HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 5#Ith, utso 17.1V Tx cr c w $131.477NEL, Ddgar and infant daughter, Annie, May, • have re- turned borne . from Hospital.. • , Kincardine Mr: and • Mrs: Earle Hodgins motored to Akron, Ohio: and spent 'Ch:ristm;as with .Mr. and Mrs. Tom Emery, .fust after. they had • returned • hone' Wednesday afternoon, EarIe visas' ' • stricken with a series. or heart . 'attacks, and xn which he failed to rally} fro in passed away in a short ti pe, To his grief-stricken ;wife , and other rric,inbers of the family the •si'ncere syz paathy, of ,the corn=' : rnunity is •extended • - . Those 'spending c... • Fading Christmas •'with. Mr. and` .Mrs. Jafnnea Wraith 'were" Mt. • and. Mrs,.Gordon Stobo and Betty • Ann, • Mr. and; Mrs, Ken ,Donaldson; . and • family • and Mr, and Mrs. Murray Henderson and faniilY Mrs. Paramount. , A very successful , Chr istinas concert was' staged in .•the school prior :to closing for the holidays. �. •Our teacher; Mrs. Grahazn, her pupils . and those 'taking' part are' to be ,commended for this' sue- cessful : event,. • Mr..and .•Mrs Everett Whytock and . family were dinner guests . ,Saturday evening at, the home of Mr;and ':Mrs..A1.ex Whytock: A.t•.hoon _pn. Ch'ristmas Sued y Mr and .iVXrs, ,Grant Wald enter- tained the members • of 'his 'fain. fam- ily, =Mr. and ,Mrs: Jive ' Teeawater,Wall' of Mr. and' • Mrs. Elmer Wall of• '8th Con, a Culross; Mr. •an -d krs. Morley Wall and farnily: of lOth •Conti ' ,Culross, Mr and Mrs. Frank ' Thompson and 'fam,:, ily of IOVh ,Con. Kinloss; 'Mrs: Mary Wall, Mr. and Mrs.. Orval.: *Wilson' and :Mr. Jas Wilson of lith Co& Culross, In . the after -7, moon they •were joined" 'b y and Mrs. Bert Shewfelt'.and fain- tly ily of Kincardine ' 'Mr, and Mrs, Clayton Mayer _farm' y entertained 'M embers. her. . family Sat a. dinner' "Qn• • "0K,WE HAVE flTALL FIGURED OUT FOR YOU 'Here"s the•smar.t way to make money. Simply invest in $%%,Guaranteed Trust Certificates. Here's what you get: i3Y2%'yearly interest, payable haif•yearty` • Authorized invest rrent for funds • .Short ? yedrs For example, 4420.36 of your money accumulote's to/ $500 00 •in.lust, ive: •years.. Write forthe,deseriptive}older. ri ht fru ay; .. .'T MCAD. OFPrcE ,372 Bey SO.. '64011o.. SIXTI-j , AND 'NINTH miss' Anna Stuart 0 Toronto and iM'ss Catherine MacGregor of Lucknow were guests of Mr: •.,& Mrs. George ' Stu.art :• for 'Christ- mas. . Miss Barbara Wilson of Lon. don; scent the Christmas .,holidays at her home lfere. • Mr. and Mrs;•': James Dur•ni n 'spent Christmas Day• with Mrs Wm.Luton . at Kincardine. MMrs..1?cllock ..of :ctOderich:v .ises ited a few 'days during the hol.i- days with ' her daughter; Mrs. -Clr fforil icilpatriek •and—Mr°:••itil-.= 'Phone 181 dR:ANCN 0410E 1.3 Duntnp Et., Berri,: • • .Happy New. Year Everyone . Mot 'James pa ick „Mr: and Mrs. Donald Murray of • and Marjorie spent • ChristmasS with. Mr.'and Mrs: .Nelson.•Ray- Do nand and family; • ..Mr. and : Mrs, Wallace Wilson Wanda an is spent Christmas . with. Mrs. Tiffin inWir gham. ' • with .Mr. and Mrs. Allan Johns,.and Shirley and Marilyn.:of Exeter ' C •were'' holiday • l:or visitors .with. Mr.: Whyt and Mrs. Albert Ta, y .$,, fam...1 G. , and ay .evening. 1VIr and Mrs„..Toni Hackett and i.vg of Ashfield, Miss' Elleda Irwin ..Toronto .arid . Mr:, . and Mrs. .Eric. 'Hackett' and :children of Paramount : spent: • +Christmas Mr. and Mrs. 'Midford Wall, .Donnie. • . • angratulations to Mrs... Alex ock• ,on winning a . lamp.- at Church's in.the draw"Clrristj. • When .the other:. fellow rte great risks iri :business he's "fo hardy"; • when y:ou do, 5ou'are "great''frxxan cIer":• •Kincardine :PAYING. HIGHEST. PRI=CES FOR LIVE .POULTRY: Pouili�'y Culling 'A' Specialty In' accordance with government regulations our,poultry coops are' 'thoroughly ' washed and disinfected for your protection. """""*1►"�,++....+.jrir.M.+..wnwir:N4Mw.wwr::r.�.Nw.nawsr.r1rr:NGr..H.w' Highest Prices Paid, Delivered -or Picked up in Bush,; . -ogs.: Inspected and Payment Writ r � 'hoeto--Coltec f'€ .• "AMY �'W� Mld: Inas Eve in :Teeswater.. Mai is Allan• of •Kiniough, Mr, Don Rb b-. 