HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Lucknow Sentinel, 1955-12-14, Page 71955 COM •i . you can. (tuber ofa • win. one • 4, • 4 • ristmas. to be lovely • $31.95` 7.75' .$ 7:9$ ti this your teal .and L RS know,. Wing - PRESIDENT" PRESIDENT" auron Aber ation .annual at Walkerton. ssell Barclay, Tom' Todd of: elected first ` • ough- -he teas nt.. (.AL Ider RATE stein &YSO N.: icknow MACAW INTs ON ,IAIS tTO N y manufac= tof Ontario monuments.. ire from the he rough by irocess from he finisffW mlddlemari. . L monument one of the. in Ontario. Tµ f µ, Walkerton '8 charges ON ` !ALS .TON • .wriMESD(A.Y,... D 3C. 14th, 1955 THE ' LUCKNOW SENTI . NP44, „ LUmKl\TOW,,. QNTARIO, t�� t ROBERT THXME At last' h think I have the Christmas spirit.. ' The ground is white with snow, Arid fat puffs , decorate . the shrubs ,and fence posts; icicles are . hanging from the neighbors'. roofs and the :'sun. • is- shining over all, ' • The is . standing g . in" the • —ball; rimmed; though- that is usually` thanged. periodically John "thinks,. two days is long enough for a tree's trim to remain Static ,something ,must be" added. Every 'roam now wears. mas; Th -,e anal` Ghrr. t1ie" Women's Institute was held here last night, and everyone was • so appreciative of Mrs. • Thyme's .hospitality, since` she had h'ad a meeting •.as. recently as October. Meetings are usually held in a hall which doesn't lend itself to imaginative . decorating. effects for a Christmas party. But .there ,was method in . Mrs. Thyme's hospitable gesture; it is such a fine incentive `to have something special forJwhich ,to` prepare.' Now you see the floors are all' waxed and' 'polished, win- dows shining, 1ae•paper •doilies. stuck •on with Scotch tape. mak=. ing 'snowflakes on panes, •Juni-, per branches along the.' sairway •(I • shut nay eyesto',•the fact: that' the lovely frosted . •Glue berries. will have . dropped • long before j PAQE SEVEN Christ- the 25th =-- an. excuse for ,the somethingthat 'speaks: of irerac is P t al and Sure to Please Choose from : Our Stock of b Men's,' Women's and Children's' ' Slippers Children .:Tube or 'Figure`. Skate Outfits Warm Winter. Footwear.:', omen'' Thymes to go in search of .other. greens} TDancing :s�now�Galls" per.=� formed in green -tinted water in• a glass brisk,' red. •candles, .float- ed with twining« myrtle in a shallow glass 'Salad bawl. The candles were made from old ones melted down andpoured, in. muffin tins to.harden: (Careful. with wax and fire), The huge green , one was made from four slabs ,of paraffin; wax (explicit directions last year; remember?) then a green candle Was melted, and 'poured over, and 'while, still. *atm; sequins , from an.. old,',dress were :sprinkled liberally -over it. This stood ,,in an aluminum pan, suchas fancy buns or cof f ee• cake "come, _surrounded by small sprays. •gf ,.cedar • and. 'hemlock, ' with cones • tucked among ' .the •green-: eery; their edges tipped with 'sil- ver, green and red paint. A. last year's card,; with carols, words and music, opened up:almost the I( length of the coffee table, and' C centred it nicely (for. width, Quite effective under' the glass top, and /very handy, as .well; • for those IN who . sat near it and had forgot- . t ten that the roll cal was a .Christ rnas verse., The drop leaf • table was clone up like . a . Christmas parcel, tied. with' wide bands of green and red crepe paper, and "Christmas cards for seals. The table centre Men's Luggage ---- Ladies'. Luggage A Most. Acceptable Gift is, a . Pair of. Shoe or a .Gift Certificate. FREE DR AW` McBR,INE'S LADIES' 'MATCHED SET A Ticket with Every • $2:00 . Purchase .. 