HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-08, Page 1•
$2,50 ,A Year in. Advance—$1:.Qp, Extra To U.S.A.
Ashfield- •? ownahip• Council is.
'confronted with requests for
anciai aid from three district
• : hospitals : that :total .'over $201,400.
'The latest 'request' Was •offici-
ally received at. 'the February
'meeting on' Monday, . and was
from Goderich Hospital in the
amount of .$11,000, to assist in
the proposed 'plan to 'build a new.
wing to Alexandra' and Marine
The , levy, as, ,have been. the
• .others, is based` • on the, patient.
days •of Ashfield • residents in.
Goderich Hospital over the past
five years..
Ashfie.ld's share of the new.
.chronic wing, as set out by the.
Wingham Board, was 4: percent
total or 8 000.
e Degree work • at • -Old Light
Lodge' On - Thursday . night Was
conferred red by a, team of past mas-
ters, headed by immediate past
master Harvey Webster,. assisted.
by Leonard MacDonald, William,
Evans, Dr. Jar les' Little, Donald
Blue, 'W. B,: Anderson, Garfield
MacDonald, A, C. Agnew, T. J:
Salkeld, Sam Alton and., James
Duncan. •
The new.: •master, Edgar Wat-
son and Wardens Ronald Forster
and Ted. Collyer, put up the tui-'
key. sandwiches, cake, ice cream
and coffee,: that was later :sere
ed in the: banquet hall:
More ;recently ' r car: mile -as
asked Ashfield for ' $1,48410 to-
. wards the cost of, a new wing to
that hospital ' and which ,is a 2,
percent share.
All . told 'the three ` "levies"
• total $20;484,10:
• Ashfield Council had . deferred
any' action of: the.' Winghain re-
quest, which.• originated back, in
' 1953, as " they forsaw, similiar
"similiar " requests • now being
No decision was arrived at on
•:'Monday, but it is exAected that.
some definite action will be
taken at:; the next. meeting.
The Goderich . proposal . "was
.presented to :the Board on Mon-
day by,Mr C. F.; :Chapman.'
Ask: $4,100 Front WaWanosh <•
The Boai d of Governors of
Goderich •Hospital is asking,
$4;100" from.. West. •Wawanosh.
The request, Will be dealt with
: when the Township ?, Council
meets neict week. • :
The patient ' days'. 'for West.
• Wawanosh ressdents '. • over . the
reckoned . period are 4,104 days,
and theininimuri'financial'.as-
sistance from. each • municipality:
',Is based .at $1.:.00 pei patient day,
,tyc whieh the $4;100 :figure. is ar-
• rived at;
West-W-a-wanosh' 'share ---of the
Wingham Hospital wing. was'
' •$9,000, •Which • comrnitinent• has
been •met. ,
ense Bureau , "Out , to .lunc2i;
Think: 'it over".
HA,CKETT^.in Wingham Hospi-
tal on Tuesday, February 7th to
Mr. and ' Mrs. Eris' Hackett,. ='.'R.
3, "Lucknow, a son.:'
eighty -year old ; landmark,
the •Fourth ',. Concession school-
house,is being .torn down. The
school has not :been used • 'for
about two decades,' and. ,the,
brick; work Was. getting'., into'' a
state of disrepair •that made the.,
building useless, as it .was. ;
The building was sold by auc-
tion, on Friday With the
building ;bought •'by • Jack Mac=
Kinnon and the •woodshed by
Tom ' Austin: ' Work of dismant-
ling ;the. school is already in pre
'stress: The sale agreement calls
for the tearing .down , ' of the
building and the levelilng off of
the :'school 'site: • • ' .
••S.S. No.' 6, familiarly known
as Grey Ox ;school, Was built in
1874,'and tfirst opened 81 years
ago on . January 1st,' 1875
Per, several; years students of
this section have .been trans ort -
ed :to Lucknow.
ucknaw and district. -residents
who are patients in Wingl aan
Hospital are se , numerous '.'at
present as to- alrnost require a
wing' 'of: their own.
Among them., and there .are -no
doubt others who. don't come to
mind at the moment, are: Mrs.
Annie Jewitt, Mrs, Thos. Henry
of Kinloss; Mrs.., W,. J. Douglas,,
Mrs. Charles Congrarn;' Duncan.
