HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1956-01-04, Page 3WEDNESDAY, JAN. 4th, . 1950;
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Christmas holiday visitors in
the ,community included:. • Miss
Anna Stuart, of Toronto and Miss
Catharine MacGregor of Luck
now with Mr. and Mrs. George
Stuart; Mr, and Mrs. D.. J. Mac
Intosh of. St. Catharines and Mr.
and Mrs. Stan Todd and Andrew
of. Southampton with : Mrs. D.
Todd; Mr: and Mrs.'• Mel Brown.
and Bob: Murdie of, Kitchener
with Mr, ,and Mrs. R. Woods and
Mrs.- Murdie; Mr. and Mrs. ' .G.
S. McIntyre &.• Donald of . Brace-
bridg with Mr'. and 'qrs. W., I.
Miller, Miss Isabelle MacPherson
of •Londort •v‘rithMr. and Mrs.'
MacPherson; •Mr. , and • •Mrs., Ger-
don Miller . and ,Larry and Don-
aici ,Taylor .of "London .and, .Mur,.
'ray Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest
Walker and Mr. and Mrs. •Har=
old Taylor of ' Winghain with' Mr.
and Mrs. Chester Taylor.
00• .,61160.0161P*1111:010.0100001.4011.111010010016011110,
Rev. r.. A.' Melklejohn,
S.A., D.D.
10.00 .a m, Church School.
11.00 a.m.: "The Hallowed
Name". : ' • .
7:30 A.m,: "The Enthu§last".
400.00.0•0•04-08• 0o6•Nonewo4ro•imurrrm.,
Presbyterian . Church .
Rev. Wallace McClean,
11.00 a,m.:. Morning Worship...
12.15 p.m:: Sunday School.
3.00 pm,: Dungannon:.
7.00 p.m.: Evening Worship.,
Mutual Meeting, • Jan. 119th, . !'
0 8.00•. p.m.,
9 A
4 4
Mr::_ and. Mrs. Eric ,.Edmanson;
were visitors last week mrith Mr.
and Mrs.. J. M. • Greer. • •
Mr. . and :Mrs. Charles Steward
spent : Christmas with .Mr. and
Mrs. Hugh ' Cuminig and family in
1 ondopa returning home on. Wed=
nesday k
' Mr. and Mrs. Hugh:Cumi:ng,
Gloria : and • ' Billie . : spent New
'Years -week-end` : with .her. par-
ents,.'Mr., and Mrs:' Chas. Stew-
las :larke
Cpl. and Mrs. Douglas .
and family of Ottawa • were
Christmas; visitors with. •Mr'. -and
• Mrs.'.A. W. Hamilton and. with
Doug's mother who Is' a patient
in Wingham .Hospital.
Donald, MViacNay' of . Windsor
Mills, Quebec,.: spent Christmas
with .his parents, Mr.. and Mrs,.
Alex MacNay,. ' Mr.. and Mrs, Bob
MacNay and . Sharon returned on
Wednesday. to. Port Arthur after
spending';the holidays. here.
Holiday visitors with Mrs. R.
:T. Douglas and Miss MacDonald
were Mrs. A::E. Thompson :or'
••Lindsay, Fred .Taylor. of Toronto
and W.„ and Mrs. H. S. Lavery
of Toronto. Mrs. '.Douglas and,
Miss' MacDonald'. spent Christmas
Mrs. Jas. MacDonald spent
New Years "with Mr. and Mrs.
Rcrbt. Hamilton..
Mrs: Essie. Hewat spent " Christ-
mas week in Elmira with Mr.
and Mrs. Wm, Hewat.• .
Jim .Hackett of the. R.C.M.P. at
Ottawa 'spent Christmas • with his
,,parents, HMr, and Mrs. Wilfred
ackett.._ Wilfred•
Mr. and Mrs. `Harvey' McQuil
lin, Mr. and Mrs. eRebt. MacNay
spent New Years Day' with Mr,
-and -Mrs. „Dick MoQuillin,
Mr:.'and Mrs. Philip' Steytrart
and 'Winnie ; spent; ; New• .Yearn
with, en..and Jack in•;;Stratr••
Miss ' Mary Porteous of Tor-
onto .was a holiday visitor .,with
her parents, Mr.• and Mrs. W. A.
Mr.. and Mrs.:Stanley Burns of
•St: Thomas and Mrs. Stewart
Burns • of Detroit Were: ,holiday.
visitors .with 1VIr... and Mrs Troy:
H. Burns. '
Miss Mary .:Anderson of • Tor-
onto and :Mr.' and Mrs. William
Swan, Mary and Barbara of 'Lon-
don, were holiday visitors at Mr.
and Mrs;; W:,..P. Anderson's.
Miss Gail 'Ma'cMillan of Mon-
treal and Miss. Abbie Clifford. of
-Ntraa:11 .�
withr. and. Mrs.. J.I:.: Mae-
a 'c-
Marvin McDonald' accompan-
ied "Mr. and Mrs. Allan Reed and
family ' of Dungannon to. Florida
for the holiday week.