01 ertson of Kingarf were .Christ.. a Inas visitors with Mr, and: Mrs Jack --Schumacher and Helen Mr. 'and Mrs ,Hugh ` Nicholson and Harvey-. of • Bervie, Misses Merle:• and Areas Nicholson. of London and�Mr. and Mrs..Harold Nrcholson _. a:id .ainrLy, o , Ber"vie, were dinner guests Monday:',eV- ening of'. . Mr. and :.Mrs.. Frank Brown and Reg. Mrs.. Catherine O'Neill, Misses Mary and Helen Collinson,' visit- ed •Tuesday with -Mrs. Jc e'.Weif- er, Luc'kfovv, •. Mr, and Mrs. James • Wraith spent Monday.wibh 'Mr. and Mrs. Bab Stobo and. ,family. Miss Alice- faldenby visited [ last week with lvir. and Mrs. Mid*" ford *Wall and Donnie. • Miss 'Helen Schumacher spent a few days with her grandpar- .encs, Mr:. and Mrs. W. Walk. Krilough. : The-sev�exlth meeti-ni -ot--,. th Westford .Bedroom Belles met on Weihnesdayf , De ember • 28th, at the` home of their leader, Mrs,, Perry Hodgins and Sharon. • The• meeting opened with `"The More We 'Gets Together" and the, -.4. n pledge. •.The minutes were , read rd adopted. Bight grrs;:'answer- d the roll call with "How •far am X on .with• --ally dub work ern of, the' girls, finished their 4e ger _. _sear_ves., while • others worked on their chair •pads:. The exit meeting will. be on January and: Mrs. Wm.. Wall and.' a n th 4 I'.,QE PRWHAM'S MEN'S WEAR GREAT JANUARY i With ma wing many a4tditianal<gxteyTsa t•: to rem o • fferings outing Merchandise. • Save up to $28,00 GROUP NO. •i. 80 Suits ; . Reg. $59,54 to $75:00'. Sale . Price .: GROUP NO. 2 •4� ' t f IKeg. up to $59,50:; • Sale Price .:_ :';$29 HALF PRICE" •• From' the • finest -English mills tome. these- beautiful' • all -wool' worsted suits; in charcoal, �'g �' e y , medittni grey, butes and browns. This is your oppottunty to buy very . HIGH-GRADE SUITS at a VERY LOW PRICE. 'HERE RE I TI -IE REASON WH'Y r "¶.t the end' of each season manufacturers accumulate ends -not enough ,to. carry ;into next season's , emulate suit suf- ficient to marc:• a 's rarigo; but suf n excellent group of •.suits' for such an. occasion as . this, at outstanding price 'reductions. These are usually available to large : department stores only-.. : `We u e are ver` fortunate in procurinfeelg thin merchandise.. a TQ Measure Suit C'h'__` fr+�fn;-•ayei'~3p�---sampYes--tatared-µ : FAST tICQN=Cit.PiPT .IVIANUPACTURERS; one' of Canada's best: clothing bousis. Reg. 65r • g $ 00 fo $82,50. No $52,00 to $66.00. • TOPCOATS and OVERCOATS ' $ Now' .$44.95: 1-. Reg, $65 ---No' Made- . b .. �++' $54.95. y` Crombies of Scotland, the world's. best maker `of. .to pcc►ats°and overeat ... . . SALE COMMENCES CES �..J,A►Nt,TAR,y- Sth i• GODERIGH, •ON'TAR:10 . set at Browner' Jack. _Schttmacher' ga}e the. topic, 'lto members • and * Don • .Dortaldsoti.. ' • were presented with life ' bershi s Mrs. ; • p , Thomas •Macl7ion.. • aId ': by the Society, ASHFIELDNOTES Kenneth Parrish by arid, :14 -` I. • tors, • Mrs: Van Der Lay,ar dangle The Decexia er'teetrrta of..._tlt'e H pot Horne "W'.M.S. wa (rh azy;repdrtc�de s e d at thehome ofe $60, Mrs. Donald Sim g � w� in url. d ill litl tTartrn Dun h tvas itot Mrs Win. Dress- •Wig carved� o w�4 1;4 at the hone of Mrs Perry"Mrs Fred MacGreg•l,, . Mr, and lVtrs,,,John Stewart';.'.... fartfil y "of Trenton, Mr. *and Mrs, Lloyd Cornish of Belleville and iMr. and.Mrs.. Gerald Stewart of T in'eardiii spent Christmas with Mr;: and'Mrs Tom Stewart and Santa Claus left a televisidn in charge of tba program. Ied:.in prayer, : c`arol service followed with Mrd. Win, Johnson accoIn- panv ing; ,Mrs, Donald Simpson read the scripture lesson and meditation : and gave a . prayer. Mrs. Roy r road a ,ppet dHtdeHffir.+aikr4g4a'..+Y.ka.,14;.o(yiy yS message. Mrs, ?red • MacGregor men 'was elected treasurer ' inext year Twenty..eight. mexi: i berg answe'red-- roll -cal-11iwith-- E --__ t Christmas .c+er'se d t�h±�re i�eirr��.�..._:1 _�. , five visitors and 2 children pry serif. Mrs. Van Der Lay of her home for the next Ernestine, The hostess ,and th.i cornnitt ... served, lunch. The C.G.IT.. held their Vest • . evening..,. • • • • . r• • • 4. ,, • • 41 r: