HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-18, Page 26 • • Fx•. kk PAGE TWO ciruRCH CHANNELS January is the month Of annual meetings. ,The churches' will be hearing ,financial. 'and statistical reportsfar .the ' e past y ear and 'of- ' ticers ','will. `be' eleeted'" for. the coming year. In most cases. the reports will be favorable, 'poss- ibly ,with some difficulty new of- ficers will f=ficerswill be found .and we shall settle back to a comfortable routine, till .next January reps, around. • We wonder if, • the: following statistics will be given. The num- ber -of souls saved, ,thea number lost,the number ,of families that • have left the fellowship. of , the Norval .Stewart; treas., Mrs. El - r .arch, the' number of inactive• mer Osborne; cor: 'sec., Mrs. Alex 'families and individuals on the McTavish; Christian. stewardship, .., 'end - rolls, : the,:ziumber of.shut-ins and 'Mrs. 'Orville Finlayson; Fri sick visited ' by the visiting ,core- ship, Mrs: Walter Dexter; Mis_ mittee of the church, the. fare- sionary.'.Monthly sec., Mrs.Har. • THE LVCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNOW, ONTARIO church themselves', 'how many at- tend a weekly 'prayer meeting, how many . families have a fam- ily altar daily, how many "have come to the minister seeking. spiritual help,, or help in scrip- ture understanding, how many of the church officials. visited the •hgmes of-newfamilies, Wel; coming ,thein into the , f el°lowship, how ,many stayed home in com- fort, while the .active devoted -few :conducted . the Lord - bust- ness. , In . short, just^ how spirit 'ually active is , the church,. 'and: how strong . is its witness in . the t. • rn i eom un y . LOC AL LADY • HEAD _ OF P.RESBYTERIAL'' . At the annual meeting of the Maitland Presbyterial of the W.M.S. 'held. -in SI Andrew's church, Wingham, on January 10th, presided over by Mrs,- Mor- gan Henderson of Lucknow,; the following officers were -elected: press, Mrs. ; Morgan Henderson`; tune, Wingham; 2nd vice pies., `tune; Wingham 2nd vee _pres ,. Mrs. Farish ' i,Vlof.fat,, R. 3, , Tees - water; 3rd, vice pres. Mrs, . Jack Fisher' Lucknow;, 4th. vice pies., erland q Mrs, George. Sut ,R.R.• Ripley; 5th vice pres., Mrs. W-' L. Olivet . W.M.S.. Speir.; .tress;, Mrs.' D. R. MacKen- The January meeting was. held zie, R: 3, 'Lucknow; secretaries: at the home of Mrs. Melvin Coll_' recording, Mrs. Alvin Mundell,. ing, who opened the .. meeting.. R. 2, - Wingham; : corresponding,. with a New Years message: Rev. Mrs. Allan McAuley, Ripley;':'Sr. D. A. . Brydon installed the fol- Auxiliaries, . Mrs. Allan" McAul- lowing' slate of officers:. .honor- ey, Ripley; Evening Auxiliaries,, ary, pres., Mrs. Melvin 'Ceiling; Mrs. T.. English. of Wingham; pres. • Mrs. Herb Clayton,; vice Young Women and Girls groups, pies., Mrs. Ross Black; sec., Mrs.. Mrs.. Bernard Thomas,, Bluevale; Children'•s groups, . Mrs: Perry Hodgins, R. 1, Holyrood; .Liter- ature and Library, Mrs... D:.Gra- ham,. raham,: R. 5, Lucknow;.'Glad Tid- ings, 'Miss M:: B. McLeod, Luck-. .now, press," rs. D. C. Matheson, ups_el�• esu .:ly, rs._ C -Steel, .. ,,,, • Te'eSWa r,': ,ship,': Mrs. Reuben Wilson, 11 3,. Goderich; historians, Mrs. A. Maclntyre, R. 6, •Lucknow, and Miss Iva Carr, Dungannon; Home Helpers, `.Mrs.: ,S Robin- son, Gorrie; members without: portfolio, Mrs.: Guthrie Reed. of Teeswater, Mrs. Bird of. Kincar- dine, Mrs. 'John .Cairnpbell of, Molesworth, Mrs, Eldrid : Nichol of . Bluevale, 'Mrs. Gorge `Mac Donald .of. Molesworth; • Students; Mrs. 