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The Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-22, Page 3
° WEDNESDAY; FEI3. 22nd,; "1956: Autimo Presbyterian Church. �,•Rev, Wallace McClean, Minister SUNDAYFEBRUARY 26th 11.00. a.m.; Morning Worship.. 12.15 p.m.: Sunday School:. 3.00 p.m.: Dungannon.: .Evening Service Withdrawn 'NO= , LUCK 1�� H.� R ITED a C U C . ' Minister: ' f'.A. Meiklejohn, Rev.. , 3 : • • BA., . B.D. I SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 26th 10.00, a.m:;: Church School. 11:00 a.m.: ""Do' I ,Belong To The Living Church?" 7.00.. p.m.: "The. Bible and You"' Local &;,General'. Mr. and 'Mrs. Bdb. MaeIntosh •arrivd_..home an; Sunday from a. 43.::� d. • THE • LUCKNOW ,SENTINEL, LUCKNOW SPOKE TO. FORUMS LU . (KINLQU•GSII NEWS). Mr. • and Mrs. Stanley John- ston and family of London spent the week -end with Mir, & Mrs. Wesley Guest. Mr... and Mrs. Don Gillespie & Ronnie visited on Sunday with Mr: and Mrs. Dan Nicholson:: 'Mr, Allan Wall of Walkerton, assistant agricultural represe t. ative,_aWas guest speaker on Mon- day' evening.: in the ; Kinlougb School ;when the".Happy .^ Hour ,forum r entertained Siliver Lake .forum.:?, Ie Outlined 4-H , Club .work arid,. said "It is an excellent training for • Young • :,people ,for the ,future to be successful" far- mers',.' ar.-mers',' He also. "stated ,, that youth e " ducetran � and business training Will result • in practical good to a young farmer as, he tills. ani' looks after ,the .soil',,and lives close to nature. Our young peo- ple • need 'high' school education for there are'so many Chen -deals, new feeds. �and�`•feeding. methods, antibiotics . a n d suprplements. These ne.w, thirigs if not used ,.in- telligently will ' not prove' advan- tageoits. He said some very suc- cessful- young fanners began their, farm'•interest as 4-H Club" ?members;; .advancing . to Junior farmer work . and cornpetitio.n following' up With 'courses at the O.AaC.; 'Guelph, then returning. Garfield Ostrander of Milford, • near Pieton, ,has been' renewing . ,friendships in' • thecommunity during, the past week. • • Miss Christina Carrick, who 1•ias spent ;,the Bast few months at Virginia, '..Minn.,: is' .planning. to ; return - to thM 'village about the first of the *nth.' Mrs: W. L. • Mac:Kenzie is- con. valescing 'after an illness of al most, two +weeks with. , pneu ,d monia and recurrences of the ailment. Her grandson, •Russell E was out for the. first time on ,Monday since he took; pneu- mania. . Al Irwin' and Don ';Thompson • returned last .' Tuesday • from a two weeks' Motor trip to •Flor` ida Mrs. James ' Snow ... of ' Bell wood is visiting' 'with her par- ents, .'Mr. and Mrs. Angus Gra- ham. • Mr"s.. C�larles .Lorenz has re- 'turned e- '"turned' frr:oni • •Cleveland where.' .she spent"the ast'several weeks. Tr She was accompanied by . her daughter,.. Mrs.. Clarence-' Bell, who is visiting here for.a few. :days. ; They were . met in London ern. Sunday byM' Mr: and: Mrs. Har- - veY ar-•.veY ::Wobster: • -Visitors With Mrs. Wm.. Bush-; ell -mat- the.: Week.end" we>4=e -1VI and' Mrs. George • Colwell, . Bill," Gwen and Jack of Hoiyrood, Mr. and .,Mrs. ,Ray Gilders''of •'Goder- ich ' and Mr. and. 