HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 8CURRIE'S CORNERS
Miss .Anna • 'Robb, nurse in
::tra:ning at St. Joseph's Hospital,
London, visited with her parents
over :the Christmas week end..
• Mr. and Mrs. Harvey McQui1,
lin, Brenda. and Ricky: from Port
Arthur, visited for ,a week with
Mr: and Mrs. Robt.. Scot' and
are . taking . up..* residence over
Brown's' Fruit Market the first
.of, the year. •Mrs,
Visitors with Mr and
Lorne Fairish. on Christmas; Day
x ,r "'1
I. '00.1101iistli'MaralzittrefirtruMil, :st —1-1-vdee "•""4"4"1"1!
were `Mr. and Mrs Gordon Wal NAME RECTOR FOR. „.
and Joan. of Goderich, Mr. 3<fs
•tern . r� p..«� ,t
and.. Mrs. George Farrish, and B E RV I E' PARISH
Lynda of Listowel. Harold. Far- •
rish, who has •,been in • the West (IfiINLOVGII NEWS)
the in. few 'months,returned
'pt' New Year To All:
hometime forChstrnas.Wewelcome Mr, and. Mrs. J.
Mr. and tMrs. 1Bi11 'Wareing and 1 8. 'Palmer and family to the Ang-
fami y Bean congregation here. Mr,
Robert Scott anc. family..durin$ •Palmer, student. at .Huron Call -
lie week. . age; Londorz has been appointed
and . Mrs Leo- Courtney: rector of the Bervie garish .and
visited ,recently. with Mr,. and will snove to the rectory this. Ilk
Mrs, . Bill Jiogan. . ' month, • • ., • E
. 'Mr,. and ,Mrs. Hector. Cooke of ,Mrs; Wesley: Guest, Mrs. "Ed
Waterloo, Mr:' and, Mrs Duncan. Thompson and'•Mrs Sam Farmer .•L
Donald. and Diane': of ,Flint, . are' hostesses to the Holyrood.
Mich,, spent Christmas, with Mr, Women's Institute in the Town- • 1:.
and .:Mrs. Keith: Johnston ' and ship Mall ion Thursday afternoon, - I!;
'amity .. January 5th 'Topic, ;Manufacture = '
Master Donald Rae Scott visit- o' f aluminum; demonstration, • +
ed at. Gordon .Johnston's . during,Making an aluminurn tray, by D .
the holiday. Mc Mrs. P. A Murray; current:
• Mr: and . Mrs. HarveY. Quit- events, •Mrs Perry .Hodgins; roll
lin and .Marvin. Scott. ,motored to call, A Canadian product: I en- 4
Z;ingston on Thursday, last, Jack joy, using; motto, :The secret .of' d•
McQuillan and Bill Co1well< re- success.• •is'—don'.t put things off,
turned with them ,put, them ,over; •directors, '..Mrs,
Mr. and Mrs. Harrold Sutton. Jas. Hodgins, Mrs. Frank Thoxrip-
and family from . Galt. visited on son, . Mrs. Howard Harris, Mrs.
New Yeats with Mr, and 'Mrs ' ',orne . Eadie
Bill Wareing,. and family. ;; Mr; 'and Mrs.: Walter Breckles
iMr•. and. Mrs. John.. Austin and aria family •
entertained relatives .
Joe, Mr and. Mrs, Joe Courtney, !'at a New Year's dinner' on Sun- ,iii
.Mr. and Mrs.. Con Hogan, motor- ,d / •
ed to Jackson,' Mich .•, last: week Mr. and Mrs': Don Bushe'1/.,
„' Mr.
where :they attended the wed- 'and Mrs. Don 'Gillespie *ere in
- : -•cr mx ...#1.-�,..,_..3._.:,.• n� aa V_.. V_..-Y.v 3"�..V i •ItC.•�iF,A 111rCi•
Judge 1 weddin�g`••.'of Miss . Kay .Morgan
Mrs. Lloyd ' MacDougall spent and •Mr. Charles,Gillespie. Con.
a few d•
ays with • her m•other gratulations•are extended to the
Mrs Wilfred Fairish, who has newlyweds.. •
not been = enjpying the best of.` Mr. Russell Barr. re • turned to
health, is at present under the ” Toronto to resume his studies at.
ao+ctor's .care. the University of ,Toronto.
Visitors .with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. +., and !Mrs. Alex ,Percy and
Little during,: the week were Mr. �iainijly entertained relatives at
and firs. •Earl Grey . and ;' family, their -home at a New Year's din,
Mr. and Mrs. Ross"Errington & ner. on Saturday' 'evening.:
Mr; and Mr's. Straider and fam- Miss Sheila Haldenby .,visited
dy � . � in Viralkerton with 'her.'. 'aunt;..