'R. C. ..McwKenzie, •'. Kin- sardine, . ' WEDNE PA'y, JAN; cath, 195ei .. •�- .1 OBITUARY • ERNEST GARDNER. Funeral services for Ernest Gardner, a lifelong resident of, Ashfield Township, Were held at the ,McLennan -MacKenzie M m- orial Chapel : on • Wednesday m t conducted: by Rev, G. A. Meikle - john. ,Interment was in Green- hill' Cel'}'fetery .where fellow members of Zion Orange Lodge Wok part in' the committal . ser'' __charge of Chas,::. McDon- ald, Master; ,RobertYons,•' _ cha lain • and EldonMiller,: de- i:A&1 . �y '^tx'�5GSF .r:,•• . A .. , .. ,. p .s'TeWt'm� nld .,s thechurch Alv-elfarecommittee 'Walter 'Black; supply, 'Mrs. "4'V.al- • the •: number ' of friendly '• visits ter Roulston auditor, .Miss Mary �.Mr s. • ;made to ;the 'parsonage, •how Raulston;. ' organist, Ross .. many have 'offered; their time Black; Baby: Band leader, Mrs: talents for God.' and ' the'Melvin . Coiling;' Mission • Band ` and• • church ° .not 'waiting to be asked, leaders,. Mrs. ,Robert Osborne y ho many'. have' refused'. to act and ;Mrs:. Alvin Harnilton; Mis- 'When asked to •assume;. some . sionary and : Maintenance, Mrs. duty,' how .much money;John McCharles' and Mrs:; Jack, chinch y,'Nlrs. • is tied up in. church organize- McGuire, Willing : tions when the need for mission.. John Coiling, ,Mrs. ..Oliver , Mac- ary -funds is u alwa s..so great, Charles, Mary °Roulston and. Mrs:' Y. ;how many have 'refused' to act Douglas Henry; finance tenth, commit - is give a` th, proportion tee, Mrs:... Orville: Finlayson, Mrs: - what of • the. `financial potential of Ebner ' Osborne, • Mrs. Howard. •churcheo le is 'actually given Henry, ;Mrs: Donald, McTavish & p P for .the ••Lord's. work, .how. 'many Mrs Horlb..Clayton ,.. Hymn 363. a active ',in secular con'imlliiity -was-sun+g o-1 ed by --pia, re'nizations,' yet' have no time Mrs; Oscar. • White. -gave. a' very ga Y for the' church, how, many fam- interesting. review 'froth: : the ilies in Lucknow have no church study. book, "No Vanishing'.' Race": connection, how : many• children' Scriptures were read' by. Mrs. El - are sent to Sunday ,Sc'hooi by mer' Osborne, Mrs. Alex McTav-. parents who .are ` not attending Pallbearers were • Lorne. , and . 'Untold Gardner,: ' � ti td ner a rd :G , Svan ` Gardner; Bill Helm, ;Lorne Wall. and" Har vey Ritchie. • Mr. Gardner had been , ill for only a• couple, of days; and- his passing .came unexpectedly at the home of his son, Jim Bard ner of Lucknow, - with whom he has resided for, over-theee years, Ernest was born in. the Zion • community on April, 18th, 1878. He , was a son of William . T. Gardner, :Sr.,` and Catherine Mc.: Donagh.' His father came to . Ash- field as a lad of 12, some ninety yeo. He was left W.ith a- y oug: fmily . of three sonseand died dugher, when his, wife• La:rsrka: i 3 Y ,"*v* ±a `rGardner ; of Wingham is •the. only one of :that family who survives: 'Ernest was, predeceas ed ; by a brother, Wm.. T. Gard-. ner in' December 1948. • and a sister, rMr, . , R. E:. Finlay. (Eva): of 'Saskatoon in., 1944: • .Ernest was . of a quiet upas- ;;ruining .nature . and held...in es- teem by .all who knew him. -His Wife, the foimer.Marion Ritchie, daughter . of'Mr. -and .Mrs 'James• E. Ritchie, , predeceased him •.in. 1949: A. son Cecil, died in Novem- Der 1951. 'Gardner is . survived by nnp' son, Jameq, of Lucknow; and. 'a daughter Marion, Mrs.' Glen' Tasker of Greenwood, Nova, Scotia •REV... W, :J. EC,CLESTON•, • The Rev. William •John Eccle-' Ston; a former 'Anglican riission- dry among Ontario , Indians' and , a , Western. 