HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-25, Page 1•
50'• A Year In Advance ---$1;00 Extra To U,S,A.. • LU CKNOW, ONTARIO WEDNESDAY, JAN. 25th,, 1956
,,, year of marked ' •spiritual
financial interest.. by the
Lgregattofi of LucknowUnited
iievidenced- th
Mr. and Mrs:, H, P. Thompson,'
Mr.. and. Mrs. Ken, Jardine and
Mrs. John Dahmer were in Mil
verton on Sunday afternoon
rch . was _ Y : tendi •; • •. the. • funeral of: Mrs.
)orts' . o. -the various ' depart- .Thorn son's: arid'• Mrs. �:ar
p J dine s
of the • church,; ; as sub- g •and iother Mrs. Emma 'Sate:
s ; g. , •
tted at the .annual :meeting„ on • She. was 94 Years of age and
passed away in K -W Hospital ;at-•
ter a lengthy illness. Her ` hus-
band .predeceased her 2,3Q xears
ago. She. is, survived by three
sons,. five 4aughter, 28 • .grand-
children, 61 ` great-grandchildren
and two 'great-great-grandchild-
The funeral service was con-
ducted`i by Rev; J: A::Armstrong
of . Christ Anglican. Church with
interment ..in ,Milverton Cemet-
ery.r.; :
,ursday, evening; -•which'' cont-:
need with a pot -luck supper..
Rev. G. A. Meiklejohn presid-
and Mr,' T. A. Cameron was
;retary, . A "period of .• silence
rs observed . for those ;who had
ssed . on 'during the year and.
Ernest Blake offered -Pray-
Mere are 238 families and 690
rsons .under pastoral. care .with
slight membership inerease
(ring' the year,. 17 having been
eeived' against a. loss of ' 11..
Board of Session visitations HAC K ETT `C•H U R•C H
hong the congregation` were
, ' Easter .and in October: H•AD ••C7 OODI YEAR
ld at an .
the Session for a, five-year • ett •Un.ited Church was held. last
iim and L. C. Thompson was Thursday, commencing •With a
ected to, succeed the` late Grant, ;,pot -luck' supper. The well-atter=
;acDiarmid,, whose 'term ran un_ ded meeting ':was presided over
1 1957. ` The preception of 'the by . • Rev' J. A.. Dickinson with
:w.:member of Session was coni Walter Alton ..acting as secret-
�icted on; Sunday morning..iby.
ev Meiklejohn.
Glen Walden, who • is 'retiring
iter two 'years of faithful. ser
Dreraitan *ere' re-elected ilhed
ary. • Reports .. indicated.'' the . •best'
financial year for, : some time.
Alvin Alton was' re-elected to
the. •Session for a . 3 -year term.
ice as ',Sunday School superin= ' Other, members are Elmer Alton
tnderit expressed his, thanks to and Blake Alton. Stewards •. are
tachers, . officers, parents and
,ev. Meiklejohn:. for; their - ,co -
Aeration. Gordon Morriston • re=
orted . the average attendance
r 52' un . ys .as ,107:2. and Mel
Wilfred Hackett. Ralph Camels.
On; Andrew . Ritchie, George, A1_•.
ton and ; Walter ' Alton The lat-.
ter. is: also the church treasurer:.
rustecs :are Elmer' A1to.n, C-yril
Campbell,.' ' Les' ' Ritchie,' • Cliff
Zorrison reported ted the Hackett, Alex Hackett;: Bert: Al-.
tibio Class attendance as 9.7. ,
ton, Gordon., Johnston. t,'.
• ,The organist : is Miss Elmira
The Sunday ` School meeting;
followed when • Russell ;Alton.
and Frank Alton were,. appoint
Mrs. Harold Ritchie ; reported
or. the Sunday nursery. which
akes care .Of children. up t� four
'ears during the chtirehservice,
end ..for the Cradle • . Roll. and
laby .Band,' of which. she :••and
Ars; S. Collyer • are in charge. I.'ed • Sunday 'School superintend -
['here are 84 `,rnetnbers on . the ents, succeeding Ralph Cameron
"radle Roll and 96 'members: in and 'Alvin • Alton. Teachers ...are:
he Band.. and: ... Bible • Class;. Mrs., Bert Alton;.
