HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-08, Page 6PACE SIX • ;t• Af :µ�„n:crww3.rs-rrz-nr.,01".w.,5•34 :. riWt • THE: LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LTTCKNOW,; ONTARIO TINDER 'TIPS • Wednesday night saw. Mara Finlay set a new .lady's • single- record of 306 flat as• the 'Coons and Chipmunks settled for. • two • points each. Marg and Bab Fin - :lay each- scored • Well for the ..short handed Coons while Lorne Hat nilton• led 'the Chipmunks with a , 669 total. ` ' • The Tigers opine up with • a 3' point Win ,over the Gophers. Joan ,Cormack scored : a 671 total ,fort the Tigers: •while Charlie AnR. ;rderson scored high for the Go- phers. ,MaKinnoVs Beavers" took three poirits from : Freck Button's Squirrels as Lloyd Ashton- again led "the • attack. For. the Squirrels it was a team effort with Betty. Finlayson 'scoring thigh. The Cub continue in lst glace as•they took 3 points from the ...Zebras. Dick Park led the Cubs with 638 plus 21 for 65.9 • with .the ,Errington 'duo also:, rolling high with a combined total "'ola. 1272. • For the Zebras, who gave the Cubs a ' few anxious .mom- ent*, 'it ,was Steawrt ,,Jamieson with 637 and Doris.. Beak with N.615 leading the way.' . ' !I e P 1e Cats took • 3 points RECEPTION . HELD FOR NEWLYWEDS.. (DUNGANNON NEWS) Mr. • and Mrs. George .Irwin, newlyweds, were honored at Dungannon Agricultural Hall on friday night at a reception. Mike Sanderson introduced theni to .the gathering, and extended best wishes. Bill ...Hunter presented' thean .with a purse.. of money.,. Hank- Norris' orchestra • supplied music for dancing. The ;couple were married at Kerript i h, Nova Scotia, on January • . t h Theabride was formerly ' Ann Wihite of 'Magnetawan, Ontario, a Baia ghter of. Mr and Mrs'. Ard., well White.. The bride's :parents and. her brother Carl attended the reception and spent the week -end . as • the guests .'Of: the groom's parents, Mr. and Mrs. ,Spence ' Irwin. a • • George has been stationed at iCairnp Aldershot, N S, The .young Couple motored • here, • leaving last Wednesday morning• and ar- riving on Friday;•, Making --the 1:70 -mile: trip in ' 48, hours. Sixl hours .was , idled waiting. for a:r' car • repair job in the State.of � Maine, where their car jumped' i a rift going . into the ditch. George, • who has ' been:. in • the . ;, tO. ,he years spent' 14 months in.Koreai Hie is' l ow •at lits way to Chilliwatk, B.C.;' members ' YOUR . • e, WEDNESDAY, FEB. 8th,. 1256 • Sanderson came up With "720 phis 9 for 729. Dinnie Hamilton alio scored high with . a ' •641 total Jack,' Fisher's' 632 total.was •best for the, Wolverines:. . The Kangaroos :gained sole ...possession of . third • place •as they Oa .4 points-- from the Lions, • Marie: and Alan Barger led the • Kangaroos with • 546 and 677're- spectively. Irvine" Eedy. With '623 Pius. 52 • for 675 was. high • .Lion.: Dinniie Hamilton won . the, prize donated' by�„, the' .allies to . the highest single rolled: during the month: Dinnie • scored .341 to set a new ' record two -weeks ago • The .prize. will now be awarded `for' `high triple.. There is also a prize for ..ladies • • Team Standing' Cubs 49, Pole ;Cats 46, . Kang- aroos 44, Squirrels 41, Gophers. 37, Chipmunks . 33, : Wolverines 33; Zebras 3.1, Beavers 25, Coons.. 24; Tigers 23, Lions .21. FANCY ()RTE HOLLY 20 ;,oz• ;SAVE 7c , . --- -- - --.; rt. y .f. DOMESTIC. ��ATUR�.� •. C.IARk'S TOMATO JUI( SODA BISCUIT$ FEATURE, "�na --- . . TOILET TISSUE 5 SEE= WA" :Fancy 48 oz. • tin BE WISE, GRAB. T+,ESE BUYS! PHONE 11.9 „. Speedy "Jet" Delivery' WEDDING DVNS_MVIRHELM : Miss, Eunice Irene Helm, dau olls 29c Valles Effective '.Febrnray 9,,.10, 11 LUCKNOW where he Will 'be stationed six months : taking an engineers course:: He.. is ;due there°'+on Feb- ruary 13th. Mr, and Mrs: Irwin. left ,On Monday and will • spend:. a : .couple 'of ' days 'at Magnetal wan. attie—bride's .horrid before proceeding to B C.'' Mrs1.: Minnie Jones visited a day' recently with: her. friends at the Thome of Miss May Davies, Goderiich it ; and ` Mfrs Bill : McClure & son 'of _ Elmira visited Mr,. and • Mrs. W. H., McClure: 'the United Chuurch : Woinen s• Mis$ion,ai y Society February meeting' was held, at .the hnane of ". Mrs. Herb Finnigan: with. 15 and one visitor pres- ent. Mrs. George adages ' presi d - ed: Mrs. Iiaym.ond Finnigan, read the 'Mari and object .arid all: 're- peated .;the' J•►ord's prayer,, • Mrs. Arthur Elliott led the worshiip service with Mrs. G. Watt read- ing ;some of the ;scriptures The- -roll, ` call Was answered' ,byre - porting the number of home and hotspital calls ; •made: A thank- you letter. was read. by Mrs. H. 