Mr., and Mrs. Gordon' Jo•hnston
Mrs. Clare Sparling:
'WEDNESDAY,. JAN.. 4th, 1956
ay' 1956 bring
You health; happiness.
and: the full lament
of your.` atost
spent : Christmas: day with'' 'Mr. Little. `Noreen Jahnstone,:•. Lon -
and . Mrs.- John Blake at :Wing-
don, . is with her . • grandparents,'
Mr. and Mrs. WM. E. Hilden#•
of Point• Edward spent a.day: last b
Wilfred Spivey,,
Mr. and Mrs Wesley' Guest. •..
Mi• grid Mrs:
weekith. .Mr. and Mrs. Leoy.: , entertained i relatives Sunday
at a Nevin Years dinner.'
,Mr. +and :Mrs. Herman ',Fisher
Mr. • and. Mrs: Jas.. Little, Lynda:.and family of . Eenmi ler visited.
, .and Joyce spent New Years Day:
with. Mr. -.and `Mrs. 'Earl' Grey• of over the +week=endwith Mr. and
Mrs. John Bushell..
Walkerton. Joyce:. is remaining Mr: and Mrs.. Gerald 'Rhody
for ,a :few days. and the' boys were.Christrnas vis -
Mr... and . Mrs. 'Gordon Jahn- i ors with Mr. and Mrs. Claude
stonand family spent New Years Dore of Purple• Grove.
4 Day with Miss Marion Simpson -Mr. and 'Mrs.. Wm. • Cox`eriter-
" and' her • mother at Wingham.. '
.Mr. and 'M.S. Elliott Sandy twined relatives ata New Year's
spent New, Years 'eve with Mr.'dinner' on Monday.
and Mrs. Bill Wareing: ,Misses Edna and . M'ay Boyle
Mr. and MrsLeo +Courtney & will entertain .the Anglican WA.
family. visited With.Mr. and -Mrs.. at •their.:home for the January
St Aw meeting: •Mr.. and ' •Mrs. i3ertt' ;Nicholson
and family were New Year's" vis-
itors Sunday' with Mr. and Mrs.
Mac Nicholson and family,
7 Mil-
limMonr, �"-anYMrs. Wm ": Wa11 �ari'd
Allan . spent Christmas with Mr.
arid •Mrs. Jack' Schumac+her..
Mr... and: .Mrs. Frank Elliott,
'Mr. and . Mrs. James' Risby and',
children of Detroit, •.Mrs. Edgar
Lovatt" and . family of Landon vis-
ited with Mrs. •' Harvey Hodgins,•
Glen and. Kenneth here and -ith
Harvey• in . Winghatn .where he• is,
• patient. His"+many'°rfiends wish
him im. proved health • • •
'Mt.' and Mrs. hon McEwan en-,
tertained relatives on New Yearn
Mr. Lyman Sutton went • to•
London 'Saturd'ay to visit' with
•Mr; and. Mrs. Gerald Gibson, Mrs"
Many Thanks 'For 'Your �.
Patronage • During
The Past "Year.
Raymond Leddy at g4 stin'
S we we1C fir e
sour 'thoughts `revert gratefully to those
:loyalty and good will: f :
have 'made possible' our steady progress.
A . appy New ° earto all.
' S PENc:E { RW { �i '. '� on Sunday.
Mr. and' Mrs.. Ira . Sniall visited
General Contractor;. Lucknow •with Mr. and' Mrs...Jas. Donald,
ra :+o :100,ilta ii uepor llaiwiti-mr►sson and. Joan.
l�i��"�'��.�1t1���?h�'it"�':��',.�.1�1�1�R�It�'at" b�Dt" 1$t�1►r�hm���sr,.•ti .R—.
ecm •
Our thanks td aU cavi ,patrons and'
rinds for the loyalty and trust they have
tendered i "iii: tate :pint:,. May....
everyone enjoy good' health and prosperity
:the coming New'Yeo._.
r•. .
ac P.:Inn
Mr:. Douglas Eckeniswiller vis R. J.: Kaake and Larry .at Kin-
ited on •
Sunday '.with Messrs. lass,: '
Douglas and' Floyd Stanley Mr.' Ralph Haldenby ' of Clerk
Mr and Mrs: Donald **Ewan son spent the vacation' .at his
were Christmas dinner guests of home here.
•Mr. and 'Mrs.'Jack, White at Kin
cardine. •
Mr.and Mrs.` George • Bell and
•family. of .Kincardine, Mr. & 'Mrs.'
Arthur Graham and Mrs. ,Dor-
othy Thompson' spent New Years
with Mr. and Mrs. Tom Hod-
gins. • • .•
odglMr. Harold Percy at5d family -
y Mr: and Mrs.' A.rfhar G'i ah'am
and, Miss Marion 'Percy were' at :arid -Mrs. Dorothy; •Thon'ps•on
the home: of Mr _'and Mrs W,: spent Christmas ' with Mr:. and
Lapp, Winghani, for, dinner- -on Mrs; Joe_'Cassidy and family of ..
