HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-11, Page 11 •
• t
$2:50. A Year In Advance—$100 Extra. To VOA,
Reject Request. For Buliding
Aid To Kincardine Hospttal
'At, the inaugural meeting • of:
Lucknow, Municipal Council on.
Mondaynight, the' Board reject.-
' ed' a • reciuest• ,for' assistance it
the ,construction of a' new wing
at Kincardine General Hospital.
Lucknow is• paying On a deben-
, 'ture levy of $7,222.23 to the new
WingYam chronic patierits wing,
'and 'as' Councillor Joynt put it,
•'"We've' got all we can pay now"
LucknoW's •pica -rata •share • • as
, set by the.'Kincardine R'ospital
Board, was 1. percent, or .$742.05.
• This Was, basedon a • total of 34
Lucknow patients ',being admit-
, ted • "to Kincardine Hospital over
the .past five years.
Council authorized the 'trans-
fer of an insurance claim' cheque
to the. Recreation' Centre Coma-
mince in th_n'
amount of slightly
0d i•'
'in fro
age cease �e late fa 1.
To • Repair Siren •
Fire George Whitby 're -
Ported to .Council that the 'shut-
off : i mechanism controlling ., .the
siren was not working and :that
children became "frantic" from
its continued. 'wailing: The•' Fire
Connpariy. .was • authorized to
have the .necessary:.; repairs made.
'Old. Snow ' Plow,
Reeve. Hamilton ,reported that'
' :they had.sol'd'the old, snow' plow
'to .Walden • Bros ' on •a two. -day:
trial .basis for $200.. Councillor
Jo n:t said "You sold the wron �-
one",:,as he. recorded '; a dissent-
ing vote. upon • the, remainder of
tthe'Board •approving.,the sale„
Council, decided to : advetrtise
for. 30 cords .Of.. Wood for use at.
• the ToWn 'Hall..., ' • ,'
By -Law No 1' 'was: passed ap-
proving of the "borrowing of: up
to $45,000. as ' required .'during the.
year Ter municipal financing.:
A. M., Harper was -•e -engaged.
as auditor, : and, com,plixnented, ori
his .work: ,He1asked :,$300, an in--
• crease of: $50 over, last year; and
;in . his; letter to ' the Board said
that . the $300 fee wassomewhat
lower than what he received,
• from a 'smaller municipality but:I.
Provincial Polic ..of •,lie God'
. e
erich detachment . `raided the'
Horse Shoe "Bottle Club' east of
Lucknow• on Saturday ' night and
laid charges against the propriet.
or, ,A lvin Smith, under the' Can-
ada Temperance Act, ,' •
It was the third raid.' of its
kind ,on Huron Coui:ity 'Bottle
Clubs . within. two weeks •The
crack -down .stemmed from an in-
quest jury's recommendations,'
following • the deaths of three
Gbderich'• youths in a car crash'
at Saltford:::
It •is the second . raid On •the
Billy Robinson' is 0gorng a
have to. lock ,up: his famous
• talking, crow :The " 'reason—
it follows. Bill to school'' and •
is proving a distraction to the
This petcrow knows where`
Bull's ; ;classroom" iso `: He • a:-
, lights: on they Window sill dir-
"•ectly opposite his seat and
keeps peeping in the window.
at his owner, • This is ` no.
plane for a "window peeper"
:and there's only one solution
it seems—lock him up dur-
ing school hour's. .
Allan W.• Treleaven of Torofito,
and . formerly of Lucknow;` has.