'Hodges. from Mrs:. Geo. Harris: Mrs. J. Ryan was leader in the hone and mission study. digest 'with Mrs Herb Finnigan & Mrs. Otto :_Popp taking -partes ;-A -read in,g was given'by Mrs. E. Rivett. Mrs. G. Watt passed' out the lit ,.erature books . Mr. and Mrs. T:' Wester, ' Mr. Scared' 45 -Points . • and Mrs, Ceell Blake' and Bert Elmira . High . School basket Maize , ' attended • the 'Stratford ball ,-team ' 'recently swamped •Teachers • "at homeon Friday the Palmerston team ,by r'unhing ,up a score' of ' over. 100: points.' Wife greetinggrouchy—looking No, ,1 Marksman on the ' Elinrra husband .at door: "r11 bet •.your team ' was 'Bob Hewat wlro scor- office 'had a hard'•dayl" ed 4i5 • paints: • ghter of . Aft. and Mrs. William Heli i of Ashfield, and 'Mr .Wil- liam Hector Lawson •Dunsmuir, -son of .Mrs: Allan Duismuir' and the • late .; • Mr: Dunsmuir, of - Ayr, Scotland, were ; united in marriage. in Bell Street,'United, Church, Ottawa, on 'Saturday • afternoon, .January.' 14th at 3.00 o'clock. , Rev: Dr.. C. M. Currie officiated:. Mr. 'Harry. '.Hill was organist and Mrs.. C. ,1V1. Currie was soloist:_ • ',Mr Harry Eadie ,gave. -the bride • in marriage and. she, °was attended • by Miss. Dolores Pol- lock. • Mr. Gordon Cur>iy► was best man and the ushers, were Mr. Donald. Huchison and' Mr. Ted :.Aust. • The bride: wore a light blue. bengaline . afternoon .dress with navy blue •hat• • and...accessor- ies and a'bouquett of red roses. The,. bridesmaid , was • gowned • in navy with navy accessories and carried pink intuits. Following;. a • reception at. 37 Wielgund Ave. the 'couple ; left on a honey rnOOon trip . to ' the. United Sta • e will reside at 250 Cooper St., ''Apt. 2, Ot- • tawa'. For travelling ,.the 'bride'; wore 'a grey suit `'with- black aceessor- ies • and a corsage of pink roses.. Out -.of -town 'guests were r. and Mrs. John Morris, Montreal' and Mr. , and Mrs. Haig .Park of • Kingston. ;night. Attending the • college at present: are Miss Lois Webster and Mr.' Delmar: Maize. Mrs. Cecil Blake is a graduate of the Normal •Srchool. ',National "Youth..Week was 'ob- served at the.. Dungannon Un ited `. Church • on . Sunday with the Y.P.S. holding . a service in. the evening at 8:m, Leading the e were Wa:yrte-Brown-a . • Elizabeth .Pentland Marilyn• •Ari- derson presided at .the. organ. J. C. Durnin gave the address. Rev. Watt conducted the • installation -of ifficers The choi sang_an-an- • them and a ' duet was sung by Carl Sewert and W ilnier Erring - ten: The .collection was received by. Lynn : Finnigan and . Wayne Brooks. •, • ZONOUTE INSU'EAiIO • Plan now to insulate your. home for year4OUnd comfort with . .clo the job Yourself with Zonolite. Simply pouri-into. place Presbyterian, Church W.M.S. Mrs. McClean presided at the February meeting of . the Senior Auxiliary of the VV'.MWS,,• Several ladies volunteered. to help with. the `nursery school: Mrs. Little and Mrs. Adams wiI provide the treat for •:tie Mission Band in March., An _ interesting letter from Angus McKay- ' ai Jhansi,. India, relating incidents. in the ALDENBY ELECTRIC' MOT! SERVICE • Armature and Field‘ Winding, Brtishes.i Bearings, Etc. • .• Repairs. to.. • Fractional arid Integral. Horsepower Motors, Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, Flippers, Drills, Etc., H3LDENBY ELECTRIC • " Kinlough Phone' Ripley. 111-r-29 • M'ONtJMENTS 'SKELTON NOR 'WALKERTON .- We, are the only manufac- , tur'ers in this part of Ontario_ of high class monuments Who invert granite` from the 01d Country in the rough by • the carload and process from'• the rough to the finished monument. No Middleman. 'When choosing a .monument ...comp. and seeone of tile,. largest selections in Ontario..' Established :oversixty years.,' items► jr_phiiner• 8. and..reversee Walkchar$ ton HIGH . SCHOOL sT tbENTS' SADIE. IlAWKINS..DANCE On'' Friday night, a hard -time Sadie Hawkins• dance, was field at the. Liicknew District High School , • Music was provided by records. The dance commenced with • the . grand • march led by Jim Reid. and Marilyn, Kilpat- rick. The teaching staff judged the vegetable corsages Which. . '.. ".e for the bo s. work ;and, problems on the field, Kerinv MacNay received first loris the•people and country, was. much- enjeYed. Mrs._ •M.organ Henderson had charge of the topic, "In/. the midst of :revolu- tion.", Which dealt- with political tish Guiatia, India; Zorib.Osa. and Africa. Mrs, Henderson was •as- Mrg. T Fisher, Mrs. McClean, Mrs. C. Agnew gave a cOmise report- Of _the-, pr.esbYteriatirn_ Wingharn, The mission study taken from "They reach for life' was the chapter. entitled "The story relating the need for train- ing in agricultural *methods in Afrioa. and ocf what is being .Ilotre—by.-.irriSsiertaries,--t Meet', the' need. SKELTON MEMORIALS ivitromwroN • ch Th an To Ma wJ mi PAYING HIGHEST LIVE POULTRY 'coos are thoroughly washed And disinfected