HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 6#.
otestant Indians in Brit-
The Tanuary meeting of the
Woman's .Missionary Society Af-
e United
A ANOSN Q calls, 5,00, Nortrian"" McP
ternoon Atiiciliary .of t11
,Church met in the Church Fel- neries: In British; Columbia the
lowship Room. The •P s of ' ct-
president, Indians enjoy the. rights
Neil MacKenzie, 'was in the izenship and .with more assist-
Mrs. Nell. Ma.
Chair, •A successful year was re- ance from the government many
r nted by .Indian children.. A areattending
fleeted by reports •P., ese a schools.. Five. of pur hosPi-
the treasurer,: Mrs. W. B. • Ander- day _ , . and some located
son.' Departmental reports were • tals are. in BCC
by_Mrs. • Grant Meikiejohn, at Queen Charlotte City, Bella
Mrs. Ewart Taylors Hazel-IC/gala- and Bella Bella on - Camp
Mr - . We must realize our
.Webster and Mrs..Grairf,MeDi:�ar beh•Island. . ,
We r •'bilit in helping them to
1 •' ' ' mid, : � 'responsibility' . � y •.
wart. Taylor . • led the: become good citizens •
Mrs, � B
- period 'the thele be- l: Mrs. Carmen Anderson of Dun-
Bible study p a
ing "The call to . the mission of "
the church thxdugh one's , voca--
tion":: Bible readings'and corn,
mentswere' given 'by' •Mrs• Jas.
Webster, .Mrs.. • John, Kif''atric c,.
Mrs. .Burt Roach, Mrs, Robert
Thornpsbn and .Mrs: Percy Hoag.
• The study book: crapter which
ish Columrbia, and 6,000 are the
responsibility of the Un it .e d'
Church, They ,gain their 'liveli-
hood from 'fishing, logging; trap-
ping' and • working in . fish can-
gannon••Was' guest soloist, accom-
paned., by. Mrs._'.john Hall :Nits,
Hazel Webster read -a paper on
the .life of :the Indian poetess,
Pauline Johnson,. who 'was born
in -Brantford in '1862, 'and died in
Vancouver in 1913. One of her
writiiigs was "The Song:My Pad
this. year. tells us of the church's die Sings", • •
work among • the Indian people` Program conveners and ;host
in British Columbia and along esses -were . Mrs.: Ewart Taylor,
the Pacific coast line, was pre-, Mrs. James Webster and Miss
rented. by Mrs. ` Wesley Joynt. Hazel- Webster.
rhe Indians :'are • the most rap
idly . increasing ,group in .Can -
ada.' There is need ;.for doctors,
- 'i `•teachers and: minister/ to
.,4•work among
W fat haul gravel ' 22.0Q; Norman
West Wawanosh •Twp, Council
met *as' per statute .fin. December
15th, 1.955, With all Members pre- e
ent. ,
of the NP�vernber oil, wire, posts, 26.80; Everett
The minutes grader, 15.50.
meeting:, and of the special meet- Errington, welding 1955
'were read • Nov. 1st to Nov. 30th,
r;g on `December 8th a • $143:25;
and were 'adopted as read onL..orne -Ivers, salary,
McPhee gz ' Wm Forster; snow fence, 16.50;
Howard Sproul, snow a•
motion by Councillors c ...
Culbert.. • : Lorne 'Fprstor; snow fence, 14.70.;
w fence 3.50;
McDonald snowplowing; 282.00;
Miller & Co., ,black wire, 1,95;
Harry • Adams, ditching with
backhoe, 240.00; Bert Moss, gravy'
1, 2.50; Pedlar People Ltd., steel
culverts 492.48; Gus DevereauX,
pn _a~Tanotien by '. Councillors `real snow fence,.:2.4§,;
Delmar Spr • , ,
Culbert and., Donee, ;'>t was Robt, Lyons, Jr., : snow fence,
7.00 Robt: ' Lyons, ' Sr., 'snow'
fence, ,'10 00) 'Webster and MVle-
Kinnon,: ' black, wire, 3,16; Inter -
..°Qi1- Ltd,, Esso : rad, anttfreeZe,
Motion Councillor00; Corrugated. Pipe Co., steel
billsn and Miller,. the following culvert, 16,4:16.
bills and accounts were ordered I.p ne .Ivers, Superintendent.
paid: On.. a � motion' by. Councillors'
W. A. Miller, grant to St:' Het-. 1VIcFhee and purnin, Council ad:. -
ens library,'$15.00; . Mrs'. Fred. ' •
'Iaurned to meat on'.January 9th,
• 16: .
