HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 3'WkON 71r/.± Yf ./AN. k • 1Ar$4 UNITED CSURCH IrProister Ret. r, A. Meirle.ohn„ *•°�., li 1), o • .BUND y', JANUARY 150 a,m,. 10.00 a.144- Schnail; lt'.do air, 4f � i tit? u Ktngdoo'". 7.30 p..02.: °The Man 'Whonn Jesus Count . Not Make #1,.1 .rye. r!�p1+i.n...., .»„.., w..r,.. ` .• Luckro I Pr. sbyterijit Church Rev. Wallace McClean, '•--- Minister. M.iniste SUNDAY, JANUARY 15th 11,00 a.tm, Morning Worship, 12;i5 P.m.: ' Sunday.' School.: Dungannon, • 7:00 p.m.; Evening � Worship. , i Annual Meeting, Jan. 19th, ! .8.00 p.m. 1: Fred'Whitby of DetroitMrs rose` •,by. . of London were .holiday .visi- tors here. Mrs Whitby had been in the hospital for six weeks prior to the Christmas season. Mr.. and. ' Mrs . Burton Roach Were in London on Sunday'vis, r.t$ng :their . grandson, ` Jimmy ..Brewer, .,who underwent 'a. THE ,LUC •K•N'OW SBNTINEL, LU'CKNOW,; 'O ONTARIO Q ener Miss. l."lora Webster, has gone ito Toronto • for. a couple. •of Qi ths: Sam, Chislett E ttt i'n, has• been. a pat- . 11ospiital (for past three Weeks, MacxjonaId is c escng from 4nval� shingles and t+va attack of'�th.e last :week 'fo . �s able, to •be . out r the first time in about. seven . weeks. Mr, and Mrs.. Everett head and 'children, White. Janet r►, Ruth and spent •:Sunday with her'. parents, Mr, and .:, Jaini-eson:.• • s, .Ewart Mr. and Mrs. Trenton ' and Mr. Ivor 'Small of 1 CaPne: 4. and Mrs. Bob y of Toroxifa visited -,last week with M. and Mrs.. Ewart . Jamieon; I. • Allan ;Ritchie is 'conv�al'esc:it at. his home from a . serious ' iIlg knee. Nocturia 1. °f Mr and Mrs 13 Hospital , last' Thursday: Wilfred °'Black,• Who is in his final year at dental college, Spent- .New 'Years with • his •par- • ents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy, Black LV.ilfred and_two_ether ,students_ drove' a" car.: to 'Florida where they spent the.. Christmas holi- days. •Pararhount Women's ;;Inst' rtut ess that puzzled doctors. 1-1;' has: °spital for : a eks .but Ph een out of the h . couple. of 'we allowed to work.:' .. . �s not yet • . t,o The. regular .,.• T g meeting of • the, Ja Lucknow Women's 'Institute willa be .hold on Y, >rda ' ,Jani;�ary.,l3th Gib in the ReereationaI Centre:. The Wm ,y <n•-;ua,. 'uri'.'+ ;.v..<.: Y.' d' t1f- Jaf,.. q•... Mons'. Health"; roll Ball "AnA for ; :worry'!; antidote h Y ostess ' convener,•. Mrs John Adams: .Murray Gaunt t: Gael h hasreturned tq- p atter spending the . vaea tion at his home here: Plan; to . • attend the euchre party In the .Conirnunity' gall on Friday evening ander the pices .of the W aue, Ladies omen's Institute;: tabl please bring lunch, Gard and cards, W4L Reports' Goad' Ralance • The St. Helens W.i, meeting :. 'was held en January 5th.. in �rn..ttnrt the y ' Hall with twenty- t°wo members,. Orxe wasitor and. .two children . present; The roll Xie r Tcall s ans`Wjered: ley ,aA s bought . and. was, Well re sponded.'to ''he financial report was given With $193.22 in the•. treasury: It Was decidedto a card .party' bald January on. Friday night, Y 13th, with. ..slides after, but no dance. Conveners to look .after this are Mrs, Lorne Woods;Mrs. .' Mille T. J. •Todd and •Mrs:. W., A. r. Luisch''committee mem-' t.ers are Mrs; Win. Rutherford, Mrs. Harold Gaunt,, Mrs.,Fred' MQ '1 ui lin and Mrs. Gordon ' Mc- erson: Mrs.- Barbour ',was ap_. inted to. see about getting the eeswater:. play some time in nuary The .`lunch committee la pointed for. this is' Mrs.' Dave b, ,Mrs. Wm.. Humphrey, .,hre Purdon, Mrs p y' Mrs. .Allan. Miller Bob Barkweai• of Kingston was a :caller'. 