HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 7WEDNESDAY, JAN, 11th, 148 run Theatre WIN+C HAM,•. ONT. Thursday, Friday, SaturdaOr JANUARY 124344 pean Martin,; 'Terry' Lewis in "AT WAR WITH . : - THE ARMY The ;funny, antics : of Martin. and Lewis as'they take On the- T7S•,AY, Matinee 'Saturday Afternoon. at 2.00 pin. MondaY, ;'Tuesday, Wednesday MNUARY 164.7-18 Uu nphrey Bogart, '.Ado Ray, Peter . Ustixiov, • i • n' WE'RE NC? ANGELS•, A • diverting off -beat `com- edy eentreing around, three' convicts who escape. l.r o to Devil's Island. • : CARD: OF THANKS On :behalf of the patients in to take this opportunity of :th'ank- ing those' ,who sent •Christmas j° gifts:- to the •Kairshea Women's, Institute 'fon` the' lovely turkey they' sent, to Messrs., John and 'ban :MacKinnon who.: also sent a' lovely big' , turkey, to Mr. and •Mrs..Cyril, Brown: of the Luck- .now,Fruit Market for their.don- ev ation.' of fruit and to. Mr, a'nd • Mrs. Ernest. Ackert' for' their do- nation i ice' cream These kind acts were deeply. appreciated and will long 'b ..remembered:'by all; Thanking you all . again' and '.:a Very. happy.;.New . Year to ever , Grace and 'E1l.ivtt Carruthers.• is'n' • t TRE WCKNO t%rSEI`TTINEL, Lu cKN'c w, C I TARIQ padded out to the' ltitchen .and poked': around in. the.. ,f'rig_..for something tempting , . settled. for some bread'. and butter spread thickly with good thick tomato • bar • 3 and apple ,catsup.; It went right to the spot.. r • ROSEMARY'. THYME had our New Year y +Ila oration last night, friexids''to din. - January lst -� ppy New I•ner' and .people dr Year. to You. all, °plaing ir# It will be a 'bit •'late . in ,reach, Fg you,: but none, the Iess hearty. • ride Y evening is my dead ine (celebrating) __and since.:thi is Sunday, and .1 -feel sure that , I shall not' be .able . to " p ersuad . anyone to o. out to p e lao$t, this to n fight, it won't get on' is' way Until tomorrow, And :so the holiday season 'is, alni.ost over. Itrhas been a beau tiful• Christmas and New Year— enough snow for • m s, but ideal roads and weather � France..A bat con goes rnucth. harder than through the evening to • wisi} us all a happy .new .year. The rect- or . came . -while we were having coffee and dessert, and we ling- ered at the table! in the candle.. light, talking, : of other days- and: other Customs. Christmas always, stirs ' one's Memories. 'We "were - the only Canadian•,borns... ; ,all, •the,°cullers were born. in England and when they speak of 'flowers w ase rs which bloom in the 'Bout whole •I would 't k h• at but a .bite off each should assure Christmas ti,rne, they don't mean us of a few happy 1: Florida or ,California,' they. . mean ' . Sora tiP.months. • a white Christ- the south of : �e mes-'.writing th .a column a f ar er others.-... 1.1 'PAGE 8EVF N' ''h _ eveto shows. Each, Night' at 7.301 -Saturday . M,ar tete at � ,30 y, �'rida �talrday, Janu�►r7 13#� 1 4,th ` • -JOE .. BROWN; �' ,.,� „Y,.r.,,• . aHU'' DIG QUTH" You' h laughter. il•-�rock wit' l g er. at ..T'oe's antics in' this hila ' rri • : xtous comedy. Its a scream that the whole family• will enjoy, ...�G►Y.,�rnw�r�uY,.A.a..l.u�,+AlLu.:p..+r+.r..:1�oA,y ' - ,:. • _ x ' +�,•--,--=+ �.. '"'ry"r,"!�,+k�M+�w rr�wN,D,.wr�.w.o;1q,,,,,Y��`' n, now ..•. using 'to us ; but thou, l♦ l,or, today it wouldn't Conditions, at least, for those of ids would be toot perk!. g usin Western 'Ontario, Our lit- meant to 'write one on thoughts tie' town .has ., such a Christmas The rector, recezitiy out from for a new year, and h d enough card` 'look,. about it England is John's Seoutmaster, material in •my mind this .morn- , its, cn.any and..ertainty has aing to. u bite ficoses with.: green:. shut -Way • with gdo one on "appreciation" ters, and' roofs, sparkling with. youngsters an .d old peol?lc•, using as. subject material two of snow:- It has: a• nice ,Christmas O lr�thing with .John craw is our last :evening's -guests, the J Y •Its ,lolly good, ,its `jelly' 'E-nglish , '-gentlewarnen'' around` atmo•sphere, too, of friendliness and good cheer, bad, its dolly hot;. it's lolly cold the corner, • affectionately 'knflw I t t n i a ion ' is the sincerest form as 'The Ronourable Aunts" arid' The festive `season. is wonder- :of :.flatter , The. ' i' fol while it• lasts, but aren't you'old y rector s•� 4 -yearn- , since Y 'have.felt fclt so deeply this always a' tort „glad a err • it small 'daughter" is more than :Christmas season the 'under., is a' little fond of`bne�'ofour-guests; s� i . a d n axed .kindlines ��ix ., , .j > _ �, %.71-,40•6•94, _ e zacin • g s of our its normal stride again? I have frie td's%�, looked upon• so many friend's, , All on hex' own she afbout that:, delicious -1 plates of wrapped' 'a Christmas • parcel Inst. •ad ooking fancy cookies, him, • some candy,afor hand, 'sit ' with my •pencil in shortkrreads; � 'inarzipans,' - mel.: peanuts, ..a d, �I ..and-admYre••the church envelopewe have g way irigues, and'divinity #or''spec al col= . 'just arranged the linin' Y puffs, etc:,, and `::a Tittle ,book: 'en- xoom furniture, ' g etc,, : that 1 became• nunuh With•I titled ''The bhe; oil painting, admiration. One evening when Way ' to ,Salvation .. done .by a friend, which hangs ,w To serve in the. `evening I had made my apple -oatmeal bars, and some thin, rolled..nut cookies,. no- thing' fancy: Mixed nuts Seem- a part. of Christmas; but. usually end up An cookies:. ' Dorothy brought ,some 'delicious' Sc otch shortbread, Some. marzrpans and e. were : going : out .I. skipped. the ening meal;,':so.• as: to be able.. Is Your Subscription Paid?. • to cope with' midnight lunch. I was 'so bewildered 'by the. array of good things that 'I :had .,no de= sire for.any. •'' It'ha�ppened.to be one ' of'. those affairs `where •: cite could wander around' , and say, . grri; er win j You •.know • where the � cans'_of .g e, 1 started the even- l Vienna sausages' are?" "What 'are 'Oh,. thank • you, that was Just Ling' with a small. Christmas cak those/veryfan passed. to Me'? or somethingto of my own,. which `•I h (He CY• pickles ,called .); „ olied, would was r' hat effect, and escape the : cal- see sue thro gh. When' 1 put Mary, I w for a party.) brie -laden go'o�dies. But at 3� a.m., aura the `Christmas .c,"Look, ��'' Z. want some bleu Y• cakes today cheese :g • . where will I find it?' 1 awoke, absb1utel.v • starved. 1 I 'found' I. had . a crock Rin . "Do .You. know where "tire •.ripe to its best .advantage' now, above the desk. • That . brings into my mind tho,ughts of the ,painter friend,.'a young bachelor; follow: ing me, a busy. housewife doing last minute food shopping in a jammed chain store, • asking" Do �+/�..�,i.�/.;%ifi�,�.-�/�i+.�.i,.i�i•�,i=��i:ice'-. •,i����:, •���.�i For the Boy or Girl whose name appears Mast often on .order forms received at . , Lucknow ,(Incubators Now In Operation) • CRAWFORLI'S' HATCHERY • LuckinowOntari : i. - . No. Please Supply the following' Chicks on or about .... • Name r Address 'No, • Bided R;1,It, ii. 11. Rock x B. Rock � Y , 11t Bork '.rsrtsse- R 1 R, x Lx Sussex 'Pt'. :Su,ssex' • J eglaori H. Rook: I,e,horin x Sex-. • (Date) ,. -.-r.,.•-r.rr • Price Per 100 Pullets` ' M;ececi, • Cox....: Pullets Hived pullets • +•xc, Yr xY�,YYxxr. '. xrYY,Y Hoy or .Girl;s: Name I' AIVITIO AL L liVrAVHO1 $28.00 a 4. -i7:0O prices on Request. $28.00 •• • 817;4?') .'Cines` -hitt, 'RequeSL $32.00 TOTAL olives are?" And me; trying to . shop for oatmeal and soap and h r_..nbur"ger! Then I admire the • milk . glass. pieces , my.: husband gave the for Christmpas, arranged on . the desk top aril• I ,chew my amazing (i) umrovementlx'and a', friend to whom: f, 'recently 'gave •' ,the recipe' has, been serving it to everyone eer • since, adding 1 tsp. ground •.. ginger to : the crumbs.,1 haven't tried that yet. Suit yourself .. '; Tier friends take to it kindly. I repeat 'Myself ; . ', A happy' New Year. • KINGSBRIDGE.