HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 5WEDNESDAY, JAIL. lith, 1056 '
• January 5th..
• Alex, W. Hamilton- was elected
• reeve over Stuart' E, Robertson
by a 204 vote majority,, • :
Rev. G. S. Baulch of South
Kinloss Church accepted a' call
to Campbellville.
Alex MaeI .,+od concluded More
than a. quarter. of a century len.-
ser-vice• as • a ,'trustee . and secretary-
' treasurer, of S.S. No. 7, Kinloss,
• Firegutted, the.•hOime• of Evan.
McQu llin, '''three. miles'. east 'cif
Lttcknoty.• ••
Deaths=.Mrs, ,MatthewMcNair.
"Januar' 12th
Kenneth Cameron 'was : re-elect-
ed president • of the Lucknow
Legion for a second 'terra..
Lucknow s new, council. at the
inaugural meeting were 'i'n un-
anim•ous agreement 'that the vill-
age assessment was too high..
`Council asked . for an agree-
rent from Win•gham Hospital be-
fore'rnaking payment ofT$7222r23,.
Bob. .Morton and• Ross, Ii-�win
joined. the Air 'Force..
January 19th
June;' Harris, 20 -year-old dau-'
:gliter of Mr," and Mrs. ' Albert.
" diifisw �kstr i9triffl t fin,:
highway 'accident, at Clande-
boye. while enroute to her par-
ental, home.
At a special rtreeting, Council.
decided on :Caning for applica-
tions for the positions • of •'clerk-,
• treasurer; assessor :and_ town
..foreman. ••
' •
Leo Beauchamp assumed:, the
oper,atio.ri -•of• the Playhouse
Theatre, to .become' effective' Feb-
ruary 1st
F Mrs.. M. Henderson ::was elected:
president of .the Maitland,. Pres.
byterial W.M.S. :'•
Deaths: John. Reid, .Mrs:.; Wil-,
liani Stewart
January 26th
The annual: meeting of the
Lucknow. • Red Cross ` • Society
showed a': 'balance . on hand of
.1:$706.71 :for 1954:. ,' . .
. The Amazing :, . Dani nt : was
calling for a volunteer hypnotic
,41geper• to..slehd an afternoon in
a local store window. : ;
Mrs:, Thomas "Mae1Dor.a:ch: Oh -
served her -93rd .birth:.lay un Jan-.
uary 25th.
.Council authorized, repair. of
...the local arena, to corrc:'t.,
spreading .'of • the ` frame -Work,
Deaths:.: Malcolm (lair.
March' grid .—
D:. ft. : Allen announced
plans for the vaecinati:on against
polio : of pupils of ` Grades:: '1 and
2 of elementary. schools ,in the,
district. ••
Maty in the conliunity `s:uf-
.fereel'financia.l' loss as the. Strat-
ton M•anufactur-ir g Co,.:a :mail
Crcl(r hours , ,1tt'}.t'deco •into'
'.hianicruptcy.• -
Mi 1 lary,• Nichol*, '•.,vi•
• 'b had-
11 years .'a •z1 a:isio'nary•
•l.nClla. 'was ,gue-;,t speakei ": at
St. 11i'l ins 'United 'Churclt. .
I�ucl:y�ois.: Jug"milt defeated
h.: iYatn
mantel clock to.' Mr. and Mrs.' J.
R. Lane.on the occasion of Clerk
Lane's 80th birthday;
••Charllea McDonald purchased'.
the Woodsfarm at St, Helens..'
Rev, Benson Cox of Kinlough
was enjoying a world cruise as_
chaplain. of the "Kurzwgsholrn".
Deaths: Mrs. John Cox. •
February 19th
'President,' Harvey 0 Anderson
presided'. over ' the 76th 'annual
meting of the West Wa. wanosh
Mutual Fire .Insurance.—CO.:
• :Mr. and: 1V>:rar James` f odgins
of Kinlough observed their 50th
wedding anniversary.. • .: '
Clifford.: Menary suffered a
badly , fractured right leg ' when
injured while. unloading a :,tattle
James K. Scott was appointed
assessor of • West : Waw•anosh.
Deaths: •Cliff Aitchison, James
Henry Webster. •
Febuary 23rd'
A ,meeting' • Of; ' municipalities
was held at.'the High School to
"iron out" •'the. matter. of pro -rata
assessment ..borne by each . muni-
ci • alit •
ac. C'` r ur out reed p ,ans
for a proposed' Co-op 'feed' mill
at the. Co-op's .annual, meeting. A
showing ,of 'hands • 'favored, such
Effective ,:I'ebruary. tst, Lloyd'
Hall took over. his ,father's, gro-
ceiy. business, '
Effective March.• •lst, Charles
Short 4 •of Brantford took over
Smith's ,I.G.A: Market;
Armstrong's Laundry. was ''a
coniplete wreck , as ,• the ' roof,
caved in. • •
• -Lucknow Juv/eniles . ',won the
W.:O.A.A. championship
Deaths:: Wm. Dawson,
i`s. \Va;r'fleet. tri • deli•ancc to.•. tire,.
