HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-18, Page 604 1 1.1; PAGE. SIX • TIMBER TIPS The Cubs .. moved into first place this week, as they. took: 4 .'points from the Coons. Jack Caesar led- the .Cubs with a 600 • 'total while Charlie. Short led: tiie Coons • with a 622 total,These games were all .close and only 69 points on the !grand total sep- arated . the • tearns. The Beavers` _downed , the Lions • remainder of; the year for .4 points, It was. team -effort : drawn •' um. ' viagirda.WY BtE'--LucKNiOw.._SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARZG WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18th, 1956 1S RURAL. HOCKEY TO START, BROOI BAI L. TO ;CONTINUE At a lengthy meeting on Mon- day night of the Arena Commit- tee, a ri d representatives of broomball, rural hockey and minor hockey,.,' a plan , of Tiro- !posed i o -!posed ' use of the :arena: for the was. all the way with the ..Mac Don- ald"duo'scoring 1209 •pius.174. fpr a•• " /total of • 1383. For the ' Lions Colleen Eed y 'came up. with '520 plus 105 for .a total of 625 ;The : Chipniu'nks°: 'took 3 points from the Tigers. 'Bill°Hunter was the best Chipmunk scoring .a '645 total. Francis .Alton led the ,Tig- ers with 467 plus 138. for 605. Thursday night saw,. the ;Go- phers :take 3 ,points from the Pole Cats as captains Chas: An- Wednesday and Friday, with the An- derson d" Chas Webster chalk- Fridays 1 de .Art Breckles successfully; or-. ganized the. broomball" league whch has been. operating for Mer a week, Harold' Greer. ex- plored the possibilities of organ-' izing •a; rural,.hockey .leaguee pre setting four teams that were ,in terested. • ' It was. agreed at the meeting that a ,double-header. breomball and hockey game would be play- ed three nights a week, .Monday,: erson an .exception on book oftwo ri ays already ed : up identical scores of 633 flat d.. •The decision hinged on with Webster ,carrying 6 ' • points the abcepfance of the .broomball more • handicap: 'Other high executive. scorers were Gopher Anne And- • The Bantam team• •' was ' in- erson with 568 plus . 90 for 658 strutted by the Arena; °Commit and Pole Cat' Dorothy Hamilton tee" to arrange 'gams for Tues with 510 plus 132' for a 642. total:• days or .Thursdays, if possible, The Squirrels are giving .the: with skating alter the ,games..i top three teams . something to The Bantamteam is also to. have ,up with a 33: -point win, this time n J, 1 frim the Wolverines. Marie :But- ton led the, way 'with 595 ; �pplus 105 4 f or 700 while ; Roy .Finlayson scored 6004 plus .5�7 ofor .657; For tam 'nsitwa a e, the Wolveri e . s , ef- fort with Jack Fisher scoring' .a -total of 625.: ' • • The Kangaroos met . the Zebras and were lucky. to take'4 points on: a total:: of '2906 ,Larry. Salk eld with: •584 plus. 60. for. 644: .was high . Kangaroo while Bob Rid scored ',high for the Zebras.` Team Standing Cubs 39,- Pole Cats 37: Kang "',aroos 36, Squirrels 34, Gophers 32, :Chipmunks. 29, - Zebras 27, Wolverines. 24, Beavers 21, Tig- ers 20,Lions 20,` Coons .16. The following, . records are . all : flat scores; team . single, Coons, 1,079; team gtriple, Pole .:Cats,' 2,954;. ' men's "'single,- 06,r d o n ' Brooks, ;323;.. men's triple, Jack Fisher, 724; lady's single,: Josie' Hamilton, :269; ' lady's triple, Gladys Hamilton, . 708; men's 1ngl . average, M. Sanderspn1 207 • • Teain ,1 -Chipmunks 2 -Beavers. • ' "-Kangaro. 4 -Pole Cats 5 -Zebras 6 -Gophers Fancy Cohoe . 7.314 oz. tin ;Chubby or. • R;egular ' ,-�, - CARNA.TIQNM1LK DOMESTIC SHORTENING dA BISCUITS Ic; .Tall Tins for 2 PHONE 119, Per Pound Christies' Pound _. .Values .•Effective January' 19, .20, 21 `ST :GOLDI 'Muir Mr:, ane Cathari . en . wel they- friends Mrs. lyn Hu and Mi Helens. of eigh have p • two br IN; J. and tw' Cranstc John • Ni and .rural hockey of -soffit en e notice is iven. ; ' and Gary,were Sunday visitors tin, , Patr> caa Martin, Audr �y g BANTAMS GET VICTORY The four rural hockey' 'teams I .at '•the Recto tin,.. Joseph Austin, IN TEESWATER Si°ITURI)AY r3' :. g on that shbwed interest. were Bel . , r,, and Mrs: Cyril A,ustin,, At'' the C W.L.: meetiri Lucknow and;. fast ' Idol oo Kenneth Fit atrick' Mrs Mar- Sunday afternoon, prizes were Yr I, ' kn Bantam • 'team DP i awarded Patricia00 . n Sc o •wand Luckn 9O'Neill � �� tfte Fir tha O sponsored. this. Company won • their..., second game of the' season in 3 -'starts * theydefeated Teeswater boys. 6-2 in Teeswater. Saturday morning.. . rs : for ' Lucknow were',: Paul en erson .4;, .Fraser Ashton and'. Donald 'Kirkland 1 each. n am u o ` a Th e• c w ti �M ar tin r •P to h. 1 'E.' ht Michael t. en- is year by class,. Danny Ann•Nan in teredball teams have :been d with relatives in Wmg- in senior, tered" consisting ' of two village ' . • . n t e r in e; d i at :e, and: Edward .-. .:. ..class,_•'for 'thea. Bel-, in union ; ow. Fireme . ' � 'O'Neill ) teams, Luckn.. vt.hen On N scribi the ��Par- 'e letters . de n,g Kinldss e best ► fast{ t ,nd Souththre amount and: Kinlough, ` d f St J h' h y V kt t BIOOMBALL. Tri aY Sundayafternoon at 3.00 P.m. . the 'annual ceremony the.ler- children o Joseph's s par-. ish 'took place - here with •Rev. 'Fr. Van'. Vyncktgfring as o instruction followed by the • act Holy Of' Consecration to- the Family, the blessing ofthe medals, . *hie'li, were distriibuted by 'the •C.W.L. and the individual: blessing of: the • following child- ren w'ho were present: Marianne. O'Keefe, Joseph O'Keefe, `Mary Ellen O'Neill;: Edward O'Neill, ,Margaret' O'Neill, . Maurice' Dal- ton, Alice Dalton, Brian Dalton, Maria Daltbh; Donald Drennan, Crib. This contest •was , sponsored Go a 1 score by Rev: Fater an . ` ync � o • RESULT'S . ' ' short encourage the , children tO t*on-' .. . H d 4' Fr centrate on' studying the ..�beauti- t fol" story 'of 'the Nativity. 1. • ' ha f first 'f 'nthe r 7.2 cunt r ' aram P Lu�knoy�<•' ', Firemen' defeated. of : a . double-header r, broomball game in the arena_ last -Friday,. .. In the second . game it took South Kinloss ten ,minutes' over= time to: eke out a':1-0 win over Lucknow.. Village. • lady's high average, •G; Harlin- tori,177. - •Th :'is a mid {season summary showing all totals and tam standing as of .December:' 15th; 1955: . Average Flat ' Total Grand Inmvid'& Team Total Handi'p 'Petal 'Handi'p .Stand'g ' , 29,.025 '4,510• . 33,535 29.9 7 . 29,196 5,055 34,261 29.3 10 o;. 31,-749 3,844. 35,5' • 22.4 . 3 tie: 29,407' 5,099 ;34,506' • 27.8 : 2, 30,198 .4,305. '.34,503 25.8 • 5 tie 30,632 4,655' •35,287 ' 23.4 3 tie • 7-quirrels 29,116. 4,90,5 34,021 29.6 5' tie 8- Cubs31,046 4,09'2 35,.1.38 24.0 1 •9 -Wolverines. 29,708 : 4,706;. 34;4:14 '/,20_77:f r ;..10 .-Coons 29,277 4;548 •33,825 28.8: 12 11 -Tigers, r 26;401 ', ,5,537' ' 31,938, 32.3 ,11,'` 12 --Lions . , .' 27,250 5,755 k ,33;005,: , 9 33.6, ' COMPLETE STOCK OF IN ALL THICKNESSE& Also SHEATHING PLYNOOD in 5.16th inch thickness and 5-ith inch thymess Aik-foi—new plans- -Showing the .items - around the home you can build with plywood, • JOHN W. IIENDERSON tiL111411111E11 PHONE "150, LUCKNOW 11410riiik000p.4 Alt"44tFt Ulf alt •DOUBLE WIN. Wingham: District :High 'School. scored a doubted win over. Luck now .'District High School in. basketball in W in'g,h a m. .last. week. The Lucknow; Juniors last a close one 'by a •score of . 22-21, while. the .Seniors went down, ,to .'Donald Meyers,., Gerald. Meyers, defeat • 32=18.. ,Bernadette Meyers, Kenneth Meyers, Colleen.'Meyers, :Edward Meyers, Jeanette Meyers,.' Roger De : Pauw, .,Raymond. De •Pauw,. Gary 'De Pauw, Louise Dalton, WHITECHURCH Mr: -and '-Mrs, George Welber of Kitchener visited' on Sunday with his brother, :Mr. and Mrs. Carl Weber • . • .. Tire-�C.G.I T -was : held -at the- home of Mr. :and Mrs William Henry. •last. Thursday evening. Miss. Frances Henry had the misfortune to 'sprain .her .ankle :wh le-t4obogganirig-a-t =herho ne= this weekend. • - The Young Adult Group was' . held at ' the .horn „Of Mr. and Mrs; ,. •Clarence ' .IVIeClenaghan on Tuesday .evening of 'last week. The • meeting was opened with a hymn' "Will your anchor hold". Miss Karen ,Groskorth, acting • as pianist. Scripture was . read by Jack Coultes. •Minutes- of the last meeting were . read, business • was .discussed and the meeting was turned over• to Mrs.: Clar- ence McClenaghan,. who . is: in 'charge of the convenership..Mrs. G.roskorth gave a reading, . The - meeting ..was closed with prayer. tied al ants,. 1V ell' of .guests celebra • They Miss ,I : est..Ry. • Mrs:. Church MIL W1VL LOVE PASSED AWAY ' LAST THURSDAY-- . The death of Mr. Wm.: Love. .: age 83, occurred • in Kincardine Hospital 'on'®Thursday . of ' last week; : where he 'had been a pat -- lent for a few days following. a stroke. Mr Love had re.sided at :the Baker . {dome for • the past four years- and was well known to many in the community.".He was a faithful attendant of, the Un- ited Church while here and •the Maureen'.Dalton, Denise Dalton, funeral • service at Hensell. .on Anne Marie Dalton, Nellie Capt- Saturdays was conducted by. Rev. ein,. `Kathleen ' Dalton, , Michael -G. A. •Meiklejohn. • Dalton, Danny Dalton, • •Cletus . Russell •Love of. Kincardine ' is Dalton,' Dianne Lierman,• ' Keith a son. Another son lives in F1'or-. Valad, Peter Martin, James Mar ida and a daughter in Toronto. . (Intended for .Past Week) week -end With relatives.in Ham. sor and Mr. anti Mrs, Eugene Dalton of Detroit. visited with relatives here on :Suhday .and frig after Vein sb- STY . with pneumonia during 'the f)ast two weeks.. Mrs. Jerry ...DaItOnt_who yas pitai for the. Past week with the "flu, eth:, is making satisfaCtory Mr, -Desmond O'Donnell, who has been. with the Irriperiat:011. service Co. at. ilaiitax, is how The a pati, known iay, of attack Fiday erator a vete on M servie( Furter; and .H the pa Tuesd • 1956 Chev. Belair 8 -cylinder, fully ,eqUiPPed „ Belew List 1955 Chev. Deluxe. Sedan, fully eqUipped 1955 Pontiac Deluxe ,§edan; with Powerglide, fully SL995 'Three 1954 Chev. Sedans, ,fully equipped. •• $1,495 1951. Chey,, •PoUrerglide Sedan .. 5 950 1950 Chevy Deluxe Sedap, ..eqnipped. 854 1947 Cher. Fleetline •Coach, fully equipped 5 49.5 Brustiels Motors Itureo County's' FOremost Used Cat Dealers Cash, Trade, Terin,IL.-r„Opc,,L,,,,Ktre.ningsAl.