Cameron,• R; D. `;Ross• 'of •Loch-
alsh,. Lorne. Johnston,' Harvey
Hodgins of Kinloss, W. J. Doug-
las; . •Miss Jean Douglas, Les _Mc=
Keith, Fred Webb, and Norman
i from Queen lizabeth • Prime
-minister st.. •': ahrent' • ,and
Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Fritzley
of Chesley 'celebrated their ,60th
wedding -anniversary on Sunday,
January nth, whenopen house
was, held at ,the home ;of their
daughter, Mrs. Robert.B:. Heth-
Among . the gueats present
were Mr ' and Mrs: T: W. .Smith"
a Lucknow. Mrs, Smith is a sis-
ter of Mrs. Fritzley; who 'was
formerly Cora Ross, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross of .Luck
Mr. Fritzley, was employed at
the Lucknow. Table Co. at the
time of their marriage, and 'biro
• years later moved to : Chesley
:where he, 'was employed .for• half.
a century by• Krug Bros., who
presented them with.a basket of
sixty mums ;on •this - memorable
occasion: •
Among many messages of con,
,gratulations . were telegrams
,Rv. and Mrs; Wallace Me -
•Clean will sail on Friday for a' ,
ayisit in Ireland.,With Rev. ,3•26-=
Clean's - ailing and widowed
mother, Mrs. Wallace . McClean
'of 'Belfast, She has met, been en-
joying good, health but, at „latest
report Was, sbrnewhat imprpved,
Rev.-. and Mrs: ,McLean Left the
7first of the .week by motor . for'
New .York City where they will
.Gail ' on the' liner Ivernia: They
will'' dock., at. Cork in Southern •
Ireland . and across. Q1d,, • Erin'. •to •
Belfast hi thee' north'.
It will be . Rev. 'McClean''' first
visit 'aback . home": Since he
served as an Air Force padre •
in World ` War II. :
During his ' absence morning
services in • the Presbyterian' ' '
•Church will be' .conducted by
stident minister s, as ;will:: the af- .
ternoon service in Dungannon:
The evening service in ,Lucknow
will be . Withdrawn. R v c -
earn *: b"ac in
pulpit, on.:,Sunday March',.• 25th..
Rev. Alex MacDon• ald; • B.A.,. % j .•
and Mrs. MacDonald, left for the
Mission Field in British Guiana,
v, - here •Mrs. NFacDonald's parents'
are ' senior rnissionaries.. .
1 Consider Proposal To
The Lucknow
Alex .is the sohrr of Mr. and
Mrs.. Alex. "Sandy"'MacDonald
of Niagara, Falls, and natives of
Luckiiew. His' . mother was .for-
merly Margaret .MacKenzie. His
maternal grandmother, M r s
'twee MacKenzie,: resided • in`
Lucknow until : her death,- and'
his maternal .grandfather; ,was 'a
professor::at-`Presbyterian. . Co17.
lege, Montreal, where' Alex grad-
uated He was•orf � ne
as d last
spring at .'Knox- Presbyterian
Church,.. Goderich; and Since
th'en.they: have been taking mis-
sionary courses' in preparation
for service in `British: ;Guiana.
.Rev and . Mr.s. MacDonald just
completed. a course at Kennedy,
School of Missions' in' Hartford,
'Connecticut. • .
As a youth, Alex was u the
drug business at Goderich when
he .' decided" to : enter the. minis
try. He was an., excellent: •' bari-
t one,' player and:: on more than
one''occasiori assisted the Luck-
ri.oiv District High School' Band.
Cornmunity Shed
At the .February meeting of
the Village .Council on Monday
night, Reeve A W. Hamilton' was
authorized • to call'' .a meeting of.
the reeves of adjacent. ,town-
ships 'to deal with •the. 'question
of selling the eonirnunity ' shed
-on ' C.am^pbell. St.; generally -re
ferred•.',to. as, the United Church
stied :.
Omar Broolrs, local Massey
Harris agent, has intimated that
he •,may be interested in the 'pur.
chase of the building .as an im-•
plernent shop.
Back ' in 1951, . residents of
Ludknow,, 'West Wawanosh,' Ash
field •and Kinloss Townships, 'do-
nated on .a shareholder basis, to
liquidate a $1,600: delft '.against'
the shed, then owned by the
United Church.
