HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-02-08, Page 1• $2,50 ,A Year in. Advance—$1:.Qp, Extra To U.S.A. LUCKNOW, ONTAIitO WEDNESDAY, FEB 8th, 1956 Ashfield- •? ownahip• Council is. 'confronted with requests for anciai aid from three district • : hospitals : that :total .'over $201,400. 'The latest 'request' Was •offici- ally received at. 'the February 'meeting on' Monday, . and was from Goderich Hospital in the amount of .$11,000, to assist in the proposed 'plan to 'build a new. wing to Alexandra' and Marine Hospital. The , levy, as, ,have been. the • .others, is based` • on the, patient. days •of Ashfield • residents in. Goderich Hospital over the past five years.. Ashfie.ld's share of the new. .chronic wing, as set out by the. Wingham Board, was 4: percent total or 8 000. PAST. MASTERS' NIGHT AT OLD, LIplf T LODGE •. e Degree work • at • -Old Light Lodge' On - Thursday . night Was conferred red by a, team of past mas- ters, headed by immediate past master Harvey Webster,. assisted. by Leonard MacDonald, William, Evans, Dr. Jar les' Little, Donald Blue, 'W. B,: Anderson, Garfield MacDonald, A, C. Agnew, T. J: Salkeld, Sam Alton and., James Duncan. • The new.: •master, Edgar Wat- son and Wardens Ronald Forster and Ted. Collyer, put up the tui-' key. sandwiches, cake, ice cream and coffee,: that was later :sere ed in the: banquet hall: More ;recently ' r car: mile -as asked Ashfield for ' $1,48410 to- . wards the cost of, a new wing to that hospital ' and which ,is a 2, percent share. All . told 'the three ` "levies" • total $20;484,10: • Ashfield Council had . deferred any' action of: the.' Winghain re- quest, which.• originated back, in ' 1953, as " they forsaw, similiar "similiar " requests • now being No decision was arrived at on •:'Monday, but it is exAected that. some definite action will be taken at:; the next. meeting. The Goderich . proposal . "was .presented to :the Board on Mon- day by,Mr C. F.; :Chapman.' Ask: $4,100 Front WaWanosh <• The Boai d of Governors of Goderich •Hospital is asking, $4;100" from.. West. •Wawanosh. The request, Will be dealt with : when the Township ?, Council meets neict week. • : The patient ' days'. 'for West. • Wawanosh ressdents '. • over . the reckoned . period are 4,104 days, and theininimuri'financial'.as- ; sistance from. each • municipality: ',Is based .at $1.:.00 pei patient day, ,tyc whieh the $4;100 :figure. is ar- • rived at; West-W-a-wanosh' 'share ---of the Wingham Hospital wing. was' ' •$9,000, •Which • comrnitinent• has been •met. , ense Bureau , "Out , to .lunc2i; Think: 'it over". • SON-IN-LAW AND • DAUGHTER IN FRANCE • BORN HA,CKETT^.in Wingham Hospi- tal on Tuesday, February 7th to Mr. and ' Mrs. Eris' Hackett,. ='.'R. 3, "Lucknow, a son.:' TEARING' .DOW GREY OX SCHOOL. eighty -year old ; landmark, the •Fourth ',. Concession school- house,is being .torn down. The school has not :been used • 'for about two decades,' and. ,the, brick; work Was. getting'., into'' a state of disrepair •that made the., building useless, as it .was. ; The building was sold by auc- tion, on Friday With the school l building ;bought •'by • Jack Mac= Kinnon and the •woodshed by Tom ' Austin: ' Work of dismant- ling ;the. school is already in pre I 'stress: The sale agreement calls for the tearing .down , ' of the building and the levelilng off of the :'school 'site: • • ' . ••S.S. No.' 6, familiarly known as Grey Ox ;school, Was built in 1874,'and tfirst opened 81 years ago on . January 1st,' 1875 Per, several; years students of this section have .been trans ort - ed :to Lucknow. MANY LUCKNOW PATIENTS 11N WINGHAM: HOSPITAL • ucknaw and district. -residents who are patients in Wingl aan Hospital are se , numerous '.'at present as to- alrnost require a wing' 'of: their own. Among them., and there .are -no doubt others who. don't come to mind at the moment, are: Mrs. Annie Jewitt, Mrs, Thos. Henry of Kinloss; Mrs.., W,. J. Douglas,, Mrs. Charles Congrarn;' Duncan. Cameron,• R; D. `;Ross• 'of •Loch- alsh,. Lorne. Johnston,' Harvey Hodgins of Kinloss, W. J. Doug- las; . •Miss Jean Douglas, Les _Mc= Keith, Fred Webb, and Norman Stewart. i from Queen lizabeth • Prime -minister st.. •': ahrent' • ,and ATTENDED SISTER'S 60th WEDDING ANNIVERSARY Mr. and Mrs, J. C. Fritzley of Chesley 'celebrated their ,60th wedding -anniversary on Sunday, January nth, whenopen house was, held at ,the home ;of their daughter, Mrs. Robert.B:. Heth- erington. Among . the gueats present were Mr ' and Mrs: T: W. .Smith" M1 a Lucknow. Mrs, Smith is a sis- ter of Mrs. Fritzley; who 'was formerly Cora Ross, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ross of .Luck now. • Mr. Fritzley, was employed at the Lucknow. Table Co. at the time of their marriage, and 'biro • years later moved to : Chesley :where he, 'was employed .for• half. a century by• Krug Bros., who presented them with.a basket of sixty mums ;on •this - memorable occasion: • Among many messages of con, ,gratulations . were telegrams MISSION FIELD mier Frost. EIGHT. PAGES SAIL•^ FRIDAY ON TRIP TO IRELAND ,Rv. and Mrs; Wallace Me - •Clean will sail on Friday for a' , ayisit in Ireland.,With Rev. ,3•26-= Clean's - ailing and widowed mother, Mrs. Wallace . McClean 'of 'Belfast, She has met, been en- joying good, health but, at „latest report Was, sbrnewhat imprpved, Rev.-. and Mrs: ,McLean Left the 7first of the .week by motor . for' New .York City where they will .Gail ' on the' liner Ivernia: They will'' dock., at. Cork in Southern • Ireland . and across. Q1d,, • Erin'. •to • Belfast hi thee' north'. It will be . Rev. 'McClean''' first visit 'aback . home": Since he served as an Air Force padre • in World ` War II. : During his ' absence morning services in • the Presbyterian' ' ' •Church will be' .conducted by stident minister s, as ;will:: the af- . ternoon service in Dungannon: The evening service in ,Lucknow will be . Withdrawn. R v c - earn *: b"ac in pulpit, on.:,Sunday March',.• 25th.. • Rev. Alex MacDon• ald; • B.A.,. % j .• and Mrs. MacDonald, left for the Mission Field in British Guiana, v, - here •Mrs. NFacDonald's parents' are ' senior rnissionaries.. . 1 Consider Proposal To The Lucknow Alex .is the sohrr of Mr. and Mrs.. Alex. "Sandy"'MacDonald of Niagara, Falls, and natives of Luckiiew. His' . mother was .for- merly Margaret .MacKenzie. His maternal grandmother, M r s 'twee MacKenzie,: resided • in` Lucknow until : her death,- and' his maternal .grandfather; ,was 'a professor::at-`Presbyterian. . Co17. lege, Montreal, where' Alex grad- uated He was•orf � ne as d last spring at .'Knox- Presbyterian Church,.. Goderich; and Since th'en.they: have been taking mis- sionary courses' in preparation for service in `British: ;Guiana. .Rev and . Mr.s. MacDonald just completed. a course at Kennedy, School of Missions' in' Hartford, 'Connecticut. • . As a youth, Alex was u the drug business at Goderich when he .' decided" to : enter the. minis try. He was an., excellent: •' bari- tone ari- t one,' player and:: on more than one''occasiori assisted the Luck- ri.oiv District High School' Band. Cornmunity Shed At the .February meeting of the Village .Council on Monday night, Reeve A W. Hamilton' was authorized • to call'' .a meeting of. the reeves of adjacent. ,town- ships 'to deal with •the. 'question of selling the eonirnunity ' shed -on ' C.am^pbell. St.; generally -re ferred•.',to. as, the United Church stied :. Omar Broolrs, local Massey Harris agent, has intimated that he •,may be interested in the 'pur. chase of the building .as an im-• plernent shop. Back ' in 1951, . residents of Ludknow,, 'West Wawanosh,' Ash field •and Kinloss Townships, 'do- nated on .a shareholder basis, to liquidate a $1,600: delft '.against' the shed, then owned by the United Church. As; •a community . shed . 