Horseshoe Club which is located been named general manager of
on 'the St.` Helens Road . a short • the- Toronto Real Estate Board:
distance south : of Highways.' 86: ,. - •• - s .the son- oL-Mr*and.- 'Mrs'
tember. was born- ill in this community 32
years ago. and received his edu
STOOD TENTH AMONG •cation; in ,Lucknow. .:He entered
SOVEREIGN' LIFE AGENTS the 'real: estate business in Tor -
SOVEREIGN onto where he has been operat-
ing his own ,`business. 'He . has
During the 'month -of Decem- been a rrem.berf
her, : Mr P. ':S: Stewart of Luck o the' Toronto
now `stood tenth in ;the; amount Real Estate•Board for eight years.
f ; business,.obtained- In. 1954 he served • on. the Co-op
d by • Soyer Committee and on',t.he: member-
eigh , Life..I•nsurance 'agents; from.
coast to' coast. Th was: reveal ship committee. during' 1.955,
ed The Toronto:Real:Estate .;Board.,
in the` Company's 'December re= owns: • their own !building,
'Port of . leaders for the .month". .which
is located •on Yonge S•t; at Davis=
Philip:.•§tonl second ir. ' the ville :across Trona: the s•ttbwa It'
.Stratford division.. He is: in his rl:Y
s approximately 4,000 feet of
21st a
,year • With the Company. ,; .
Appointment of Committee' and
Board memberswas one of 'the
first duties of the Village Coun-
cil at' the inaugural •meeting -on
Monday evenin,.. Taking the oath
cif•.office; were Reeve' A. W. 'Ham -
that he.was able to do the work:
here more, efficiently• as, the re-
cords are maintained.; at one:
office and are properly, kept.
To . Draft Agreement'
Council looked' over A ' farm=
used by ' a neighboring'rnunici-'
pality' consenting 'to the •' in5pec
tion of the assets' of anyone' ap,
.p Ying-for :medical -or relief as
sistance or Indigent.h;ospitaliza-
•. tion
�It• was decided to have Camp -
',bell' Gr -ant -,'draft, an agreement
form •to be signed by •anyone ap-
,ply.ir�g. for such assistance.
Set' Salary
Clerk -Treasurer E. H. , Agnew
was re-engaged. • at a . salary of
$3,300 ,are, motion : of . Councillors
Webster and MacLeod, with the
,.:tie breaking; vote cas •y eeve
Hamilton. ' The he 'amendment by
, Councillors Joynt and Sherwood
that the salary be $3,175 was
lost. Mr; Agnew pays. of fice : r ent
al: of ,$120.
The �- ,. salary - br'eakdown iso as
: Village, 30 .percent $ '990
Rydro, .55 percent ,.•.'• 1,815.
Water,. •15 :percent ...,,495.
Mr. Agnew received . $3,000 in
. 105.5 --ar a •.:_,
t 1
-erid• o hz' e
Co idi •approved payment of
534Cr for extra• x
office help during
the t tyaiW •
salary is•Y.. f xed
amount that. will c:ivr'r all of,
..tee help required: Office, hours
viere chanted. from 9.00' a.iii, to
5.00 p,in.:
In casting the deciding,vote
• peeve . ,
„ne Hamilton said that had
Ilebeen called on to vote on the
c ..
Vitra' rel he
wotilil'•not have approved it, but
this is another year arid he want.
ed a fixed salary set. did net
floor , space. and.. is completely
n•; odern • as it was just .completed
:a year ago.: There is :'a staff of
•25 with a volume of over
$6,00.0;000 .iii .the '•last, 'recorded'
• 'We were asked the above ques-
•the other' day •arid couldn't
ar'iswer it:. Possib1y some'..of 'our,.
readers will know whether or
ilton, and•.Councillors . Alex Mac. -,;fat there was ever; a 'Br'uce' Co:
Lepd. George Joynt, 'W. G Web Atlas published. If so,., tt>e .would
s�ter and Sam She wood, the Web,
-: ap p ate' learnin g �`•
. g w '
ho in the
ter (filling. the vacancy °resulting contmunity.:might have a copy.'.
from'. V. A.. .Mowbray's retire:'
� Kinloss Makes First Payment
ncardine Hospital ,.Fungi
George Webster of tiavi,C.5.
,Cape _Breton ` has' ,. returned' • ,' to
.Halifax after spending his Christ
mas leave at the home of • his
parents, Mr:• 'and Mrs.Harvey
Web`s,. ' , .
Georterge and his , mother went
to Toronto" the first' ofthe week
and early Wednesday morning
George- .boarded a plane at Mal -
ton that would have'him iti Hali-
fax in . about 'four hours, .