Donald •'ThomP' son gave the: Mrs. George Alton;. Junior girls,
Hackett and Frances Alton {as
lunday .School .:nominating re -Elmira Alton with:: Mrs.- Cliff
sort electing : , H:' D: Thompson Grant Campbell of Moffat.:, Mur -
is Sunday. School. •superintendent assistants;, Beginners, Mrs: Alex 1 a son of Mr. and offrs. Arid
ind:.Biuce_:Mac,Kenzie.-and .Mei _. , Hackett, Mrs Jim Nelson; sec- .. y,el -ns i :: in
vim Morrison as associate -sup er- 1'etai y-freasu rer,'` Trances Alton, a_ w� G -aunt : of Sir -H , e ,— s
P his final,', year of a two-year
atendents. librarian, .Chester, Hackett
' ' 'course at the :• Ontario Agricul-
Arnold:" Hartford • and Blaine' . lural College` at Guelph
MacNay reported fore, .*the' 1..P.S,
----y •
Olivet . con pnunity:. was
saddened to learn of the death
of Alida Catharine, infant .dau-
ghter of Mr.. and Mrs `John
Hoekman,, .which • occurred' on
Wednesday .:of last week in
Kincardine General 'Hospital,; • af-
ter .. an attack 'of • pneumonia The
little tot was. less .thantwo.
months old, having ..been born on
November 29th.
Besides her parents she is Sur-
vived by two sisters, Mary and
Frances, and three br ithers,
,Ralph, Harry and John.
The, funeral service was held
on' Friday from. the McLennan
Funeral Home, Ripley: • The ser-
vice was conducted, by ' their
minister; Rev. G. J. Hoytema as-
sisted by Rev; D. A •Brydon. In-
,terment was made in Ripley
Cemetery. The. pallbearers were
Alice. • Brooks, ; Phyllit Clayton,
Bert. White and Ronald Brooks
Mr:, Dan MacLean of Lochalsh'
'spent. the; weekend in Chicago
where... he visited - his sister, Mrs.
W. W. 'Kincheloe; who.. on. Mon-
Ari official of the Post Office
Department' was in, town. last
Thursday interviewing ' appli-
cants forth.e s•ti n of'care-
taker at; the local, post ,Office.
There are • eight applicants and
at , press time no., announcement
of ,an .appointment had yet been
The position . was held by John
Dahmer : until he joined the Air
Force late last year. Chas. Cook
has been carrying on the duties
in the nieantim.e. • • - '
John Dahmer 'succeeded to the
job ' following the death of • 'Dick.
McQuaig, who held the position
ler on Thursday. evening inre-
gards ti ,.proposed. • alterations
and improvements •” to the library
To Confer .On Library. Repairs'
The Village. Council and Lib-
rary Board are scheduled to Con-,
At •.:Huron • County' , Council's
January . sessionlast week, Reeve
Cecil .Blake of .Ashfield was
•day, 'January, 23rd; Observed her elected to the County Good
83rd,';.birthday. Mrs,: Kincheloe Roads:Coniinittee. for `a•, three -
was ; formerly ,,Sadie, MacLean, year term: , ire won'on • the 'first
Mrs. Kincheloe suffered ° • A. ballot over Reeve W. . Jewitt of
'fractured hip :several, inoriths Hullett and Reeve J. Doig of"
ago,, but has yr'ecovered suffici- Tuckersinitli. "
eptly that'. she is able 'to get ,,The Good Roads Committee
about,< again; with the aid • of a tops all committees ' in the ex-
walkil•ig device:. pend- ure ]ire. Of a 12 -mill ":Co:
rate, ',the Roads Committee :has
the 'responsibility of more • than,
one-third of: the total. County;
expenditure, with '41/4nills.,'ear-
maked for road` expenditure.:
Latesthonor to • :be accorded Ashfield Petition
Murray Gaunt, `.1955: winner of ;Reeve Blake presented:'to CO.
