HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 4PAGE 'FOUR THE LUCKNOW SEN 'o10 .• .a14)40,1414,44111144$11144414/1.00,4411W: 41, COMING EVENTS ' MEN'S CRIBBAGE PARTY • A four -handed cribbage party will be held by the Legion Hall, -,�-- -.- - Tuesday, Tu esday , January 17th at. 8. 00 .m under auspices of Lucknow FOR SALE -Holstein heifer due BABY CHICKS. Please leavenale, and Partner's Braneh'ofthe Canadian Legion. . first calf, Phonel Bvg-�:4"'Chicks, Ask us' for prices name' with Clare Johnstone at to freshen soon, ' and information Pullets ,bred fork- Craw'ford's Feed Store by Bator - 179. ' S. Chislett. FOR SALE :,. number' of Wean ling pigs. Would trade.' or buy feed oats: Allan . Miller, R. R'. 1, .X,ucknoW, -'phone .8.7 r-,4: • h'OR SALE 600. bales, of hay. February and on started chicks. Apply .Lorne Luther, R. 3, buck- i 'ow hone 65-14.Dungannon. Canadian Approved, plus Hatch-- xr + .p ery's- wide, breeding eXperience. • • -�-^ _ 1 s. old Ask us, FOR SALT, wee, Apply LUCKNOW CO-OPERATIVE 4 pigs, 7 weeks old.. and Fisher,Whitechurch. WANTED to Geor gel MALE HELP- LOST -leather glove with hand- EA.R11T `$54.00 O'R MORE A'WEEK' knitted grey wool • mitt' i 'Finder please . ,leave at; Chin's Restaurant, FOR SALE -Gilson deep freeze,' approxiauately •60 cubic feet, c.o o 1 e r attached, reasonable. Phone 23-r8: Dungannon. g • day, .January. . 14th. Everyone' welcome. top egg .production, Immediat or later delivery. Pilch White• Rocks for :broilers. estop profit makers. Ames fn -Cross.. Standard breeds nd crosses. ,You get a' special and for • delivery : January - nside, : Part. or full-time opportunity in Bruce !County • ambitious man with :agricultural• •background; Age 25=50 .preferred.. Car .essential. Take orders in ex- . • .. elusive territory. Be home every I would like 'to '.sincerely. thank night. No investment: We pro-' all my neighbors and friends, the vide complete., :training at home Canadian Legion, the Ladies Aux - a for a farrner 'or SHOOT `PARTIESt,ESUME ,The: weekly Shoot 'parties spon- sored •by , the La les, Auxiliary; ' to the Canadian. Legion will' • resurne this Friday evening in the Aux- iliary Rooms. Everyone. welcome, •EUCHRE !ARTY • In St. Helens 'Community Hall on Friday; January •13th at 8.30 sharp sponsored' 'by the Wonien'S. Institute. Ladies please , •brirvg 'lunch.. Admission 25 WEDNESDAY, JAN. 11th, 1956. ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC .ACCOUNTANT ' Monthly Accounts "Business and Farm `Tax Returns • Tel; 1.011 Box 478 • GODERICH, ONT.; . ETI1ERINGTON, Q.C. , ; Barrister; Etc., ,' • Wingham and Lucknow IN LUCKNOW Each . Monday and Wednesday Located' in the, Municipal Offict 'Phone Wingham c, Office 48 Residence 9 CARD OF THANKS : ; JOHNSTONE'S: FUNERALHOME ''Phone T6• Day .;or .Night r de cow, . 6 years' office . plus' field assistance ALE ---g •-`cluiTIreilifWilriNtiittarrr.; nice and quiet .to. Milk, right inewe inletter to: • first • every way. ' James Forster, R ' 1, ' NA -.0 LTRS ANT •FOOD ,CO. Lucknow. f .2 L`angartPLANT St,_' W., London. g, SEWING MACHINES •HOUSE FOR SALE ---modern I was''a; patient in* Victoria Hos- 'o 'Havelock January' .. Clearance of Singer :' ital: These kind' acts were brick house n iliary, all ;the • organizations o'`nthe,Airtnited.t.Ghanola,Anli, Rex. _G.f A. Meilclejohn Ice the :•rnany: acts wof kindness,, and boxes of : fruit,_ eats, flowers,, cards. and money. *' sent to me and my family While room ,- hardwood floors: sewing . machines. Three : Singer p St, 'Oil furnace, hardw 'for sale, greatly 'appreciated ,by us.all. Apply toDr.:T, B. Cleland, Luck= featherweight portablesSinger Again 'may 'I say, Thanks a .now,:• 'also three reverse -stitch g Million. ; • console models, one Queen •rAnnegy ,1VIacNAY. LOST --a .lady's red wallet con- i console' and two eoononly port- • ta- im sum;. of ;money. • Finder aliles k•'These machines used only �, . please phone .1.71 L• neknow. (Re- as demonstrators ' and carry ,full • ward). `• .