'the municipality accepted ownership: :,.with' the -shed, --registered in--.the- tm's name 'and with' the Dor paration .assuming the respon- Corn mu.r it Has Good Reason a it ghtf gordhnary caretaking y A_car-r -tte-e--of–the-.#our reeves Suppor[ The .Marcf Dimeof the a^bove mentioned ° munci- p h 'w the L.A.C. R. A. • Pirrie, who has been in:England with the RCAF, was posted to France, slime time .• ago, and has °recently: been join=' .ed there by his . wife,' who' was the former . Etta :Mae 'Erwin, data- • ghter of Mr. +and Mrs. Jas. Ir- win, • Second Concession. .Mrs. Pirrie had been in England with cher husba dprior hilaband to:..going to to France.` Mr.• and`Mrs, Irwin look `for ward to" `their letters from over:- seas, ven seas, and particularly ;Mrs: Ir- win, • who. 'is an'' invalid . from rheumatism, and is bedfast, ex- , • cept when ..lifted to her wheel- ' chair, Mrs. Irwin's rheumatic ' condi- , • tion ':com`inenced 'some twenty • years, ago and became progress- 'ively worse, until today she is completely invalided'by the crip-, Plin g ailment... Mrs=: ; Irw'in -.oras-f formerly Etta Laurine . \Voods of St, '}fetch'. ' • * Despite her afflictio. Mrs, li•-.1 affliction � _., tn:as bright and, -t lieei•ful, `err- ,Joys corrirany, ,,and ,is Most "ap- preciative trf, "tlie, kindness of neighbors' and the many thought- ful reinein.bra;nces she received at the Christmas season. r. Irwin, ''besides erfor min . his fa : p . g rm.dt , u Yes,..ea�aJbl'v. carrie!� '•.—v—'4-a�-.naatiYi-raar.K'rarr,�s�• .�..! ..: u„•atrr+t.„ `Yiti sc, ix dk and ouse ee^p- er. • =Eight Pol%e' contribution cans are to •be. ;seen in all the, .busi-' Des's places in Lucknow and to each is., attached a coin shaped• .,placard with ,an appealto "Join the March of Dimes", The cans 'were .distributed on' Saturday by members ,oaf `. the Girl:. Guide troop, in .co-operation with. the Municipal' Council Which is_: sponsoring the local campaign= which runs •until Feb---' ruary 25th, Don't. forget • td drop' • some 'coins in the cart 'periodically, and f` eutirse--somre---af: that ' folding money. would ' be very. welcome, .if ,orie•fet they -could be so• gen- erous i'n aiding a worthy cause •Lueknow and district has good reason to be .veryconscious_. of the ravages of poliomyelitis• and the need for rehabilitation ser- vices. Over the 'years this commun- ity has seed ,several of its' young pedple dealt .crippling 'or fatal' blows .bey thia-fearsoineLL.dis_ec, The Salk vaccine promisesto. end the terror of this crippler; but 'for. many it has ;come' too late. Severaixcsc have been •claimed• in this community `by the disease. Others have lived tic succumb later •to the effects of bodyYracit ng .- i deformities. Still others have made remarkable recoveries, With little or no vis- ible evidence of the initial;'da'n7, agge;' o,., ti` € anzl. n usetts•: There are Other. local ca_,es • alities • Was vested•vi4ith h, that are daily reminders of ' the power .to decide on su:th matters dread ,disease, and the: fact that it. is no ,respecter of age, or ,sex: Lorne-, Reid Weal' ahoe repair operator, has 'since his youth `been confined to. a:wheel .chair yet`. faces this: lifetime handicap with a• courage andheerfulness. that ^ shames many in perfect health. • • garie Cupskey, stricken with polio •. in September 1949,' at the. age, .of 17, has', ^brei a complete invalid 'Since then.' -Last fall she suffered a hip fracture while :be- i ng�ii;Dyed•,-•Lb u•t--i-tris°krl itt� n� get- isfactorily. Marie is in Victoria 'Hospital, Landon, and despite her . help- lessness, is cheery and in good. Spirits, >1 In October- of 1954; 'Glen: Camp .bell, Belfast district farmer, was stricken with polio . at the age of. 45, which resulted in a paral- ysis of the legs. He• was hospi- talizecF-for about severe months «nd then with the aid of braces 'and walking •aids was able to return - . bonze again.: He man, - aged, to:..drive.the tractor, during n harvest, t this.past haying but s p .fl eason but his • recovery is yet fa•r' from. complete. Yes,: Lucknow and district residents have, good reason to appreciate the terrivbleriesS of polio and will no doubt be quick and generous ern their re- .. ,�.