HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-08, Page 5W ?NESt AV., *flat. . 814 1956 rceurp eatrie WINGM Matinee •Saturday' 2.00 p.m. Thzlre, Fri,, .Sat, • Feb, 9-10-11. 'Victor Mature Caruy. N.fadisetn Robert,. Preston, "The Last Frontier"` Plenty of action in this ;Cavalry- ‘ ersus Indians melodrama,. It is filled with , excite dent, an'd' has a thrilling battle at = the finish. ,. Mon., Tues., Wed,' : °deb. X3 14-f15 Jack, Webb .'.' • Janet Leigh Edmuxnd. O'Brien in. •• "Pete Kelly. Blues . Gangsterism • of • the "Roaring 'Twenties". variety . is blended with Hide -land .Jazz .musicto good effect, in. this ?Melodrama: NOTICE , The annual. meeting; '..of the West Wawasiosh Mutual Fire In- surance ' Company , will • be held in the Parish Hall, Dungannon, iiii7Fridi6 brtia ry', TI•iE; f.UCKNOW SENTINEL, ICt'CKNOw, NOTICE: TO' CREl1ITARS ,.,�__ __p-inl persons .h j M :. c 7 . 't -Or LBS4P IITIOTE T w; aims SER pE AIsSORBT1C1hT against the estate. of John Doug las Cathcart, late of the Town - ship of Ashfield, in. the County MtualyFire Insurance votediroi- of Huron, Farmer, who died on anirnous foat • or about the 28th day� continue ",as is" at ,of Jan- the 83rd annual meeting- held•, in nary, 1956,. are required to file Teeswater recently.. the same with full particulars B with the undersigned • 'Y a• standing vote .the meed - 27th day of by the. 'ling +eject the 1 ' osaa that' February, 1956, as the Formosa Mutual. Fire Insur- after that date the assets ,of the ance • ,absorb the Culross Com - estate vrill••be distril?uted.', .' DATED at .the Tow. of ,God- pan-..• .'I1he proposal .was: present - DATED in �e Caiuity of � . � by Herb Kuntz,' Secretary,. 3rd day :afmy' i>truron, treasurer_iyf the Formosa Mut- thisR: • C. ' HAYS; February, 1956: nal, • Godericli,' ,Ontario, Solicitor. for 'the Estate,' ' ' . NOTICE ..The meeting . was presided. aver by A. W. Grant, who' has been pressed' into :retaining'- the .presidency for, another •term. Re ,Iairsh eaw. �Mu te tote meeting will be held on •The, Kairsiea er's Inst- NON°. OR. EO UPQNThursday,'February • 23rd at 2.30 HIS RETIREMENT at the home. of. Mrs.. Allister Hughes: , Guest speaker, •Miss Foster' G. Moffa t, octogenarianJuan Cormaei.Note :change ofKnloss Tounship farmer,' retired from the `Culross 1Vxiit CARD OF •THANKS Mari. Cupskey wishes. td most sincerely °thank all those . who remembered her in many kind, thoughtful and • generous . ways during the Christmas season and throughout . the.' year. at • 2.00 ° p.m.; to ' receive reports; elect directors: and.:for the trans- was in the hospital.... ' ital.,,. All these Tlie folioviaddress, which action of .general business. • . °� � appeared in the ;Teeswater TVews remembrances were indeed .ap : last .week; accotpanied the.. pre The retiring directors are Har- I predated. ' 'vey Anderson,. Marvin McDovit- sentaxion. cerely thank .all• -those who sent cards and. kind twishes • while he 1 Fire Insurance•. Company, which he, has served for. more than half his lifetime. • Mr. Moffat has been; assoeiat ed with the •Company .for forty- four; years,, and has. been secret- ary -treasurer for :32 years.. Up- on; his recent retirement he was Presented with a • poo purse in service. • ell 'and: Ross McPhee, all "of whom are eligible., ' for re-eleot- ion. Ernest. 'Ackert has resigned and it will be necessary to elect a , member to take his place. Durnin Phillips, : Sec.-7ieas. o; -Op FROPANE and APPLIANCES 'for farm, home and : industry. LUCKNOW DISTRICT C0-0PER TIVE, iris. Phone Lueknow 71 ' 4 4 4 Our' sincere ..thanks. and ap- preciation is eitltended = t.o • those Who sent -cards--and- letters at the time, .pit Our little son's ar- rival..