The Canadian' Navy's only pipe
band was organized :less, than a
year ago and in May, George
joined • the` . band as one of a, half .
• dozen side drummers. The band;
which is unique in the RCN.,;
as mbe
h . 38 mers • ... __._ - :
�:cl.u- ._.-2 -
°pipers, ass drum ner, six Side.
drummers and • tat. o: tenor drum -
George got • alis • initial drum-
ming experience. With the Luck -
now District High School Band.
Mr. and Mr.'s: William' A. Helm ,
announce tie • 'engagement of
;their daughter, Eunice:Irene, to
.William Hector Lawson ' Duns
Muir, son of Mrs.. Margaret Duns -
Kinross Township.: Council;. at,
'the ,December meeting, :aecepted
a '3 -percent share of Vie +ifui'Iding
casts of a_•new wing at Kincar-
dine General Hospital, which
ain.ounts 'to $2;226:15. At the Jan-
uary Meeting • ..on IV4nday . the
Kinloss' -Board authorized pay..
meat of`. half, of this amount,
with the rernainder•'to be paid:. at
a later date. It will .be • fiinanced
without a debenture 'issue.
Estimated 'ecia ofthe new wing
as $243,680.00. The ;amount avail-
able is $169,475.00, 'leaving a bal-
ance of $74,205:00 which. the Kin-
cardine Hospital Boar& hope'sto
raise by a pro -rata levy on mun-
icipalities 'using the hospital.
The .percentages' are "worked out
over '.a .'five: yearperiod of ad
.missions ••m . tie- various- • cen-•-
1950.. •
Kinloss Ash:.'Luck.
32 15 .• 10
1951 28 17 , 4
1952, ..,,.., 36 19 • '7
1953 25 17 5
195.4: .....,... 37 29, 8.
Kinloss; 3 percent .::$2,226:15
•.Ashfield, 2 percent ...1,484:10.
Lucknowi, 1 percent;. 742,05
Laid Over By- Ashfield•
muir and. the 1a1 Allen T • he matter has been laid •over
I en •Duns-
Muir of Ayr, ' Seotland. M:arria ��e •b'y the. Asifield Council It is an
Marriage ticipated • that .a. similer''•re, 'request
to . take place in Bell St, . . 1' q '
United .Church- Otta va on J n will be- forthcoriaing : from Gods
' a• erich at which time the. whole :.
uary ,14th: i
:Matter •matter of:`ros_oital grants will. be.
• reviewed.. ' by ' Ashfield Council
EATR E STILL i'which .to- dare •has .deferred any.
' acoa in assisting the Niro .ham
iN 0PERATIO i i,rti ect •_
The Flayhou,se ;Theatre will ......As rc_oorted elsewhere' in this
continue. to operate for the time: issue Lucknowas filmed. rued down.
being; at least: There : were •onlythe request for assistance to Kin
eight of • thirty -four sponsoring.cardine:
me: chants ..turned out: at last Fri- Kinloss Conc_l:
accepted their
day night's meeting • to iscuss: share
as many any ,of• :tlie residents';.
the' future of;., the theatre, and of the northerly part 'of the-'I`.wp.
that handful did not, wish .to `as- go to .Kincardine.-HosPital' •
sameresponsili:bity of ' closing
:how. •
Thee alas�•.~icce.�-o-f—a-be-ut thr
ei373eiz=co,n;,;itteS� `til7he-
first named' as chairman, 'are: LODGE GE OFFICERS
Finance Hamilton, Joynt
MacLeod.A joint ,installation of the Can -
Highways - MacLeod, . Web- adian Order of: 'Foresters; : Court
stcrSherwood- •••••-,'
.• .- .,y
Health-•Joynt, ` Webster,' ,Sher-
Property --- Sherw ood• Webster,
Hamilton, •
5.her-,irriod-.No 50.:_and-Cour`,•--Se
pey . L .28:'8, was held in the Re-
crea-tienal. Centre on. Monday eV-
ening: John Borthwick of the
high' court 'at Brantford,, and . W.
