HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-18, Page 81f • PAGE EIGHT A Dr eanin from •N N.,DAY,. JAN 1$th, 195e, ecIal ?hon 75-w For Pick Up.;Serwrice LUCKNO' en's and Ladiesr Suits Odd or :.Extra Trouser 49c pleated extra. -_ --- - ----_.- �_�_' 49c Plain Skirts, Plein' Dresses, pleated or frills extra ;99c •$1.19. 39c _• 99 ,�• ,,r , c Oiercoats or Topcoats . Ladies' Sweaters L S'EE' BY'HE.. SENTINEL: TITAT'. Archie ' McQuillan is in, . demand With his pipes with Bobby Burns anniversary cam= ing up: Archie' will be; on Mar= garet Brophy's television pro- gram on, Tuesday afternoon, January •24th,• and that night will be piping .at the Fire- men's Ball. in 'Lucknow, THAT, a . joint sale billventure. was. tried this week • by ,Ash- ton's Ladies' ' and •Men's Wear •: and S. C. 'Ratwell and Sora. Both, stores are running big January . clearance. sales and combined their ;'ad,vertising : on the one bill;.'' Special Ends. Monday Noon, January 30th Nr Slackening ' of Service or Workmanship The, -Old Reliable 13 -plate Hart Batteries Pathfinder Signal Lights (t Seal .Beam Unit , Brake Fluid; pint, -i�rdshiehFWashers G.E. Intra -Red .'Heat'L'amps ; New .and .Used : Skates Brake. Cables and Lining Truck Flares and 'Ref'ectors $$.40 Ex. $12.95 1.39 $1.69. 85c.. '$5.65 $1.00 THAT -attentionis brawn: to the fact that. each Thursdayafter- there is .'free .skating -,for pre_. school age . children accompan- ied by ...their:. parents . or • an ' adult. ir. --o THAT S. . J... , Py -rim. is entering Westminster: 'H os p i t a 1: on •i Thursday..: and' :exipects to, .':be absent from the Village' for about ten. days. ' THAT Lloyd Hall; Harold' stitch-. ie,' .Fraser • 1VIaoKinrton, Allan MacIntyre and George' Ander,: .son' took :in the .doubleheader Junior, "A". `hockey. game at : the 14Ianle .Leaf,• Gardens on nday.. ; Jack Hall .•accompan= ied them tb•Erin where he vis-, ited his, brother. THAT Miss Viola Kerry of El- :mire l-•mire says ".hello" to: friends in . the community . '`whom' she "keeps track" of through The • ,(Sentinel. Miss ;Kerry says that "since Ralph Howlett is at,.St.' Helens; she reads the St, .Hel Hell - lens ,-news with renewed •. inter- • est. , s STRAWBERRY .004 IG.A;24-. •. ° .MEAS' • iGAl�i LUNCHEON , • ' 12 . -- _ -- OGILVIE CAKE DEAL .Chocolate ',and • White. BLUE or WiiITE BREEZE • :Giant size -- -; - - .HEINZ 'TOMATO ' TOMATO KETCHUP 11 oz. $250 A REVIE JLyeal and fine con'egat Chinch xepo.r ments of fitted. at iur.sday menced Rev . ed and hi • Secretary.. was obsei passed�� M. Erne 'there t parsons .u, • Aslight .'during' til received Board among' t held., .at azestsal Wilfred i '0' the S ,tern an *elected 't MacDia til 1957. new me '. ducted .Rev., Me Glen aftertwi vice as ',; tendert teachers, Rev. M. .operation • i S Morrison Bible C1' Mrs. 1 forthe takes car years -dui and for Baby'<B� Mrs. S. ,I There a Cradle I the Bab; Donalc unday... port ele as Surid� _and.Bxu vin Mor intenden • Arnot MacNay. whi Hockey, `Sticks MacINTYRE and 1R' Phone 65 — Lucknow • CO -O!* ANNUAL (Continued from. Page ,1):: ..ani additional. Small .surn--to-- clde' sales planning and • .bud- geting.