J. F. FORAM, Twp; Clerk: .
with Mi ...and .Mrs.
Visitors h
'Harvey Culbert., and family of
A bore is ,.a person who insists
on- `.telling you ' all about • his
troubles when you want to tell
WEDNESDAY;, JAN. Ut! , 1956:
Sat Qn: tender r
a -•:�rarrspa .
a3 -e`
agreed to 're -appoint R, D.. Mun
roe as our Township representa-
tive ori `the- God ich High . School'
board for the ext two years.
On a'' mo ion by
Leslie Hallam savedy r -
old girl from drowning at Tober.
Tory. .
Plans Were made to' : institute:
perpetual Care at the century=
old Kintail cemetery,. •
The Clansmen staged a ' door-
to -door peanut 'blitz of the
Alex ;MacDonald, was • present-
ed. his 50 -.year -jewel• as. a .Mason.
Deaths Walter MacKenzie,
Mrs: George • A, McIver,. Donald •
K. MacDonald, Mrs. Ed Lock-
hart, •
Ross, grant to Auburn library,
10.00; Mrs. K. K. Dawson, grant
to Dungannon library, '.10:00; T,
M Durntn, •grant, to Dungannon.
Fair;. 35.00; ` Alex MacNay, ,grant
to Lucknow Fair, 25.00; L. E• .Dungannon. At: • Christmas were
Cardiff, grant to. -North. Huron . Mr.. .and Mrs... James • Beaton of
'Plowmen's Ass'ri,, • 25.00; Robert Luc• know, Mr: 'and Mrs. Stewart
G k:
Anna': came to: Canada, from Italy. just•four mbnths ago.
Anna's a polio vii;tim. Now, she's 'getting 'much-needed' braces
and treatment at the .Hospital for Sick Children. 'Friends
of -the hospital -currently are helping, children, like •'Anna
g i . as appeal of•
by sending in their donations to':.the Christm'
thy,• .hospital. An -est -i -mated, operating defreit -d-ue ~to rncreas�
ing costs and 'greater numbers of children=•of $213,776 must
• be made up.. •
"Where No Child Knocks In' "Vain"
Space Contributed, in ,the Service of
Chaimney, salary as weedinspec-
tor, :10.00; Huron Co. TB. Ass'n.,
grant,. 5:00; Isabel Miller, ::care
. -:r,. -te t M e ,orial
Plot, 15.00; Robt. 1•a Irwin,. •care
taking, Dungannon' street, lights,
49.93; Eldon Miller, salary as
councillor,: 90.00; : Lorne Durnin,
salary as councillor, . 90.00; Har-
Vey Culbert, salary as councillor,
90.00;'' Orval.: McPhee, salary as
councillor; 90.00;. John S. "Dur--
nin, reeve's salary $120:00, select-'
ing jurors $4.00,' phone' calls 5.00,
• 129.00; John Cameron, caretak-
ing,:.Towoship hall;,••35 00;. John
McQuilhn, salary, 'school attend-'
ance •officer, 10.00; Co:' of Huron,
levy. for 1955, '19,7:16:66 GGoder- Sar •, of.' Christ Church, fort Al
ich S. Board,:levy for 1950,.bert. • • .
7,601:00;1' Lucknow H.S. Board,'Deaths:. Airs: Thomas 1VIacDon=
:1955 maintenance levy, , 3;943.25; •
old, Mrs. Margaret :Fletcher.