Tuesday, :evening. Teeswater. '
Mr: and Mrs. Willis Lapp and Mr and ,Mrs: Jack Mason ,and.
family of ::Wingham :,visited Sun- .:child.en of London " visited rrn,
day with Mr. Harold Percy • and Monday. with Mrs. J. W. Gol,wel,l.
Miss Mary: Jackson of Komoka
Congratulations. to; Mr'. Denzil ,visited: .during the 'week v ith
Statters who on December 19th, Mass ,Erlma Jean' Percy.
celebrated `his $Ist ybirthday" 'at' Mi• rant 1VIrs: At their '°'Phi1'1ips .
Preston. and Peggy:: of . Fonthill were
;1V1r: anal' Mrs. Wesley Griest & Chrisimas visitors with Mr J. 13.:
.Fred spent C.hristmas, in London • Lane, • Mr. and Mr.,..Frank .Maul -
„.with kr. and Mrs.. Stanley;Johri den and;'Keith. •
stori and Noreen ; • •
Mr.Charlie, Gillespie' ot,.Kiiteh-
ener spent. Christmas with' Mr.
and I'1rs. Doig Bushell and Mr:
and "Mrs, . Don Gihespii.
Mr arid 1VIrs. Alvin Thompson.`
of • Shelbourne visited with Mr:
and Mrs.,•Jack Hodgins. `
Ohristnias visitors ..with. Mr. &.
•Mrs, George 'Haldenhy• were Mr.'
and Mrs. Clare Spading' and Al- .
:miss Judy Nicholson of • Ripley
visited with Karen and.. Evelyn
Nicholson during, the holidays.
Rev.• G. B. Cox,' Mr. and Mrs.
Wm. • Cox; Mr. and Mrs. Jack
Scott, Billy. and . Bobby , •spent`:
Christmas with Edna and May
pry Mrt..of .Walkerton and Mr' and
Gibson :is makingfavorable r& Harrold iialdenby, 'Sheila
grass following an operation.. in ;Barry and' George.
Vieto"ria Hospital.; • Mr" 'and Mrs. Walter Brcckles;,
k Mr. J. R,.' Lane• is visiting at Laura, 'Philip and Arthur, • Mrs.
• Fonthill with Mr. and Mrs.,A. Gertrude Bushell, Mussell a'rj d
Phillips' and 'Peggy, Bobby • Bushell . were dinner
: Mi. Stauffer: or hear . guests With •Mr -and--Mrs.,-Fdkzert
• Formn sa renewed acquaintances 'Bushell: and family' on Sunday;
g here. on Sunday. Mr: and" Mrs, Bort . Nicholson
• -Mr, Douglas Lapp of. Wingham Donna; Karen, .Evelyn and Allan
spent the holidays here •with Bill spent Christmas at a family din
and ;David Percy, 'Little Joan her at the hoar'• af. Mr, Walter
Percy .•returned' to Wingham to .Michnlsi,ri and, Helen. '
:visit wlth.._t+he Lapp ;.girl: . __, _.. _sY, :J W w.._ :x l '
sirs tt� :11 . ;� pc n t"
Mr. and Mrs: Don Bushell en- Christmas •with other mer'nblers of
tertained relatives at- •a. ' N :�.her family 'at. •the harp of Mr.
Year', dinner.: a�,. and Mp 3: •Coat(, f�rrlv�t=l:i•
Mr ,..and Mars.,.. s
Jolxri .Bti:�ltell �r�� Miss- Donna 11�lic�hrilsryrt �ri,i'�trt r .
tertained members of'their'.fam , f s.c• day., wall Mr" .and M.
il•y-on New Years. Howard l'I o rip>o,n. r
.. 1, Wall, . • Y7, Pr. r r
Mrs"' Wm, Wa11 who ,has Ire�n .:'VEr. and'Mrs. 11'rldc tt'Fr�•
in 111 health: for sine time,, was and ? llyh .were Chri:,tmas
tors with Mr: and Mrs. Norman'
Fr`y and family at C 1inton.
Mr, and Mrs E rci ,.Starslr� •_'
• ondon.;w.i,la.Mr� Mityr ttpy s sant ''iirr rir 5' x, ith M
to London' on: Tuesday' to consult
a 'specialist,
Miss Beverley Stanley visited
Ye are the' only manufac
towers in this part' of Ontario
of .high class .monuments•
who import; granite from the
a Country in the rouat l�'y'
the carload and process 'from
the .rough 'to the finished
monument, No middlen+a L
.Vhen choosing a monument•
come and -'see one of
largest selections in Oi�tairio. .
'Established 'otiver sixty Years,.
Write or phone Walkerton 8
and reverse charges.
Ian. Fizenga, - , .. 2
Walter .Kaake and . Mr. and Mfrs:
N 'r fir ►'