HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 10• "PAGE. TEN. During Our JANUARY *SUIT SALE Agent for JAMES BROS.. CLOTHES ChooseSuit • A � During January from our wide range of up-to,-the-nainute samples: and get an • EXTRA. PAIR Of TROUSERS,FREE • AGENT FOR :'KINCARDINE • CLEANERS' Free Pick=Up' and Delivery Monday ` and • Thursday. , LUGKNOW, ,ONTARIO 1, SEE BY THE. • SENTINEI~ THAT Harold Fairish, son - 'of Mr:' and Mrs Lorne :Fairish, 1 arrived home from the.' West the day before Christmas.' Har old and, his brother Jack, •whp is also' in ° the West, 'both " got a thrill in the fall to see. Mur-, ray Gaunt's picture on tele- ' vision. THAT, Kathleen Hackett,'•daugh-. ter of Mr. and .Mrs. .Tom°Hack. :et, .recently :underwent. an ap- pendectomy in Wingham Hos:- Taal. Hos-.,pital. . ---o-•- , THAT applications- are being 'called for , in thisissue for the ,part -tune position' of caretaker of the • Luckngw Post Office:, THAT. it will_ be Family, 'Night Men's, Ladies', Children's Wear—Piece Goods and Woollens - 13 -plate Hart `Battery Pathfinder Signal Lights - - (tor trucks) • 5840 ':Ex. Bonded Brake Lining. _ ___ 4 __ $4.98 Ex. • (Set 2 ',\\-heels l.: Exchange Generators -- $9:50 Wafflers and Pipes Brake Cables Clearance Lights and .Reflectors Tail Lights and Seal Beam Units . (All ;Parts installed by •Local ;Garage) Mad NTYREY:and .IRW1 Phone 65 -. ‘Lucknow -:,:.. BI'I'UARY hhs _.wo t—h ;Werc' gw-en—by-Gha1. niers .Church . and .also :by many Friday ,and Saturday" nights when the entire family regard- less of,numbers, will be admit. ted for the priceof two.adult tickets,'.:$1.00. The picture is • "Tumbleweed"; an action -pack- ' ed : Western starring... Audie Murphy,. Lori Nelson arid Chill Wills. 7 THAT atthe. morning'. service at . the United , Church . on. Sunday, ` Mr. .and Mrs: Janes blathers; Mrs. . Oliver' Glenn • and . Mr. • James.' Boyle were received, in= to the membership 'of the. church THAT., Jim Nelson .. of. Ashfield has .had his aivri in a 'cast since suffering a broken ,' shoulder when struck ..a: glancing blow i by a falling tree. The results couldwellhave been fatal had Jim been . struck on the head. JOHN ADAM _SIMPSON neighbors. The pallbearers were John Adam Sianpson died in. Jas. Wilson,:: Albert, Paterson, Miles Moir, =Joe King, Mr. Craig 'Win am Hospital on December, 26th•. after a` period of' -failing - ,health. failing,health. The end came ` quiclrrly when pneumonia set in after a period of three days.. ,and 111ir. Maclllwraith, 'Interment was in Winghern Cernetery. • He was • the last, of a family of seven ' born to .Margaret . John- ston and Arthur Simpson on Con. 2, Culross Township, 84 • years ago. He farmed with his ;brother Robert, spent .two years iri the 'West • around Red Deer with his • brother ' Ewen. On returning home he bought a farm -oh High - *Way 136. In 1927 he -moved to. . Whitechhrch 'where he • contin- ued. to ,reside :till ;.a month_ ago when .he came to, live with 'bis nephew, 1,VIt.. and' Mrs. Robert ' Stimpson, . n .e retiredfrorn active work some .years ago, but continued 'a keen interest in life.. Of a quiet and friendly nature he was highly' esteemed by his ei ore _ ;7e ghb. s; H possessed Many of the characteristics and sterling qualities of.. his Scottish fore- bears. He had a good sense of humor and was a witty conver- • RODERICK ROSS The death' of :Roderick Ross occurred at Baker's Private .Hos pitai oh .Th' rssday, Decernber 22, after a brief illness. 'He was 88 years ,of age,:. and was , born . at Langside on. the' farm nqw: own- ed : by Russell.. Ritchie, arid shad, ,lived practically all his ,life in the corn'rnunity. • • • • He was a son ,bf;Murddoch Ross and Mary MacDiarrnid, who came from the -Tale, of Skye...Of a family of eight the sole surviv or ` 'is a brother, John Ross of., Garievale,' mask., w -ho is 92, Roderick was :predeceased : by. Mrs. Wm.. McKay (Euphernia), Alex Ross, ;Mrs. ;Dave Dickie. (Katie), Christina, Margaret and, Colin. Roderick never married. `" He farmed the homestead until in advanced years, and then spent a short time in ..the West before sationalist : He was fond:' of music 'returning 'to Luckno`i; :to live. and in his• younger years played He had been. a •resident 'at the the bagpipes. He i.ever marries Aaker,-..H ore:. for sot.. _time. lie Re is survived by sixteen nieces was a quiet. mannerly gentle - and nephc.irs , man ,and lield 'in esteem' by all Ie . ;was a member of White- ,ijho .knew h:ir.: c urcl _ `lei esT�t t :ria ,..