HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-18, Page 4• ,•s L. jY e£9 ffw .1 PAGE FOUR •FOR SALE;--4team • of •good work ',horses. Apply Simon de Boer, R. 1, Lucknow. FOR SALE , electric motor -2 • H.P.,,..heavy 'duty, in real good •. condition. Jarties . Wilson; R. 2; •„ 'Auburn,'" 'phone , Dungannon 49-5. Cow, at' ` calf lot • ':.:.SA=LE'. -'-fresh c , r Soot; also two brood sows, ' due February lst. •Kelso, MacNay, R • 3, Lucknow. 'FOR SALE =- 9 choice Durham ' •cows, machine -milked, two to calve -soon,, others •just freshen . , ed; 7 young .calves: 'Bob . Camp- bell, R. 3, Lucknow, .phone 68-10 'Dungannon. WORK ' WANTED - any type, • .farm. 'or, laborer: App1I!'. to Bob :Taylor; '• % Mrs T. H :Wall, R. 5, Lucknow.. COAT FOR. $ALE- 1V1outon: coat, .,size 18. 'Mrs.Wellington, Hender- WANTED'-= ' circular wood -saw- vide complete training at home ,ing ,outfit.' FOR; SALE --17 pigs, 10 ' weeks :old.. ;Adrian Van ' Don gen, R. 7, Lucknow; ' phone; 77-r= nM. NOTICE All accounts owing • Macrntyre and • Irwin Sports and A"uto ' Sup- ply • -are: due :and must' be paid on or 'before. January .28th, "1956, as business is sold: A11 unpaid .accounts will be placed: in 'other. hands` for. collection re and ."Irwin •1VIa+cln.t y Lucknow•, ' Ontario CARD, OF THANKS Norman' Stuart • wishes to sin- cerelythank all those whq have so kindly and , thoughtfully re- "membered e'membered him . in: Many ' ways since his, accident.' MALE ' HELP .WANTED . EARN' $54.00. OR MORE. A WEEK ' Part or full-time opportunity in Bruce County for farmer or ambitious man with `agricultural background. Age 25-50 preferred. Car essential. Take orders ,in rgx- clusive territory.: Be home every a 10' Dungannon. LOST • at Langsde dance; a grey station wagon .• Coat _ and brown', .overshoes, size ' 7,•name • on tongue.: Please. notify :Ronnie • • Thompson, ; Can, 10, 'Kinloss.. WOOD FOR •S ALF 14 -inch ;.hardwood;,' also garage ' 12x220. Joe We}ler, p: h o.n e 101-r-31, , 5. Lucknow•'' HOUSE :FOR ,SALE- Seven -room •1raine house • on Stauffer Street, Lucknow; 'close . to Main street: Reasonably priced. Apply' -to Al Iasi M'acIntyre • phone.. 65; . Luck-' noir: ' • • . ' - HOUSE*FOR SAI:-mderri" `8- rootn brick , hoose on Havelock St. -Oil ' Itxrnace,' hardwood floors. -Apply to Dr T. B. Clelar' 1, Luck - now. office . plus field assistanc Reply ';giving :aige ,• and . e ence '' in:: first letter . to: e. • xperl-' WOOD TENDERS .WANTED NA-CHURS'PLANT FOOD CO. •Tenders will be received. by 2' Langarth St 'cif., London. • the undersigned until 'Thursday, • LUCKNQWf ONTARIO .0.414111111011111114111101.1.1141.41,11101114141110114111,1*A111.0.110111 0:4 COMING EVENTS' FREE SKATING There will be . free ' •skating every Thur".sday afternoon in the local arena for pre -school-age. children accompanied , by an ,adult: BURNS DANCE • Lueknow Fire Company's 'ar-: nual hBurns Ball 'will be, held in, the Lueknuw_ Fawn .Hall, next ;Tuesday night,' January 24tH. 