HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-25, Page 3Ep?I'E.+ D , JA • 25th,. 1956 Aficicraow Presbyterian Church Rev. Wallace .McClean, Minister • SUNDAY,' JANUARY .29th 1,00 a.m„ Morning Worship,; 2,15.1, m -Sunday School. 3,00 p.m. Dungannon: 7;00-p m r Evening .• Worship:; Mrs, • Russel" Button • ;is .able to out again 'after: being ill„ vvith 'flu and' pneurnonia. Mrs, Wm. Barber of .Vancou x,and a sister. • of • Mrs, R. • a. Tompson of town, is irnprovin,g eadily after being critically om a heart condition. THE I�UcIKNOW • SFdNTINEL,• LUCKNOW,. ONTARIO• . _wcisto-w-=- - N rest CHURCH Minister: Rev, f;. A. Meikle. john, B.A., B.D. S1INDAY, JANUARY. 29th 1 i 10.00 a.m.; Church School. ``; ! 11.00 a.m.: '"Godand our • ons e.crati n.of Work er s.• Daily Bread". • I7,00. p.m.. "The, Dilile •'and . You Series. • • L.. a�. _ _ Geiier,aI Luchnow• Wori en's . Institute will 'hold 'a Shoot 'party in the Recreation • Ceritre, Luckn'ow,. 'on Monday, February ' .13th at '8,00 o'clock, Everyone welcoine, Ad- mission '50c, Advt. `Former Residents Married Half -Century Mr. and Mrs. Lorne. S::.Web- ster-of--rSeafortl ,.- who -are --well known .to many• in this commun- ity,celebrated their' golden wed- ding::anniVersary on Tuesday. 1Vtrs. Webster ' . ,was . formerly Ethel Ada Lawrence of the Sea-: forth district. They were; mar- ried at thea bride's ..home' on' Jan- u 24th,: 1906; :iv '.Rev. A K. Bi ks. of •Seaforth Methodist Church. The. bridesmaid 'was' Sarah 'Daley, now Mrs. Wilbert Webster of Seaforth, ` aritl the grooms •nan was Daniel Hen•tier- son of: Luckknow, nowretired and living in Winghan. Botta were present at •Tuesday's, anniversary _Inited_..Church r Eienin_g -Aum Ja,_ The nuary meeting of the Evening Auxiliary, was opened": with a prayer by the president, Mrs. °O r v i 11 a ,Jones.,• Twenty- three members and three Visi- tors attended. Following a splendid treasurer's • report '; of our 1956 givings Thompson read a let er Helen rem Mrs.. James' McFadden, of Cape Croker telling ,of the work there,. also .a little insight into. the life of her ;sister," Miss Marguerite Cousins,' our special missionary. to ,pray for this ,year; who sail- ed. ail ed _for __japan . in• rnid Auig'ust. Mrs: Roy., ,Black ; read '• . letter. from. headquarters .; re our. , sup '.allocation for.: 1956. ' Each member .please :. bring : a, parcel of:.baby's;' clothing .to our next meeting.. Adult . clothing Will be collected.. later • for a, bale, 'Our guests providing music were, :Miss Ann. Crawford .a, vocal solo and Rev. and ,Mrs. Grant Meik- •lejohn .a piano duet. Mrs. Lloyd Hall gav'.e the Bible study . deal- ing with,. three •characteristics ,Christians .should . show towards � their fellow, man. Mi s. Kenneth Murdie . 