HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 6• a. t J. • , 41107104 4W4r FCKNOW' SF, (FINE , IIC NOW,. ONTARIO the pres)dent, Mrs,, J. Fisher. The scripture •reading was . followed by the' Bible study by Mrs. J. Pollock. Mrs. J. Wasney and Mrs. S. Jamieson sang "Star of the East", Mrs, McClean gave: the topic from IsaiaTJ}is was fol- lowed by .a carol the yearly reports were rea and adopted. Mrs. Roy Finlayson read the re. port of the nominating commit-. '•tee and Mrs. McClean ,installed .' . the officers: president, Mrs: Jack Fisher; • 1st' . vice, Mrs., Norman Taylor; 2nd vice, Miss. Maudres, ' Fisher; sec., Mrs. Stuart Jamie; , son; 'areas,,. Mrs..," James •• Little, ` .. :pianist, 'Miss Kay 'Macintosh; as •sistant pianist, .Mrs. J. Walney,• 'Olid°'idings sec,,,*Mrs. "0. Peter.. ;sen. social committee, . • M'rs: ` 'G; Fisher, 'Mrs: J: Pollock, Mrs. I. MacSween,'• Mrs.,Cyril Brown, Mrs. R. 'Forster.; Supply commit- tee, Mrs. Roy Finlayson, IQIrs.-'K'.. Mowbray ;• Sick corrunittee, Mrs. C. Mason, Mrs. N. J-ohnston; Wei... .come and Welfare, Mrs. 'G. Fish' "er, Miss. Gladys MacDonald,. Mrs. Rota. •MacKenzie; press reporter; Mrs. Stuart 'Jamieson.; auditors, Miss:- Gladys • MacDonald, Miss •Maudie • Fisher; nursery, NIrs. • I. •MacSween, Mrs... V. Mowbray, Mrs.• S. Mullin. • After singing another .• ;carol Mrs Maud ' Sherwood closed the ' hun1.ch was served. . ---•- IN LATE ,MODEL 1956 Chev: Belalr 8'. -cylinder, fully equipped 1,995 1955 Chev; Deluxe :Sedan, fully- equipped • 1955 Pontiac Deluxe • Seda.n with powerglide, fully • quipped. >, 4 '$2,150 A '1954 Ford Customline with radio 1954 'Chev.Deluxe ,'Sedan,, fully, equipped Three • 1954 Che' Sedans, fully equipped 1953 Chev. Belair Sedan, fully equipped 1953. Chev. Sedan. • $0,295 1953• Pontiac Sedan'.... .... , .>... •• • •'•.•• 1951 Cliev. Powerglide Sedan ., $. 950 1951 Chev. Deluxe . Coach • $ 900 1950 Chev Deluxe Sedan; fully equipped, , ... ,.... $ 850 Two 1950 Chev. Coaches ...,, •$.795 . 1949 Chev. Coach :.,.., $ 695' 1948 PontiacCoach $ . 395 . 1948 Plymouth; Sedan$ 495 1948 Pontiac Sedan ... ...:•.. ' ' • $ 495. 1947 Chev.' Fleetline Coach,, fully, equipped $ 495 $ ; 350 :$1,495 '$1,650; $1,495 $1,395 r...,. $1,095 • 1946 Piynirouth Sedan TRUCKS: 1954 Chev, %;Ton PickrUp, low mileage $X,095 1952 G.M.C. 1 -Ton Piek-Up $ 795: .., 525- q r rl�c..�-�'� - 1947 Dodge 3!z -Ton Pick-up .:.� $ 395 ,1946 Ford 1 -Ton Pick -;up $ 350 Brusseislotors' Huron : County's Foremost Used Car: Dealers Cash, Trade, Terms •-- Open Evenings' Until ,10 Cities Service Dealer •Phone `73x, Brussels. 4. DUNGANNONtime away was • quite. limited. However :as there were. at least (Intended for• Last' Week) •four drivers among the ,'party, Mr. andw.Mrs. Wilfred Pentland: they .expected 'to roll over the Miles day and ...:night to • have •as much ';time 'as possible enjoy- ingthe so gthern beach ancl, sun - and family spent Christmas. Day. with Mr and Mrs Ernest Prit- chard and Mrs. A.: B. Pentland,: Toronto; Mrs' IR: • 'J Durnin ` spent a few days in • Goderich . Hospital ' for treatment and': x-ray. Her sister,. ' •Miss Graoe Crawford, .Goderich,• and • Miss Flora Durnin, Mark, dale, Have been with . them at Mrs. Palmer Kilpatrick and fam- Ghristn as t•une, •iiy of Toronto• and; Mrt and .Mrs, Spent . Holiday In Florida •, Roy Atkinson and family of God- iVir. and Mrs. Allan Reed, Jiro, . erich. Eleanor, Jewell, also Mr. Mar • Mrs 'Jas. Thorne spent- Christ - yin ,McDonald of Lucknow, left. mal • with , relatives :at Port 0: - last Friday to spend 'Christmas gin.. .