As; •a community . shed . 'the
municipality accepted ownership:
:,.with' the -shed, --registered in--.the-
tm's name 'and with' the Dor
paration .assuming the respon-
Corn mu.r it Has Good Reason a it ghtf gordhnary caretaking
A_car-r -tte-e--of–the-.#our reeves
Suppor[ The .Marcf Dimeof the a^bove mentioned ° munci-
p h 'w the
L.A.C. R. A. • Pirrie, who has
been in:England with the RCAF,
was posted to France, slime time
.• ago, and has °recently: been join='
.ed there by his . wife,' who' was
the former . Etta :Mae 'Erwin, data-
• ghter of Mr. +and Mrs. Jas. Ir-
win, • Second Concession. .Mrs.
Pirrie had been in England with
cher husba dprior
hilaband to:..going to
to France.`
Mr.• and`Mrs, Irwin look `for
ward to" `their letters from over:-
seas, and particularly ;Mrs: Ir-
win, • who. 'is an'' invalid . from
rheumatism, and is bedfast, ex-
, • cept when ..lifted to her wheel-
' chair,
Mrs. Irwin's rheumatic ' condi-
, • tion ':com`inenced 'some twenty
• years, ago and became progress-
'ively worse, until today she is
completely invalided'by the crip-,
g ailment... Mrs=: ; Irw'in -.oras-f
formerly Etta Laurine . \Voods of
St, '}fetch'. ' • *
Despite her afflictio. Mrs, li•-.1
affliction � _.,
tn:as bright and, -t lieei•ful, `err-
,Joys corrirany, ,,and ,is Most "ap-
preciative trf, "tlie, kindness of
neighbors' and the many thought-
ful reinein.bra;nces she received
at the Christmas season.
r. Irwin, ''besides erfor min .
his fa : p . g
, u Yes,..ea�aJbl'v. carrie!�
'•.—v—'4-a�-.naatiYi-raar.K'rarr,�s�• .�..! ..: u„•atrr+t.„
`Yiti sc, ix dk and ouse ee^p-
• =Eight Pol%e' contribution cans
are to •be. ;seen in all the, .busi-'
Des's places in Lucknow and to
each is., attached a coin shaped•
.,placard with ,an appealto "Join
the March of Dimes",
The cans 'were .distributed on'
Saturday by members ,oaf `. the
Girl:. Guide troop, in .co-operation
with. the Municipal' Council
Which is_: sponsoring the local
campaign= which runs •until Feb---'
ruary 25th,
Don't. forget • td drop' • some
'coins in the cart 'periodically, and
f` eutirse--somre---af: that ' folding
money. would ' be very. welcome,
.if ,orie•fet they -could be so• gen-
erous i'n aiding a worthy cause
•Lueknow and district has good
reason to be .veryconscious_. of
the ravages of poliomyelitis• and
the need for rehabilitation ser-
Over the 'years this commun-
ity has seed ,several of its' young
pedple dealt .crippling 'or fatal'
blows .bey thia-fearsoineLL.dis_ec,
The Salk vaccine promisesto. end
the terror of this crippler; but
'for. many it has ;come' too late.
Severaixcsc have been
•claimed• in this community `by
the disease. Others have lived tic
succumb later •to the effects of
bodyYracit ng
.- i deformities. Still
others have made remarkable
recoveries, With little or no vis-
ible evidence of the initial;'da'n7,
agge;' o,., ti` € anzl. n usetts•:
There are Other. local ca_,es
alities • Was vested•vi4ith h,
that are daily reminders of ' the power .to decide on su:th matters
dread ,disease, and the: fact that
it. is no ,respecter of age, or ,sex:
Lorne-, Reid Weal' ahoe repair
operator, has 'since his youth
`been confined to. a:wheel .chair
yet`. faces this: lifetime handicap
with a• courage andheerfulness.
that ^ shames many in perfect
health. • •
garie Cupskey, stricken with
polio •. in September 1949,' at the.
age, .of 17, has', ^brei a complete
invalid 'Since then.' -Last fall she
suffered a hip fracture while :be-
i ng�ii;Dyed•,-•Lb u•t--i-tris°krl itt� n� get-
Marie is in Victoria 'Hospital,
Landon, and despite her . help-
lessness, is cheery and in good.
>1 In October- of 1954; 'Glen: Camp
.bell, Belfast district farmer, was
stricken with polio . at the age
of. 45, which resulted in a paral-
ysis of the legs. He• was hospi-
talizecF-for about severe months
«nd then with the aid of braces
'and walking •aids was able to
return - . bonze again.: He man, -
aged, to:..drive.the tractor, during
n harvest, t this.past
haying but
s p
eason but his • recovery is yet
fa•r' from. complete.