• • Management • agreement does not change local; policy as AITCHISON in Alexandra hos k "wins out of . nine. There was • it • • • BORN k• • ;THAT .Nancy :Irwin •and ,Mrs. M Sproule .were the ' prize win- S1MPSON—in: 'Wingham Gener- ners at '"the Auxiliary Shoot al Hospital . on Wednesday, 'Jan-- party ,on Friday night , . • nth,. h,. ho -r., and i h .moo--. •. Simpson. (nee •Mary. •.Struthers), THAT there were four tables . at a son, a brother for Darlene • • tlie: Monday Night Shoot party with Earl' Harrit winning, the. ANNOUNCING OUR NEW RENTAL New doors froro-ald DO IT YOURSELF Sava 2/ads , the cos!! 11's easy fo.Qhe your floors ,o►ohssionol•'' tookino..cor/J Iusf 'use MD Clarke Rental EauIPJi.nt, writ flm.. money :and energy,, W furnish aver'(.ti,inp plus full in'srruc. tion for Video your rad .floors rum !ultra.. new .beauty: . Our Floor Rental Plan Means Brilliant Floor . Beauty l Phone for Equipment Reservation today!: Fiulay Paint Dealer - "Phone 218, Lucknow T�iAT��Carrrterr.�-1Vf�Qui-1-lin--and= sai:cl--thQy-pare--,having a :. v�i�+-�•• Lorne. Reed won. the cribbage Cold winter,. ' which' started tournament held by the Legion about. nine weeks ago ...with on Tuesday ` night with: • seven temperatures a• steady 15 to .50 below ever since.' •The .letter, - -was= wr=itten=Januarys.- lath -and. we received it on the 16th, 1 din mans .prize and Fred. Jac son this 1s still s yt a oc assail Tngersoll ctn a ries ay, , ,� a ca acs -t attendance and=at m ectors January:. llth, .1956, to Mr.. and, the ;`lams ` .prize; ons.olation'. p y Mrs:. Jim Aitchison •: (nee r Celia winners . were Mrs. Euelyi) ,+other such event. i planned .foi_ Organisation ManagerM• • :next Monday. • Guest speaker for •.the, even- Wilsdn),. .a • son,. a brother' for• Banwell and . John• Ritchie.. ing• was J. 'Edward O' ears; Or- ganization .Manager of the • On tario' coops... Mr O'Meara . 4s a graduate of University in Nova Scotia, and was, responsible for organizing • fishing Co-ops in the Maritimes. 'when that industry. Was • iri direc distress., He ` held • positions in • the Canadian : De- apartment of Agriculture, and was. Canada's representative on • the Colonr'bo plan before join- ing the Co-operatives in June of last year. _ Mr,.. ollyteara's-.'._..•new job con- sists of rekindling enthusiasm ' in Co,o-ps, and ; organizing, ii e w branches where there are none. He chose as the subject .of his. speech.: "What Co-op is, what Go -op does, and how :Co-op op= orates". •He • said that a little "pulling up" would have to be ,tone to. get Lucknow back up. Where it should be. Mr, O'Meara ceimnented on the Value ' of the organization even. if .a profit: was • :, "- n .shown What wool x • ot< p be in Lucknow if „the Co-op was "no t here .to ••.keep them ' level? the speaker said; "It would -serve no purpaso•W ta-taargc.�h-igh- unreasonable prices into the money goes back into the . pur- chasers ' p ocket Mr, O'Meara said. The speaker outlined the four ideas' of Co-op educa ipii used in his bid for a . new and; • larger organization.,• a.;.H,:.•..x.,, ,.ax.-actr'esiderttd."s'rma .4vc,k '.1 ."rM'*acKenz4er Jack and Verna: STEARN Mr..