'Ontario ' clergyman since 1912, died 'Sunday, , January 9th. ..at Parkwood Hospital', I,on : don, in' his 97th'year: ' Mr. Eccleston came to Huron Diocese. in 1912• aid served at Granton until 1.916, then: at Lucknow • until: 1921, and f roin 1921. ..until 1925 at Glanworth. At Lucknow'` he was preceded by •Rev:.. Ad Richardson .'and follow= ed by Rev. Harry Bruce. He 'spent the last five of his minist y, 1925-30, 'at. 'Oh'sweken, with three churches,. at _Six Nat_ ions, n: fan " eserve near: Brant- ford., Although officially' retired he, ministered for three years af- ter 1930 at Princeton. "Did° Supply Duty' Until ill" health prevented it; he assisted at St James (West ininster) Anglican Church •and supplied for other` clergymen 'as well after 'coming to London,: where. he. lived at 168 Bruce St. Before coming to that :district he spent' about: 12: , years . in the Algorna,I�iocese, at St. Joseph's Island and Manitoulin Island, where- he, served, district parish es and .two •i'hission and three Indian day sch�ioois, • and , Indians.• of :the 'Sucker, Creek area christ- ened .him. "Sahwahsageezic", : or "Bright Sky'';. and,his wife: 'sOk enebegogua", or "Wild Rose". Married in 1889; he- was pre- de,ceased by his wife,'the -form er Mary E. Taylor of. Detroit, only. last June: The ,cotip°1'e had no children and there .are ho sur'-' r,ivors, • Mr.. Eaeleston" was' born. �' in Kent, England, came to`, Canada. rr --71$20,-•-_gradua'tea: _ from' Wy.�' cliff°. College, Tor5nto, in, 1$94: poem "This New' Year" and Miss Be-th McTaizi5h favored with 'a solo. The. meeting '•closed with' the . ,W.M.S benediction. • Lunch. was served by the, hostess and group , in charge. . A • vote' of thanks ; was • moved by Mrs: ish, Mrs:. Howard Henry read a Sandy McCharles. ` ' Ery's. Cocoa, Vs lb.. tin -lefty' 'Crocker Cake Mies, 20• az 'S 'T Breeze Blue or White 0 giant Lux Liquid Detergent, • large.. ' Lux Liquid Detergent, 'giant • 43.c•, -3-3ee -- BLU -AND GOLD -P 81c Fancy, 15 oz. tins 2 ifot. 31c 41e $1e Sunlight •LatT idry Soap ;-Bars ........ `2 for 23e Lux Toilet ,. Soap ......... 3` reg: 27c, 2 bath 27c SurF, ••large; 39e — Surf; giant, Ile Lifebuoy" Soap .. s'..,, 3 reg. 29c; .2: bath 29c Clover. Leaf Tuna, Fish, •Mt tin 37c Red Seal Cohoe Saimon,2. tin .....: ' • 36c Hawes Wax, lb, tin • 53c. Aylmer Peas, 20 oz,: tin : . 25c ,Aylmer Pumpkin, 20 oz do .•..:. `2"for 31c Libby's Saner 'Kraut; '28: 02: • 19c . • • • Sweet-. Treat :Pineapple Juice,, 20 oz.,. 2 for 27c�`��^ Chicken varieties.- Campbell's Soup,'; 10 oz. . 2 for • 35c . • Campbell's. Soups,tomato; vegetable,' 10 oz. . '2 for 25c Libby's Sliced Pineapple, 20 oz. 34e Libby's Mixed. Vegetable's, 15 oz. .•..,....,11c Swift's Prem, 12 oz. tin '39e • Green Giant Niblets Corn, 14 oz. tin, 2 for 3'7c Gold Medal Krunchee Peanut Butter, 16 oz. ice box jar, 37c R. & W. Evaporated Milk, tall tins 2 for 25c TOMATO JUICE, ancy' glade, 48 oz. 7c •. DEEP BROWN BEANS Libby's, 20 oz. - 2 for 39c • COOKED SPAGHETTI , Libby's, 15.oz. 2 for 25c AYLMER .TOMATO CATSUP 11 oz. bottle .' 2 ` for 39c. BIRD'S EYE I'ANBL, range J"u"ice, 6 oz. tins :...,......,..: 2 for41"6 Turkey :Pies, 8 oz. ,pkgs. 38e French Fries, 9 oz. pkgs. • 2 for 41c • Green Peas, 12 oz. pkgs. , , 27c FRESH FRUIT and . VEGETABLES SunNkist Oranges, ripe, juicy, 288's., doz. 39e McIntosh Apples, crisp, fancy, 6 qt. basket 59c New Green Cabbage, solid, heads, : lb. 10c Cauliflower; fresh, ner` spring crop= - Attractive price Celery; crisp, tender, new'erop, size 48, 2 bunches ......... .... ...,..:,. 25e • ed f3 White Food Store MONUMENTS. , SKELTON MEMORIALS WALKERTC N We Are the only nlalnufac- ture�rs.