'here last. week, .Mrs. B'arkwell, "Carole andMu Visited at Dundas, Murrayrry Marguerite • n --- ' er MacKenzie; ;laugh - Kenzie, race' Mac enzie, is ill at her. home'with .pneumonia, a • malady td. which she is ..subject HURON . Co. CROP REPORT oration: on his m _--;•-Farms wont -� is mostly cuff ned to chores•. and., bush' work; al- though `continued silow falls have made .' bush: work difficult.. Each will .meet at .the home of : Mrs. l r,' there is an increasing de- ,A1�Irwin on Tuesda mand for fax account .books. An 1711117l.. wi on ne y, January examination of, .farm records in . e"+: good :way: to they County for 19 ile:current ; , topic'; Mrs. Robt: I ei.d:;, ,the most part a further er de for nts, .Mrs.` : J.'. He either decwas Render- i i n . ne song. aro � t farm • incom:e -.- this was gram and ..ranch Mrs::I further .augernented by -the "Very Eric. Rackett, 'Mrs: D. Nicholson.' dry cion i' mow _ p. ng season'►. •_. last cam: EED.. MORE ll ` Let Us. WWI An EnT1 Y CIENT” 'E I S" " VI- . THE NEW -MCCLARY iitarAAAA»Ait. - nni"tiv greater'heattng efficiency combined with compact, attractive design W it> a McClary Unit. See Joe .l . boon at The Playhouse This Week -end. w::, - r. ,.,. . . .arw ie.■ lttrg, Heating Witen0'r Eav`etreug',in;g ;Ri na• Du the do was the:.. ring mie and was give The vel 'and• meets of :M Mrs Ric and Mrs, H. Webb: A do. tion *as ,given •by Mr Lorne ruin .to purchase s,orn.ething .for.. >hall, and a metal , box Was ug'ht for taking money at the or. A spn:g, "Joy to. the World,".. sung,, ' Mrs. T. J. Todd ,a". v:. ,: e ,motto, g tto, Ring out the '• ofd I:. tri,::the. new". Mrs. Ross ~Gan;'' :'ha d the topic on •Citizenship'' Education "Deck the Ha11s" sung; :Current events were r';by .Miss'W.'D.• Ruthe e'. was ser by` the , hostesses, 1VMst rpt, .�Mrs..LEred __ McQuillan Mrs. Eldon: Miller: The:next ng will -be held at •'the.; home:' rs: • Fred• NlcClgillin. KIN OUG . James Smith: presided. for the meeting of the Holyrood Women's Institute which• held in the hall . on.; ° was Thursday afternoon' When t was' decided ;to start " the card parties in./the hall for the' winter months. be- ginning. next 'Tuesday even'n' lents CORET§ GIRDLES CORSEI,I TTES We. carry a complete size range. in .a garments . , manufactured in ll types of above . lb*: ; , branded � �' r NU�.R•�CR p :a LArIVGN:. ,iRENI I'L,Ei,;yT�� , ' .GOTIIiIC E. �, CORSET 'EQUISI'TE LO.VABI•E, . • etc: BittisSIEREs BELTS 'S J!fl KS. fitted • y a :lteB'IStexed Co • ttierre SPECIALS! • I.OUSE'DRESSES " •^ and $2.00 •BRASSIERES • . - -- - ___ _ ^ = 99c • .1.OQ TOWELS • _ •. (large. variety colors _ S9c, BSc, $1.0 y lors sizes} rso Mr. and Mrs. . _.._ Everett un.w who Ladies' and' Men's We .,,- Wear 'PHONE See Joe ' E. 'Brown at �, a Playhouse This yVekel...en Walsh. .:Mrs, Ar u Everett Whytock • and l'eg Mr ttx r Phillips, fined to: his was Goa, ffiY Fonthii spent the : is improving.°r a 'few days, week -end. here P'Mr.J. Who has R• tine, ` Farrn.. been visiting: there, re- ening . Fbr ' met Mondays turned home: gat the home of Art gds. • od- :'`Wel UY. lingtan Ru. of . Kin- , in, - ROSS• s..iSend�ng :tee ' CORNERS Lane -..with • E 85, LUCRNOW C and .Mrs, Everett Whytock; Donne`'s s..Midford mall & pent ears 'wlth meeting or 1 Mr. and Mrs.. Tone Hackett and closed with th 'Doug; ' Ashfield ' • National anthem: Lunch :.-Mir. .: Reg i.Brown• . •spent New- Years with, Mr. and �tchol;,som-arra-`farniI `Mrs. Hugh• Y,�-$enol ' .Dr. and Mrs.. Don Willitts, nie and Barbara, Uxbrdge, spe New Years with Mr.. ' and; M Dime 'Thompson: ''Mr. and Mrs. .f: :James Wrait celebrated: New Years, on Jan uary 2nd with Mr. and Mrs. Mur ray Henderson . and • •ehildren' Param. ount, ; Mr& Tom' Stewart •meat sola nt Mr f • h' GIRL GUWWE NOTES • At Abe Court: of •Honour Iast Friday eveningthe Girl Guides decided to wo ' o k'for � +.. f their . Badge. The requirements Gttrzer� area: e•I 1. :Know the requirements for time me at the hezne of. Mr.', and Mrs. 