HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 4r • Id c., •F a, THE LUCKNOW SENTINEL, LUCKNQW, 'ONTARIO FULL' OR. FOUND -a lady's bracelet. • p.; ply to Win: Fisher; L!Cknow. , FOR , SALE, -lady's white figure, skates . with.' guards, • size .6. Mrs Jack Cooke: : _.• FOR. SALE set "of• bench -type bob sleighs. K, L. MacKenzie, phone''L?undafnon62 r-13.• FOR.SALE•r•48 piigg,.10 'weeks old. G. Logtenberg, phone ` 78-r•-2, Dungannon. • • TENDERS . .............. TENDERS WANTED for care- taking of, .each school in West Wawanosh Township • S c ho p 1 Area from- - February . •1st,., 1.9556, tunti'l. January 31st, 1957 Tend ,ers to .be in hands of ;'Secretary; not :later '.than • Januarys 15th; 1956.. • 'W. „A. 'Stewart, ;Secretary; Y '' • Dungannon, 'Ontario, WOOD WANTED -the following FOR SALE girl's: white tube 'quantities of wood wanted for skates,. size; 7, �nrorn .one winter. ,West. Wawanosh Twp. School Lois. Miller, • phone 64-r41.. ' 'HOUSE FOR SALE --°modern 8 roorh brick house on ' Havelock • St. Oil furnace, hardwood floors. , Apply to Dr. T..B.'Clelard, Luck - now. FOR •SA:LE-used skates in. first class 'conditidn; sizes 2-6. Mac- Intyre & Irwin, Sports, and Auto Supply,. Lucknow.': Area board.. This wood to,be: green hard maple , and beech, :14 inches long and; not smaller than. 6" or over. 10" : in diameter. To be `delivered ' and piled. in each school yard no, late"' than Jure 30th, 1956. No; 2 school, 25 Fords; No. 3,.20 'cords; No. 4, 20 cords;. No. 12, 20 cords and. No. '17, 15 'cords. Tenders 'to''be.,in hands of secretary 'not later. than Janu- uary 15Th,' 1956. • SPARE TIME • A GOLDEN ' °BUSI,NESS�. QPPORTU•N ITY • NATIONS COMPANY • has .o opening for reliable man ;or woinan ,for: this area. • tp CO 9 a ICE. ZMiMEDIATELY work consists of delivery.and: re- plenishing stocks of Brand Nance Nylon Products sold only ,at the Retail Level in existing accounts Established:., by ' the Company:. ABSOLUTELY no selling or, Soliciting,*necessary as all sales ' are -handled ` 'by the HEAD -'OFFICE STAFF. AGE education, or. ;past . •experience. -is not important • as : Full Training • ified, ° Dungannon, Ontario. . •Goodbeef •for sale by : the . quarter. .Choice .light Hereford TENDERS ,WANTED •=• marked Steers.. Beef killed', under` license. from the Department Of Health. Raynard Ackert, :Holyrood_ 'Phone 24130,f. Ripley. REST HOME ACCOMODATION Accomodation a v•a i l a b 1 e at; Carruther's . Convalescent Home. Home -cooked me is,, modern con- veniences,.wartn.' Registered nurs- ing available • if. , required in .ease of sickness; Apply 'to Elliott; C. ar-: , ruthers, R. 3, ' Holyrood; phone 27.16 Ripley. • ARTIFICIAL INSEMINATION Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association • "Where Better Bulls Are Used" Artificial insemination'; service, for all breeds. of cattle: For ser, - vice or information phone'' Clin= ton 515 collect, between ..7:30 and 10:00 a m.' on week days and 7.30 and 9:30: a:nr. on iSuiidays and. sealed tenders ,'will ' be..reZeived. by' the, undersigned ,until Janu- CAN BE HANDLED: ary 9th, .1.956, for ;caretakers for in „3` to 5 hoursa week without interring, with present . em- ployment. UP. DO' $70.00 per week !guaranteed income to; start, with inimediate expansion, •.if'• de-. sired. • a ..• • i nd 'Highly Profitable 'Future. ROY N. BENTLEY PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Monthly counts Busin and . arm Tax. 