',Mr. .and. Mrs. Ralph .:Howlett
and Members'' of the Y.P.U. vis-
ited• the. Baker Private. Hospital,
Luckn•ow . & shut-ins, in our 'vill-
age • with. a ' Christmas message,
and the, singing of carols before
Christmas: • '
A • large congregation was.' •.in
arc�ttendarik,t_he,United chug
m a
a . D
on Christ when M.
s y
Howlett had a fine Christmas
message. 'Christi -has music includ-:
ed two. anthems by the choir ` and
a duet. by Mrs. ' Howlett and Mr.
E. W. Rite. A. bouquet 'of beau-
t'iful mums. placed ..by' : the Wo
men's Institute in , memory` '.of
Miss M. C. `,Ruthertford and Mrs:
•Gordon,. added • to the : beauty' of
•the service.. '
The January , meeting of .the
Women's, Institute : Will be 'held
;this, :(Thursday) afternoon at
:2.30 in. the 'community hall.. Roll,
call, A. New .Year.'s.thoought;.•mot-
to, Ring out the old, ring -in the
new, ; by Mrs. ' T. J..: Tecid; topic
by Mrs. Ross Gammie; hostesses,
Mrs 1ldon . Miller • .'Mrs -Fred'
McQuilin & Mrs. Harold Gaunt.
There was a.: large crowd. at
the, community hall en Tuesday
evening for '.th'e • variety concert
sponsored by the Wonfen's. Insti-
tute. Mrs. 'Andrew . Gaunt, the
presid'ent,. was; -in the ; chair. for.
the program ::which opened with
community singing.: Other ` num
oers included tiiano Al•sos by Mrs.'
Christmas visitors with Mr.,
and Mrs.. E d Thorn were. Mr., and
Mrs.'. Al' Martin and, Neddy •of
Detroit and •Mr.. and. Mrs. Ron
Rothwell -'and. Rosemary ` of Nor -
weed, . .•
Mr. ' and Mrs. J. C. Russell and
three ` -daughters, Susan, ..Cathy.
and Margie,; were holiday visitors
with his parents, Mr sand Mrs.'
W. A.' Russell. Jim: is with the
Hartz medical supplies:'company
and was recently.' transferred
..from Ottawa to . Kitcherier.
• Mr. • :and Mrs. Lloyd. Stewart
and Greg of Dundas, Mr arid
Mrs.. Allan "Stewart, of • Hamilton,
Mir.• and; Mrs; Jack Wilsion of
Stratford arid Winnie Stewart of
London spent. Christmas at the
home' of their parents, Mr. and
Mrs. Philip Stewart. •
Mr., •and . Mrs. Mac 'Graham of.
Toronto; Mr. ,and Mrs . H erb' Nes=
hitt of Atlanta, Georgia; •Mi•:' and
• Mrs. 'Doug . Trenc'h, • 'Lynda :and
Bob of ,Listowel and . Mr; and
Mrs. Don 'Graham, Marine, Gery
and Sharon of Sarnia were Boli -
•1 day visitors' with the ladies' parr
lents, M`r. 'arid 'Mrs, Well •ilicrider-•
with h
• / 10
• M
Tailored To, Measure
Cambridge . and Tip Top
Ladies'..and Men's Wear *-- Fashion Millinery
Church on. Friday ,evening gg for
the• Sunday' :School .concert,. Mr.
Ralph .Howlett. was • the genial,
•ohairrnan for the very 'fine pro-'
gram which included Christmas.
songs by ' the girls ,and :boys;
piano solos by .Bab Murdie and
Terry Wilson; a . monologue. by
Gladys 'McDonald, a ,solo by Mrs.
Howlett and Gladys , McDonald;;
a, duet by Mr:. and , Mrs. Simon
de 'Boer; a duet by Mr: and. Mrs..
Howlett -With ukelele: and piano
accompaniment; recitations by/
Hughie Todd, Wayne Todd,;. Al-
Ian McDonald, • •Nanny • borscht,
Judy Wardell, Patsy , Cranston:
and: Terry Wilson,•and •a duet by
Gladys .. McDonald and Dianne
Huinphrey. Games' .*ere 'enjoyed
under the direction of Mrs. Alex
'M.urdie.,and Mrs. Mel Brown and
a pleasant ; evening concluded
with, .a, bountiftil lunch` including
ice cream with 'oranges for. the,
`Word was received on Monday
by Mr. G. A. , Webb of tht' death
of ..his sis• ;�r-in-law •Mrs. Wxn.
'Chester Taylor;. Mrs' Will Ruth- ebb, at .Rose:town, Sask. •
ry VVilson;, Mock wedding with' PURPI E GROVE
Donna Woods as the bride, -Mrs.i '••
Mr. . and.' Mrs. Howard •Qrr of
Mr: and Mrs: John Einersoaa
spent -Christmas at the home of . .