�e,.� i . e' ' .,^.:.� p paiin.. • as the',: selling of the shed.' should. tkle:.question • arise: It has now arisen and this question-. will be dealt with as • soon. aa Reeve Hamilton :can get the foursome' together, . which will include Reeve Cecil Blake of • Ashfield, Reeve John 'Durnn of:West Wa- wanosh and Reeve' Harold Percy of .Kinloss, FIRST AID.•; `COURSE GOT UNDERWAY LAST WEEK :'The first aid` course, sponsor •ed`• by . the',Lucknow Fire. Coms pany, got •underway. ori .Tuesday • evening of last •i; eek, but ,with a ansmaller ticipated. erirohinent' than, was There were eleven ,at. the . in- it'ial session. A :class of, ,about 20 hacl . been anticipated, but it was expected , that .about that 'man= bei would' be on ''hand phis week. Members of : the ..course can • •o'nly rriss 'one session if "they: are to receive' a • certificate; Instructor of ;:this. - St, 'Johns AmbuIance course". is Joseph' .Moody of Goderich. The ' first. evening's. instructien'.dealt •chief-`. lir with bone .structure.and • ban='• caging:' • • ,The „ courseis open to. both ..ems a�ri' v=Tomen`Lnioxuaat.ion . about ;it •may be received : from . Bill ,.Johnstone.: • I:I:T1'L E=EG-R-LSACT AS ..PALLBEARERS • • 4 ' • 1w. Elizabeth 'Ruth Whitby,' a sweet little 'girl` 'who . hadn't yet beached her 'fi^rst birthday, was iaid to rest in, Greenhill •Cemet- ery :last . Thursday. afternoon. • Four young girls bore the little white 'casket ' as _ the final' act m 'a: • • heartbreaking , bereavement. The girls were Betty Bell Math- ers, Barbara Cameron, ' Sharon. Whitby and .Cheryl Let Wood 'Tender" .The infant • was the•:_daughter Mrs. Council received seven ten- of : Mr.' and _ _ itb• George . Vyluy der' for supplying.. of, wood for of . Lucknow.nio and. was ..born little the town hall, an accepted .Tai • •ore • than_ten ntlzs Erripgton's tender for 30 cords'March` 22nd.' She was ahealthy, of elm at $4.40.' vivaciousyoungster just on the ' As' Walled Bros. • .had .return- verge of 'starting. to toddle tie ed.' the snowplow, which they 1�erself, had •on trial, a motion was.: pass- Upon developing . a croup con- ed ,rescinding the conditions of dit,ion on Tuesday cif' last week sale Under ' which • it had been' the child was taken' to Vying- purchased on.a' trial basis:' learn Hospital, Where .he died Harold Greei•'s' resi nation suddenly later that afternoon: g The remains, rested' at the from. the Arena, Committee 'ryas iYeceived: A successor will.. be familv home where many rolled next .� to extend their- sympathy .tci tie naincdW.at the..,..ineeting.-_.;_ ..• .. �_,... ..-.__.�..____...�..........-... _.._. COU i �• grie -sti rcTten parents �thd its nc 1 seta ate of $1.Q0 per view the lovely' little girl, nti if thousand gallons. for water being aslee in her tin whites casket. •hauled' by Ronald Forster -foi• p y ..,• ..... -• - , . • Harold. , _ 1t was. a-sce'ne�-tli•at•--tout licsd- �l1c �.. oiI-�weli- drrli•ing at: 1-iarold Stan heart. leg's farm. r v A private .fungi i al nevi ,e . Council: ' took ro".:action zn join- held on '1"hiirsda;� afternoon mg the Georgitin Eay industrial. condu•cttd"by Ray, G. .A..14'[sada- Associatiort . in ' which Lucknow's. john of Lucknow :liniteil church, assessment, would amount. to Resides the parents,: Elizabeth $01:10 •is survived` by a brother Elliott. �11e 1Vfae1. a s s . C u' cruor r c e.. 7 sand t�tio i. . eusent• due' too cline's^ 4', and Edith. Ann, "2.. . • • • • • .. - .. .a.