'Scotch . piping,:- Carruthers or chestra; .' lunch • counter, adtnis- sion .75c. ` VARIETY' PROGRAM:' The Johnston -Houton Group of the United Church W.A. will present a variety prograin" and 'slides by Raynard: Ackert in the 'church 'basement on. Friday, Feb- ruary 3rd.,: at 8. p.m., Lunch serv- ed. Adults '50c; children 25c. Everyone; welcome.. ' PARLIAMENT 'HILL REPORT .Andy Robirisoti, Federal Mem- ber 'of Parliament jor. Bruce,,wi11 -give his first report from Part iament Hill of ' this, 3rd, session of 'the ' 22nd Parliament over 'Radio Station' CKNX on Sunday, January- the 22nd at 10.15 am, ari , zi- e1" "'L °C eforer -hs� "- Tuesday, January •24th at 7.00 WEDNESDAY; SAN. ; :4th, 1956 �.r•.+•c+►�� .. ,.. ......... 4444 . . 4444 Insure With The • ROY N. BENTLEY CULROS MUTUAL "FOLK .ACCOUNTANT ; ' :FIRE INSURANCE, CO. Reasonable• rates, sound. pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement*of cla}rns. FARISH MOFFAT . Your.. -Local Agent R.R. 3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater ' 57-r-41 Monthly Accounts Business and Fern' Tax. Returns Box 478 Tel. 1011 GODERICH, ONT. • R. S. HETHERINGTON, Q.C, �..• Barris r, Etc': t' ' W i h am •a L u c know • ng IN' LUCKNOW Each Monday and Wednesday • Located in the Municipal. Office 'Phone Wingham •, Office •18, Residence , 91 NE'S•• : •' - 'JOWNST"O • FUNERAL HOME• SEWING .. MACHINES: January." Clearance;. of Singer sewing ' machines .Three' ,Singer featherweight portables' . for sale, also ::three ., reverse=stitch ' Singer .console ' models, one .Queen Anne console and two economy port-: abler. 'These machines' used only • as ..deinonstrators and carry full guarantee. .and the famous • Sing- er Sewing Course. Also used Singer treadles from' $15:00 up. •FOR SALE =. 4 -acre : property.' with house and , steel.. barn, 'a Mile' south of Lucknbw, ` modern conveniences. Apply to. • Mrs. John Dahmer. ' • FORSALE--50 acre`_grass farm, all seeded'' to pasture ..except 8 acres, ;with spring and • spring , , creek, S.H. of N.H. , Lot' 79; 80, Con.. 1, Kinloss. Bob. ` Campbell, Lucknow,. phone. 68'-10 Dun- gan—o. SAY WA1V'TED .— . unlimited quantity of; .baled , or . loose hay • wanted. Apply to ,Jack. Mighton,• • R.R. 1; Clifford,..: phone collect 314-r-8, or see Tom' Anderson; Lucknow. ' . REST HOME .riCCOMODATION • FOR • SALE Acconiodation a v a i l'a'b 1 e at 1-1948' Chev. •sedan; Carruther's Convalescent Home: • new''ringS,. pins and valve job, nice :clean Home -cooked meals; modern..con- cal, veniences,-warm. Registered nurs- ..• • 1.1946 Nash sedan, 'new , rings, ing available if required in case pins and valve job, clean and .of; sickness.' Apply to Elliott Car- very economical Both cars are ruthers, . R. 3, Holyrood, phone priced low,, • • ": 27-16 Ripley. • N. W.• WINTERSTEIN ARTIFICIAL ',INSEMINATION BULL FOR`SAL-E--= 4=year-old- Waterloo -:-Cattle -Breeding Hereford 'herd sire, a good•AssociatioK_ ing ' dividual with , good.pedigree, ,where Better Bulls Are , Used" Artificial insemination service for all breeds of- cattlet For ser- vice- or- information phos :e -Clip t. ton 515 collect,. between 7:30 and .10:00 a.m. on weektlays' and 7.30 Phone ' Hanover ` 403 or, -,write Singer.' Sewing Centre, . Box' 306, Hanover, for a home deniionstra tion..