HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-25, Page 7)NES`DAY, jr,. 25th. 195.9 • THE LUCKNO,WQ' SENTINEL, LIJCKNOW ONTARIO icked for you y professionals. 'bu get more than fine layers when you order from Swift 'ou get a specializedservice from the .nation's top pro- oionals in selective breeding,: , hatchery operations,; and ock.nutrition, Their combined knowledge .and skill are chickplaced. your farm.. • ehind every Swift'son ' service beginslong before you order .. and con ',plugs as long as you own Swift's layers.• It starts with the Breeding and selectiohr of top 'producing strains . the 'ick of the Nation's Bloodlines It carries on through six pugged tests . that every Swift's chick must. •meetbefore leing placed in your hands. ' Then the service Of Swift's • iatcchery personnel continues.. With Swift's chicks, you a 're"sul:e of the finestlayers you' !OW 114 tailored' for yours area and your farm. SKY -H1 310 'Swift's high -production, medium weight layer is easy to manage and unusually rugged; Has an • 'excellent. recoird of livability under heavy lay- ing. Mature.weight ay-ing.-Mature.weight 4it.to 5% lbs. Feathering' is white with redor black. flecks. Eggs are large, uniform, .c elm -tinted. i•• SKY -HI .312 . This 'outstanding layer. has Unusual •hybrid 'vigor. Test•them. yourself ,';aee if you donrt-:average 3 Jo .4 dozen. , '-,nore eggs per hen per . year on 5 • t'o 19' per cent.less feed; SKY -Ht 314 Developed for highest possible feed -egg conver- sion—High-average onversion•High-average 'producer and outstanding all-weather 'layer. •White feathering Large .white eggs. Excellent cage layer. • .GOLDEN NECK 221 p, . nigh -average -prod'uction'.'ander average farm, conditions..' Black: �'.ith 'gold ,. neck . feat hers'. 13r1rty---r acing house. Mrowrt eggs:. �-i'.iwa�. ,�-1, I5esirstble body size and •highly resistant to cold •' and changing; weather, Field -proven profit • makers. GOLDEN NECK 223 Swift'a'dual-purpose, 'medium -weight layer,. inainLaini high production: despite changing ' weather..Sex-linked • mating gives .you red: pullets that are hardy and fast growing - cockerels that -.are white .with .a Columbian color pattern, snake; 'excellent capons' tar. roasters - REE BOOKLET. .gives; complete descrip tion of these bOautiful, .high -production layers-- tiiown, in •full color.; Writ• for • '' .copy or seeyour 'Swift's' Chick Do9Ier., GOLDEN' NECK and SKY•HI.are Swift Tradematkt : ateherie: art Whirr. Also availabi' of most Swift►'s ti ore eeds. Layhorns and rho popular• dual -pure WUITECHURCH The annual meeting of the United .Church was, held in the Sunday School rooms.. ' a the church ' on Wednesday, .January 18th with the pastor; Rev, •Brook in•. charge. Clarence • McClen,- aghan acted • as secretary. The meeting opened with the scrip- Lure • tread by -.Rev. • .Rev. Brook fol- lowed bye prayer by Rev.. Watt.. Reports +from the different or- ganizations were read. iMr. Milan Moo1!`e was elected as Clerk. Of the; Session Mand Mr. John Pur' don was eleeted. as chairman of *the ' Board The , ushers "vVili be Ivan Laidlaw.;. Raymond Laid la'v4i; •Russel Purdon, JackCoui1- tes•.and. Carl McClenaghan., Four new men were elected for the Board, Ed (Scholtz, Elwood Gros- korth, Herb Laidlaw" and James Pettipieee.. Lunch was served and a •'social half hour was en- joyed by all; Miss Winnifred .Farrier cd Tore. onto spent the week -end at her home attending her. tnother,'Mrs.. W. R. Farrier, who is under the• doctor's care with phlebitis., Both Mr, and.: Mrs° Farrier are pat ients in Wingharn Hospital. Mrs. Irene Patterson of •Tor . Greer. .and Julia •Peart, She, was onto spent the • week -end-. `with •r •ori arch 25xh, .1895 on the PAGE 'SEVEN meeting closed. with the, Lord's prayer in unison, • • The annual meeting ° of . the church was. held' on Monday.. Rev. Caswell presided. and Mrs... Farish ' Moffat was appointed, secretary for the meeting. Re- ports