'Mts. Ardill Mason .of Ripley.:• Club Or Calf and Swine Club is a splendid project for any •com- i unity. • IIt develops sportsinan- shiip, fellowship, arid .showman- ship: A good active leader is es senti.al. Hespoke, of the . high cost ' of .Having; high taxes,: farm operation' • and ' .equipment. and'. said he or Mr. Gear would be pleased to give .: 'assistance • at anytime .;to' "encourage and 'sup- •ervise,• The.. speaker . wasintro' uced and thanked. by. the chair- man,. Mr: Frank 'iMaulden. Miss Esther MacDonald and Miss Bet- ty. Stanley led :in a. sing song. Mrs, . Perry : Hodgins 'read .a poem,. Mr.. Del Lindsay t.,, expressed. thanks frog n . 'the. Silver „ Lake forum, The' National Anthem- broUght: the` evening to . a close.: Refreshments w.ere ' served'and social time enjoyed. Mrs. Tom 'Hodgins •will. be -hos- tess for the March meeting of: the H'.W.I. • Roll call, "A school boy , howler:";; ,topic, ' "Making .a, will motto "It's what you do for yourself that` educates ; you"; current. 'e:, eht; ,.iVir.s. To;zr.Hod- gins; : deinonstration, Setting a' table and servin , Mrs;' .R•ayntard Aeke:rt director's,• Mrs. Howard Harris; Mrs. Don •:NleEwan, Mrs. Wrri. Eadie, Mrs, Perry. Hodgins.. r Pl"ans're underway for :t1 At ' Home to be- held on • March • .Police Association Resolution At the. regular meeting .of the Grey, Bruce and• Huron Police' Association held in ' Hanover0 a resolution • was passed authoriz- ing the secretary to communicate with :properauthorities in regard to• the rrecent replacement of two part-time' constables in the : vill- ages of .. Tobermory and, Luck - 2nd.. d ..ENGAGEMENTS T-he=ehgagememt isnaouttced of Martha Christena MacLennan, of London, 'daughter. of Mrs. Alex MacLennan, Luoknow, •andthe late 'Mr. MacLennan,. to Mr. Glen Victor Mc1adden. of London, soon. of Mrs: Wilfred Bolton. of Wal- iaceb'urg and the late Arthur. McFadden. The •marriage .'will take place in mid-March. now. ;f dN.1••t f7.•bdoo a ., nmmiblil a•••ir4.117±r4.11rc r ir4112u n r>.o rt�o 0 Time Is • J • A- to - The • Corner" FLOOR "PAINTS INTERIOR HOUSE PAINTS EXTERIOR: HOUSE PAINTS ENAMELS UNPERCOATERS HONORED FOR .' PROJECtWORK :(ST. HELENS NEWS) The communityy was shocked and saddened by the death of Mrs. Lloyd Hunter and' her in- fant. daughter on Saturday night. The syNathy of . g host' of friends- goes out to the sorrow- ing families. ° Miss Isabelle MacPherson was home from London for' the Week- end. Isabelle, who is a student nurse at, St, Jloseph's Hospital, received her cap recently: The .Ha,ppy ._ i'andicrafters at- -tended t-tended Achieivement'' day in the Wingham District ' High, Scho©il on Saturday, '•Irma Forster won a certificate andpin with. Couri- ty- honors far; completing, 6: pno=. leets. •Mrs'A•Gor'don• MacPherson was: also awarded a certificate for six years . of coaching.. ,"Ohe Flock, One Shepherd" was the theme of •the worship service for the. World's ' Day of Prayer held at .the home of 'lvrrs. W, h ,Miller on Friday with 18 ladies, 'present. Mrs.: Miller, 'the .president, _ywas assisted ,by. Mrs, J, Cameron, Mrs. Fnank McQuil- 1•in; Mrs:.. Lorne. Durnin and Mrs. Lorn.e.. Woods as leaders. Miss W. Rutherford . and Mrs: W. A. Miller led ;in, Prayer and Mrs. Woods and 'Nfrs. E. • W. Rice sang the' `duet "Teach me'. to Pray Mrs. Alex MurdieLL.read the poem ONTARIO r aterfoo (attle BreediigAss'oc. "Where Better' Bulls Are USW . The fess money you liave to . spare the more important it becomes to use our services. The cash outlay is low. ' ' • The calves you get are efficient' converters of feed into beef Or milk. • The quality of the :calves isbetter' than average. BETTER CATTLE FOR BETTER .LIVING For service or moreinformation phone collect to, . • .,. ti 'Cli>rton S 15 ,or Kincardine 460 . Between; ' 7.30 & •10. A.M. week days'• 7.30 & 9.36 A.M.Sundaysand holidays • Cows noticed in heat later in the'day should be bred the following day.