25. Van Heflin Joanne Woodward in CountThree' And 'Frit?' A. neat balance of drama, sus- pense, . action , and light. .comedy. The story centres around a rug-. •ge:d Southerner 4who returns Mime to 'a • small town,' after 'fighting -for the •forth,' andbe_ comes the toWn preacher. • Mon.,. Tues., Wed. .Feb. 27-28-29 Flank Sinatra,.. Debbie Reynolds in "The •Tender. Trap" • (Adult Entertainment) , to An, e ntertaining sophisticated: comedy filled with bright•, dia logue and many cosmic situations. The story IS about a philander- • ing , bachelor who `is constantly pursued by beautiful girls. PCOPANE and APPLIANCES • for. farm, home. and.: `Industry /LUCHNOW DISTRICT• CO-OPERATivE Phone ‘ Luckntow ' 71 LMORTGAGE SALE OF • THE . LUCI NOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOVV, ONTARIO • Under and. by ,Virtue • of the Powers of Sale contained in a certain Mortgage `which will be produced . at the • time of Sale, there will be offered • for ,sale by Public Auction, on Wednesdays, 1♦'Ia,reh 14th, 1956 a 3 p,ni. at the Lucknow Com- milnity . Sale Barn at .Lucknow, Ontario, the following property, namely: . s ' Park • Lot Nu nber Three in the' ,Subdivision of 'the _South Half of` Lot • Nuzn,ber 'Eleven, in. the Second' Concession Of , the Township • of Kinross, • Church, ,Survey, in. the• County of Bruce, 4' antaini�ng•e{y: approximately five acres off, land A q.4 '0,n the said d lan .. s there is said. to be. situate a . Frame House tip= proximately 24'8";: x 18'7" with a stirniner kitchen. attached '24'6" x 18'6. This house is wired for We wish to express, our 'sin-. eere thanks to our. friends for their kindactsand express'ons of sympathy in our laereeaveme Don, Marion and Ronnie Gil lespie, ikon .and Betty. Bushell and family. The Family of the late John Kennedy wish to sincerely thank friends and neighbors for the in.any kind acts and expressions. of sympathy extended them in their bereavement. These were indeedappreciated. es. DeGruchy and to ,most sincerely t ilk friends and -neighbors 'for. I their kindness' and. expres •s pons. of, sYin•;pathy,. iri`• •their be reavement,. with.;' special' thanks' to Dr.. M. H. Corrin for • his .con- siderate ; are, all of which • was much appreciated. TS; • . KINLOUGI hydro. There : is also situate -on • Thei apPY Hour Farm Forum. was helot on'Monday evening at the home of Mr.. Harold Percy, Mi.* , and Mrs. Stanley Wright of Glen Oreh,ard ,visited .during, the week ' with Mr. '• and . Mrs. Frank .Mau1d n.• and Keith'and with Mr: J. R Lane. •• The meeting for this cornmun- ity .on Friday. for the World Day of .Prayer .was, held'in . the fresh tertian church ton t c ' ids i , For .further particulars and gave . ,a splendM ad- conditions of Sale apply to dress .on the .theme, "One' Fold ••• '. • ALEX J. ' McNA$, . .. Walkerton, Ontario. Vendors'. • Solicitor.' DATED this 6th iDay• of Febru- united prayer •aY'Y; A:D.: 1956. the said Lands a dou�ble7 steel garage 24'x24' and a barn ,20'. The Property is located about l i/4 miles. north :of Luck_ 'no*. • TERMS OF• SALE • Ten per cent of the 'purchase Money to be .paid down .. at 'the :time of • the Sale and the Bal- ance. Within . Thirty days there- .443A419044...-‘-.