Yes,: Lucknow and district
residents have, good reason to
appreciate the terrivbleriesS of
polio and will no doubt be
quick and generous ern their re-
.. ,�.�e,.� i
. e' ' .,^.:.�
as the',: selling of the shed.' should.
tkle:.question • arise: It has now
arisen and this question-. will be
dealt with as • soon. aa Reeve
Hamilton :can get the foursome'
together, . which will include
Reeve Cecil Blake of • Ashfield,
Reeve John 'Durnn of:West Wa-
wanosh and Reeve' Harold Percy
of .Kinloss,
:'The first aid` course, sponsor
•ed`• by . the',Lucknow Fire. Coms
pany, got •underway. ori .Tuesday •
evening of last •i; eek, but ,with
ticipated. erirohinent' than, was
There were eleven ,at. the . in-
it'ial session. A :class of, ,about 20
hacl . been anticipated, but it was
expected , that .about that 'man=
bei would' be on ''hand phis week.
Members of : the ..course can • •o'nly
rriss 'one session if "they: are to
receive' a • certificate;
Instructor of ;:this. - St, 'Johns
AmbuIance course". is Joseph'
.Moody of Goderich. The ' first.
evening's. instructien'.dealt •chief-`.
lir with bone .structure.and • ban='•
caging:' • •
,The „ courseis open to. both
..ems a�ri' v=Tomen`Lnioxuaat.ion .
about ;it •may be received : from .
Bill ,.Johnstone.: •
4 '
Elizabeth 'Ruth Whitby,' a
sweet little 'girl` 'who . hadn't yet
beached her 'fi^rst birthday, was
iaid to rest in, Greenhill •Cemet-
ery :last . Thursday. afternoon. •
Four young girls bore the little
white 'casket ' as _ the final' act m
'a: • • heartbreaking , bereavement.
The girls were Betty Bell Math-
ers, Barbara Cameron, ' Sharon.
Whitby and .Cheryl
Let Wood 'Tender" .The infant • was the•:_daughter
Council received seven ten- of : Mr.' and _ _ itb•
George . Vyluy
der' for supplying.. of, wood for of . Lucknow.nio
and. was ..born little
the town hall, an accepted .Tai • •ore • than_ten ntlzs
Erripgton's tender for 30 cords'March` 22nd.' She was ahealthy,
of elm at $4.40.' vivaciousyoungster just on the '
As' Walled Bros. • .had .return- verge of 'starting. to toddle tie
ed.' the snowplow, which they 1�erself,
had •on trial, a motion was.: pass- Upon developing . a croup con-
ed ,rescinding the conditions of dit,ion on Tuesday cif' last week
sale Under ' which • it had been' the child was taken' to Vying-
purchased on.a' trial basis:' learn Hospital, Where .he died
Harold Greei•'s' resi nation suddenly later that afternoon:
g The remains, rested' at the
from. the Arena, Committee 'ryas
iYeceived: A successor will.. be familv home where many rolled
next .� to extend their- sympathy .tci tie
naincdW.at the..,..ineeting.-_.;_ ..• .. �_,... ..-.__.�..____...�..........-... _.._.
COU i �• grie -sti rcTten parents �thd its
nc 1 seta ate of $1.Q0 per view the lovely' little girl, nti if
thousand gallons. for water being aslee in her tin whites casket.
•hauled' by Ronald Forster -foi• p y
..,• ..... -• - , . • Harold.
, _ 1t was. a-sce'ne�-tli•at•--tout licsd- �l1c �..
oiI-�weli- drrli•ing at: 1-iarold Stan heart.
leg's farm. r v
A private .fungi i al nevi ,e
. Council: ' took ro".:action zn join- held on '1"hiirsda;� afternoon
mg the Georgitin Eay industrial. condu•cttd"by Ray, G. .A..14'[sada-
Associatiort . in ' which Lucknow's. john of Lucknow :liniteil church,
assessment, would amount. to Resides the parents,: Elizabeth
$01:10 •is survived` by a brother Elliott.
�11e 1Vfae1. a s s
. C u' cruor r c e.. 7 sand t�tio i. .
eusent• due' too cline's^ 4', and Edith. Ann, "2.. .
.. - .. .a.