• (Too Late: fpr : Last .' Week ' rev, Kevin' Sheridan . returned to his home n i Hamilton on Fri- • day after spending Christia�iasr ., holidays. with,his. •m,othe eri an, � Mr and.Mrs. John' Austin, Mr 'and. Mrs. *Jos.: Couirtney. rMi . 'and Mrs.- Con Hogan'.. attended the wedding of their niece, Judge in " Jackson, Mich. t'- • Mr.. and Mrs. Norman. O'Con- nor and •. Patricia,:, also : John; O'C,onnor spent Christmas week,. with . relatives in ''Detroit. • Miss;: ; Mary Sheridan, , John. O'Neill; and, -Maurice ',Bowler �, Toronto,; . Miss • Sharman 'Sinnott and friend, and:. Denny Sinnottr of Detroit, •Miss .Florence Larn- bertus, Miss ,Mary Theresa Marv:. tin .of Hamilton, . Mu,' and Mrs,, Dean of •Ann.. Arbor,.' Mich., and Mrs. Lalonde of Sarnia, Mr anti, Mrs.. Wilbur' Moran, Mr. & Mrs. Alvin Moran, Mr and Ken 'Ray and children of Chat ham •were visitors 'here over the . New. Year Week -end: Mrs . M. Lierman; •Peter and pencil and think of the da Diane visited with, `relatives; "in discovered, • and adored, them in � I:angton durirr•g elle' past week.. �. an antique For shop rn Ju.ly, and':. the first. tune, Rev. -Father how 'himself' : threw, . cold water I Van Vynckt celebrated midni:.ht " on ' them, figuratively speaking, l New Year Mass in this parish and then : bought' them; when ' .T with a large attendance. : wasn't looking, arid _•.gave thein to the friend, who was •with us, to keep for him 'until.'Ci ristmas --and what a surprise' it was to unwrap them. And so, my fine abstract 'thhoughts of •:appreciationand friendly understanding didn't °get. written. ' ' • But ` here, for you; M. Brown the recipe for oatmeal -apple. bars I cup: flour, 'sifted with •1. Mr. and . Mrs.' N...Ferry, and+ daughter Therese . of. Detroit are spending the New Year, holidays with Mr. and Mrs. Earl Drennan and: with the T. J. Drennan fain- ilY i�f Goclerich: The Christmas dance `held lit the parish hall -:was well ,patron- • ized, and a pleasant evening• en- j oyed ..by all: The lovely 'flooar• lamp 'donated by the•Lodge Fun!. eral ffome ; of Goderieh, was 'won. tsp. • salt, ?/ tsp. soda, 1 cttp by .Mr. John •'SY Dalton, i ' th crown sugar. • Miic. with. one cup e oatmeal. Cut in .: 2 cup shorten- ing until . crumbly; spread half the mixture. in 7 x "II 'inch bake 'dish. Cover with 2% cups apples, cut as yott would for pies,. or perhaps a bit finer; cut, .Y2. cup granulated sugar; let with Nit - ter. Cover . with ,r a •m .a n.. i n g drab* which took' place ' at, r midi night. . , ; Mr. Thos. Wallace' returned his home here after a .month's Visit in Flint, Mich.. ' Mr, and . Mrs. Jos. Garvey ancl'«. family . of Toronto were recent~ visitors 'here, and also 4isited. 'with ,Thos. Garvey" who is still crumbs, Bake in moderate oven' ( seriously :111 in Goderich Ifospi 40 to. 45. min. That is the original tai. . recipe ,. a . experiment shows that Mr, and 'Mrs. Walter.. Clare .chopped• candied —or_-`,presel vee pent-aNew-Yeaars--wi-tl~r--th•e--Rye-,• ginger, added to the apples is an Tamil' YatChesl 4,.....-7,----0...n..�a----rYrari,.r„i4;rj-t At , Theatrer0.4.04.00•04.00 ,+r••T.rw 1 ' -./ r ; - .Park 'r!!trece� Monday & Tuesday Only, . Jaixttary 1G & 17 at Reguls 'Prices ' AL .r.r ,.Yrrr. ltiyer's+ Signature N John Deka, !Nana Lynne and Kevin MacCartlty in "NAVY AIR PATROL" A Technicolor Surier-Aetion Sea Story. Wed.-Thurs Vrt-Sat;, Jan. to' 21-w-4:ea day Award eclat The p.:cfurd everyone has been der'na.r:+lhng±' 'GING CROSBY, GRACE T ELL'..'& -WILLIAM 110LI N —"'THS rOUN 'ICrtIR '" • Admission Prices: Lowest in Canada for this Attraction• • • %Adults 60 cents — Children 20, cents See ka new 'Bing in his greatest since "Going ;t'Vt + Way" l ammo L"The Silver Chalice" ... ' Chalice" Cin emascope and. !Color 64,S40.041•004,401.44,14. •40,10410.4miciwowoosi4.4.000.940m104*.6;illidmkprooima to sC atest lovies---1n fir-Goridltioned4tOin: • • r, A� y' r., • • • 1 , • 11 } • r � , ,�yyamjj. 4•: •''6