the Queen's Guineas; ' came. on ; Council a petition signed -by
Saturday at the annual luri•cheon eighty .AshfieldTownship resi-
and . election of officers •.; of -the dents, requesting' consideration
Ontario' Shorthorn Club, held at of • the widening of .:five .miles
Hotel London • on the Gore Road between Kin
The Club's trophy was -*pre- tail and.Lochalsh.
rented .to Murray at the lunch- The, request was referred back
T h e ,, annual congregational
meeting ;'of the ;Lucknow.
erian . Church Was held, on.
Thursday: evening, January 19th.
All departments of the Church
showed strength` and -growth
, throw hout• the ,year • 1955... There .g Y Th
are 247 m b r . -t
'1 embe s on the, roll. ••-
•$6,108,92 was raised -for the
work • of the local church and
$1,589:97 was given for the work
of 'Missions. In addition to this
the W.M.S.Societies and Junior
organizations raised $7.66.97 for
Missions All giviings are free
•There • are 73 • children enrolled
in the Sunday School and the
average attendance was 52.3, The
Cradle Roll 'has 23, babies listed..
The . term for members of the
Board of Managershas: been ex-
tended' to four years in placeof
the three-year' term and because
of:thi's it•_Was not necessary; -'to
"` 474 "g- ni si
since :those due to retire this
year will serve one more year.
Miss Nellie Venning has . since
been appointed Finaneial Sec
retary . and all otherofficers
were ' re -appointed:
The meeting heartily , endors-
ed the work : of Rev. and Mrs
McClean • during the. past , year
and. the mrinister's, . travel allow- •
' ance was raised' $300:
Oil drilling operations have.
been . in ; progress for over three
weeks --on the farm -- of-H-arvhl.
StariI.er, Concession 2, Kinloss,
and„ at the,'latter part of the
week the` test hole ' was down
some 1;260 'feet
There is conjecture that drill-
ing will proceed to about the
2,000 -foot level if necessary;
Rock, wasencountered in the.
early stages : of the drilling: The:
drillers have had their own
troubles at times and on a couple
of 'occasions lost ' the drill and.
had, some prolonged "fishing'' to.
. eon by • the retteing , . (president, to the Good • Roads; Committee to • •
whi h a t`ve ear:_ The
new president is Marilyn ••Kil-
patrick. 4
Mrs. N. J. MacKenzie' reported
an average. attendance at , W.M.S.
teeetings� •of 22 .with $400 sent' to
'the Presbyterial .treasurer. Mrs.
Orville Jones reported an aver-
ageattendance of 33, at Evening
Auxiliary : meetings • with • over
$400 raised, ' apart from $35 sent
to Cape Croker
Mr: Ernest Blake, Missionary
Maintenance treasurer; reported
$2,300 having 'been' sent• to; 'the,
Mission Board, 'and an addition-
al , stun-- Of ,$334.81 was contrib
uted' during the year' to the Cape
_eroker project, which resulted
n the 'congregation ' meeting
LOWNDES -- . in. York' County
Hospital, • Newmarket, on lle-
cember 27th, , 1955, to • Mr. .and.
Mrs. John A. Lowndes, a dau-
ghter; Marianna Robinson;„a::sis-
ter for Angus and Tom. °
had been raised in. the '1955 can-
vass leaving a balance of only
$1,200•; to•• liquidate the .church
debt 'which was incurred in an
extensive program of church
and manse' renevatiohs and irh-
W. B..' Anderson,; •church areas-
urer, •reported general' givings of
with a balance on,
$6,680.15, .... ..
hand at the end of the year of
.$587:6.7 --.in: the -generas
Church • roof repairs ' of, •$$00.00
paid : out of . the general
for:.. this home mission work.. fund during the year.
m .m s fu c g
their• two-year objective' •of $549
There was • a considerable
crease in the M. -and M giving
Mrs, $lack, gave. the choir •re-
Port and W.. B. Anderson moved.
a vote of thanks for. the choir's
wonderful and faithful services
to which Mrs. Joynt replied,.