-in-t_his' part 9f Ontario -. hi 11 ' Class: `rnonunients Of B.. who import granite. from the Old. -Count y in the..rough by 'the carload and process from . the rough le the finished monument.. No ; .middleman. When choosing a monument '.conte and see one of •the largest ,selections in. ,Ontario. Established over sixty Years. Write or phone Walkerton:8'.' •and reverse'charges. SKELTON MEMORIALS. • WA RF RTON L E TOR 'HEALTH" UNIT -.INS P C SPOKE . AT: W,L MEET1NGi "Home' Economics;; and Health" was the theme of .the January. meeting;,which. was held in the Recreation Centre, Mr. Cooper, the health inspector, was the special speaker, and 'told :of •'the wkrk of the health' office: and staff -and • also• how easily:food :can becorne..posoned Mrs: Jcte MacMillan moved... a !vote •: of thanks to Mr:: Cooper. The scripture lesson :was. talc.-. • en by -Mrs., Ed Thorn, and a duet Eby.. Mrs. Philia MacMillan and .. •'Mrs. Hall :was every much'. en j�oyed. A.talk on, "Health" given` by:Mrs. A. Sutherland.0 The current events, prepared by. Mrs. McGill, were read. `by Miss Mary= •.MacLeod: A : solo by anise. Jamieson' acdom�panied by. Mary. Allin= and a •piano : solo b. y Karen Wasney were all ,.greatly enjoyed. During the. business it, was;.decided to send •.a donation, to the delegate :that is going to Ceylon arid plans ; Were:. made' for ` a `card ,.party . to. be held:'•:n • February: • • ' Many - le'tters. of. thanks .' ead''from-those who had • z c ceived 'Christmas cheer • -boxy. from_,,' the' , Institt.ite Follow i n the •Queen,,, Grace was sung and the' hostesses • in •charge ser�•c �a -ltrrtcl. United ,Church Mission Band The United Church' !land Band •opened: their. meeting by 'Singing the:'Mission 'Band hymn. ., and "Just. As ';I Ain". Carolyn' Mathers. read.the 'scripture f91 lowed by. a 'prayer. by Patricia Thompson.' C.a r o i y n Mather played a, . piano •solo. • Louise Jones, •. Barbara' : Rathwell, M arY Murdie and Dawn Stewart' sang. - "Jesus Loves Me'. .Mary ,A1lin read the minu..tes • of 'the last meeting, 'The,ineeting closed by "repeating the Mission 13 a n d: .Promise, • ' t$lack-Henderson , Group The January.meeting of Group III of the' W.A, - of 'the . United el -lurch was held on Wedtu sday afternoon at 'the -home -of Mrs. - McKim, + Mrs.. • Henderson pt esid- ed for' ,the opening" exercises., Thank •'you letters were read. from Mrs: McIionald,. Mr's. 'Rich- ards and Mrs: Mac ay. Mrs. Black took the scripture t c'R•td- rig---iiid`"Mi .7 J" 1HaIrcfatalga- with • a solo.. Plans Were ce ntreli ALCOHOh SPEA 'Iri`th'etheatre. on 'the radio, Olt the signboard, in papers. and e magazines. . ' '/ say -what 1 am paid to Say: Ir the .laborateryr •Ir+ the,wre:eked automobile, le the city jail,, • '•-i- a De�iVet'y . In the veins' theraker, Phone 26Fre • i drinker, r�y� .y� .4%-4,;..1 h' 1'�ly�t'`'0ti'�4}'tih�r"fit•' {' 4 k' �2+k-� .4'�i'V" 4"`''hh�^� . - - .,� a.`u"`h�.h t'� 41..��'`ti�tyty.� • • ti; fon the ;congregational suppr r A concert• was discussed of 'v'•ariety.. program forsome ` ,1The in '-rt it also a play, Mrs. K C anjr 1 L�rl, Mrs, B. Roach. and Mrs, h. 11 X 11 ards .are to look after this, It. was , decided ' to have birthday'• jars again. Mrs. K,' Carneron and Mrs. ^.McKim 'entre interesting reagin • s~ 'Me meetirt • crlosE.d wr h a ynn and mizpa x'i1' suction A social •period was hell • and., a vote.; of thanks given 10. f hrw hostess. 0 . UN SUN 110,00 11.09. '•7.00 S'U.. !:11.00 12.15 3.00 7.00 Thur. 'Mon' on i.• L Al SOC • Ralf surpris • inform in, a, sponse pule a ` rem of tor Mr. two y been law ' eratie ad 'E. In •Fico', quote of it