•r,, , • Mfrs. Hugh Sunpsori:• : Manager. It not only marks the The Murray Family, wish to termination of Your . active . in acknowledge with sincere thanks terest in the affairs of, the Cam and' 'appreciation 'themany` kind.t: pany,• but also ' the severance Of. sots and' expressions Of • sympathy j a 'link 'with reached:; far into the!. extended . them I: during the i11- ,past: history of the Company'. Dear •Foster: Itis with deep regret that we, the ,Board :=of -Directors:-of-- the -Culross Mutual Fire Insurance; Company, :accept your resigna tion as Secretary -Treasurer and ness, and at the time of the: death of their brother Ross. I would like •to .say. "Many Con the whether ' an Thanks to all those who P y should continue so : thoughtful' .and 'kind to me ' to operate as :. such is at the time'of my ,accidents, . A11 ample evidence of the influence their visits, "get -well cards" and you are :known to have . exerted treats were very ;meth appreci- on the •tadministration of its .af- a •ted.' • fairs. 3 .The fact. that; on your retire-. ment, the', policy -holders, were asked ,to votenn the issue of ER•NEST ACKERT... There are •so many, things that II might be said:, yes; should. .be !said at this time that" -it. would 9. be .impossible to enumerate them aterlooCattle: g d l t k• all, For instance, • there : is the 'oo livestock you ' have raised and sold as. breeding: stock; the orae 'Where the.church, garden part e "`aie�hZsl-d, a-ritl=whore=-.the visiting minister .always went to dinner; there is the .interest you have always , .head • in ' commun- ity affairs -'school ' boards, • •fret ernal .. lodges, fall fairs,' ;pia men's association. Then, of course there , is. the twin when you were.our member for ; the, Provincial Legislature. 'But yoi.ir main • interest has. always been Mutual • Insurance. • You will.renieniber, Foster, the baseba•11' .games, between the 8th Con, West and ,the Langside teams. ' You were always the umpire,and you certainly called them as you 'saw them. We''think the hrase,:".Call them. •as you ,see them", just about expresses your attitude to all" f'ife's prob- 1 vms. Vie, ' ,as directors, : have been .guided by your plain :state.: leirts---as--t-ov-h-at otos--goad, fire insurance • policy,, Ira the semi= annual •meetings of Group No; ti of the M.l±''.V.A, your voice was • heard, stating our opinions as, to the advisability or otherwise of adopting:. ehanges, And when 'through your knowledge of in:. surance:and administrative ;abil- ity, you were 'elected• to the highest. office in the Association arid .. subsequently: to. the E,eeu- _tly._ci..: -.cru st l allec them as you saw diem, to the confusion cif some, to the consternation of :others;, but for tlze' ultiinato good,i "Where Better Bulls. Are Used" • MAKE MORE -MONEY FOR YOURSELF'. byhaving your • calf pens •rfi•led with offspring from the bulls we have in service be they Dairy or, Beef. Attention has • been given •to, weight for age as, well 'as. quality , in our Beef Bull selection..' .One of our 'Polled 'Shorthorn bulls; LANEDAL.E FAS.' `CINATION,: is' a son of the famous International .'Grand• 4 Champion, Carona Fascinatiort Who is also the .Sire' Of: the 1954 International Grand: Champion as well as the • sire of 'both the first prize Senior and Juiniot'Get oil Sire Classes at 'the 1955 -International Chicago Show. Lanedale Fascination.. was bred by Ellis • Shafer in In- diana who used Carona Fascination for .0 few ;years before • he went to Lynwood Farm in Indiana;...Both herds have many. Outstanding .brothers and, sisters to LANEDALE FASCTNA,. TtON whowas shown at ' the 1955 Royal to win 6th -in. ordir ary_ coo di.tion orn d' company. For More beef Or Milk of high quality, use :ours artificial breedi ig setviee whichis co-operative,‘ farmer owned and ' controlled. '• For service or • ore • in orniation phone collect to: CLINTON' .