'gave the topic, "The United • Church's part in the three international churches in Hamilton",' also 'the work among immigrants : in- " Timmins. Mrs:• 'Stuart Collyer closed- the meet- ing' with _'prayer. The February rdll tca11 will -be ,answered,by y a l Valentine. Love° Gift also 'a- par-' cel for a needy baby. SIXTH AND NINTH field Where a.large reception was held.. for them '_H.er they facto ed, % near Lucknow;' .for four and one-half years; ..then moved ..to 'McKillop : in October; 1.910,,'where at the =home of • Mr.. and . Mrs: they faimed .until -retiring : to John. Finnigan. Seaforth in May, .Y, .1946: Mr:. Web- • -Mr. and Mrs.. Gus Kinahan &' ster. has' been a rural mail car; 'Michael, also Mrs, Morris Ed; i ier gout .of •Seaforth:_for 26 years: wards Wand' boys, who have spent .Their•five 'daughters, are: Mrs, the past:'_m,onth with, her parents in London; were visitors on Sim - day with Mr:, and =Mrs. Bill. Kin ahan. , Jim .Cummins, . who . has been stationed' : at . Southampton 'for •several months, has been trans- ferred, to Guelph: Mr.. .Ross Murray .is' a patient in Wingham :Hospital: His many friends •hope for much:` improve- ment., mprovement. Mr.' and Mrs. James Wilson cpened their home last Wednes- day, night . `for. the ',Sixth • Line 'euchre 'party. The' 'lady's. high score .went" to Mrs., :Wallace Wil son, the gent's, ; to • Mr. Harvey Alton, low ,:.scores • to .,Mrs. Har vey Alton and' Brown Smyth.,. This .week's party is to' he held. E. •.J. (Mae) Holland; Toronto; rs::Wi1llam (Pearl) -Dodds, •Mc I{tllop; .Mrs,.• Clendor `. (Audrey) Christie, :Brueefie'll;' Mrs., A.. W. • (Fre?dal ` Babcorl , Toronto. and. her twin sister, Mrs: Kobt. (Lulu) :Watson, Seaforth. There are, also four :grandchildren and 2 great-. grandchildr:en.L-Cut; courtesy , of. Following `the._ ceremony the KXpo; -tar.., newlywed couple. Went to Ash- `FQClean •Work Free War>inth=-nsia1• , THE NEW. 'McCLARY •' • MORE ADVANTAGES . .• . with.• McCLARY HEATING ! Econusnieal! :Guaranteed! . 'Automatic: .Compact!. ` • • Clean! Attractive! Quickly' Installed!' Efficient! ' Effective! Quiet! ` Enjoy greater „heating efficiency combined with compact, attractive de-. sign with a McClary` Unit. EN$I 1RIES..1N.VITE..D' • NO OBLIGATION • • KINGSBRIDGE :onditioner :'.. : E1.1XNACE: ~ENINN.0--I 'A,'NI.S.HEI .:.W Ask About Cur. Credit. Plan PAGE 7.'HN.EE CHOOSE REAL BUYS ti 'le They Last $198: Girls' Cardigans ; . $2.45 . 9c Children's Half Hose .r .59c Pillow Cases it $149. $4.00 L' • .., Pa 39c • To 'gels .,.... 59c,2 for $1.00 Panty89c $5 00 Outsize. �• 1:00 • Tyl.on Slips,, , • $300: $2.00.' "Dress8r .Sweater -Col 298; ars' 2:98 ,Garter Belts $1:00.. Work `Shirts Nylon Work Sox Men's Hats .., " .., Cushion Tops Dresses :,., Brassieres ; �. ; . ; ' $ Girdles • House Dresses $ Cardigans,,, 12 to. 20 .. $ • Women's '' Hats—l- "AL PRICE --Adds wand. Ends Nylon and Sheer • Scarfs 79c. Ties . 50c . Women's Vests • 89c Tea Towels, Irish linen 49c • • Jumpers .. ;,., half price Aprons ........ .............. 79c Pillow, .Tubing ; ' 75c, nciers� Ladies' and Men's Wear =-- Fashion Millinery 'PHONE 85, . LUCKNOW• �._ in Goderich .Hospital much improved: , Rev. Father . Kerwin of Lon- don was in . , charge: of St.,, Jos- eph's Church •here on ,.;Sunday, during the absence `. of Rev. H. Van Vynckt, 'wi hois in' St. Jos- eph's ' Hospital, London:. • Miss ' Mary: Sheridan ,of Tor:- onto ' spent the week -end' at '. the home of her 'mother, -Mrs. M. Sheridan. ,and.. 1 Mr... H. Capten who has. been employed at .Langton for several, months past,.. is now visiting at theL_horne. of Mr. and 'Mrs: P. .Captein. - ��... Mr. Gerald.. Dalton of Toronto -. visited with . his