were reviewed and accept- ed. The retiring managers,, 'Gpr: don. Wall, Farish Moffat, and Jas:. Richardson, 'were, re -appointed. Grahan• Moffat was re -appoint ed treasurer. OBITUARY MISS EVA ;�GREER Death carne ;suddenly; but . riot -unexpectedly, to ' Miss Florence Eva . Greer early , .last Thursday eveni.ng, in :'W"ingham' Hospital. where she had been 'a patient. with a , 'critical heart ; 'condition •for: the past . few ..weeks. • Afflicted with a physical hand_. icaip since, • childhood ;she' had faced , • life courageously and. cheerfully. She•. was expert at needlework, and was particular ly bi sy this 'fall iii preparing :al ,colorful" , and varied' pre -Christ-_ mas •display of aprons and 'other gifts items: Eva, as everyone called ' her, .was a daughter of George A. ,her 'mother, Mrs.' Wm Taylor &;. fa n •• �farrri `just east of Lucknow•' nova t.MPERIAL , E$S DEALER Esso.. and. Esso. 'E.tra. Gasoline Allarvelube and. Mineralube MOB.I.LOIL. ATLAS. TIRES Always :look' tp Imperial for the best• a .* �, • MacDQNALD " Phone 3, Lucknow Tooled To Repair All Makes Of Tractors, Machines & Shop Work Mr. and Mrs, Wm. McInnes 'of Walkerton; ' called on 'friends' in the village' oh 'Sunday. • • Mr: and: Mrs. Ab Coultes and 'family visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs,. ,Jack Coultes at Belgrave The W:M.S. of ' the Presbyter. - in church• was.:held at the home: of .Mr. and: Mrs. „Dawson Craig on ,January 18th, The meeting opened with the call to' worship. The , scrippre was read respori sively and the meditation. was given •by Mrs Johnson Conn. Eva ' served . as a Bell Tele- phone opaerator '.for a:.nurnber of years on the Wiirgham staff; She later. operated ,a baby Wear ' and. noveltyshop in Lucknow ,and. more ,recently confined he act- ivities to : doing. needlework at her home. She hadlived, alone since the death of her father. reWhile ':health. • permitted Eva was' faithful ;in attendance:'at the Utnited Church, :and at' one,; time° gave devoted service as • a .Sun- day School _teacher. 'i CETYL'ENE i ' ` id ` KI,NLOUGH GARAGE W. BRECKLES. ' Phone Y8 -r-20 Ripley• Mrs• Caslick' led in prayer. 'Mrs- The funeral •.service, was he Jas W.ilsbn: lead a letter from ,at .the Mannan ,MacKenzie her uncle, 'Mi .:Angus MacKay of • Memorial .`Chapel ,on. Saturday India. Mrs.'- Jas. Machines. 'read I -..` `--n . r cOnd , cte r,.r Rev., G a .letter written: by;..Mrs..David 'Kennedy; "Carl) yang ., On'... Mrs Gordon ',McBurney read the, 'Min- utes of •the .last A.—fleeting •and the roll' :call• : was .' answered by _a scripture .. verse' . with • tlie: word 'beginning" in • 'it Mrs.'Frank' Coulter gave the• morning, re- ports Qf' the Maitland Presby- terial Which was, held:' in Wing hanr this` month. • .Mrs. Dawson ,Craig gave the .afternoon !report of ' the. • meeting: -Mrs; s; Donald Ross -played .a: piano instrumen- tal, Mrs.. A, Walters closed • the -i .eeting _ tl • graver: Order: ,.'from your nearest Swift's Chick (Dealer or any 'of Swift's hatchery sales oil ts. . Approved ' . Canadian App . A. Meiklejohn. , Interment wasi in Greenhill .Cemetery with .Alex Sutherland. . Wn1:• McGill,., J W. Joyrit; ' Ewart Taylor, • Pharis Mathers and . Campbell ,Thamp- ,seri, acting as, _pa'llbearers:. • Miss Greery is . survived 'by one .sis.ter,, Mrs' • Harry. Aiken • (La- ',Verne) of Kingston; Pre - yterian--Evening Au'iliary The. first meeting of the . year' was held at• the ' home :of Mrs. ;Gordon 'Fisher with 24 in atten- dance. Miss ''Maudie Fisher pse sided. Aftersinging a hymn the Bible 'study was .given by.. Mrs. McClean: Mrs. James Little and Mrs. Jack Pollock - gave ' reports of ,the • annual,. meeting ;.of the Presbyterialheld in Wingham :On `January 10th.