• or 'KINCARDINE; ; 4 d: Retween 7.30, and I'0 a tn. week days : • 7.30' And ' 9,30 • a,m.• Sundays o' holidays' 44 ,Covits .noticed Y in heat.later should be bred the follow- * }ng day. • iii+ d Co ii oh ta._.�t 4 A • 4 4 4i c ah ve off ic> Please call at my farm to give further information on your Artificial Insemination' service. ",ME 1 h ..f YeY•Y,,..i,..Y'YY.b. t. v. • V., tttt .FY.ivp*.v1.Y.iir •" Y Yr1YY SY'.YYYrrY i.WY. YY..; Vt. Yvwv % ...... V vvv V vv V.Yv r1 Location of Farm: Concession .... .... Lot filo. ..sYYYY ii.. 4 Vii, ir'�✓►�'/ y .//5 // /s�/�/•//+i'/*/'i+ •%+/%a/� ./ /s +/+/•%'_' 1.'11% \ And. now you are laying aside actual participation in the Com- pany`s affairs. You have certain- a, f . 1'y earned the right to look .back, ONTMUO a PAGxE :T. ay ous0: iriteatire Two Shows Each Night at 1.30.—,- Saturday Matinee a ut 240 • Friday, S., atur day,, February 14th,, .I I th • •: . Johnny' Weis$Inulle.r, •. and Nancy Kelly, hi " TARZAN'S DESERT •IV Y$TERY" ,.• , An Edgar Rice Burroughs' thriller ,as terror and tre'ach•. ery trap a helpless .beauty ., It's tops'in nter,. tairment, T enter,. • Coming Next Thursday, Friday, Saturday "Ma and. Pa' Kettle . at Waikiki". M.x•v%..w.f1IYnA ....NO. 1:RODNEY SEED OATS ,treated and Bagged Per • . ' Bushell • • • • Liinite Quantity 'Available (1• • HENSALL, ONT. �•i•: i•�iy-•ii.%,-%.�,�,%:-,�.�-,�►.^.. -, =, -✓•i-iia%�-iii-,!iii-•�•:...:-..'- . ,• • '1. +'4 a• • :it a WILL. :PLEASE YOU!• They .are backed by 'a ,breeding farm and .hatchery of over 35 years' experience Eight Breeds and 'Crosses . AS 'welt as, Ames -In -Cross Bybrids. HEAVY" COCKERELS, until end of March : .,...;,,•; LIGHT . BREED PULLETS HEAVY PULLETS ' . • 31e A11 Egg -Strain. Birds Full' particulars 'from Phone 84-r= .P171•2404t- 10 Dungannon' a. history, of Mutual. Insuiranee in the • Province of Ontario ever• be written, it _ nil ' 'surely record that; in. . the 'person ` of ;Foster Moffat, a great Matz had- passed that. way. • And ...When, in. the Course of time, your spirit is un- ited with that of a very dear onewho, has gone on before you : • and • your • Stewardship comes before. our • Supreme biter for ' review;. we feel tbe decision will surely , be "Sege at Home.` • Signed on behalf of the , i.• icy -holders, ; 'A.• W. Grant, 'Jack., McKague, Ross , ' MaicRae, ..Keo•, ,Mc1 onaid, Melvin Roi"nae. of yi. i f14,6ii4 64•1•0rb milkso tJaiwwriik it tryfrrl ,iAi li NOW --,- THURSDAY, FRIDAY ,&• SATURDA`1i'. James Stewart, Cathy. O'Donnell, Iytr;niaid Crisp • .and• tr.'thurrKennedy _ A truly great outdoor .advepture std in which.a .man on a quest travels a thousand miles to avenge his 'brother. . « 'HE MAN -FROM LA►RAIVIIE' Ch emasicope and Techniieolor , and__god Mt (tot "THF TRO1JBLL WITH• HARRY', --- Vistavisioin. and tecbnicolor ei th gr en,4hills'of Vermont -a- 'called darts is found rn the woods, with results that will keep you chuckling,. Edni ensu, ' ShirleyhiMaeLaine do c hn� .Foirsythe and C'rW Adult Ettertainment . .. • ' •' r with every' degree of satisfac- tion on • 44 y u suss of nselfish Co1.1111:-.."DITEL Gl`t 1118. 9:1SSISSIEPI" •service,w the obstacles.overcome also 'PACK TRAIN'" With' Gene ;Antr"y. -=`the�^ti�kti'� -11i1cllie�red�Y�.S11;atild;, i 1? �,�'}'�'•�z;s+�rk�,awlirlxs�litcz',AA�tiid ": r+�►c,�w�ww.awrw • r 4