'Returns • Box 478 • Te1.,1011. GODERICH, ONT. RONALD G, McCANN Public ,Accountant CLINTON, ONTARIO Phones: 561, 455 Office: Royal Bank Building Residence:. Rattenbury St. JOHNSTONE'S FUNERAL HOME 'Phone. 76 •Day or Night ;.'Ambulance Service WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4th, 1956: Insure With The CULROSS.MUTU'AL FIRE INSURANCE. CO.. for - Reasonablerates, sound pro- tection & prompt, satisfactory settlement of ' claims. • ' PARISH MOFFAT Your Local Agent R.R. .3, Teeswater 'Phone Teeswater. 574%41 T: ARMSTROIG OPTOMETRIST .GODE•RICI FOR APPOINTMENT ° 'Phone 1100 For ` Appointment or Informatio.ri See Wm. A. Schmid, 'Phone, 14=w, 'Lucknow INSURANCE FIRE, WIND, CASUALTY • AUTOMOBILj AND.LIFE To Protect Your Jack, J. A. McDONAGH • R.R. 3, Lucknow, Ont. 'Phone 61-5, Dungannon R. W. ANDRE* Barrister. and SOlicItor LISTOWEL, ONTARIV IN LUCKNOW'• Every Wednesday and Saturday Afternoon Office in the :JoyntBlock = Telephone: Office, 1,35 Residence 31-J'. USE OF FUNERAL HOME At' No Extra Cost 'Moderate Prices. Established 1894 all 'Schools 'in the Ashfield Town 'ship Sitliool Area, : duties, to° com mence 'February .1st, 1956. LOT - est or any tender not necessarily: accepted.• R. T. Kilpatrick, Sec-Treas.,, . R.R. , ,7, . Lucknow, .:Ontario. ' `'• TENDERS WANTED. r--;• Marked,. sealed tenders will .be : received by the' undersigned .' until Janu- ary 9th, 1956;for .wood to :be de Xivered; ' split and ,rod to any or all .of . the following schools in the Ashfield Township School Area •by .June 25th; 1956. 'Two cords of dry 12 -inch cedar •to' each' of, -the' following:. Nos: 4,' •7, 8, 9,' 10, 15, 16 & 17. ' Also maple. and beech 14 -inch body' wood as e APPLICANTS must be able :to' post • •$998.00' in CASH for bonded .. merchandise and able to start !immediately. IF YOU have, the necessary cash avail- 'able immediately, and desire a •business•of your own that will provide a ' steady income with follows: ' 4. cords each at, `Nos.. 1; life -tune' 'security` then write •• at and '4; 15' cords each at Nos. `5, once, giving Your name; address Holidays.. • 6, 7, 10',- 13, 15, 16 and 17;:• 30 and telephone to- ' • ATTENTION FARMERS! • c at No 9. No blocks to .be under 6 inches :.or over .10 inches. Also 25 'cords :of .18 -inch elm.' to be delivered as directed. Lowest or •any tender not •necessarily. ac- cepted. • • ,. ii,: < T. Kilpatrick,. Sec.-Treas., 7; Lucknow', Ontario. ; ords at No. 8; 25 . cords :16 -inch : Stan -Hoist loaders, new and used spreaders, continental spray- ers ,'arid. -post hole diggers; new and • used ;cream separators, hand or electric. ew--Idea Distributors Phone aCarlow..2821 , Goderic • • SALES. HELP WANTED'.' WANTED: Man for steady travel a lin o n;g consumers in ...;Bruce .County. Permanent • connecci n Withlarge manufacturer.:, Write reliable'hustl'ee.considered. Write Bawleiigh's' Dept, A-271=131, treat, •P.Q. . - ;MALE- HELP WANTED CARETAKER, Fart -Time: $1140. per, annum. Requited .by`•the ,De- • partment of Public. Works at Lucknow, Ontario. This 'Coinpe tition is. open only to residents of :Lucknow, Ontario.. Full•; par- ticulars on` posters displayed at • Offices of the: National' Employ- ment Service and'? Post Office. Application • forms, obtainable thereat' should:: be filed With the e vi-l--=Ser-vice-+.C-ommission 25 --St - %Clair Avenue East; TORONTO, Ontario, NOT • ' LATER THAN ''.