• Mrs Sherworld offered prayer. It was decided to' invite the :young ,women .frena Dungannon congregation to • the pot -luck supper On February ' 21.. The topic "The Church ,and. its mission" was given in the: form of a .panel discussion ' with Mrs. Jack ' Fisher being the 'leader and' Mrs...Rosa clammier Mrs. Joe Wasrf y, ; Mrs. Stewart, Mullin and Mrs: L. MacDonald 'assisting. y�rs. `'Howard Agnew summariz- fed a chapter. ' from the Mission. study ' book "They Reach For Life". After singing ,hynm 568 the •meeting _' was closed by .re-. peating the• Lords• prayer in un- ison; : A social half .hour 'follow-, ed, The World Day of .Prayer will - be held ' .'iii the' Presbyterian church on Janiia.ry 17th at 2.30 Tresent'ed Life Membership The W.M.S. • of the 'L7nrted Church met • at''the home of Mr, and • Mrs :G. , Gillespie ' on • Thurs- day; . January 19•th;. with the meeting :in charge .of \ Mrs M. • 'Moore, first vice :pies: ,After• a, hymn, ; Mrs: Groskorth • offered prayer. The scripture Was read by ':Mrs. W. J. Watt. Mrs.. J. D.' 'Beecroft had the ,missionary Prayer. Mrs, Jas. Falconer ' was Presented with a life• member;' ship. Mrs. E Scholtz.. favored .a: solo. The study, bodlf. 'was in charge' 'of Mrs. Russell. Gaunt. It was decided : to hold , the'• next meeting on Febr9ary- 8th. Mrs. J. G. Gillespie read ,a Letters ice received from Mr. Angus Kay in India. ;Mrs. G. E:•• Farrier • read a., letter ' of. thanks; .for . -the bale seht to Korea last spring,. The • sweeting closed' with the ani pah 'benediction; - :.LANGSIDE.. NORTH' "1"hv W.M.S. Auxiliary Met at THE HOME Of OHM SERVICE and Genuine JOHN DEERE: !ARTS • the home, of 'Mrs, •Wm, Orr. The _�_. Ipteskient, "Mrs, Bert Moffat, pre- • _ ! ;mi c l and o rxetT=-'h""- witl---ettl to n� or li'ip : and pr.aye. .for'• the .. New , Year. Mrs Lloyd Meiffat read the: ser rptut`e-ai`rd--4M0" .es_ ley Young ,ave, tl-i'f4 rt'tl•rtati-o. Mrs Orr led in Prayer. An' in't,.i- "�1; • tation to meet. ,with the South 'r4 Kirrlo.ss Auxiliary:for the World • Day of Prayer was accepted. Re_ ports. of the Presbyterial annual 1 meeting in Wingham was given I3'"t laffat, . and '"Mrs,.' i Parish Moffat. Mrs. - rfral The I gave .the.eif:fer{ing ' prayer: • cr tvl • 4 Holy rood one Ripley' 24-r'-26. WEDDING BELLS -•HALD.EN BY . . ' ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature :and Field Winding, Brushes, ,13ear.in S, 'Etc. Repairs to Fractional. and Integral ;Horsepower . Motors; �;.:. Also Electric •Fans,••Vacuur s, ,p, (nippers,. Drills, Etc: , 11 iLDENIVY ELECTRI(u '.� Kinlough • ' Phone Ripley 1.11429' , 1 ley Gilders, ,son' of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Gilders of Goderich, was solernnized • at• thee Knox; Presby- terian resby terian. Manse; Goderich, by the : Rev° R. G. MacMillan; on •Satur4 day, January 14th at 2.00 . o'clock. The .:bride was neatly .attired in a heavenly blue. suit with. (large;. •w.hite. collar and navy 'accessor- ies. She •was. attended by -her sis ter, • Gwendolyn, as' maid of hon our who was similarly; dressed, Wilfred Gilders was'- grooms - Man. " . • Following the ceremony a re • cepti:on was held at••the .heave of • the bride's parents: The bride's Mother receive=d the guests at- tired in a blue 'glaze crvstalE'tte with rhinestone trimming assist- ed by the groom's mother dress ed •in 'a gov.m of light navy. Each had rhatchirig at cessOries After. t °short, wedding• trip the .young Couple will take ,up •resider e itt Goclerieh• GILbERS7—COI.1'VE'LL. The wv eddrng. of 'Shirley Doryne Colwell, eldest •daughtee of Mr, •and•._,Mrs. George CoIwe�1` of IIolyror>d, to. Raymond Wes • +.o,arp 1111.iYr1Yii/ owirtkm441rfs44lrY (Y l4.l,r lra..tan►r,i0.64 �iYi►,r.4104a Phone-7181.HIGHEST EST - RW ' PAYING RICES • LICE POULTRY Poultry Culling A Specialty in accordance with government regulatiofs our poultry l' •coops are thoroughly washed and disinfected b your rotectioil • :. z ..,�„...e,,�:�,-......,_. �.,....� ,,...for,- r _ ..::�,•,, _ .... . �: _ _:- .__ _......�.�_..::<...�.�.�;: -ta.,• r,;.:�� .LI...:., ..�......y Y4111i1i411181'1 ilirtlAel►.Yii►,Yrss..,+1rr tw* ,air' , w .Klnca.rdne • • ti 10 9.4