Blyth Telephj»ie Co., 1955 rental '
and toll - collections,' 510.20; Chas: •
June 1st'
R. Jefferson,. dog tax -refund, 2:00; John.. .Hanna, - and Hugh. Hill.
Ed Robinson, dog: tax refund, were pposing each-�: other in
4,00, WM.'..Rutherford, dog tax' Huron -Bruce tiding :.in: the pro
refund, - 2.00; Wm: J. Robb, tax' ; ncial election:
refund,-. building. razed, 7,92; • The •u . •
LucknoNv SentinEil, 'printing a c ' Councils. appointed Stuart Coll
151:85; el, priay, Smith;`,.yer assessor. Because of illness,.
for 1955, T. E. Morgan, who had .previously ,
relief: ,allowance,. 22.21.; Gordon been appointed; was unable to do`
Ell:ott,'. tax refund, 'barn collap this work.
sed, 3.21„ R C. Hays;, Q C., 1.955 :-M Minnie.- Horn of: Torahto
Mullin and .family' :of. Lucknow,
Mr. and Mrs., George Robinson
and family of Toronto, Jim Beat=
(Continued: from image . 5)'
June 29th
Cold weather prevailed for 'the •
Lucknoaw Pipe Band tattoo: he1d • •
'att'Itipley.. • , • •
Lucknow now' Red Cross ,Organized •
swim classes' to be held • twice
weekly at, Teeswater. • .
• Lucknow , Firemen had reached
the half way mark in their re-
suscitator fund._ • -
Hangingsdonated: by Dr. -H'el=
en Salkeld and. Miss Margaret
Salkeld Were. dedicated at . St.
'Peter's. Church. ,
ac.lty crowds tw,o nights., '
"Crumbs of Comfort", a: •cook,
book "compiled by : members. of
the,. Kintail.. Women's' . Institute,.
was offered for' :sale 'for.. the -first
time, ' • • . •
Three memorial windows were
.dedicated by'Canon B:. H. Farr
of.'Sarnia, . ; at' the `.96tH anniver-
.,o1 citor's:,'..fees, 'etc., 34.06; Thos.., r5•. inn n
w on $28,000 in the Irish sweep-•
*hillier & San;. office suppl.e>; •
27,36; Ttiv.p, of Ashfield indigent
stakes.. ;
agent 30.03; L��ckz}ot' Five •
Murray Caur,t.. was to' in his
p. class of $7.• at the OAC,`' Guelph.
Dept., auxiliary purap:a•c; :210 2.1:
' The Blyth Stariaard,'printing, a c; Juste 8th
20.50; Judge F. �'ingland, Court, 0.egrge:.Kennedx was plari,ning
of , Revision, Voters' . lists,. 10:00; •
his 35th anniversarysale of
• J. F. •Foran, .compiling and re- •
Hereford cattle:' • ,
• wising 1955 Voters' lists, 16:45; A
Lucknow- Fire yCompan=, ap-'
Pollirsan, envelopes,• and m
s; proved. the rchase' of a ''esus-
4.45; W. .S. Eddie; tile. a c, 18..48;'.
citator, and it was l.l rroposedd to
G. C,' Greer, salary salary $300:00, phone'
calls $3.00, mi c.: $6.00-309..00; W circularize the area for : contri'-
butions •
Wawanosh 'Fire Ins. .Co,, prem,proropt action • by. Lucknow
rum' due •_ office equipment, 2.00; Fire; Co: saved a House 'northeast
Sandy Contracting Co return of
deposit (gravel :contract), 209.09; .of. the C.N.R. �otit ned by Leo
Signal -Star Ltd., ,printing ; a c, B Iuh mp It was the. former
1.60.; Huron Co. Treasurer, indig-
ent • patient, 69,75; Huron Co,
Grant Case assumed his' new
duties as manager of the Luck-
treas., indigent patient, . 111;.00; now 'District Co-op.
Huron Co. Treas•, indigent pat Frank Murray suffered a 'Soli"-
fent, 52,25;: Huron Co. Treas., con • erely injured hand. as a resrult
lection charges, tax' arrears,'9.60;
J. F. Foran,,' balance salary. $300:, of, wood sawing naishap. •
Ashfield Presbyterian 'Church •
,, selecting jurors $4.00;. phone calls .