Mr: and Mrs. Dan •Gillies of Rip
Mr. and Mrs. .Edbert : Bus3rel
and family spent Christinas with
Mr. and Mrs. Toni McDonald:
Mr. and Mrs.: Will •Arnold and .
Gordon, Mr. and Mrs. mes' Mc •
Ew Mr... Robert MoCrosh • `and
Mrs •J. W: Colwell were visitors
at the borne 'of Mr • and d Mrs:' Dom• :
ald . McCosh, • alsoMr: and Mrs. •
Currie :owColwell . and family. of
L .
Mr. and Mrs: Isaac Nixon. and •
family spent. New Years with Mr_
and Mrs. John Emerson..
Mr. and Mrs,.. , Victor . Gawieg `.
and family. spent .Christmas
Mr. and Mrs.:Burt Brown.at Tiv
New Years visitors: at the home
,of Mr.. and .Mrs. 'Burton :Collings.
were Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Pat
t'erson and ' Gordon, .: Mrs.• Gordon,
Stariley, • Mr. and Mrs. Jim .Good-
win,. Mr and Mrs:' Morley And-
erson of Toronto.. '.' •
Mr.- .and Mfrs. Burton; Collins
and fa .milt', •visited at: the home•
Of Mr.. and Mrs..Jerome Schmitt
last. Thursday..
Mr.. and Mrs. George, ,S. FeiZner;
son visited with the latter's par-
ents, Mr. and Mrs.: John, Bell re-
it meeting of Lucknow BuSiness Men who have beep
sponsoring the operation of The Pla •Yhouse Theatre; •
will be held in the
at 8,00 0.111. sharp
•Aaking and Frlday's.meeting will determine' whether or
not The 'Show will continue to operate.
children, from time to time, has been sponsored for tife
Past eight monthi,by the following LUCk1TOW merchants: •
.borts Miller the.groom. With Mrs. , Visitors for tize..._ holiday week
Gordon MacPherson aS grOoms- with Mr. Milton Stanley were
Man, Mrs. Frank McQuillin act- Miss' Ediih Stanley and tarrY
ed ai the bride's father, Gladys Trailer of London, Mr. and Mrs;
Ian Macponald as ring beaier;
'Mrs.. Charles McDonald was thP ily, Mk.
and Mrs. Glen 'Stanley juicy fain- .T,
Jokert Eaton spent ,New' years
I minister and Mrs. Chester Tay-: • Miss E'rnaalteBrOYCle°1TO11.;i•Orillia 'is week -end with his .`parents, Mr.
I lor- Played the wedding mUsic; visiting at the home ef Mr. and puomis. ,
songs' by members of the, Y:1".U. Mrs Francis Boyle. 4' -,- ., .
of thelUnited Church with Nor-, MiSs Margaret Robertion,•Don-
rna .Murray at 'the pianb; by a
ald and Calvin were visitors'
groUp*of Perini of S.S. No. 3 with. the home of,M.r. and Mrs. Ken -
',guitar' aecompaniment by. Terry neth Robertson at Zion. ,, •
Wilsorw arid bY Ivan and BaTrY Mr-. "'and. Mrs. • Donald McFar:
Donnie Gaunt: accompanied. ay • • ,
Otis reacting by Barry McQuil7 ., . ,
lin; a motith 'organ selection by
, tsi wisHf
a duet by Mr. •ancl, Mrs. Sinion.
Button's Meat Market .
Lucknow Sentinel
Henry's Fruit Market 1 .
Short's I.G.A, Market
Lueknow Fruit Market
Sanderson's Ladies' & Men's
The IVfarket„.Stare
MaeMillan's, Meat Market
Lueknow District Co-op
Greer, Radio and Electric
Sohn W. Henderson Lumber
Crawford's, Peed Store •
Fisher's Barber Shop
Dr. Janws E, Little
B.A. Service Station
ear, Supertest Garage.
McLennan and MacKenzie •
Hall's Economy Grocery
DuriCari's Restaurant
Wear" Mullin's. Bakery
Welsh at Market ''
MaerY aid Garage
" a R. Finlayson
Johnston's Restaurant
Archie MeQuillati. With accern? 4ort-friv
paniment by Flora Jean; solos A
Arine Todd and 'Mr. Elmer Mac -
the conclusion danc,ing. was en,
Mr. and Mrs. W. A. litimphrey
arid 1VIr. and Mrs. George .Walkeri.„
attended the. golden.. \vedding c
-eiebration or Mr: and -Mrs. 7;2: -
Bowles of 5t. Catharines. recent- Al.
ly. Mrs. Bowles was. forfrierly
Miss .earrie Humphrey. of this]
Mrs. Lorne HumPhrey Hespel-
1VIiss Margaret Miller wat.i home
. from- Strafford for the New :1Y,eal-
A gay 'Christmas tree; wreaths
st sameo of red and green
lent a festive air to the un y
s tee galenite
the art'ipal Of the New, Year, LI