HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-18, Page 3WEDNESDAY, ,JAN. 18th, 1955 - • THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO PAGE TITRES I — UC oW UNITED CHURCH Minister;, • ' Rev. G. A. Meikle john, B.A•,, B.U. . ' • SUNDAY, . JANUARY- 22nd, '10,00 a.m.: Church School.' �. 11.00: a•M; "The Will of GoO i Admission. of Elder • �. '.7.00 pan: "Beginning with God". �ocafi�- enera Mrs. A.'. E. McKim • is in. Tor- onto this week attending 'the January Executive of the Can- adian. 'Council, Girl Guides As- sociation. • Mrs, Harvey Treleaven of Lon- don- was a, visitor last week with Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Irwin. 13 Mr. and 'Mrs. Gordon Steward and son '.Bruce of London visited duringthe week=end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Steward: •- • • Gladys Kilpatrick of . Victor.a. "°�''''' „ ..�.- , .�..•....,�......! Hospital, London, wasa week- '1 .end„ visitor with cher assents Mr. ' L11EkI10W p , ..' ; 1. "and '.Mrs: John Kilpatrick. n Cha. rh• ra Presby#.er .r We are informed that Godes; •• ich stores are riot • open . either Rev. Wallace McClean , Friday or Saturday nights at Minister ii' present. • !. SUNDAY,' JANUARY 22nd 11.0. 0 a.m.; Morning Worship. 112.1:5 p.m.; Sunday' School: i T • 2.00 p.m: Dungannon • 7.00 p.va.: Evening' Worship. • Annual Meetings Thursday,, 2.00 p.m;, Dungan. non., ,, now: Monday, ? 30-C.GLT:. Monday, "8 30-4P.S:' • Luck - LOCAL . RESIDENT; . WON. $200 CROSSWORD :PRIZE. • Ralph'..,Pagan was ,.pleasantly .surprised, last 'Wednesday when • informed• :that, he had won/4260 in;. a,crossword . puzzle ;contest sponsored by The , Free Press }Ie had thea, perfect answer to purple No. 84. Ralph .has been a ` regular entrant in the series :of contests: Mr. Pagan. -came to ' Lucknow two years . ago, and has • since been. associated •withhis son -in, law Gerald Rathwell in the op. enation of.. the - S.., • C. Rathwell and. Son•. Shoe Store. . 1n answer to a query by a •Free . Pres 'reporter.,.. Ralph is quoted:, "I. intend to' spend a lot '.'.of it in 'ni.y garden and the bal • EfiE1. a FOR BRIDE -ELECT, Friends, and neighbors gather- ed in Holyrood Hall Thursday, evening, January 12th, to honor the bride -of -the -month, ' Mi s. :s Shirley Colwell^ Mrs. Wm. Eadie was chairlady for a short, program which con- sisted of solos; 4by Mrs. Jack Hewitt • and Sharon' O'Donnell, readings by Mrs. HOward Harris and Mrs.. Tom Hodgins • :and eon-. tests by . Mrs.' Rays °ard Ackert and Mrs:'.Morgan Johnston and an inatrurriental'�by-'Mrs. William Scott. • Mrs. Max Bushell called', the bride -elect to a nicely ,decorat- ed chair arid read ' the address, :Shirley was:.assisted by Mrs. Currie. Colwell and Miss: Shirley Hamilton , in opening ' the many Well Henderson underwent an. beautiful gifts. She made a fits - operation in Victoria Hospital, :ting . reply inviting everyone to on Wednesday . -of lastweek. her hone . to 'see her trousseau; . _ Murray Couse' underwent sur- A11: joined in . singing "For she's gery • at Victoria Hospital; Lon- a jolly good fellow', and • a. dainty: 'don, the latter part of the week. lunch was served. Mrs. Ernest Snowden (Caro- Holyrood, Ontario; lyn Humphrey) of West Wawa -January 12; 1956. nosh,' returned. home. last Thurs Dear Shirley: • day from Victoria Hospital, say. "all the 'nice girls where' she had"been. hospitalized love a sailor" but we are .happy following,`�an 'operation: to' know that, of all, those nice working. ine Blind ..River Algoma' fallen in love with. our . ,Shirley. Uranium. Mines, is 'a visitor