CI..N1•11.A.• fin ah.•
' Deaths: •Mrs., •Jvlarl:.11'Iac•Leod,
William' John 'Macnonald,• John:.
February ,'Mad
Albeit Cormack, of the (lntar iii ,
Farmers' Union
addressed a grub:
Tic meetingat•Hol rood . ''.
. Y
S . C.-Ratliwell terminated, 67
years:. at the. •Cobbler's bench.,
Loire Reid took over, the •repair.
Business' of S. C. Rathwell' and
on.. •
A ladies' • Court of the Canad
Tari' Order' of Foresters was form:
e'0' here.
Alex MacIn.tyre was ;awarded
the "Radcliffe Infii'nla'y prize in.
surgery for 1954" at' Oxford in
England, °•
Gordon V"aiad last: four fingers
of his left hand when it became,.
Caught , in a corn •picker. '•
A' farmers' union organization
'was set. •up a _t.-:Kintail i'jth' Bert
Alton -as president, • :
Deaths: John' T. Carter, D. A.
• Februaryf9th
H. Agnew was re-engaged as'
clerk-treasurer of the, village.
Eight applications were' received.
tor, the position. .
Kinloss; Township .presented
Malloeh,. Charles Hayes.,
fractured hip:. • +.
•Brooklin Juveniles nosed out
Lucknow• for the O.M.H..A. "D"
Marek :23rd
The Playhouse Theatre, under
manager Lee Beauchamp, .closed.
A `;c*omm:unity ' gathering v�ras.
held at Blake church Hall bort-
orirvg',.Mr. and Mrs. Cecil. -John
•,ston. •
Heavy snow and strong winds
gave this area.:the worst -taste
of 'winter of the. •year. "
Mevin Hodgins 'had a perm-
anent plate put in his: leg as a
result of a fracture that was not
knitting 'properly. • • .
Mach • 30th.
Harold Percy defeated Dan T.
MacKinnon lay ..14 votes for the
reeveship of Kinloss. . •
Death came to Joseph England
follow ing •a..fall down' a stair-
way' at the, home :of Jack 'Swan;
"at Bervie. r ;
Lucknow.. received municipal
.and �sehool grants . to a °he • amount'
of $1,.700 under a new 'system of.
;grants es ; • i�'=.� _i
April' ; 6th
Twelve -year-old Eric : 'Clayton
of Huron Township was djrowned.'
:while attempting to.retrieve �hiis
father's watch from the' numb
ing• waters' of the 18 Mile River.
• Mrs/ .Margaret 'Fletcher ,,obser-
ved .'her '99th birthday party at
Ba'ker's. Private; hospital.
Five inen .were ; contesting two
council seats in. °a Kinloss Town-
ship'' bye -election.
;Council. changed the' noniina
tion time for the , village to ;a.
:November: meeting: .
Deaths: Mrs. Mary MacDoug-
• all, Mrs. Wesley. Hedley.'
April 13th.
Dennis IDesmpnd; .39, of. Pink-
erton, .alleged abductor: of- Agnes.
Sittler of Kinloss, was . of_
Off .a`t • Riversdale by' a '•posse of
Kinloss. residents.; . '
Wallace' Conn arid Elliott. Car,
ruthers were elected, to ' Kinloss
Council from a, five -man slate.
• A truck' " and • car owned' . by
Harvey 'Congram and Ed J3aker,
were ,'extensively .damaged when
in collision just ,north . of • .Sil'ver-
w•ood's downtown Office.
Ron--W-estma-ri. w.o-f--• Ficial.-a:n-
nounced' that .a sports' arid.. auto
supply. store_ would open here in
May. in the building vacated by;
Harold Greer. ,.
..s- .loyd Stewar t was:�pror oted__to_
the position, of supervisor: of Lob-
law's •-groceterias:
Deaths: Mrs. Andrew Stewart.
• April '20th
Lightning ` shattered a water
tank and 'killed .two' 'cattle in the
barn of 'Andy Ritchie, .but •no
,fire' resulted'.
Beverley ,.Ashton 'was , ore .'of
178 Girl Guides 'fro& Ontario' to
receive • her 4Gold Cord at a-cere:=
mony in Toronto, .
Miss 'Dorothy Doug as, miss-
ionary Of Tamstii, 'Fol osa, ar-'
rived ,home' on a' rest leave. •
Lucknow District High School
a; ere_adve :'trsin`i;�..fpx�.teaehers
fill changes •on the staff..
• • Sid: Gardner _ was .fitted with
an' artif ia1 limb at Mallon Hos-
March 9th
David FL Carruthers, 11:year
old' . Kinloss 'Reeve, •suffered •. a
fatal heart attack: , '
A. car driven by Carm:•en'John-
ston went out . of control crash
ink through • the Co-op grocery
High School teachers, w ih the;
exception .'.of ` Principal ` P: W.