Revert to 7.00 p.n .
_ t_ was. _: anno n ed'-=that`w,�the:
evening, service hour would .re-
re -
sine at 7:00 o'clock, after an
l ,
Stewafds 'elected for a three-
cal° term ;were '• Chas. Webster,
Melvin, Morrison, Kenneth Cam-.
eron, !Robert Campbell, W. B,
Anderson. , •
- °rssiots • of ap1reciation
for special . 'services rendered
were' extended . to' Gies' Walden,
...,:._'ng i ttttcl�t��_.•Sehcic11 supe- in
tendent: Mrs•,. ,Tc,� fit; "tli`rirr-
x '' • \li i• ltitr�t`. Clnih icir, or
Icaclei,, ,
,r '1 r: Il. lIeustOn, Mr4, ,J,
dtYT+t: t,,
be dealt with at a later date -'
A road widening ,program on :NEARLY. . F INI S H ED.
-the---countyltoaci es—the-9th of ALIZA •
Ashfield'from "Cecil Johnston' •
corner” to the "Gravel Road , Bruce County : Assessor 'Everett
was' commenced last fall, but • the ,innigan reported last week to`
County Council that during the
past—year,- reassessment--'of--ten -
muricipalities was ,completed,
with one more.. almost complete. •
Only thevillage of. Paisley
tnains to be:. done 'before , the
.County is .complete: •
Before equalizing the County ,•
assessment, it will be necessary
to. • 'spend • some tithe" with the
Equalization Committee to cover
a reasonable portion of . the •
County. Art effort will be made
also to have an advisor from the
Department of 'Municipal' Affairs.'
accompany the. Committee in its
examinatiari' of the: assessments::
If. this is accompiliished,along
with the re -assessment of • Pais
ley,' by May 24th, it -should • be
possible to bring in:a new equal-,'
,i.zation . at the June Session:
With, Paisley coinpleted; the -
Assessor will have an appraisal
card for each' 'and, every prop-
erty in the County of ''Bruce,
totalling over 40,000 'cards. These
.cards "show 'a diagram" of each
building, size, type .of construe-
tion, condition' or classification,
the 'rate per sq. ft. thateach
buileling'was_..yihted at together
with a capitalized .;rental: alue,•
arrived at by giving• considera-
tion to the use,, location: and any
-stile-• cixcumsta"-ices' ` •affec'•t'in
the value: _� ga
Thre • dards, on- the farm land. •
show the basic value placed 'on
the land, a airaveraged with a
rental value arrived at through
consideration of the same fac-
tors, leaving" what 13 believed to
s..la.�,�<1.,�,.�:�:�an�:�j u.,:•a�rxv��:::;a.� , a
properties whether urban. •o
jurat,; for assessment purpo: esu.
:-The,.Guineas award is . for rail work • was lust nicely started
.ing_..the most -outstanding. calf in._whefl_wixiter set in, _and�_thepro-
the province •as a ; 4-H project,;.
and' the Shorthorn trophy is
sirniliarly awarded .to, the 4-H
member raising the best animal
in that .particular breed: •
New president.of the .Ontario
Shorthorn • Club is ,Harry Sny-
der, , R, ,3, •Waterloo;. 'Andrew
Gaunt is a director. •
'VESTR�'� 'ME.
The annual Vestry �ineeting of
St. •Peter's Anglican Church..was
held in the Recreation`Centre on
Friday evening, January : 20th.
The following slate of officers
were elected: Minister's warders,
Ernest Gaunt; People's warden{
Russel Whitby; Vestry clerk,
Dorothy., Cooke; . organist,` Mrs,
Fred McQuilln.