with So tonight, we your .._ friends; his. mother, Mrs T. I' Wall ` ' have : gathered to express our ,Mrs Robert Hamilton, T3oun- good wishes, before you ..set sail. dary West, underwent ari .opera-' on •this new sea --the sea of Mat - :, tion : at Victoria Hospital,. Lon rimony. . don, on Friday. It is a sea, of calm and storm • Miss Elizabeth MacDonald, as- but you have a good pilot. and sistant at Dr. Little's dental of v e feel sure that apart from •the Lce, is: ,ill with pneumonia. smooth and ,pleasant sailing,: you will both surmount, any. waves Mrs..P. M Johnston has been of difficulty ..and come up srnil-• a ..: patient° in Wingham',, Hospital ' since 'the' New Xear•' mg... . Art. Baker :and Lloyd Collins • When you were •at ,horne, Shir- ley, ed to left last week on a , we: all enjoyed' your neigh - of • • Kenzie ' is ,ill now, since you .are. not going. _to Mrs W. L. Mac move so very lar . away,. that' we at: her'. home with pneumonia. .win •.00ten have you''drop" 'in' on Marriage teaches a man thrift ; us because we. will. always be and other. virtues ,he didn't -need interested in you. when he was single. Please 'accept. 'these `'gifts as .a token . of' our affection, for our very•.. best wishes' for, your 'hap- piness go with them.. Signed on behalf of all •your "friends, . Hilda' Ackert; Mildred Bushell: town borlyr" visits and; .we hope than. . motor tap `to Florida. ance will giveme enough ,money: -to buy trout hooks •.to keep Har- vey Webster ear-vey''Webster(a fishing pal) sup- plied all 'summer".. atikIegs" —011-11011111E—HEATERS "WITH EXCLUSIVE ELECTRIC eep No mat'chei needed! All you do is " turn the dial. Electric SELF -Lighter lights your heater. lights your a� • plumbing, cleating, '{�iririg' lavetroaui''inc nn "Ph (MO ..,) 444.6,04''''' From ,Thursday, Jan. 12th to:.Jan, 28th • Oddments Stock Clearances Specials • BLOUSES MEN'S JACKETS • ' Colors .arid sizes, including All lined jackets andcoats: crepe, nylon,' cotton, reg. to . - 20% OFF .•$595. • To' clear $1.00 • HOSIERY Clearances and special ny- lon, lfsle, ball Weights, colors 'and lengths,. • Regular to $1.75 for 69c' 1$rassiers $1.00 • Girdles • , .., - ',, $2.00. Cora,eilettes - .. $4.00 Towels ,.. • 59e, 2 for $1.00 Gowns, real buy. . •,,$2.00 FLETTE SHIRTS for 'Boys Sizes '6 to 16 20% OFF: • WOOL SPECIAL— Nylon reinforced , 29e -- 4 for. $1;00 .-.MEN'S TROUSERS 20% Mff Every ..Pair Cotton HOUSEDRESSES Stock' oddments, .& samples, r•,-.1'2 to 20, 38 to 50. Regular to:• ' To, Clear •. $2.98 .CARDIGANS Nylon, wool,' colors, 12-2.0 $2.45 • 1. 0 0 Headsquares$ • Handbags, colors • . $200.- Children's Stockings . • .69 DRESSES $5.00 COATS .:... • $28:00 SKIRTS :......$4.00 SLIPS ..$1.00 PANTIES, 2 for $1. Many' Reduced: Items Not ` Listed ae.rsa ies'' and Ms n'. Wear Fashion Mi 'PONE 85,. LVCKNOW • • And -one visitor. Mrs. M. Johne ston was in ` charge • with the. • theme hymn, ; folloiwed by • the 'scaripture: , reading .by ' Mrs..Glen Walden. •Mrs. E. Wont • led- in • .prayer., 'The. report of the'; three • Group meeting .was given, by Mrs.• E. Taylor: Members. are .. p< ' asked touring in patch . work GIRL . ,GUIDES NOTES [blocks Committees were - Pl?o18"x20" to the next meet-- �'M . appointed • `ito look after the programand There were sixteen 'Guides Social for rein -114u_ 3rd. Mrs. present ..at . the • meeting last Fri- Sproul .took charge of: the fol-• day. .'evening.. Both, Guides : and ,Brownies appreciate that . they have heat in thesouth wing so that they can play active games and square: dance.: At the business section • the Guides decided unanimously "' to thanks" to the hostess Lunch WUITECHURCH sponsor . the local . campaign • for ...thanks by the stets ttee m: • ' • ' • __: _the `March �of Dimes"' When the` charge.. The February meeting,, Whitechurch Women's, Institute ' , collection boxes a r r ii.v a the ,wil1'ibe held. 