2 • lta$lwell8Svn rine Footwear For All The Fainily 4 Webster and McKinnon you'll find..:a wide L selection . of pleasing, practical, gifts. for •. Mum, Dad and the Kids. '*1§: FEW. SUGGESTIONS: 2 DROP IN AND LOOK AROUND B Sunbeam Controlled -Heat Automatic Fry Pan . 4. • `' Sunbeam Mix Master,'Sr. and Jr.: 'Sunbeam' Razors Phillips Razors; • t ...._..::..:_:. Genet 1 Electric I Kettles and Toasters = Sunbeam Toasters,. Sunbeam Stearn. Irons Electric Percolators ' a tons, Hockey Carnes, Tricycles, Wagons:.. Hockey Gloves, Skates, Sticks, . F -R ; TILE •M NAND� .�.YMN We stock a Complete Line of Stanley Tools • �li�q�l/ V� /•111 III�Hr1/�� � 1►H��A rFr101►r VIV' /1110.! irJ1E►� n� /• . e bster & M ac •Plumbing, :Beating, Wiring, avetrtiraghing• ,.y string keeps the gift. on the,round dining -room . table waw my usual mirror and .s rounded by cotton wool,. into which was tucked a house, •'a_ church,. miniature trees,. Santa 'and• his reindeer leaping over the house. top. ' Wetried a new idea for ex- change: of giftsf: •Usually we • have. a Santa and: his helper.'(her help-' er), and the, poor things • -would' be nearly Melted. 'Last night we had a Christmas pie . . my round 'granite, dishpan held , the gift's and was topped by .•a brown paper "."crust" with • Sca'lloped, edges, and' a:.big' M (for mince)`' 'slit in the centre...As 'one ans- wered -the ,roll call, the pie was passed • to . her, ,and she pulled out 'a . "plum".. We had' a great . deal of fun. The program convener is Irish . ...-sticks right out her ears, and nothing is, that isn't lively, when she's around. ,SAMSON SKATES THISTLE TOYS ._T Christmas • - Suggestions H2OCKEY -'EQUIPMENT Boy's Hockey Skates. ' Girl's Figure Skates . (all sizes in stock) Tricycles, • Wagons. Sleighs' ,Toboggans Hockey{ Pan ts, 'Gloves �' :' Shoulder Pads . Hockey., Sticks and SHOTGUNS. CAR .ACCESSORIES RIFLES BATTERIES MacINTYRE and`FRWIN 'PHONE 65, . LUCKNOW • +ter# vwe ePe + rfW440 IZOWIZ + +t+a Oo+i> r piece,: and the one : with the long- est string wins. When the -.game ends .only the ' pieces.. that are tied, together. are considered. .Merry Chris mas. 'Christmas . Conversations Players are • arranged in two circles, ladies on the inside and men on -the., ' outside, At a signal: ladies stare ma hin one .way, while,t ' rc n he g . y, merf:go. in the opposite--diretion.. When -the..leader .shouts "Merry Christma's, the players begin. a conversation . with the •• nearest person in. the opposite circle. The topics' for .the conversation should -be assigned by the leader before each march ' begins. ' Here' , are. some; suggestions, "The merits of -a' hot mince pie", "Your favorite Christmas Karol" , •."Why do' you like the, drumstik : of the 'turkey best," 'Alio* the players about: .30 :seconds' for each ..topic: and then start'' them 'offagain; The Lot._ Christmas'Cord-Cut several . balls . Of colored string in- to small lengths and hide them. ` all over •the 'room, ' or . rooms.