Water 'and Fire--Joy:nt, `Ham- Matzanke,, the district manager.
It ;-`Mt c -L od, Wgbstei;. Skier= -elf- Ch=esiev Were installing ..uf
wood:' o • ficers y.
Hydro 'Webster, Hamilton; Court Sepoy, a .ladies' ,,lodge;
MacLeod, Sherwood, Jovnt, : was • established here 'lin. March
•Industrial Hamilton, ' Web with. -:Mrs:Margaret WasneY .as
sten, Joynt. . , president, and she was re-elected
Court of Revision * Whole to• headthe organization for 1956:
Council• Court Sherwood wars establish-
Recreation Centre (•for 2 -year ed •in Lucknow in '1881, but the
term)...., -W: B. Anderson,• Ger
Rathwell•, Mrs.,:;'A.' • E. McKim,
Stuart : C'ollyer, .. Jack'' Bannister;
l� or ,'cri,c •vt ai -E rrnci-ll-err J--n-t-o -ranger an -d -he -has -be -en -r -e- elect •-
last knoWn meeting was held ' in
1919 'It was- revived' ;again last
year with Joe' Wasney as chief
'and '.MacLeod. ed to that position for 1956:
Arena Cotnrni•ttee .' (for' two- Other officers include =vice chief •
ai� ibex°rn,)''--;C',tgrrirt ri'rr ' 1\2acDon-' verger, Alvirt .Hamilton; Finan=
ye. „ •
ald, • Chas. Wrh;ter, Buss; Button,, cial s e; i etac,y, Stuart. Jamieson;
'a' •:r.,cn. (Harold G'reer,:! trcasure5•, ' Bud Thomnsort; .re
ii'or• .one. y,'car, ,Reeve' li iini lton .cord n secs t.'ta Y; Charles 'Shart,
and •Ctitinrillni. Webster•
chaplain, James Arnold; senior
' Park C:'omhri-.ttec..- wood\�rard, . Bu11 :Button.,, junior
�Cd�edonian , ,
'Reeve 11 uniltc,ri ;and Councillor ; t�i'ckoth aid, ,Ha1'vey Brooks;'. sea-
Sh rwoc d.. nt!iet•',:rCintA(li s , : t ilh` 4lo>�' beadle, 1 lare Johnstone; �•jtin-
�° yea vt't,'to ru-n, l� of ;Cameron,. ,15i bench Harold Tieleaven;
Y coinduc•tor, 'Jaci. ' Pollock;,-,, au di • d.�'VI ttiX.l_tL Y ._.�..
'lai�ir•c c--- -� .
I o ;�'1z�1'ntOS , E itci.iei�tsiart. tt? Charle,5 aitort, Jttclt Pollock. s
1' w , .; •, a ; 'Yd a • Officers of .the Ladies Court
•..,1�• �t ..1,lcin . ,••tr .r•<, ,i},i, orntc
tt7rirt1'rrr of th& i,'��i,iiy Board e'ludcl:i president, Mrs. Margaret
quarters 'of , the: group pledged to
back the show left their `wish in
the matter ` unanswered.
• An initial .: • payrnent 'by th• e
backer4_,mv, as._; mad;e_�:when ::the
show started last : May, in' order
19 cover • 'opening expenses: and
provide 'a little working capital:
Throughout'. • the ' Surmmer' and:
early fall the show paid its ' way,
bu•t• -attendance- slipped. - during
Mr: and Mrs. Lorne S: Web
ster, forrnerly' of • .Lucknow, will
cele•bi ate the 50th. anniversary..
of •".their' wedding . on ' January
24th, 195BF-----Phey'—Wil-l-`-recei e-
their friends �"a:t their.home On
West St, iSeaforth, frdan 2.00 to
5.00 'P.m, and from 7.00 to : 9:00
p.m,. on' January 2.4th, 1956
the busy pre Christn as season, of THREE IN FAMILY . HAVING
Noverriber ,"and December. and 'BOUT WITH PNEUMONIA
The .Playhouse ' ended the year, in :
the red.