• BABY CHICKS Ohicks, 'for top' egg production, Or broilers---L-Big-4. Hatchery has them.. Pullets ' bred • for. • top : egg production. -- 'Pilch White Rock.. Broilers top profit' ' makers._ Ames In -Cross: 'Standard.' breeds and crosses. Special..liberal ' dis- count on delivery of chicks and started chicks, , in January and February. Canadian' '•Approved, backed • by Hatchery's own com- pletebreeding program .covering more than 30 ;years.; Ful1'•inforin ation from • 'LUCKNOW : COiOPERATIVE. February • 26t4'' for 30 cords ;of green. beech or -elm wood, 16 not` less -.than , six' inches long, e g inches, nor more than 12 inches' in diameter, :to ' be delivered and piled at.. the :Town Hall, , Luck= now, by July,. lst,' 1956. Lowest' Or any tender necessarily ''accepted. • E. H. Agnew, •Clerkareasurer,• Village of Lucknow. not CO-OP - AUTO 1 I NS.URA,NCE, Can Now 'Accept ' TOWN ..,RESIDENTS & . COMERCIAL TRUCKS ' , as' well as the farm business. For information consult T. A. CAMERON, LUCKNOW, Phone Dungannon - 70-r-10 JOHN MCMURCHIE, RIPLEY., Phone 2O -r--,24 FOR --SALE Alfalfa Grimm $18.00, Ontario • or Ranger $20.00, Red Clover' '. $19.00, Timothy $5.25, White .Sweet Clover. $7,09 per bushel, :Grade I.. R. CRAMM, -Pinkerton phone Cargill '.68w3..: quiet, used'to' being out on pas- ture; Shorthorn -grade cow,. '4 years old, due in' 1Vlarch. Oliver McCharles, R. 3, . Lucknow. PREVENT CHIMNEY' FIRES • SNI NGHANI MEMORIAL- :SHOP_ ; ' 'Phone 76. • ' Day or Night USE- OF FUNERAL•..ROME • At No Extra' Cost ' Moderate, Prices • Established 1894 ' A M. HARPER • :Chartered Accountant •: West Street • " GODERICH, :ONTARIO • : • Telephones' 343J 343W' �___W a lav Been Vier orial_�_ Craftsmen for Thirty -Sever. , ' Years, Always Using. THE REST GRANITES Along With ; • Expert. Designing and Workmanship:' 'Prices Most Reasonable .Cemetery Lettering a Specialty R. A. SPOTTON 'Phone 256, Winghain,: Onitario INSURANCE Co -Operative •Life Insurance _co -Operative ' _Automobile Insurance ' . Mercantile at Farm Fire Insurance Economical . and Reliable, See ..: T.''A:•..CAMER•ON' and 9:.30 a.m.' on Sundays and LU.CNOW Use. Fire ChiefChemfcalChim Holidays. 'Picone 70.rc.KH Dungannon nay Cleaner to eliminate ,soot STATE FARM . MUTUAL' _. " 1 AUTOMOBILE. • I..NSURANCE Investigate ''Before Investing:. REUBEN WILSON MR. 30 Goderich Phone.. 80-r-8. Dungannon:. AGNEWS.' AGENCY. Howard: Agnew ;-==Jos: Agnew '" MEMBER OF' Ontario Insurance. Agents'.,Association - GENERAL INSURANCE Established Over ,30 Years Ago. Telephones: Business 39 Residence 138 T. ARMSTRONG . , OPTO1ViETRhST . •:-: GODERICH FOR APPOINTMENT • 'Phone 1100 •• - 'Far - Appointment or Information See Wm•A Schmid, 'Phone 1:7,-w, • Lucknow 1NSURANC FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY .' ;' AUTOMOBILI . • AND . LIFE' .. . ns.:4Fwire, With ,Jack • :`Today: •J: A.McDONAGI R.R. 3, Lucknev, On 'Phone 61=5, Dungannon: W. ANDREW ,,Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONTARIO ,IN LUCKNOW Every °Wednesday and Saturday: , • ...Afternoon • Office in'' the Joynt`: Block - . Telephone;:. .: • Office 135 Residence' 31-J G. ALAN WILLIAMS. r. Optometrist Office on Patrick St., • just ► off Hie Main St. in ` - WINGHAM Professional Eye Examination Optical Services' Evenings by appointment. 