+. and one . Shepherd". The ; service. prepared by • Indian American workers •at, 'Cook Christian' Train:. '.. ing School, • Arizona, Was tio1- j• , lowed so that united would •':be offered throughout the < . I world • on. that day.. Miss May CARD, OF THANKS !Boyle was the key -woman. in Duncan . Cameron wishes to charge. Prayers were. offered by acknowledge with sincere thanks Mrs' Tom •Hodgins; .Mrs. Lyman and. appreciation all the card's Sutton and :1Virs.'Wm ,Haldenby, gifts and visits ' he received Mrs. 'Harold lialdexvby sang the '!'�'', while in.' Wirigl iii) risprec much. loved . old ., hymn, "The �-�-; Ninety and Nine" Misses: Laura Bre le , ,Sheila Haldenby . and,:, -. •.. ck s FleaoX Rural Safe Drivin Week Sandra Percy favored with.: the g' huinn, "The, Lord's My • .'Shep= herd". Mrs. 'George:' 'Haldenrby Wand Mrs.. ,Teen MacDonald were --- February 20-2.5th -- the 'welcoming; committee. Mrs. , George Graham and •Mrs. Ale* • ' • ` Percy received the offering, Miss Edna Boyle was; organist in' the absence of •the church organist; _ • 1Mrs. Lyman Sutton was chosen' •: • 'key-.woinan for .1957, Mrs. Geo. i Haldenby gave the closing re- j i marks : ' • • . ' • Mrs Frank' Maulrlen spent the i week -end :at • Forrthill with Mr:. and Mrs `'Arthur Phillips. and ' Peggy. • Mrs. .Cliff, Borthwick,• •Mr. and Mrs. Jack Hodgiris, Mr. and Mrs. D rrGF`llespi, ' Mr. azscl M ~s:`-Do-rr Bushell motored to Toronto en' Thursday, for 'the burial of the late Charles Gillespie. • Many sorrowing relatives and friends • ::attended the : funeral service on' Wednesday afternoon. ' at the •MacKenzie. McLennan 1Vlemoriai • ‘Chapel , at . Ltickrnw. Deepest• sympathy is' extended to 'the be- reaved.•• Mrs. Burton Collins, our tea= cher, had a . Valentine party, for ;the pupils and pre-school :kid=• a ccide:nts Lctr� Seri.ous!'' 'PAGE Firmir house Theatre Two Shows, Each. Night at 7.3p Saturday *thee at 240 HREE NIGHTS—Thursday, -Friday, Saturda... know ' One of .the make your •heart February. • 23, 24, 25' vW4>i:i, ut:lv�' hite and the 7 dwarfs greatest. pictures of all tinesongs to ular , admission. , Sponsore Sponsored by .tA Public.School IcI sing , , bring the whole fanul ,y" . ,,reg- Lucknow 'Branch of .the Cana A ' ... than Legion Passes Not AcceptedFor This Show ,. �... •:... y, �; Bloodljnes f' othe Nataon's THREE SWIFT'S SKY-HrS SKY -H1 310 Canodian ,Approved , .These layers arebacked by the -highest producing strains in the • nation. They have been picked far you :by .professionals: Three types to'choose from. All are high production layers with top feed -to -egg conversion, worlds of hybrid vigor. We'll help you choose the right Sky -Hi Layer for your :Bock. just ask us: You can look forward to new egg production records: SKY-Hi 312 SKY -H1 314 ORVILLE :R.R. •3, . Holyrood:177 ELLIOTT Phone Ripley 24-r-26 investigation of farm accidents. The 'Presbyterian W:M.S» • was • Ho aaten c a rneetiing-gin Foy=:1.-I,i�•a at the home of Mrs. Lyman I mosa. during the week in this Sutton On Thursday with ' Miss connection;. ' Margaret Robertson '.'presiding. Mr, James Hodgins has been Mrs.Morle . Bushell .confined to bed fora •few da •,s y gat S the y meditation an the; Iife of Sarah.. with• _ an, .attack of 'pneumonia. Mrs: , Edbert Bushell led in pray - We hopefor a speedy .recovery.. er. Business period followed. Friends here were pleased to Each member was asked to bring learn that IMir. Harvey Hodgins .a 'quilt" block ''to the 'March meet - returned to his home by ambul- ing when it will be held at the ance on Thursday after, being a church arid Abe the Easter .Thank - patient in Wingham Hospital for offering. The roll call word was several '.nionths: He stood the "Power". Miss Pauline ,Brown • tri well was the.. missionary chosen . arid.. her life'and work was'reviewed / by 1VIrs: ..Frank .1Vtauldent Guests at this meeting were Mrs. Allan McAuley' :and: Mrs. J. R. Mae- • .Donald. of Ripley. Mrs, McAul- 'ey' gave a: 'splendid talk. 