- ` • Or send:coupon to the above office..' Please call at my 'farm to give furthers information c , on your Artificial Insemination ;service. NAME ADDRESS Location. of Farm: Concession Lot No. • :months' rain' Mrs. ' W. G Humphrey, Mrs. Jas. Curran and Mrs. Ross Errington. read news of the. last World Day of Prayer and. Mrs. W. I. Mil- ler told of the' Indian .Ameri- can workers:• : at Cook Christian ,Training: .School, Arizona; where the ;Program ; w.as prepared. At the 'conclusions a .pleasant social hour' was enjoyed. ll¢rs Brla,.MacPherson isa pat fent .in Wingharn General Hos- pital.. Her many /friends hope, for', a' 'speedy, recovery, :Miss :Margaret Miller was )tome from. •Stratford• for '• the: week -end..",; Margaret goes. to Toronto: this' ;week. for three rile reris` Flospital Everyone is .watching with • in-. terest. the ,development and. pro-' gross. of an oil rig on'William. Webster's farm ' where they. struck.. natural gas last' week. • The rMarch • meeting"` of the, Women's. Institute will 'be held. at ' the home of " Mrs. Lorne Woods on•' Thursday, 'March lst, at 2.30. Roll' call, '.An Irish joke;• motto, . "Friendship' consists. ' in forgetting what; one .gives.` and. remembering what'. one receives" by • Miss Jean Aitchison;: topic, "Choosing one's. friends" 'by Mrs. Charles ,McDonald. -Hostesses & -program; .Miss' W.:D. Rutherford, M'r Wm. ' Rutherford, Mrs. Ross GIRL GUIDE . NOTES '• Errmgtoif." Helens. P. On Friday evening, an enjoy- ' able 'time :was had • at • the pro_ •gressive crokinole party spon- sored by .the ,'Union, Mary Alton St Last Friday • evening., . Miss 'Cormack carne.. ' to ' the Guide meeting,. and taught;. the Guides, "Safety, Rules:.and, Accident Pre- vention", Everyone 'was • in "full u nifortn, .: After roll call, .a relay game and sorne business Taps was sung. Wedriesday,_ Febri.ary22nd is the; anniversary :of the. birthday- of he•..birthday- of ,the • founder,. Lord.' Baden-. Powell' and. also the birthday' birthday of : his wife, the chief Guide of the' World. This day : is called Think ing� 'Da'y and is ..celebrated '; by Scouts, and Guides •' the world over: A special fund .'in','the.ir horror has ' beeii •• set up and ,called The World -Friendship Fund:.The Lucknow • Guides and. Rrowitt s. it telid tui rake : do- nation to this fund. The fund is used to help'Guides and :Brown. ies in • countries:, where help is 'needed,. " .t 'h e •y : provide b'oeks, games and whatever is 'needed: GET 30 DAYS 'FOR THEFT OF LIGHTNING. ROD "CABLE A sentence of '.thirty • days in the County jail climaxed, ion .un usual case ' of theft that Was per- petrated , on district s)fartiis ' in recent weeks Found guilty of stealing light- ning rod eable 'from farm Mbuild� eings on unoccupiedfarms of t Raynard 'Ackert• 'Leonard McIn- nis and Mrs. h'ave Carruthers of Kinloss and • Thomas, Harris of H u r o; n Magistrate :