-� � C�r+r�l.. XZ1�,_.. _The:.,,funewa; e y`.:t;e..'l,:-d5-�1F•�r�. which he: sang' .for gra y. years at the JohnStiJ ;e 1"aifer al Home, in the choir. • !Lucknow, on Saturday. lie ern- . The uricral service Was held her'2r 4th conductedb •ARE:: Wai- n Whitechurch Rresbyteri,an• lace McClean .o . 'Luck' ,w Pres - Church. His minister, Rev. Nor- hy t.elarChurch. Interment. ,was man Caswell, conducted the ser- r in South Ki ;loss. Cemetery, the vier with a former minister; Rev:: rallbearen . being Frak,r aid 1. 1n w .s t l" .ah aeT' 1 -Pester-0I7efftt 3 R, MacDonald of Ashfield. ! Dave McDiarinid;: Jath: Wraitheeautiful,flo�wers as a tribute. to and Wm. ,...Ott. THAT Miss Katharine MacKen- zie, 'who isteaehipg in a Can- ada-established school iri :Ger- . • many, -• 'spent the. Christmas holidays in "Switzerland ac= ' companied by a .: friend, Miss Bruce. -O • s t e. new-• ly elected president Of the Kin- cardine Branch \ of ..the adian Legion. THAT Ernie Ackert was dis charged from the hospital'l.ust before Christmas, but will still have his , leg;:and' anti in. a cast for. a •time. D'an MacKay's, in-. .. juries were more severe than :_'_at first. thought _and ••he evert- ually. had a . cast put on his leg and :was ,hospitalized,'''for a. BUDGET DAYS at 19c and 56c VALUES. IT .PAYS TO Skip!. IN LUCICNOW W NE§DAY. JAN. 4th, 195 FANCY 'TOMATO JUICE.. . Sttokleys,..48 oz. ` --- -BEANS• • ANDPORK . .Clark's, 20 oz..-�; FANCY CREAM CQRN .pokleys,.15. oz, I.G.A.'.TOMATOES 20 oz.► - -- .- -_ KA. JAM Assarl ed; 9 Oz..._ _ AYLMER CATSUP 1.1 oz, ,, a TOMATO .SOUP• fO Y' . 560, 1 y T Ca�n�'��bcll s' SOLO MARGERENE • 2 for 5 or 5 'or 5 19C for 56c 19c I.G.A. 'LARD 1 l'b JELLO: 'Assorted fll'avors FREE `. DELIVERY or D Vc Phone: 29 Lucknow 0.404.;04.1.1,111.1,04.11 .41.1.046100.4...r.i...;00p114)41.041.1064116,04.1040*Ii.011111041111.;01111.01110 4t. 1.' THAT, Nits..• Richard, McQuillin, Sr., is at present making. her home with her son Herb arid. Mrs.. Mequillin. She is eighty • yea'r's df age;. and while quite hard' of :hearing; enjoys fairly 'g good health and is still able , and takes , pleasure in • doing light.;, household tasks. • THAT winners of the ,Ronald party , draw were, .Mrs. Sid -'Gardner, a Chinese •lamp`, and Mrs; John 11cGeei ::an electric Prosperity and`. 42 4 Oona ea lfi ,And To Ex ress' Our .A Appreciation. Of ' Your Patronage And p ! Pleasant. Business Relations Throughout The Past' .Year. S . Rathi'elleSo_ FINE:FOOTWEAR FOR A ' • i LL THE FAMILY.. '`alarm clock. COCKTAIL PARTIES . (as, rirrored.'.in the -press) "make you ill—induce trashy 'and 'truncated ' conversation—are expensive—do not promote peace b t•foment war" (The Manche - ter ,Guardian). • - "a social evil, reducing . the human ;personality to .a . noisy and • ," •� diSagreea.nlc, tail-c-atu.re ,-- (Bruce :'Hutchison) •" loosed things 'upbut,'often the way;•you loosen 'up a car by running it into a hydrant" (1 ob-` ert Thorrias••Ahen):, • "Historians. of ;the future may -: well decide. that' one of the Most... Useful. weapons ot the Tussipns the period, of ' the cold war was vodka dunking their guests' in a :sea of , vodka :?a)ta' papers relate that on one O1 • `casion.•45 toasts, were drunk", --r Th (ronto,Saturday plight)_-Advt;' /•/%%%/%%%/%%%."//•//%/%///%%%%%%V.WW., W w • II 4i • • r l.c t . *n� lon )d%zsill� test. v.'t'n nylon ;lace. , $3.29 11IISSES' PYJ f'lar.raelettr • AMAS p:' j F_lr'naF, :size $1.98 • :.,BOYS' INEL) rtifr���r- rack; 'r, to 14 Years ,LEANS w�d •.e a4. �, • 8:3. sn.A : ....tAYWNNs ,..AICs tz:rt,rfl' d:, ,priced Fit $1.98 MEN'S CAPS Dv/legal. tw •ed. � tww. 6.7•oaS71. I'ri.ce p l .49 S'FRIPED. ELANNELEr E . 36 inches wide. ingod ir,rrnbiria- ali'` u 'pyjarnas.: Yard . CAPESKIN ('LOVES Pair .r...,. ,.,..... ;1:1;9 SKI CAPS. ;Cotton drill, • rayon, quilted 1}fl int;, 1.'igca,. brown, blue . .f;ie • Price' .". ,$1.40 IVII: 1't ,Avog K ;; EIIItTS ;anfor'izec heavy weight •cOt o flannel, waved checks • PA ii ii ii ii iii ii -i ii/iii/-�•r•.- -nisi iii:^ ,rw- .4r46'r ' v .rte !►12%6 l ,.5a 'K . _int , , ,3r: 1 Lu Mo th Lu _at tut •Wi' "'anc ' z . set Bol • Th' Lu.. ted th. fer to mil ag • I poi off sirs chi its Co ha' th4 •to tri Jo nJ h, fai th pr Id yeJ as his • ere in th lov fro ;tha her •cor off use pal tion ••:Ply sist . tior 1 bel. tori ply. Wa; $3, We Har .tha lost • foil 151 $30( the.. -aaTc"T fide vier . 5,00 Ir ltee he' wot this cd ,