'Alex. Stewart and 'babe, Kincardine. C g ` , ns on the new g.I on�ratuIatt° A. greeting -..Was read from the granddaughter District . President. It.' was . also ' Many relatives, • friends and decided .to remember the Mans.. I business associates : spent the fields ....__ a gift. of Iie'ddin to Week -end, in, the replace articles ivy- h Lucre : `a "let Community, and. de-.. hn-�f'u�r�ra�--o�f`thef a`te stroyed iii their .recent fire.. Mrs. Earle 1.lodgins: J. Smith :' and : Mrs Wm; Eadie'I..Mr. anad Mrs. Jack Scl umaoh are in charge of purchasing the er accompanied by Mrs. William articles, ,Mrs: Raynard . Ackert, Wall and Allan of Kinlough ' not- wtll :be hos ess forinext meet -urea-=to-Londc)nr-on-=Tuescia •. ing which W111 also be , held . rn .Wahl, who hash' Y Mrs. the h t,. been. we1 citizen hip `.in' Cariada and l at o f 1 qualities are . required of a oed citizen, at home; among , friend and, in'.the. communit 3T• g. ,Kxtovv- -,(.a} Ziow ether village council• is elected and how.it pop-: . erates; '(;b) How her village taxes nx-lev�d- - used... •.3: Write a paper on the Guide Patrol •System. At the meeting afterwards the • Guides-- or practised = signalling -and- . . _... all when slides a 111 be; s°me tune; consulted • medico of I thea campfire songing the.Morse s for the ttQ a dow•n;• The i oll;.ca11 was answer- that city ted with `!A Canadian We •are 'sorry .to report' of/ will test product Iy w be held': Friday, Jan• _ . Frank B p that • uary 27,th n has been J y using" Bernice Thompson _nO.._ _ s 'Faith,. Faith, Nope •and. Charity" • Lars. Ed Thompson gave a read- ing, "Machine and; Man": Frank Tho r \lett' znpson; , gave :a Nene Years' reaching,:. Current events - were •given' by Mrs: ,Perry Hod- gins. Mrs, Raynard Ackert gave the' Federated News. At the close of •tl , -meeting dainty refresh. merits were served. •Mrs, Milton Walsh •visited dur�.. ing the week with l'trs. Dori Me- C(7512 A _-__ W. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Schneller •Liz family. were to Kitchener. an Tuesday. and Margaret returned from . there to Bclle'ville to con= Mr .Henry Scott of Kitchener. visited :.with his sister, Mrs Walsh arid other 'relatives. Mr.and Mrs, Morley t lshell and Mrs. John Barr ,Motored. to Shale peare on Saturday. to at:- tend at` tend.. the_ .funeral . o�.theii Miss Fay McTavish, who had been engaged in Deaconess 'work in Toronto atnong .. the Chines' • Margaret, Marilyn anad John Bushell spent Saturday with. their cousin, Sharo, ,�Hoclgiris.. Nlrs,' W'Not:- Guest and ' or - sen Johnstone 'went to 'London r to" be with her daughter, ' Mrs. 'Stanley Jolstone ; . Mtr:�d>l'r•�Wil1<t�,�;�`n,.. and' Gamy -ofGoderich' visited on u n d.a y with Mrs. Ge`rtr.ude` confined, row . ' n ined, •On ' Saturda , . Y afternoon the to bed since the last of ,Deceiii- Guides met in � their room �. and_ : ger .with a heart condition.• , *made More Mr. 'Harry Brown of • Ric Lmond mays feet. plasterheIocal baa Hill Mr. ,his casts'' of ani• Friday. ' brother Frank ,on have' co: tch'ers • � aFerated to a great ex,-!' . lent in providing feet for' this We. are 'glad to report that Mr,. Proje�et'• . '���i+rss+i.ru+rri,�,+wry i''M\,a�!► far.. ... „ 1 a �• 1 `.GOLDEN � 3ANTAM CORN .;VItiiea , choi:c e� 1.5 oz. RK AND ' I3E I•`_—: ,�- �iH �: �fi.,(-fir;: CLOVER LEAP".SALMON • 7�anc:v Soclt�..ye 734 9r, • • 511VRRzcI-IAT' . ARCAE.ENE• �. I CAKE and PASTRY / lbs I• :AYL ERTOMATO �.. L 2..ES one UC 0 Alipoiroki • • • 4.