Hoag,:, requested :. substantial sal-
ary increases.'
• The Lucknow Bantams had the
„privilege Of meeting Milt Schmid•
and members of the Boston.
-Bruins ' at an outing_ in' Toronto.
• Deaths: „James Shell's, William
.Donaidson;zeharlea �ollrns.
• `illarch' 16th' '
CKNK announced that if a
per.n:it: was granted they wpuld
llrnc'eed at or tr' with: 'a 1'V sta-
;' '•nonuniatiufl w yrs ,called in..
•Kinlrss,b, fill ,the vacant reeve=
ship c•aus0l by •,the death • of
David Carruthers.
I)unc: rats MacLeod suffered a
• . s-- -... ----
A�!'•ori+•+MSN,..a�P.�U.N►Nrvi�ir�ow.,is.rairu�o..• ar►nwiJar.rir.YN�+'
Qne 181:.Kincardine---
Pouttry 'C ling, A Specialty
.1/1 accordance With government •regulations paroultry
eo $ thnroug�l L,tw.4 .att.t : isinfecte •
for your protection,'
PAGE )Fill'!.
eed your cattle Canada's finest mineral conditioner
airai'lable and. digest�ibl�e to the, animal.
with Vitamins A and D. and Cod Liver Oil
Reason�ab'ly' priced— You can't • afford . NOT to. �t y
Ac7ix ,e Special introductory offer. -••-- with every 100
lb purchased you 'receive FLR-E E• a
$4;U0 can. of,
You. Will slortly"be receving'10 the mail a' free~;sample~
,of ACME Super Mineral. Conditioner with Vitamins
A:::and 'D 'and. -cod liver oil. Please try it. See how you4
stock will like it:
Phone 'Lucknow 165
essrnent • of 41,024;495 ' for High
School levy purposes.
A straw . 'pile .' fire at Joshua
Dawson's was successf'llytl ex-
tinguished. '
A trio of Owen Sound youths
were arrested nearAmberley and..
changed with the slugging .and
robbing of . Wm J. Kennedy. •;'of
Kincardine. • •l
Lucknow Businessmen reopen-
ed the Playhouse .Theatre.
Deaths: Mrs. Mary McDougall,,
Robert :Carrick -Douglas.
May 11th
Win G. , Webster qualified to
fill a vacancy ori .the °counci af.•.
ter- the resignation of W. C. At-
Latrine McNain : of. Am.berley
was crowned queen of Lucknow
District High: Sihool. Cadet . iri-
spection was 'also'' held at . the
., Alex 'MacDonald was Ordained
ITT o the':Presbyterian'minis ry at
Knox Church; Goderie.h: .
Deaths:. Alex Stanley, Mrs. Joe
Forster,'' Mrs: 'Frederick 'Burton,
Ars. :Mark Chisholm. '
May 18th
Christ •Church , Port Albert, of
which Rev. ,11. L. Jennings is
Minister, .marked their 96th, an-
niv:ersary.. , :
I:ucla riow Presbyterian church
observed their 65th anniversary.
•Lucknow , Juveniles, o M ;H.A.
runners-up, were • presented with
the trophies and jackets at, a
banquet 'in their' 'honer.
Ernest Ackert was honoredby
the. West Wawanosli :Mutual Fire.
Insurance Company for ahriost
a quarter century of service.
-.May 25th
Wm.: Lloyd• and Karl Boyle
Purchased -Rest-A=While•at Bruce
Beach frotn. Miss Elizabeth Hen
Lucknow Dancirkg. School4 pre-
sented their first annual recital •
in, the HS., 'auditorium: to . mit—.
(Continued oil' Page 6)
Tooled To Repair All Makes Of
Tractors, Machines & Shop Work,
Phone .18-r-20,, Ripley • •
•n •Y
.. •. April 27th
'Councillor. W. C. Attridge re-
signed his municipal position of-.
'ter accepting a position in Tor-
onto. •
Har.61d. Congrani was awarded
$12,560 in a stilt arising from'
lirghit ay.accr aril, R,near'`z+arrge
trlle. •
Allan' MacIntyre and Al" Irwin
opt:etl a •.s1•aai is -and • -auto ...supply
usrnesy rtY 1 e bualtting VIScated
by Harold Greer. ••
Dr. Helen Salkeld planned :to
fly to England to spend a year
hrresearch wotk. .•
Deaths: Herbert A. Graham,
Mrs. Louise M. Gibbons. -
May• 4th
Council accepted the, new a'ss-
0 S
Highest Prices Paid, . Delivered`.
or Picked up in Bush:.
ogs• Inspected and Payment
—Made --Before- Del -very
site or -Phone Collect 'to:
►ndr�w�.I alcoIrnn Furnitrur