•JANUARY 14, 1956, Tenders will be accepted by 'the undersigned until :Thursday, �l�xivary_1.2tt�i• ,956,` at for• the ''supplying 'of: 25 cords of split. body wood, 16 inches long. Tenders to state .prise per cord` for either: hardwood. or softwood, to be delivered not later •' than June est, 1956, t No: -2•,. Kiri- loss. • • George'; Haldenby, R.R. 2 IIS 'MEMM ORIA • FORSTER--in fond and ' loving meinory •' of, : Mrs. Wm. 'orstei., vvlo passed away two . years ago on January 6th.' • Remembrance is a golden chain,'. Death tries to break, but all in To have,„to. love, and then- to part,; • • Is the greatest sorrow ofson•e.'s' pert The ° years may wilpe 01:11xt Tany� things, • But this they, wipe out never, :The memory of those happy days When. we were all together. Sadly, inissed: and ever rememY bered by Wm. Forster and .Fam- PERSONELI.MANAGER,- NATIONAL NYLON..COMPANY '• (Canada) ' ' 664 'Vaughan' Road, Toronto,: Ontario. • INSU.RANE Ce -Operative 'Life' Insurance Co -Operative ,automobile Insurance • • Mercantile & Farm: Fire Insurance Economical -an • d Reliable - Seer y ' . T. 'A.LUC:CAKNOM{NERON %i'ol rood Ont. :CARD OF THANKS • phone 70-r-10 Dungannon . • The family of the late John . w fYI Sirnfss sinceon re thanksh to a and wlPcbge : ' , . ` •. r4 •appre • R. S. HETHERINGTON:, ciation the 'floral. tributes • and " QC. ......... . Barrister, Etc. Wiiighanr a nd-Lucknow IN LUCKNOW • Each Monday other .acts of kindness and ex- DreSsions 'of sympathy : extended- at the time of ;Mr. Simpson's death, Kathleen ,. Hackett wwishe4 to sincerely thank all those who •re- rnem erre er wiih`-fruit,-`ilow- er.s, cards and in other, ways while 'in the .hospital, C CO-OP AUTO INSURANCE Can Now Accept TOWN` RESIDENTS ,- &COMERU.IAL UCRS_. as well as the farts business.. For information • consult T.• A. CAIVIERON, LUCKNOW, • Phone Dungannon 70-i-10 JOHN McMURCHIE, RIPLEY, Phone 20-r-23• Ao M. HARPER Chartered Accountant, • ,. West: Street GODERICH, ONTARIO Telephones 343J .-,'343W STATE, . FARM MUTUAL AUTOMOBILE INSURANCE Investigate Before •Investing REUBEN WILSON • R.R. 3, Goderich ' Phone` 80. r=8 Dungannon AGNEWS AGENCY'• 'Howard Agnew - Jos. Agnew MEMBER. OF Ontario Insurance: Agents' Associatiori' GENERAL. INSURANCE Established Over 30 Years Ago Telephones:. --Business • 39 • Residence 138' G..ALAIl WILLIAMS-•° Optometrist . . Office on Patrick .St., just ., off the :Main St. in WINGHAM.. Professional' Eye Examination Optical Services. Evenings` by appointment 'Phone Office 770; Res. 291 Kenneth J. MacKenzie, R.O. Optometrist- LISTOWEL, ONT, at the 'former Wrona Jeweler. y' store, Ripley, 10.a.rn, :to, 9:: p:m., WEDNESDAY, JAN. 18thd. every second Wednesday. an ....., Eyes • examined Glasses fitted For appointment' 'phone .Roy MacKenzie, 96-r-24'Ripley.. and Wednesday e ated: in--the'-M-u -ieipa --Office-' 'Phone Wingham Office ;48 • .•Residence 97 McLENNAN .and MacKENZIE FUNERAL SERVICE Services conducted accord- ig-fo your wishes at your -_ Wane, your Church, ' m at' our Memorial Chapel:.at no additional charge. ' ': AMBULANCE,•SCRVICE Phone 1$I, Lucknow, Day or Night THE LUCKNOW. DISTRICT CO-OPERATIVE •` Incorporated .. ANNUAL MEETING, TURKEY BANQUET. and DANCE will be held in the Recreation Hall, . Luckn TI-I'URSDAAY,• JANUARY #TZtT at 7.00 p.m' T` ekets ' 1} 50 Obtainable from • the Directors or at the Co-op Store ' ' ' • eau ti �xx a:: '1H • HEA '31'Z.eo� SIXTF .Miss; ' An; and i+11+Iss C< hucknaw v 1VIrs. Geort mas. Miss Bar don, spent; t at her horr Mr. and spent Ohri: Wm. Luxtc Mrs..'For ited a few days : With Cliffarii K1 F hi: au .01 9