'Phone:--Office-^770;- Res --291- P Kenneth J. MacK,enzie' Optotnetrist LISTOWEL,• ON•T.. at; the former Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley, 10 a.m. to 9.. p.m., • WEDNESDAY, _FEB:. 1st and every Second Wednesday.. • ' Eyes examined - . Glasses fitted • For appointment 'phone Roy. ' MacKenzie, '06-r-24, ,Ripley: Co- • - and scale frorrm'. your stovepi es ATTENTION FARMERS! \-("''' . "*'''''"!'*•• and chimney. Stan -Hoist loader's, .new and _...- ... _ .._ __._..• • �_ . _r� 4444 __._. ...�.w �. No rieed • fo rerndve stovepipes; used spreaders, continental sora -' ers and post ...hole diggers, new and :used create separators, hand r --electric: - ._ _ _-- New` del -Dns ribu 'ors- - " Phone Carlow .2321 "Goderich no fuss, no muss . no odor. For • o o r use on :coal, 'Wood, gas oil I'm*eco aunits. On za e -"-�----�. - � - -- _ __.:�..:. ota'to�v`�D7fstrct-'Ca-w-o .■-+�. ., Store: ... .y 4444 F and Miller's Store, St. Helens ' . SALES HELP WANTED . MEAT FOR SALE Rawleigh business now open Good -beef for site ,by the in Bruce County,. Trade well es- quarter. Choice ' light Hereford' tablished., Eitcellefit Opportunity, steers, 'Beef killed: under license Full • time. .Write at once. Raw- from the Department tmmentt ert -IIof :Health, • • Phone 2.4.30, Ripley;.� , ;k, , 1". •--McLENNANalai: MacKENZIE .;._ .. ,. -F- . NERAL , ;._��_•..:-:. IJ . SER,VI(,E -•-Services condticteri a.ccord'- ' ing to your viii§hes at your • Home, your . Church,.- '6r 'it .our Memorial Chapel at no ' additional charge. ' • AMBULANCE SERVICE • Phone 181, Lucknow • "A Complete 'Feed Torr Growing Pigs" CO-OP HOG, GROWER is a complete feed for,' growing pigs from 0 lbs. to • i30-140 lbs, CO-OP HOG- GROWS ,..w' • or R can be fed in feederi s can be slop -fed. tri .either ,method,. the pigs require. fresh water :,at all times. • . • Every litter of pigs shouldbe wormed at least 'once, pre' feraby twie, : rigs should' b'e wormed first •at',10 weeks of .age. D''•; '4444 ,,►.:.: .. ii cu. s the _Coro �.�. �. _.... : 'ohe ... .. p ti arrnmg-�I'rogram.. with � one of tilt-, local Co-op' employees in your area—You'll be glad you did. Y CO.OP HOG GROWER is well fortified with Vitamin P e7T'S'i�""�'�. _ 4'also-contains 44... _444_4_ _..___ Vitamin e• strong` -honed .pigs. Ii also-contai7n•s a-..balanceLef._.. "essential minerals, 'proteins- and other vitamins' so neeessarY to produce' rapid•. economical gains.' , .. • Quality is the keynote ,in all Co-op Feeds, Available in the texture you want. to ghee . best results. - .John Priva Miss for t all•t and .1 ple; the I ple; and Pep Casty " Malo two sent Murc Uniti Marr Unit W.M Brov Mrs. colm •ls� Chri, acts, -.also other the. C.kflOW4iStrICt