. .. i
,: , _' . • Three children ofeMr. and Mrs.
'At Friday's meeting t was de- Jack; Curran Of .Ashfield have
cided to Make an'other'. assess- been :having, a ,lout with pneu-
meet. to' put the`•finances in: "the monia .for• the past tea' dayi.•:or,
iblack",; and: continue for another, 'so: They are Mary 12, Ralph 10
trial period. There. was some op -.':and Stewart Z. Prequent':shots of
tirnism _that. the theatre might. _._eni it • i.
g penicillin ci lin have_ been given the
stili pay-, its way with • a good 'youngsters in an effort t '
to clear
u ,=lac stu - = of=n - -
, . p- -bra r,-alady..
elec•oi �l�ows..::__A a�'lVla_-arid
Pa' Kettle' .picture which,•hasl al-
ways. proved. profitable is book
ed for February.. ,
Merchants' backing - the shovl+ both •Ral h and Stewart.,,
Stewas•�,. ,,
have paid an average of a little
moi.e than $1;'.50" a 'month to "sub
si'dize its operation, and 'it .way , ARE SPENDING 'WINTER
pointed out that if '"Mr. and Mrs..1 IN PHE SUNNY SOUTH:
a . . ..
Mere `ant" each-:..wenn.' to' . the
show :once a month;,the deficit Mr. and, Mrs. IV, A; Porteous
would practically be ,:eliminated. and .Mr. Robert. Rae and \t -
One ' suggestion, was that each karet left at , the eek-enc'f for
,ponsoring~.merchant Be .grvori. 'a FToricia Where tlie.y elan to spend
about, three months.
.They visited at
Detroit enroute
-arra =l -eft fcsr ,the--sunny-r�Y,-ri� rt;.:
Pneumonia is .nothing' new for:
theirs: It's the fourth `tine fol'
Mary and the third • attack for
coot#plc of tickets. a• month. ast
"value recei��ed" which he could
do - vd-th
i . as:�h-e I�x•
tr r�i7 st'AC c*e � i-�nt*y; 1c In bsklen , rs, ed, Thc-t e
irg M
cif. .' It t fro•.<'T . . T „Ltt'r'na t�'llr, T id��"S Tamllton.:'-ehapTa).n, Mi's was : heft ing ' d(. initwe on �t iti
r. t?V'.. I.. 1i 1.
grid pattl tiri �c�r: 'Vicilet • Arnold; treasurer. Mrs
h<id 1, Alice .Taylor: financial secretary,
v:icr• '
1..it.cknrjt� , crinrlitlrilcY ':r * xi lrtc�iit= rc>t1tr . , lYj 4 ." •Slii>:1ey, 13roUfl.'S
,er cif -thr� t'i�iii;;liziirt Iir,;l.,ifiil v'atden, Mie. Mae Htinteiy; inner
gtitti d, Mt s Huth' Jat dt•iie;. obiter
W. A•ndc'i4don kV.11:t nnnivci Mrs. I t•a Mack; ,•earl ding see
' dtctor Mi. l'ca rl JPori loolcon
tiit�l"l,c* c,‘r!r thc,5125 ._ iewii, alta
a floret-leo.c'ld o jl't � li, Ii c lr i.rpt �c,n'tEY<1 itt P"',r,Mis T1 e }ty� li!ltllei°. ai d Mrs.
Su ggestioii. •
''It was also ' ,suggestod that
:when 'a good •show is playing the
merchants could: do much: by
"talking it up"� •
Voluntary offers have been
made to na.t e ov
..M.� -.a..�.,M�.�z'hr�ad.�,-..:�ttlld
altogether one last effort ia" her•
ing° itnade to try to "save filo
firs1761 thE-Tveek.' kr Rae's :Ind
Margaret's destination is the
Woodalls Trailer 'Village at Lake -
•land, Florida, whieh 'is operated
merly Of Lucknow. •
"Bill and Jentlie"' to farther
headouarter at. "The 8cahorse"