'at the home Of 'Mrs. , The January' Institute. meeting Guides will be around seeing A. MacNay.:' was held at ' the ,, home of Mrs the merchants and putting the /• George' Fisher on . after foxes =in :the stores. •LADY FORESTERS RECEIVED noon with twenty ladies .present ,Mr. Umbach came. at 8 30 and NEW :• MEMBER MONDAY In the absence' 'of the president;gave 'final • practice for the :.. the ;1st viee.Mrs.. Fisher, presid- � Campfire Singing. Badge The The January meeting .4f the ed:� The meeting was opened by meeting . closed with Traps. • Lady Foresters was. held in the singing th nsstittDie and re= iD Wasaniloutrced that ,..prizes; =Aux4liaxy. Rooms=.pn-MVtonday ev peating the Mary. Stewart COI- would be. given for tests. . pass- ening • with Mrs: . Joe Wasney , lett. Mrs: Chas. Shiellread the ed and to the first patrol which,' presiding Mrs. 'Mildred" Leader. Minutes` of the December • meet= had • all its Guides .Second Class received the ,obligation and was ing and the correspondence.: Welcomed Guides:. Welcomed into' the • Court •; lengthy letter ..from ' Mrs. Mc severalcommittees o Tal teeswere ' ' ap-.• Fhat'ter was read as well as Group 1 Women's"'AssociationMrs; pointed: yl res •igned as. • thank you notes 'from..Mrs: 'Don-' ''' The . Johnston -Houston 'Group treasurer . and Mrs. Short 'was' met• at the home • of Mrs. Geo. . elected' to' take over this• position:.. old Ross,. Frank M>.11er; Plans ' . Mr Hunter .was: chosen to re - on Made .for a . short , courseWednesday, January s. Elliott. won attendance. of 15, place Mrs:. Short as auditor.' • on "An. Ounce of'Prevention" to 1•1tin, 'with. an.: .. _ be held..January 25th , from 10 a.xr:; to 4 'p:m: in. the Memorial. Community Hall, • It , was decided to extend' ' an • invitation to St. Helens Institute! to --attend. Any lady.' is welcome to this free course. 'Bring _,amour own • lunch and tea willbe provi'ded^ by ;the hostesss. Mrs. W: ` R. Farrier provided accompaniment on the piano "for 0 Canada, - The More •We Get Together- and 0 God our Help in Ages Past, which. inter r :persed the.:program. Mrs Rus sell Gaunt gave .the Matto ,on 'It • taken. courage • and a strong right, arm, to face' the future on a .farm". :Irish,' reading `, wa give • by Mrs. A.' •McQuillin and' Mrs:, Alex RRol rtson and Mi s. Gordon McBurney sang '"When this Moon •dines over the Moun tai:u"..Current events were read 1 by Mrs.. Wal-i:r o-irn •-incl -till topic "Canada to mo" was given' .. by Mrs. Alex Robertson .The roll call ,which was quite amus- ing was answered 'by "Animal sounds". The meeting Was closed bythe national anthem after. hleh:�.the ladies naunred to' watch tli' mea` `c'e fi Alfred Locltr:'idge on :M'Lady. Towing ..program: musical, nurn--' ober; Mrs.. J. Allin; guest speak- er, Miss. D. MacLeod; ' reading, Mrs. Little; -reading, 'Mrs.. Hous- ton; :contest,. Mrs. Zprou1. Mrs;. ;Glen • Walden . moved a vote;of a • IFr1i,rrh� OQ �1 �H�il.ia d� —!: FANCY- SOCKEEX i AYLMER TOMATOES.... I ' CAKE a'nd• PASTRY '.'Vely 4.. 20 lbs', . PORK AND BEANS 20 417.', DOG' FOOD . . fiIG .. I lAP�.0 � IIENE 1 11). . FLOUR, D. or 45e 2 f�r37c. $Tf�r ,25e 'honey 91 •Luc now y .ilik,,iY. tvi•Oar•+«rw .t.s.d�i 1, w iiii••*� ►eM•.r•n.w.:iY.•q!14ora.....u•er.....r,r ovir•,lir •;. .4� A • r: • r 1 nL