• Players'; must' hunt the cord. They tie all the .pieces into, one long:. A very amusing thing happen- ed• that I shall probably: be•hear- ing about for some time :to, come. , ` +: OBITUARY MILS.. JAMES: E. MUNRO ..:1• Funeral service was' conducted by .the Rev. J. K. •Weft of St. Thomas 'on'. December 8th .from the ''A: A. . MaoFarlan . Funeral, Home,; IL mbeth, for 'Mrs. '.Jessie Munro; .ho died December 5th at. . her •. residence ' in . Delaware 'Township,. Her death was due•'ta-' `a stroke suffered a. week. prey, ious.• • Surviving .besides her husband are "one son, Clarence, athome: and a daughter, Mrs, J. Huntley Dawson.' (1Marcia),'`Lucknow. Six grandchildren also 'survive. - • Interment was in Mt. Pleasant Cemetery, London. , •I shut; our :little • b1ack, cocker i.n the baseinent--for the evening and as sone of the 'women were arriving, I.,n;oti'ced a little black doggie much . like our Frisky, hovering, around . on " the front steps. During :the meeting One of the women whoa was sitting in. t e ron a . ,came ou o' me in. the'' dining , room,. and in a 'Stage .whisper, "That • was your littler' black' ' dog outside, wasn't .it?" There was a •'bit of :inter - . ° . Lion r ow the 'was' and `wasn't', I' thought..When I told her 'of . Frisky's. sure'' and .certain whereabouts, . her face ,. showed consternation.: • "You didn't let him ,,in?". I .asked, sternly. "Yes'",. guiltily • from Cora. "Welk •you can just help me :put him',out". I .thought' it might •be . a bit'dif- ficult; but he went: out quite meekly, poor dog, into the snowy night. . The program resumed after this little diversion. Faint"sounds of paws .scratching • on the door and muffled. • thuds could' be heard from time to tine,. I .Was stationed in' the dining' 'room, Gifts 'that are sure to please Anyone on your 'Christmas Shopping List.. BOOK ENDS BOIL/Dc IR LAMPS Vases =Cups and Saucers '=- Planter HOSPITALITY SNACK. SETS MANY' ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION FREE SHOW FOR CHILDREN SATURDAY providing the -background .-.music, -.LI_ _ with records, to fit the different parts,' of the program:, Again carne ` the voice from the , hall, `'Someone's at the door", I marched out into the. hall, say. - lig 'with ''restrained 'impatience; `It's that little black dog again," just, as the door opened and in walked the new' .mayor''s wife, smack into My words. Order was e• • not restored for' some time. Play , games • at Christmas?' fou : thTg-ht try these. ' • Surprise Package—Have sever- al nbvelties wrapped in many ,layers of. paper and string Pass• the packages" around -a circle, a-nd IIiiiuii Ceremonies, the person holding at a signal from the Master• of RJST' .CRAFT. CHRISTMAS• : CARDS Boxed or •Loose 1:0 IFT WRAPPINGS and RIBBONS - Pease feel -welcome • o _call in•and look --o e_r_ou-r:. conip.lete '3 selection without 'any obligation ; .. ' AT.'YOUR FRIENDLY GIFT CENTRE CHRISTMAS DRAW TICKET • With • Every. $'1•.00, 'Purchase $10' Cast .• 2nd-Large+,Plush Elephant the parcel�tnyrve One wrap., 'phone M ping or .s g'The personw�ho ' 4 4 receives the last wrapping or. h A.t,,.«.4.s .4t,p, M:.atuweft54 tP.d.4w•xi.44.. ...«...AAM..w W.•44..4,.,,.o.Ah...aw..W,7....,.LI.G..44 44i,.01,41,14oro-1.1.4. ,.w..k1«Mw/,434 .0.....V..m4.404.4ua o.vn.w-,..L,1a— r.. +..wwLi.i%tiikt.4t..:e.. Dec�rat�rs and GIFT SHOP. "PHONE' 218 — .LUCKNOty f k+ H• ..di'1R' .►.7.�1i1' i7li�N' � 1 Y rr� 1 1.. 4' .*M id.. 1 G�ti • b; 1. 4