� • CHICKS ..BABY .CSI We would like to express our sincere thanks . aild appreciation and the: fa'mous•. Sing- : - cards of sympathy, guarantee . for the many er Sewing Course Also used 'floral tributes :and `acts of. kind Singer treadles from $15.00 'uP. ness shown. us .during our recent: Phone Hanover 403 or -.write bereavement of a loving husband. ,Singer, Sewing Centre,- Box 306, and: father. We would also like, Ask for 'Bray weekly lists specials. •Order, 'broiler cockerel's and :,mixed chicks. now. ` Pullets (a. few. started) .:special•. strains • ,such as Babcock, Leghorns, Ames: Hybrids, Particulars, Bray; agent D. R. FINLAYSON, Lucknow. Hanover, for a home demonstra-; tion. :NOTICE SALE Alfalfa- Grim�rr Lucknow and' . District' Branc• h of Mrs. Don Donaldson ;and' family.. to•,thank Rev. F. Starkey for his. kindwords,. and strength' given us by the Masonic Order and• Eastern Star The annual meeting • of .the Mme, •Earle'Hodgins, FOR Mr. and ' 18.00 Ontario or Ranger $20.00,. 1 theCanad R Canadian ad Cross will be Glen . Campbell wishes ; to sin= • • -per bushel, Gra1led'Clover � :$19.00, Timothy t held Thursday, Jaof Mrs�A .E: cerely•'thank. iiackett's ,'W.M:S. t • ` $7.25, White Sweet' Clover $7.00 2.30. a: tria home and Zion• Orange `Lod'ge,. for the !McKim. I Grade I. 1. S, B. &others, Chairman i lovely'gifts he received at Christ - .Mrs. hrist-,Mrs W. B. Anderson, Sec: L mas. They were indeed appreci ated. ' • • F _ R SALE -100 acre grass farm,` NOTICE • I wish' to •thank friends: and, Loft 1 Monthly rs .and M 9 Con. '3; . Kinloss, running !. neighbors Child Health, Conte Water, good shade, 30 acres per erne.. in _ the • Legibn: Hall, Luc manent pasture- alLnewly seeded.' noviv;: Tuesday, January •:]7th, 11.30 .a n---Babies-�-and-Lp r= - aple :Grove 1044 k'• Lodge' for cards and. -boxes. : sent 10 to • rrie during my illness in the i'ng am H ant-ViaLli. to Lucknow, phone. 9-w. school 'children •welcome. SALES ;`KELP WANTED WANTED: Reliable"man as deal=•. 'Counter :,neck Boryks tor Sale in. Bruce„_County. •Experience at r -e. The Sentinel Office . . _ -� - � --T- - not .necessary. A fine ,opportum y • TENDERS /I to „step ' into, old profitable busi ness, where Rawleigh •Products have ::been • sold, ;for. years; Big profits. Products' furnished .on credit. Write' . Rawleigh's, Dept. A-271=163, Montreal; P:Q. REST HO;IIE lCC!1MODATION Acconiudation 'a; v a i 1 "a b 1 e- at Carruther's,; Convalescent Horne. flome-cooked mems,: modern con- veniences, warm. Registered nurs- ing, available • if required in case of sickness. Apply to Elliott Car- ruthers, E, 3, Holyrood, phone 27-16 Ripley. USE . OF FUNERAL . HOME At. No. Extra.Cost Moderate Prices • Established 1894 A NI. HARPER Chartered Accountant . West Street.• GODERICH, . ` ONTARIO $. Telephones 343.J., 343W, • Insure With The. - CULROSS MUTUAL. FIRE" .INSURANCE. CO,• , Reasonablea ace rates, sound. pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory • settlement of .claims, FARI.SH MOFFAT Your Local:. Agent • RR. 3, , Teeswater 'Phone. Teeswater' 57-r-41 STME FARM, -MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE investigate .Before Investing REUBEN WILSON R.R. 3, Goderich .Phone 80-r-8 Dungannon • ARMSTRONG. OPTOMETRIST • GODERICI?I. FOR APPOINTMENT 1, 'Phone 1100 ' Appointment.' or Information,; See Win. A. Schmid; 'Phone 1.4-w, Lucknow • INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, • CASUA,r• Y AUTOMOBILE AND LIFE • ' Insure With ,Jack Today,. J.' A. MCDONAGH R.R. 3, Lucknow,, !Phone 61-g, Dungannim Allan; Ritchie. 1. sincerely wish to thank the W.M.S.. and the Women's Associ- _at:on_of _the,U.nited .Church for their remembrances and `also *ST kind: friends and .neighbors• for. sending flowers; 'letters, cards 'TENDERS WANTED .for' care- and .boxes. It was all : deeply ap- taking : of each school in West predated. , ;' ' Wawanosh .,.Township S•c h o 01 •' Mrs,_C, McDonald Area: from • February '1st,* 1956, . until , January 31st, . 