parents, Mr.. & • Michael Dalton during the past week. ; • : . Mr. and Mrs. J. Deitrick and children' of. Kitchener spent' the week -end at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Mark • Dalton. On . Friday' evening at '8,4.30 . pan, the C,WL.' are sponsoring � card party h the parish hall, also party in- the , parish. hall, also • , some • 'very interesting colored slides •will be shown, Lunch will: be ''served•' by the C.W.L. Please come and: bring your friends, Mr. Thdrnas Garvey was take eti to St. Joseph's.. Hospital, Lon-_ don,, 'dutin,g the past weekwith thehope that :h s. recovery might be hastened. by .• the,. treatments he receives there. • ' • Sympathy Vis. extended to Mr.. Nick , 'Perry and family of De- troit upon,the .death of his fath-.. er, 'Dominic; Perry• of Duluth during 'the past week.- Mr„. and Mrs. Perry motored to.Duluth to' e, • be present for the funeral, (Intended. for Last Week) vfrs:-Ed-"Sitinottr -.Tirriniy Sin nott; Catherine. -(Mrs. Frierwell) 'and two children of Detroit int -h-te- -week-end- :witi rola- tiveiThete.• `' Mr, .Maurice Bowler of Tor' - onto .spent theweek-eta with' his .,family here. e ' . Miss Maureen Vassella who . spent the past Week in Detroit • returned to her home .during" the, it,4i,�-e,.wa �f,f•lutt.sM ter+ , a :a. uu.,: m :. Mr;;.' Serry Dalton'. returned `,. WEDDINGS,. ANNIVERSARIES: Our new 'sample album of per- sonalized .accessories -for: -artier; anniversaries, weddings, ' a n .d ever, '.occasion is.now •on hand. New. designs,: new colors, new, items •in' personalized serviettes, A phone call will bring these samples • to your door, or drop. in and see them at 'lie' Sentinel •rzr�.a�,a+..�.,,�..�nuc,.»�t:�.c a�m•.rs..t'.a:., �t.�'.�::r•,��.:mu�,c:,,�wmo�.• ., . ... �s•� utnbinc, Heating, iidng, .ave "ro , l• ...,.. •:• ; Featured by' a rousing. fanfare from their cheer : leaders, ,the s ,< Junior- 'and Senior basketball teams of Wingham •District High School visited Lucknow Hi: last Wednesday, and won both• ends. of a doulbeheader encounter. It was the Lucknow girls :first experience in • "cORnpeltitive ' bas- • •ketball, and while they gave• • a. good account •:of themselves, weren't able• to cope with the • ' •skill and organized teamwork of. the. visitors. ' : • Youth; For 'Christ Club . . On Fridy • afternoon . the week- ly Bible ,club gathering'. was. held: `with :Rev. Wallace McClean as speaker. :He. also led in tie singing. of several hymns :with accompaniment by Mrs. • Me- Glean., y .•f "1 tyottder wltat,'s happened to N ancy " "Oh! I'm glad you called 1 was worried., teles one rings . ". and. everything's UIQ -.So many of 'the callsyou make every day -say "Don't :worry"! ! . When someone has to work late, or can't keep pp tment, the telephone - letsdate, or.,has to cancel an a cin ` lets other people,hnow.' At times :like this ,- whether you are making ;the call z r. receiving it•'-the,reatlk-s; r-ancep-rovidee ,_. by your telephone can be precious be) o id words:. .orae.- of .:countless exam les oi` how your .. !ails-is-justi3. ' telepb me pays its .way.:as it makes fife happier, easier, rnore.secure, • • ,t. . • . THE BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY Of CANADA. 101.