• • !week in Daytona .Beach: Florida::. Mrs Richard''Gardner & Mrs, •They left .bymotor and having R. Fitzgerald will 'leave, Thurs- ,to . get back home to drive,. school ,day to' spend part Of the winter btu $se$ ••` by 'fie new 'year, . the: in ' Auburn.. Unfortunately' their. Mr, and Mrs. Cecil Blake and, fainily and Mrs. S. J. Kilpatrick spent Christmas with; Mr. and Mrs. Richard. Kilpatrick of Ash- field. Other visitors were. Mr. & sister, is •Albert Campbell, has 'been—in_ CJifl:ton .1-lospit: weeks with , a serious 'back in - ,jury, resulting from ' a fall': down a long',stairway. She Will •this, week be oved to her home and . will be.,, ssrsted • to recovarY by. her sisters analso 'her.daugh-. ter; a .nurse, who is :onthe Clin- ton staff of nurses. • • Mr: Carleton' •Stingel,, Toronto and Franklin T'Stingel of •.Barrie" were. Christmas' ' 'visitors, •.also• their'father'Was able to be horrie far• the day from .Goderich. pital. Mr.. and Mrs '' Gordon Kidd and. familyaf ' Islington are` spending •(Christmas h.o i i days With Mr; 'and Mrs. J, J Ryan. Mr. and Mrs.: Wit.. McClure,. Jr. ' and •family of, .Elmira and Mrs, Winnifred ,Widcornbe of Windsor, were with their. par- ents, Mr. and' Mrs, W. :IL' Me- Clurefor • Christmas. • Mrs. Matthew Shackleton . re .ceived ward that her brother in-law, Mr. W. J. .Larkin, New. Toronto, had passed . away..,He WAS .the husband_..ef.the '.former. 'Bertha :Shackleton; youngest :sis ter of the late Matthew Shackle- ton and had been . in poor health for ,some, time. A nephew; Mr, Benson Shackleton of Crew. and his• aunt, Mrs. Robert Reid, Port Elgiri,..attended the_fune al. _ ..... Mr." Ken Brown df' Ottawa. ,pent Christmas with his. Par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. W ilbt r f3ro'wn �cIrit1 b the"r`" W'Oi_ystre: ,!.-..__.- • HALDEN.BY ELECTRIC MOTOR SERVICE Armature and 'Field Winding,, Brushes, Bearings,. Etc. , Repairs to Fractional - and .Integral • 'Horsepower Motors, •Also Electric Fans, Vacuums, 'Clippers, Drills, Etc. `, ITALDENBY° ELECTRIC • Kniough .phone Ripley 111-r-29 a. MPE'R•I AL1ESSO: DEALER Esso . and .Esso, Extra`' Gasoline Mai ve1ube Mneraltibe MOBILOIL 'TLAS`TIRES'- Always' look to Imperial for the' best • r ' J.E.E. IVIEttDONALD 1 • ;Phone 3, Lucknow i,. 'r. W'EDN13S,DAY, ' J.N. 4tb, 10551 • t PE5OLVE 1 PRA 6AFEL.Y ALLIi#R fl . . ou needn't leave your• car on cs; But seriously, y. � btoc1• all year, to enjoy 1956 The "low `down" Is slow, down - .with an..extra dash 4f care and .courtesy., CIA CO-OPERATORS INSURANCE ASSOC1AT10N • Automobileansurance_for,careful drivers 0. 30 IILOOR ;TREE/ W. TORONTO 5 • 7. Y BANG` TO Z MrfiION CANADIANS or..Indoo r ome its .,• •. ,� ... AND/HERE'S. ` HOW 0 :FINANCE THEM Yo.'ll find carpenters, plumbers, electricians and others in the building trade freest in' the winter .when outside. constr-Iuet-ion-d-r-ops-to-a-•nrin-m uIn:" WEI - e T their "less, mas than' Bol ly tl and. Legi box• i Or' then treat \Oil( O. sto ter SO ;'ba in' 'at Ja • 1. 1�. 31 / t '1 • I4. -A0,. . Have you got ideas .' about' a baseinent playroom or a paint job throughout your house, but lack the ready -Cash?--Well—,--you—cart put them -into -effect right now -:with the help of a B of,Home Improvement Loan are' available at the 'B of eM for almost' anyivorthwhile. purpose'aCbout the house at only.51/4%' interest per annum and repayable "inmonthlyinstalments. By making ;diose home improvements now:, you'll save moneybecause more experienced help, ava. ilable. in -the • wintertime,, will get the job'done faster .:: and .time -- because you won't, have to go on a .waiting list.. ;You'll benefit from the craftsmanshipof firstclass men, Working without' rush, and incidentally, you'll help your eorntrru- nity too, by providing employment during' the .oft -season. If you are pl-anninf structural additions, alterations, new installations or redecoration, see your local .•ll of . M manager t•oday. "L h•er•e's no: better time, than now! BANK • .0, F. o TkE.M Lutckno Hiancht--;RR�Y-��OU5E 7rlana PRESBYTERIAN AIMILIARY ELECTS ,SLATE `OF' OFFICERS The December. meeting • wwas held at the home of; Mrs. James ,tittle with twenty present. The opening (Carol was "While e S hep trerds— atchetr*T'hei"- y • Night" o1lonvc►d • 1ay prayer. by 1 • • WORK"ING WITH 9 t� r. 1y '3 , l / a Y 3i CANADSi. A N'S 0.. f'W 'E.1fER¢..WX4lK.'G`r llrE.• SI1 N. `R1 ke,#�aki3'��.G�s* y-"Sr'i��'�X� Jnis< �+,•,f.�`���,r�*v � .[b a ,�Y ,£ �Y d``b`D.C.9,,�� �� :.:.�:,,: f.y��/ S r i> t• yt,/ ��t a, /'9 'x> %H ��v�s`.2'f x Yr%//"/u'.rd. /. J/.c5%. yrs/ /� / f > `� jv > t ti.y ✓. t; ,,,i�+;in'+5+. t' /+' �cPt%> S •..G,.�, • .,#;t..sli,.K,.'t: � f�,vYrcc���...��z•.,a�i;►ss�ic%�•.S+f�,�N.f>::<.. Ri. • 1