'on our. ,Chri, sti an Stewardship» Prayer closed' the meeting and refresh- ments 'were 'served.. Mrs. John ' _Emerson gave the: dosing ���►b..McwnwNNr�ro�►u`nufwN►n,w�rn• t�yr. ?ARK Goderich dies on Tuesday when a most • •abp,and, is resting comfort - enjoyable time y' was . spent. M.S. Corintha . MacDonald 'of The Women's Institute a .held . Valentine box social on Tuesda Kincardine is spending a bile Y r with' Ms. Wm Percy. ' • 'evening •in Holyrood Hall.' .Pro- Mr, and Mrs. 'Ardel Mason of. gressive games • were played Con. 4, .Huron, :Mr, & ,Mrs. 'Cur-, followed by the sale'•of theboxes rie Colwell, Bruce and Betty and with: h Mr, Donald McPherson, asf Mrs.. Wm. Bushell of .Lucknow:auctioneer..• Prizes were awarded 1 visited Sunday With "Mrs J W to. highestman'or s score, .G don co�C • eslady,ar old � o emple (filling in for a • The consequences are more tragic ,• . . for, those involved Mcl'h'ersori• highest H • . for those at s home.' , , lady) low. mien's prize, • Lorne We iii ,have a terrific ..responsibility to help avoid y: Jim O'Doiffielt • • • Culbert; love' lady's prize, Mrs, BEING MODERATE IN SPEE•O IEIIVf"x CAREFUL I1V' TURNS • BEING • ATTENTIVE 'IN DRIVING Tac rotvard for. observing `the . g these simple •rules is great — the,. Privilege of continuing happily on our. w:aY The eonseauenees for igkoring --thesesritrac Ie mail s:.aire scY'ious the disruption of lives ;for a day. . a month' ..:'. a IifetimeA SUPPORT .RURAL SAFE . DgivirtG, WEEK e�ruary� � -•�5-� .W lucknow District Ca -op Nits, Cliff : Borthwick of St,. Catharines visited with her par- ents, . Mr. and Mrs. James . M. Hodgins her during the week. On Wednesday, February • 1 a,' Mr, and Mrs. Janes M: Hodgins quietly observed their, 51st teed ding : <' rieAvoma.> u Their ..many.:. friends extend •congratulations and wish .them• than more years' togethrer, r.,LRusselLliere .pt-Torantd spent the week -end at his hone' here, Mr. and Mrs. Perry 1<odgins and ',Sharon +visited Siinday With • Mr. and Mrs, Morley Bushell & 'family. • • .Mrµ Jack 'parr represents the I o>lt a tin ; L,1t.h'' • Nome-..,-,- THURSDAY, FRIDAY 84' SATIURDAIr i Fred MacMurray; Dorothy Malone and;: Walter Drennan Telling the story of a peace-lovin ho kee a hank robber with one lucky g shopkeeper who downs sky shot and then has to pope With •a vengeful gang. . • 4 "AT GUNPOINT" •Ciftenia.solie and olor.: Monday, Tuesday 'and Wednesday —Adel t Entertainment Victor Mature, Sylvia Sidney,. Virginia- Leith and ; arronslaisli r i :In an. Arizona copper niinilg town the• lives of a 'dozer' peopleg ggy y ler and a are excitin �1 affected .b pan Amish Earn youngfather durin • a 24-hour eriod,. "VIO• LENT SATURDAY'S . 1 Cinernas'cope and Technicolor • � �V•�ki"M'r�Y7i!M .4ad�!d,!'.�T!!".t'.i11 . ila ... ....lit ':i.yd... H.irx. iau...,'.:-._�., _,-, .; .._.......... ....... _... 1' r 'P . • A•, • • : . iA ,. • rr:i �Pe't J qp6 t•