$2.65-30665;.• H..E:P.C., 'Clinton .observed- Dtheir lO8�h. unitersary,
"Dungannon street 1- hts,, •171:50: , . Burns, Mrs:
t�4.. ID MacDonald, Mrs, H•egh• Me -
Highway. Accounts 11ahon; Wm. Peddle.
Dec, 1st to Dec:"15th, 1955
Lorne Ivers, sala'rv, ' 886.25;
Armature and Field WV1uding,
Brasher, .Bearings, Etc.
Repairs to - ..
.. Fractional and'. Integral:
• Horsepower Motors,
Also Electric. Fans, Vacuums,
Clippers, Drills, Etc.
Phone Ripley 11-r-29
Esso and Esso Extra Gasoline,
M arvelube
' a�a
Always 1eok •to. Imperial
for the best. -
J; E. MacDON .ALD..;
Phone 3, LucknoW
. June 15th
Win: 'Hardy, Jr„ f
entarr, repair • Johr. W Hanna' was a fifth
culverts and snow :fence, 19.60; �. •
,Line 'winner as the"Frost'govern•-
Hilliard Jefferson,, snow fence. ment was. swept'. into ower in
5:60; - Edward Robinson, snow ' the proincial election,
fence, 5.60; James I.,ed•dy, sno ;• • Sand IVIacKenzi.e fractured h:.
fence,: 8,00; Leslie Schultz; we d a"kle' :.•h:14 f la�~ing ball • tr i
cutting,. culvert and sidewalk`re- srhor,l•'. fi t
pair, 11:90, Donald Martin rtin bra h- Lurks rr.� I i• tri�t ,
jag, , 6-30, c'a"r1 n a t ` r �r w '- r• h,_.(4.114,11,
-• t� ���'.
. }, 8Y!Ca?i',rr,, t"&t a teaching. st„aff''•
brushing, 29:40; Cror.lon Tac 'rr. r,{ 'sr ; w had hz:err. r,ir� d 'for :.the
brushing, .11.00; Albert:. Ph ;+ •w•4 .'••foll•Jwinir y --ar, .
.brushing. are' 'snow .fence,' 21. 0• :. - ,O E. , ,,1 nr;
ail--�,JernieaFr#i, srxew-4e• . :1.4x1 T:. r .Jif i Gar y
' We • are the. only manufac-
t:urers in this part: of, Ontario
'of high class monuments
who. import:,granite- from the,
Oid•Count y in, the rough by'
the carload process from.
the rough to' • the finished
monument.. No . middleman,
When choosing •a monument
come and • see one- of the,
►' largest selections in Ontario.
1 Established.over sixty years.
jr, d ; ,. YEA C(; v r Lodge' «8-...
Bussell I�hillrps,-s�iovy , xener� � �.,,,,. �,'� w gy named Write or phone �'�alkerton
'1' t of Ontario.' 'charges.,
1;5.50; Lloyd F'hilli;�s, snow fe.^ce, . A portrait f ;. s �w r° ti�•
3,50;. Norman ?Viol onald, r°r, air , ir• ' n ,n,yr, of WiL and reverse ch
culv&t and snow fe~tce; n :did T i��;, ., r r w � > firrwrintF,d try.
t ,i a., r ry,rrl v t` s • SKEL`i'ON
1'3.80 ' P , 'i .am
Wm, We{lister, silo 'fence, 3 5'), r ilk y.
I,i perial Oil Ltd,,. • fuel, 39,2.0.
Treas. of`' Ontario, fuel' tax,' 22,00,
fitii t"" Strthertr7x gr'ader repairs, Ashfield Sehrx.1 Board dee d - 1
y,. • l Telephrre to dos( tVO t v.rrshi
4:,,0 Goderich Rural ra
p scriools and..
to take
they s
'Dan N
IPIi s. 4
Mrs. 1
will 1.