• and, Mrs. Colin Stearn. (Mary,' Joan' 'MacKenzie) of Montreal are happy to an- nounce • tlie• birth of twin girls, Patricia and Virginias on -Friday, January 6th. • • Mrs. R. V. • MacKenzie of :town is the great-grandmother of .the. twin girls. ' THAT the Lucknow' Fine • Com- pany's annual Burns Ball. ' is next Tuesday, January.. 24th. It's a ' day' earlier than the• • birthday anniversary .of... the Howey -Brooks 'Group " The January, Meeting of Group II met .at : Mrs. MacDiarmid's home with 17 ladies, • present. Mrs. Collins,' Mrs: Kilpatrick and, Mrs, : Meiklejohn. read the ` scrip ture lessons. Mrs. Brooks, on be- half of Mrs. Howey, expressed appreciation of the help of the members` for 1955. Mrs. Breck- les • was tendered. ' ,a vote of thanks for her fine work ' in packing Christmas' boxes for the sick arid aged folk. An Irish tea whs..:deoide. as,one pJ ro'-eot .for the corning year .oii the 15th • of March. The treasurer . reported ' $,180 had beri� raised in the: -past y.ea'r: • Mrs': Philip-" MacMillan, convener of the program,,. pre. sided for the program. A read- ing was given by Mrs, Hreck. los. Mrs.` Anderson of Dungan- .11.0h, ungan-•noir, was vest. speaker and gave an interesting talk on her home- land, Turkey, A 'duet was sung. yip-neas'ie i tvi a::.ai lig rr 'Kilpatrick. Mrs. Couse .moved a note of thanks to the hostess and all taking part.' thanked the Anglican ladies .for catering; and, Mrs. ' S. Lays re- plied fittingly, THAT in • renewing her' Sentinel; su'bscr'iption, Mrs. Chas: Riach ('Ruby Irwin.) of . Woodstock says, "Friday is one day.of the week; it is Worthwhile walking to .the 'mail box".. . • CHESLEY PLANT:' CLOSES The Chesley plant of Silknit Limited' of Toronto is being cios-' e d down', as in common with. Scottish bard, but was. •so set , .. other textile plants, it :is feeling • in order to obtain an _orches- .__0...._.the affects of 'imports. from. other .,i tine and:not to'conflict with ..THAT,., in�, sendinghis Sentinel countries:"The"Chesley plant em - part event ' a counterpart at Kincai° ' renewal from Whitehorse in' played :' from 75 to 100 at peak, ' dine. . . ..the Yukon, Alex MacMillan'production:: <•' Esmond INDIAN BLANKETS Assorted Bright •patterns size t 54x7;c Y a4.3':51i d SCATTER- -- . ._. Washable and skid •`resistant. Size 21x36 Y $1.98 PAINTED PLISSE arYy µd. , 'LADIES' PYJAMAS L dies' printed flannelette aura;; �3':i, i ---=&rastrcr`zetl -"this-i" site . small .and •medium, Pair F•......:.......;.Y 2,98 • FLANNELETTE 'GOWNS'' Long Sleeve, sizes medium & large , $2.95 CIItLDRENS YIIOSE cotton , and wool. Pair .... 30e' 414"11111 #11P11, wa444.*' "71111111111frp....:=011. WORK . SOX. ti nson line, 4 ib. Pair $1.,35 'I`wo pair for WOOL SOX Tw'o • pair for,..i ,. $1•93 iY.i BOYS' SOCKS Wool. -and ii,glon, size 1 to IA r4 _. rfrriY Grey fleece, sites medium �j({ & iarge.......... .r .... i.YiYr.ia... r.i i $li' new pr patrick. Mrs. an aver) meeting; the Pre Orville age atte Auxiliar $400 raj to Cape -Mr. E Mainten $2,300 ' 1 Mission al . sum uteri.. du Groker. in " the thein tv for._ . thi There crease: i Mrs, Port an a vote Wonder to whic 1 lt- AN eVenjnl suite experin h :sei Mrs: vi9wed duties 4socit Orobp Total i With ti t0-*t'i .ear f, $440 t J,.