1957.' Tend- I. wish to most sincerely thank ers • to be in hands of 'Secretary the Holyrood 'Women's • Institute not. • later : than •. January 15th, for:the lovely blankets. Their •1956. " . kindness was; indeed : appreciat-• W: A. Stewart, Secretary, Dungainrion, Ontario.Mrs. J. Mansfield.; WOOD : WANTED -•the following t : •• quantities of wood , wanted for l West 'Wawanosh . Twp. ' 5ohoal INSURANCE. Area' board:. This wood to • bel.✓Co-Operative Life Insurance green hard-rriaplc and beech,._..14 -- perati eeu nmo lie inches long and not smaller than Insurance 6" or ; over 10". in diameter. Tb Mercantile & Farm. Fire be. delivered • and, piled in each Insurance school yard no later than .June Economical. and Reliable. 30th, 1956: No. 2 school, 25 cords; No. 3, 2d. cords, .No; 4, 20' cords; See :: - ` •No. 12, •20 cords and No. 17, 15 cords/Tenders to be. in hands of T. A. CAMERON secretary not later • thane Tanu- LUCKNOW : nary• 15th',• 1956. " 'Phone 70-r 10'Dungannon : W . . •A. • Stewart, Secretar. y` . ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION ' Waterloo Cattle Breeding • Association • "Where Better Bulls Are• Used" Artificial ' insemination service for all breeds of cattle. For ser: ' vice, orinformation phone Clin ton 515' collect, between' 7:30 and 10:00 a.ni, on week days.and 7.$0, and, . 9:30, a.m. on ,Sundays .and Holi ay's,- ATTENTION"FARMEItS!• Dungannon, Ontario. Stara -Hoist �leaders, new and! used spreaders, continental spray- ers and :post hole diggers, • new _-and • used erearr`� separat.ors,..hand -. or eTeetric -._„ 7 ... 0. New Idea Distributors Phone Carlow 2821 Goderioh ,MEA1' •FOR SALE Good1 beef for sale by . the quarter, 'Choice light Hereford steers: 'Beef killed .under license rom l `ti arttt'r rt flealtth•: Raynard Ackert; Ilolyrood Phone 24-30, Ripley, • . WOOD TENDERS WANTED Tender's will be received' . by the undersigned until Thursday, --E.ehruary_�. hili fog 39 `C rd:sruof_ green • beech or 'elin wood, 16 inches, long, not' less 'than .six inches, nor more than 12 inches' in diameter', to be delivered and piled at the Town Halt 14015 now,, by •Jufiy 1st,. 1956, I Lowest or ' ' any tender not g,..11. Agnew, Clerk4'reasurer, Village of Lucknorty. McLENNAN and MacKENZIE Services conducted, 'accord ing to your wishes at your. Home, your Church, 'or a1 our Manorial Chapel at no • additional charge. AMBULANCE •SEii,'VICI • Phone 1:81, Lucknow, ay or . .g. ...4.04.0,......,►. • AGNEWS' AGENCY • Howard , Agnew - Jos. ' Agnelli • MEMBER OF Ontario Insurance. Agents' Association GENERAL . INSURANCE'• • Established Over ;30 Years Age! Telephones Business 39 Residence 138 R. W. AN `REW Barrister and Solicitor LISTOWEL, ONT Alit! IN LUCKNOW .:.Wednesday and Saturday ,• Afternoon.. •Office - in the ' Joynt Block ' Telephone: Office, '.135 • •_ . Residence_ 31-▪ J'. G. ALAN WILLIAMS.1 optometrist . Office on.'•Patrick St., . just off': the • Main St. in .WINGHAM Professional ' Eye .Examination Optical Services,' • I Evenings., by appointment. 'Phone: 'Office 770;' Res. 291 'Kenneth J; MacKenzie, ii.0: Optometrist .LISTOWEL, ONT. at the former ,Wrona Jewelery store. Ripley. 10 a.m to 9. p.m., WEDNESDAY, -JAN: .•18th and every . Second Wednesday. Eyes examined Glasses.'fitted For appointment 'phone Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24, Ripley v N •. ?r 0 THE, LUCKNOW DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE Incorporated ' ANNUAL MEETING; TURKEY R,ANQUET and DANCE will be 'field in the Recreation. Hall, �LucTcnow. THURSDAY, JANUARY '..1 Zth, 1.956 • . Tickets' - $1.50' • • • ry Obtainable from the• Directors or. at. the Coop Store kii-fl[ftrIfCo N' IIiNJP r 4 1 re€ by • Q� • iht vac tre • I ' Naz Lu 1 • ed Le! ins aria agi .:ane for joi • a, en A de do tit •fol oI Th fire! • pr by liE Ll sh $7 ca $4 a: se: •ua th - 4i Es TIC Ye Lc llu ._Sc ial .�u • Er of ca w. s..�l •�l Ei Co Al.::;l,i.l