Board of'Managements Russel
Whitby,' Ernest, Gaunt, Fred Mc-
Qtiillirl, John McQuillin, Ed Mc
Qu'illin, Wm, McQuillan, .Mrs. S.
1,avis, Fred •• Johnstone; James her• .home on Havelock . Street.
=-l�tY oth Coo1�c T J South, lit ' Lucknow,
�.lnaiia��.° _ hoz:,- -Y . ..... ,... _... _ � _ . _......, �. , .,....
sllktticl and T, Smith. • • Mrs.' Robb . Cnjeys fairly good
ject was postponed - until the;
Reeve John Durriin of West
'Wawariosh ' is a member of the
County Home Committee . ;and of
the Consultative'. Committee:
.ON SIX -"MAN" JURY • w.
The spring sittings of the
Supreme Court' of Ontario were
,held at Walkerton -last week.
For the first tie in• the history
of the Bruce. Court the' jury was
composed' of six members • in
place of the usual twelve -man
arch '•
p ,
The jury last week was coin -
prised'• of five men and one lady,
Mrs. J. c.. MeNab of : Lucknow.
Mrs, Alice Robb of Lucknow'
quietly, obserded her 89th birth -
da :on. Friday.' January 20th at
. eyeod representative and •Sub- liealth, is` up and • about all the
exPeritnetital • l tit ` ' tittrtc5: Fred McQtiillril; John' time, hut doesn't ventt:ire out
ie pex�tid:_ of_.. tf..a.; .i,. = tr attics-'.
1 seryl at' _ Kilpatticl . Ir.;. ;Vlr�rkli to t w.
ce 7.3 ,
::� ,r' t7it:csicli� •��k•Q-trtliin�.:..Sek•toia, .....Dorf 'V3Lard; _ 1nurJ� clarit�gr :the. t� •�11�=�.
Mrs; Kennet • • n • re- Mrs. ' '1l� rc' ld .1li.in for . , rtt:ldi:to1•s, M s. T. J, Salkeld, Ml'1:'. though she did have a ea rade
mole- , servie,
viewed h Cs i ection at the i S°i nine , , , uihin. -
thc accampli5hrrient5, the direction • 1a t c.d : MCQ
"As e and . Mrs:.G:- A, Meiklejohn ..
sand. alms of the Wottien's Rev, , n r Chaim -am of Sidesnien, • Car.
Assoc -anon: Group raised ; 117; for devoted' service •slid t year
pion •McQu`illin; Sidesmen4 Fred
G 1 raise $ , ,1, 11
roup 2 1$0• ' 3 '$204, of
llarniorliriti: •prcigrc�ws; , ,. John;ton, 'WiIliatn Stimson,: Wil-
$ Group t i
receipts a 1012 Cttmc,
ion;• aw tsiivc�Icllrc� :s evvlic� iartr T'1 Quillin s Ronald. Pe°rrott,
mounted to $ ,
the A J W: .l!rivrlt, frtr' •lnvas;� c �lnr M Q
ssociatlon -vin $800
liurch• Board'.during tlie pa ii'- ori r r-. , -'41 ,
on Frit 'ay with, her son C `harlos
1fobb,, of Cort 4,.Huron. who vis-
ited with his • mothor that day..:
Mrs'," Robb was a Perrier, rest-
L' ch lsh. o .. , ..
dent of the a a co amtln
c �.uillin fan Marshall, Ity, but has nlilde her home in
the.r.aavi�ag�rs..,...se•ial �. year
Her many friends extend. con-
gratulations 'and best ,v isbes.'
,�wYy� c1
, oil
Y t" l�
�i.i C,
and r� ,
a a t , uil
r �.� IVIG
c c Carmen for the parsonage fund slid son, ttw tt , , 41Vic Kc`nr.ir, its Allan. Jolrn° ton, C , , q_
to the �renovetion fund. :. pt�cllicrt y and Bruce •
s Joyrlt repotted. $2,30 caretaker.
'1 •